UPDATE: As of this morning...
This happens several times a day. I'll be like "maybe I'm famous now..." and I get all excited and go check, but no. Still not famous.
UPDATE #2: For clarification, when I say "famous" I mean "famous enough to drink dragon tears out of a goblet made from petrified angel feathers while watching an HD video of myself accepting the Nobel prize in a category that was invented specifically to accommodate my excellence - like the Nobel Fantastic Awesome Rad prize." I'm not nearly that famous yet, but I will be, dammit.
UPDATE #3: Veronica just sent me this startlingly accurate picture of me accepting any one of the various awards I'll be receiving in the future:
UPDATE #2: For clarification, when I say "famous" I mean "famous enough to drink dragon tears out of a goblet made from petrified angel feathers while watching an HD video of myself accepting the Nobel prize in a category that was invented specifically to accommodate my excellence - like the Nobel Fantastic Awesome Rad prize." I'm not nearly that famous yet, but I will be, dammit.
UPDATE #3: Veronica just sent me this startlingly accurate picture of me accepting any one of the various awards I'll be receiving in the future:
Doesn't that just look so natural? I'm pretty sure that is the facial expression I was born to make.
Oh Noes!!!!
I just picked some up from the supermarket!
I'm allergic :( Fail.
For some reason, I feel so...depressed after seeing this. The disappointment on Boyfriend's (?) face, and his disappointed slump is so dark yet true to life.
That's me being an art critic!
Nat - Oh how I wish I had remembered to do that today...
Kirsten - Oh my... that is most definitely a happiness fail...
Tony - The character is a projection of my feelings... the juxtaposition of extreme anticipation with utter disappointment represents my own feelings just minutes ago when I sprang from my couch thirsty for orange juice and discovered that no - I would not be able to have any :(
I hate to say, getting more might not be as easy as it once was...I don't know how many oranges are going to survive this ridiculous cold front we're having in Florida at the moment.
Seriously, iguanas are falling out of trees frozen. I wish I were kidding.
Omg, those poor iguanas!
I love oranges, but not orange juice... isn't that weird?
Stormy - THAT'S TERRIBLE!!! I don't know whether to feel worse for the oranges, the iguanas or myself...
Stacie - I can understand it. For example, Boyfriend likes tomatoes on sandwiches, but he won't touch a tomato in a salad. Bread somehow makes tomatoes okay.
But you have macs, so that makes it all better.
I feel so sad for defeated stick Allie, illuminated by the fride liht.
One of the letters on my keyboard isn't workin :-(
that is a huge couch. and from the looks of you throwing your macbook down... no more macbook.
sad face.
You're art on paint is quite impressive.
kudos for the angry face in the corner at the end... it speaks volumes.
That is possibly the saddest thing I've heard all day.
Ps. Thanks for making me want orange juice and also for reminding me that I drank the last of it yesterday..
omchelsea - Yeah, but before I had a Mac and orange juice!
Becky - For some reason, your broken-key-comment propelled me into one of those giggly moods and now everything is fucking funny. Do you know what I'm talking about? Thank you for this.
j-face - That's my "awesome couch." It's so pillowy that it feels HUGE!
juskaulani - Thank you! I love drawing in any form, but Paint just seems to be my favorite right now!
EndlessMemories - Haha, you're welcome. I added it as an afterthought and I think I like it too :)
Nikole - NIKOLE! I don't mean this in a creepy way, but I was thinking about you as I was falling asleep the other night and I was like "I haven't talked to Nikole in a really long time..." and I was kind of a little pensive and sad about it, but then I was like "I'll check Facebook and see if she's alive!" But then I remembered that I left my computer downstairs and it was dark and I would have to push all the heavy stuff out from in front of my door and it was just too much work and there was no way I was going downstairs with the basement orcs at that hour, so I was like "I'll check to see if Nikole is alive in the morning..." but I forgot because I woke up and there was no half and half and I was all kinds of pissed off and THEN there was no orange juice.
Anyway, I think what I am trying to say is that I'm happy to see you.
I like TANGERINE juice, awww yeah. Unless it's with something - tangerine juice is too intense to drink with something. Stick to orange for that.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm about to go out for dinner, feeling very cranky due to the meltiness of 40degreesplus (celsius) BUT I have orange juice. And iceblocks. And the 'g' on my keyboard is working. Suddenly my day is much more of a win.
That is a very sad story, I hope you can recover. I was shocked at first because it looked like in that last scene the stress of not having any orange juice left you hairless! But then I realized you were hairless from the beginning! Perhaps as a result from not having sufficient amounts of orange juice in you already??
Either way, I'm scared.
Are you pregnant? I would have beat the hell out of anyone denying me orange juice when I was pregnant.
Awesome comic!! Loved the last panel! :D
That was awesome. Tragic, because a house isn't a home without orange juice, but awesome.
DEFINITELY make more of these. You have a gift. And that gift is funny.
i hate when there's no more orange juice! what the hell are you supposed to do with yourself!
Well I know I'm outraged.
I love love love the "idea" face. Just so perfect. Seriously, when are you going to set up your zazzle (or whatever) store so we can all buy shirts? And mugs? And other stuff that's a little weird like shoes?
Hilarious. I mean, not for you, what with the lack of orange juice. I have orange juice. Your artwork? OMGI'MGONNAPEE kind of funny.
Where's the Famous-O-Meter that you're checking? 'Cause I think it's wrong. 461 followers? And that doesn't even include all the people who don't know they should press the "follow" button, of which there are many.
You're famous. Maybe not the famous-est, but more famous-er than a lot of people.
See, I think what it is is, you're not really famous until somebody hands you a FAT CHECK and in the space to the lower left where you write in a reason, it says "because you're so famous."
That's the differential.
I'm thinking that the two must my inexplicably linked somehow. Go fill your fridge with OJ, then check the internet again. And none of that sissy pulp-free or Tang crap either.
i accidentally bought orange tangerine juice yesterday. how disappointing, but I guess i shouldn't bitch because at least i have half orange juice!
Totally worse is when you have cookies, and all night at work you think about how when you get home, you are going to EAT those cookies, and how very good they will be, and then you get home and discover you are out of milk to dunk them in. Heartbreaking.
I also wake up every morning somehow expecting that I became famous overnight, but still no luck. Tonight is TOTALLY my night, though!
469 followers is pretty famous!
So. Here we are. Last post of the page and I'm too lazy to click "older posts". I don't like old things really.
But I need to tell you that I'm at work and muffling my face with a sweater to stop the choking laughter out of my face hole.
I really like when people say I'm hilarious because I am and they should. So I'm telling you because you are and they should. I mean. yeah. love it. All.
you're my new friend. You didn't know?
How come the award looks like one of those vibrators with the pleasure spot thingy. What? I have seen pictures.
Umm, the award is supposed to be a person holding a laptop. I never claimed to be Allie-good at Paint.
Also, it could be a vibrator ... if you want it to be.
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