Adventures in Depression

Some people have a legitimate reason to feel depressed, but not me. I just woke up one day feeling sad and helpless for absolutely no reason.

It's disappointing to feel sad for no reason. Sadness can be almost pleasantly indulgent when you have a way to justify it - you can listen to sad music and imagine yourself as the protagonist in a dramatic movie. You can gaze out the window while you're crying and think "This is so sad. I can't even believe how sad this whole situation is. I bet even a reenactment of my sadness could bring an entire theater audience to tears."

But my sadness didn't have a purpose.  Listening to sad music and imagining that my life was a movie just made me feel kind of weird because I couldn't really get behind the idea of a movie where the character is sad for no reason.

Essentially, I was being robbed of my right to feel self pity, which is the only redeeming part of sadness.

And for a little bit, that was a good enough reason to pity myself.

Standing around feeling sorry for myself was momentarily exhilarating, but I grew tired of it quickly. "That will do," I thought. "I've had my fun, let's move on to something else now." But the sadness didn't go away.

I tried to force myself to not be sad.

But trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back.  A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work. 

When I couldn't will myself to not be sad, I became frustrated and angry. In a final, desperate attempt to regain power over myself, I turned to shame as a sort of motivational tool.


But, since I was depressed, this tactic was less inspirational and more just a way to oppress myself with hatred.

Which made me more sad. 

Which then made me more frustrated and abusive.

And that made me even more sad, and so on and so forth until the only way to adequately express my sadness was to crawl very slowly across the floor.

The self-loathing and shame had ceased to be even slightly productive, but it was too late to go back at that point, so I just kept going. I followed myself around like a bully, narrating my thoughts and actions with a constant stream of abuse.

I spent months shut in my house, surfing the internet on top of a pile of my own dirty laundry which I set on the couch for "just a second" because I experienced a sudden moment of apathy on my way to the washer and couldn't continue. And then, two weeks later, I still hadn't completed that journey. But who cares - it wasn't like I had been showering regularly and sitting on a pile of clothes isn't necessarily uncomfortable. But even if it was, I couldn't feel anything through the self hatred anyway, so it didn't matter. JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.

Slowly, my feelings started to shrivel up. The few that managed to survive the constant beatings staggered around like wounded baby deer, just biding their time until they could die and join all the other carcasses strewn across the wasteland of my soul.

I couldn't even muster up the enthusiasm to hate myself anymore.

I just drifted around, completely unsure of what I was feeling or whether I could actually feel anything at all.

If my life was a movie, the turning point of my depression would have been inspirational and meaningful. It would have involved wisdom-filled epiphanies about discovering my true self and I would conquer my demons and go on to live out the rest of my life in happiness.

Instead, my turning point mostly hinged upon the fact that I had rented some movies and then I didn't return them for too long.

The late fees had reached the point where the injustice of paying any more than I already owed outweighed my apathy. I considered just keeping the movies and never going to the video store again, but then I remembered that I still wanted to re-watch Jumanji.

I put on some clothes, put the movies in my backpack and biked to the video store. It was the slowest, most resentful bike ride ever.

And when I arrived, I found out that they didn't even have Jumanji in.

Just as I was debating whether I should settle on a movie that wasn't Jumanji or go home and stare in abject silence, I noticed a woman looking at me weirdly from a couple rows over.

She was probably looking at me that way because I looked really, really depressed and I was dressed like an eskimo vagrant.

Normally, I would have felt an instant, crushing sense of self-consciousness, but instead, I felt nothing.

I've always wanted to not give a fuck. While crying helplessly into my pillow for no good reason, I would often fantasize that maybe someday I could be one of those stoic badasses whose emotions are mostly comprised of rock music and not being afraid of things. And finally - finally - after a lifetime of feelings and anxiety and more feelings, I didn't have any feelings left. I had spent my last feeling being disappointed that I couldn't rent Jumanji.

I felt invincible.

And thus began a tiny rebellion.

Then I swooped out of there like the Batman and biked home in a blaze of defiant glory.

And that's how my depression got so horrible that it actually broke through to the other side and became a sort of fear-proof exoskeleton.


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KnewRealitys said...

OMG I've missed you so much! I am so happy!! Not about your depression of course. I know how that feels and you just about hit it on the head. I am afraid the amount of sheer happiness your book is going to bring me might end up killing me. Thank you Allie!

Anonymous said...

Aww yeah kill humanity with your awesome!

Shebacide Pillows said...

Wow, looks like we had the same Autumn. Yaaaay! I feel less alone. Thanks and hugs!

Anonymous said...

I have to say, that this post felt really relate-able, and I appreciate someone putting words and pictures to it.

Anonymous said...

I haven't worked 1 day this entire year because of depression. I finally began to feel feelings again a couple of months ago, but the depression has been creeping back in. I loved this post and I'm glad you're coming out of it.

G. Edison said...

Brilliant, just because.
But also because you've captured the whole damn trap with utter poignance & humor. Your drawings and words perfectly communicate what many of us experience with depression. Sometimes (or always?) the way to get to the other side of "hell" is just straight through it.

Claraa said...

Allie, I'm so glad to see you back. I was afraid the orcs from the basement had gotten you :C or one of those serial killers you're always afraid of!
We're all rooting for you, and I'm glad to see you back. <3

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you for using your blog as a platform to talk about depression. It's a serious thing, and sometimes you have to use a little humor to talk about something like this.

Gemini said...

Hm...3026 comments already saying what I want to say.

Oh well, whatever.

You rock!

H. Alt said...

We missed you! You've been gone for around five months now! I can't believe that much time has passed since your last post...
I like the way you deal with things, even if it sometimes takes a while. I also like the way you told that man you weren't having a party, because that's how i feel every time I order pizza when I'm home alone.
I hope you feel better! The internet loves you!

KTHarHar said...

Wow, I had the exact same thing happen to me when I was in high school. I had about 9 months of crippling apathy in which my main mode of transportation was dragging myself like a wounded dog across the floor.

Ajay said...

Allie, your posts have made me happy when nothing else has. Hang in there :) Even if you might not believe it, i believe that you're an incredible person!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back Allie!!! I am SUPER excited to know that you are all right and I think that everyone else here is too. So glad that you're better <3

poet said...

Ouch. I hope you find a way to get better. You're an incredibly awesome person, and I missed you!

Unknown said...

Sudden Onset Depression with No Apparent Reason seems to be fairly common. I'm fairly impressed you snapped yourself out of it. It hit me in 7th grade, and I'm still dealing with it. TELL ME YOUR SECRET CURE! That or yours just had little to do with a serotonin and norepinephrine imbalance. Lucky.

Um. This shouldn't have been funny, but it was, and I laughed more than I needed to. I'm pretty sure my cat officially thinks I'm crazy (crazier?) ever since I found your blog.

Curious, did you really rent 6 horror movies? If so, which ones did you get? :D

MJH said...

As a fellow sufferer of depression, I just want you to know that you've brightened my day today.
Thank-you for continuing to be an amazing inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Yep. You captured it perfectly - how it whispers and scolds and you slowly slide further into its control. But, as you have learned its not necessarily permanent. Sometimes it runs its course, sometimes treatment is necessary to run it off. Its different for everyone but the same fact: holy &^%# does it suck. Keep climbing. The air's better up out of the pit.

Anonymous said...

... also, Inner Bitchy Voice may resent being kicked to the curb. Do not let IBV pick through comments for additional material. IBV will ALWAYS pick the most damning, acidic interpretations (ie " 'that was funny"... omg, they hate the font you use, they're just too polite to say it! rawr snarlll!!") Just breathe and keep climbing. The view is worth it. Keep climbing.

Kristina said...

Thank you for sharing your struggle and I'm so glad you are feeling better. I can relate to this almost as much as sneaky hate spiral, which is a term my friends have added to our vocab. I hope you keep writing and feeling invincible!

Peep said...

I just wanted to say how happy I was when I saw there was a new post here. And how even HAPPIER I was about the topic. I feel like this a lot, and it's very refreshing seeing it being talked about here. Normally depression is very self involved and hard to communicate to anyone when you are experiencing it, but this post is just beautiful. There's something about the simplicity that just makes it feel right. You are amazing, and I am glad you've used your depression as motivation to do whatever the fuck you want. Anytime I realize I'm depressed now, I'm just gonna yell out "NOTHING CAN DO ANYTHING TO ME" and double-bird the first ho to tell me otherwise.

Anger Tank said...

Reading your post actually almost made me kindda happy to have depression, which makes no sense. I just started reading your blog and this was the first thing i read, so i'm super happy that your feeling better. Please don't touch spiders. They are really shy

Spoon said...

You give words to things I could never adequately explain. I think you may be my spirit animal.

Bisous Natasha said...

Great post ;)

Anonymous said...

i know no one can really feel the way you feel...but it is nice to know i'm not alone.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Allie. Thank you thank you thank you.

Anonymous said...

I missed you a whole bunch!! I'm so happy to see you're feeling well enough to post again! Good job becoming a bad ass rock star :D

Anonymous said...

I've been checking the blog for ages and thought you must have abandoned your faithful readers cause you were writing a fancy book, but I now I see you were suffering. In fact, I read your blog when I feel depressed because i love your humor. So here is a joke for YOU:
What happened when the red ship crashed into the blue ship?
Everyone was MAROONED!!!!

I found that joke in a footnote on a book about Pirate adventures. You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

You are endlessly awesome, and I am glad to see a new post, but I am sorry things aren't going well for you. I am aware that this probably has already been said by a lot of people, but we all really mean it. Keep your head up. (resists the urge to make a Dr. Horrible reference)=>

Anonymous said...

You are endlessly awesome, and I am glad to see a new post, but I am sorry things aren't going well for you. I am aware that this probably has already been said by a lot of people, but we all really mean it. Keep your head up. (resists the urge to make a Dr. Horrible reference)=>

Jenna said...

Thank you Allie. I've been checking your blog for the last few months, wondering if you were okay. I'm glad you feel invincible!

DirtyBlue929 said...

Now we know where you have been for so long. I thought maybe you'd started a different blog that I couldn't find. I'm sad that you are sad and hope it doesn't ever get this bad for you ever again. Welcome back! We love you!!!

Anonymous said...

This is what I'm feeling right now, except my depression has a reason. I wish I could skip everything else and fast forward to I don't care anymore and I'm invincible.

Fi said...

Hey. Thanks.

Jenna said...

I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I hope all of these 3,000+ supportive comments get you one step closer to kicking your depression for good. :) We love you Allie!

Unknown said...

I know several people who suffer from depression, and have heard it described for years, but after reading this I finally get it. Thank you for helping me understand what my friends are going through. What a powerful wakeup call. I have some important phone calls to make today.

Jen said...

Thank you.

Emma said...

YOUR BACK!!!! Okay now that is over with. Wow. Poor you. Look at all the comments sometime, they might cheer you up.

Nightengale said...

I totally get it. Great post.

Anonymous said...

You aced the concept of depression, including the only possible benefit of it ;] I approve!

Anonymous said...

I felt like a horrible person giggling at your drawings but feeling very sad and sympathetic to your plight. Depression is never, ever a fun thing. You're strong. You can kick its ass.

Anonymous said...

*hugs* You're amazing. Hang in there hm? We're all rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

I was very moved by your creativity and your obvious pain. I am a retired psychiatrist and I had specialized in the treatment of depressive illness for over 40 years. I think that it is likely from what you are discribing that you are suffering from a clinical depression and might well benefit from treatment with antidepressants. First you need to be seen by someone competent to do a diagnostic evaluation. This would consist of taking a detailed history of your symptoms and ruling out other medical causes of depression. Depression, lethargy, inertia, guilt, lack of pleasure in usual things, irritability, psychomotor slowing, inability to see things in a positive light, not attending to personal dress or hygiene are all symptoms of the illness. You didn't refer to it but changes in sleep or eating habits are also common.

This kind of depression is not caused by something wrong in the persons life ... it is caused by dysfunction in a part of their brain. and can be remedied with medication often in a matter of weeks. If you live near a mdical center they might even have a specialized "depression treatment center" especially if you are near a teaching hospital in a major city. If not I would suggest contacting a psychiatrist. If you think to yourself of 15 or 20 reasons why what I have written wouldn't help you it is even more likely that you have the illness because I wouldn't expect you to be optimistic.

You are not alone. Depression is the second leading cause of disibility in the world after heart disease. It makes up almost 50% of what causses people to see primary care dr. about. By the way if you have a GP who you trust, you cuat ther ad tell them what you have been experiencing.

I hope you get some help and relief.Good luck with this.
PS: If you wish to read a good first hand account of the illness try Darkness Visable by William Styron

Julia said...

There have been times when the only thing that got me out of bed was the fact that if I didn't, my dog was going to stink up the carpet something fierce. I understand about the laundry. I understand about the self-hatred. I understand that not feeling anything is really fucking scary... but empowering in a twisted way. You will get better, I promise.
Much love from New England, where we already have a foot of snow.

Relationship Sex Blog said...

YES. you are amazing.

Relationship Sex Blog said...

YES. you are amazing.

Anonymous said...

You're my hero. I wish everyone I know who has never experienced depression could see this post because it explains that awful self-hatred better than anything I've ever read.

Mouse In Da House said...

I love your writing and Art! Hang in there... you have a TON of fans who love you!!!

Josh said...

I've gone through something similar. In fact, I still go through this cycle every now and then. I was totally and completely depressed for about two-ish years straight, and after that, it wasn't so much losing all feelings and sinking into apathy (though I kind-of-almost did), so much as it was me in the end just going 'okay. Well. You're depressed. Woo. You know, I bet some adventures would cheer you up.' And as soon as I thought that, I started making a bucket list of adventures I want to do before I die, and just planning these things out made me feel strangely better. After that, it was just a building up of my self-worth bit by bit. Not my self esteem so much, as that's still pretty low. Just the fact that I do, in fact, believe that I have some worth and something to offer. Maybe. Anyway, that was a little over a year ago, and in the time since, I've been building up my apathy-just not caring about things, so I'm never disappointed. Sometimes I do get my hopes up still, but not anywhere near as often. I'm glad you worked through your depression! Your posts are always somewhat inspiring to me. So thanks!

Anonymous said...

You are awesome! And I am forwarding this to everyone I know so they can relate or understand, whichever one they need.

afterthoughtcomposer said...

you are brilliant, witty, and a light to millions. Even when you don't give a fuck :)

This was right on point, as far as I'm concerned. It's like you followed me around for the month of September and documented my life.

thanks for this

Anonymous said...

I think that depression is not a laughing matter. You have a mental illness and I think that you should go seek out professional help fast. The more you pretend it is no big deal the more of a problem it will become for you. If your depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain all the laughing in the world and all the silly cartoons you draw and all the supportive comments you get are not going to do one bit of good in the end. Sorry, to be a kill-joy. Just trying to help. If you are currently seeking help, I wish you the best in your recovery.

Shannon Wills said...

Hey. I was given the link to this from a friend of mine who found it helpful in her depression. I want to let you know, this describes exactly how I feel, though I have not quite reached the point where I can say "Judge me all you want" by no means. But I am getting closer to it every day with the help of some very good friends. This really made my day and I'm glad you posted it. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The world needs hyperbole and a half to make it smile when everything else sucks. For God's sake go get some f*cking help!

Liz said...

Your paragraph about breaking through depression to the other side and not being afraid anymore? I've always dreamed of that. I've experienced it in spurts, but the anxiety and sadness inevitably returns, despite therapy and medicine.

I think I need a legitimate hobby.

Your story was inspiring, and, dare I say, familiar. I've felt your pain. Glad to hear you're out of it. I've always enjoyed your column. :)

Meagan said...

This is how I've been lately. Completely useless. Barely getting to work. Kind of keeping schedules showers.

Then I went to the doctor.

And he said, "You could be bipolar."

Any manic episode, could make you bipolar too. So be careful. Bipolar is scary.

Karly Rose said...

I've missed you, Allie!
When you don't post for a long time, I spend my internet procrastination time re-re-re-re-re-reading all of your old posts. And then I was surprised by this one and got super happy, then it was about depression and I got super sad, but now I'm super happy because you're invincible!!

I suffer from depression as well, but I usually require someone else to pull me out of it. Props to you for being able to be a badass all on your own!

Can't wait for the book to come out, either! Love you, Allie!

Anonymous said...

Well, I am sorry about the hell you went through but kudos for being able to make it so god-damned funny! That's what life is about kid, laughing through the tears.

islandwonder said...

Glad you are on the mend.

Anonymous said...

Last panel on a T-shirt, please!!

I'm so happy to hear that you've broken through! I wish you continued success in battling your depression.

Anonymous said...

This is a really amazing piece of art. The number of people who are going to feel less isolated on account of you expressing what they go through is a wonderful wonderful thing. You have a remarkable gift. Thank you.


Kelemta said...

Although I can't be happy that you went through this, this post was wonderful to read despite how sad it is. I can really relate and you manage to portray it so well. Thanks for posting it.

Unknown said...

I knew I couldn't give up on your amazing website. I kept it in my bookmarks checking it every morning day you would return. I have that same social anxiety know how you were feeling. I wish I could get to that fearless stage sometime too! haha

Anonymous said...

I wish your life was a movie... that would so be the climax. That would bring me to tears! Why are you dressed like an eskimo????

Figli del caos said...

Thank you for writing about your depression - you are brave and very very funny.

It sounds like you may be having some symptoms of mania (thinking you are invincible and nothing can hurt you, buying lots and lots of candy/movies, etc).

Bipolar disorder (alternating depression and mania) runs in my family - one of my great...great aunts thought she could save France and started a war... I would recommend you talk to a doctor, or at least check out the Icarus Project (for creative people who have experienced depression and mania)

Wishing you all the best and hope to see you blogging again soon!

SunnyWhenIt'sRaining said...

Is that why you never wrote any blog posts? Look at to find out my theory...

Janet Isserlis said...

thank you. if I was taller I'd have this entire post tattoo-ed to myself, upside down so I could look down and be reminded every day of your brilliance (yes) and the possibility of hope and/or not giving a fuck and / or redemption. but mostly, thank you

DeBT said...

Your depression becoming so depressing that it turns around and becomes inspirational is kinda like how Funky Winkerbean becomes so depressing it winds up becoming funny.

Darcy said...

I'm so glad you're better.

PS - My guinea pig died the other day and I started feeling bad BECAUSE I DIDN'T FEEL BAD. So, it turns out that happiness and sadness are completely unrelated to reality.

Vivian said...

You're allowed to be sad without knowing why. Sometimes you have to feel the feeling for a while before you know why. Or you might not know why because it's something you've forgotten or repressed. Either way, you're entitled to feel whatever you feel. Nobody's ashamed of being too happy, are they?

Three thousand comments, wow.

Layla. said...

This happened to me as well. For a short time. For me, it's a see-saw. It never ends, it's always a cycle of FUCK YOU ALL and then "God, I'm stupid. Why am I so stupid? Why don't I feel anything?"

Chase said...

1) You're beautiful
2) You're hilarious
3) Everyone here wants to be best friends with you
4) We are so glad you are back : )
5) You're talented
6) You make people's days
7) You're a meme!

I would never tell someone they should simply snap out of depression because they can't find a good reason for it, but when you are feeling sad and lonely and surfing the internet, think of all of these reasons and maybe sing some Disney. And if none of that helps, I have a basement in Seattle that you can stay in and I'll bake you cookies everyday for forever!

Spacecase said...

Yay!! I'm so happy you're back!! Brilliant comic, if there was anyone who didn't know what it's like to be so abjectly sad and wonder anti coach that comes along with it, now they do.

Anonymous said...

I missed you! Depression sucks.

SplendiferousFandango said...

If I had posted here lots before, I would tell you I was giving you a huge hug.

Screw it, I'll just be a creeper: HUGE HUG.

I love reading your blog, and, like so many people, feel like you pluck thoughts and feelings out of my brain and transform them into awesome, even when the thoughts/feelings are sucky ones.

Thought you should know: we were painting a wall at my school, and someone made an alot of rainbows, and everyone knew exactly what it was. You're super popular here :)

This comment is kind of random and ramble-y, so I'm just going to stop writing now. I hope you find an alot of happiness!

Kristin said...

<3 you!

Helen said...

Only Allie could transform a depressive episode into something so true and yet so funny that even as it made me relive my own horrible struggles with depression, it made me cry with laughter, not sadness. This is the best depiction of depression in comic form since Achewood.

Of course, I wasn't able to break through to the other side by the power of sheer awesomeness the way Allie did. Instead, this is what I discovered, and I hope at least a few of the fellow sufferers in this comment thread will take this to heart:


Lisa R said...

Welcome back to the internets, we missed you!

Magnolias-blooming said...

stupid question time....
Someones gotta ask them...
someone= ME!
If you unsubscribe from receiving 10678956323 comments, right?
But ya still receive them, right?
Well what's that about?
Something stranggggge is going on here. Dontcha thunk?

Good Mornan BTW,
Hope you are all having a great weekend thus far.
Enjoy your Sunday night, with whatever y'all do on Sunday nights.
ps. tell me how do unsub these comments. Because it has me stumped...js

Emi said...

I can so relate. I was furiously happy to see something from you and then it turns out to be a post that will probabaly change the life of thousands because they thought they were the only ones who felt like that. Thank you for sharing with us. I am glad you kicked depression in its' narly, nasty butt. Keep your chin up and keep the posts coming. We missed you SO, SO much. *hugs*

Anthony said...

This is my life. All the time. Thank you.

J.Neko said...

Awesomeness! It's good to hear from you again! xxxx

Magnolias-blooming said...

@ Anthony,
'This is my life. All the time. Thank you'

Im sure that's not 100% true,
Get outta the house and go and watch the sunset [that is if it hasn't already]
As watching that, has got in some way, be a far more delightful picture than what you are seeing at the present moment.js

Magnolias-blooming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Magnolias-blooming said...

@ Anthony
You wanna know what the weirdest thing I just noticed moment ago.
And I swear i looked at your FB page AFTER I spoke about looking at the sunset.
Your FB pic?
I'm not sure if that is a SUN rise or set.
But how weird is that?
and that is the truth of me NOT looking at your FB profile page before commenting to you....

Annie said...

<3 you're alright Allie. xx

drumstyx said...

Ah'm sa glad yah're back!!!!!

ShutUpRainbowDashIsBestPony said...

I'm sorry for laughing, as I am going through this right now and you have no right to make it sound as hilarious as you did =D Thanks for this, and I can't wait to see the awesome badass you will be when you come out of this.

Anonymous said...


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for writing. Thank you for trusting us (though, after reading some of these comments, I wonder if that trust is earned). Thank you for giving voice to the demons in our heads.

Welcome back. You've been missed more than you know.

Mary R. said...

Fan-fucking-tastic, Allie. Thanks for being brave AND super talented.

Daria Black said...

As a person who has suffered from depression on occasion, this is the awesomest post evar! I'm glad you are feeling better.

Magnolias-blooming said...

Mary R
"fanfuckingtastic", huh?
Now, you wouldn't by chance be the same person who likes to write:
'absolfuckinglutley' now, wouldya?

I reckon that 'Allie' should be up for a 'sainthood' or summping. lol
Coz she seemed to have many followers and inspired many, many people on here. Why looky how many have commented on her post?.
A'hm 'individually [no doubt] yer right? lol

CosmosKing said...

....what happened to boyfriend??

L said...

You're back!!!!!!!!!
We've missed you!
I hope you feel better!

WrathofDawn said...

Been there, done that. Didn't have a bicycle. Hmmm... That's where I went wrong.

Hope you kick depression's ass very soon. You bring a lot of joy to a lot of people.

TraitorousDroog said...

Allie, I want you to know that even stoic badasses like me whose emotions are mostly comprised of rock music and not being afraid of things sometimes are sad too.

Erin Brophy said...

this is so incredibly accurate. thank you so much for posting this. also: depression is the most terrible thing ever. and this is the best way i've ever seen it described for what it is: a little ridiculous, a lot hateful, and sad while also amusing, but only on the other side. thanks for this, allie <3

Meg said...


For realz, welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Much love and hugs, Matt :)

Rachael G. said...

You are awesome. You have such an ability to not just see the truth in things but also make it understandable for everyone else. I'm so sorry you suffer from depression. Not to analyze you, and certainly not to judge at ALL, and please don't take this the wrong way: I wonder if you've ever seen anyone about all this? You have such intensely productive drawing bouts and then times of depression...might you suffer from bipolar disorder?

Maggie said...

I need a t-shirt that has the last comic on it. "Nothing can do anything to me!" Oh, you made me sad and you made me crack up.

Nanette said...

You sound like a sweetheart ~ I'm taking meds for SAD, I hope you're feeling better. I love to cry ~ it releases stress... I cry because I miss my Dad

PamelaDraper said...

COURAGE! what a post. big love from PHL.

Unknown said...

You are the only reason I have laughed in two weeks. thanks for the post!!:)

Vanessa said...

I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have to deal with depression on your own. If you haven't already, please get help. So many people treasure you.

John said...

I am overjoyed!!

Unimodal said...

For some reason, I started a blog today, and I wrote some nonsense about there being a few great bloggers between loads of crappy ones that are smart, hilarious or just really great writers. Writing this, I thought of your blog that I haven’t checked out in I while since it’s been so quiet here lately. Cause the thing is, I think you're the only one I know of who has all those qualities (to be honest, I also said something about being political, but that sort of ruined my point, and I truly don’t know why I wrote it, since most political blogs sucks just bad as the average blog). Glad you're back, hope you’re good. Congrats on 3122 comments, by the way, must be a record!

necrophcoder said...

I know exactly how you feel.
I just hope that what you're feeling, or to be more precise, NOT feeling, isn't going to last for as long as it can. After more than ten years of depression, I can safely say that it isn't great when you get past the 5th one.

Arla said...

I'm so happy that you've come through to the other side of that dark place. We've all missed you and so glad to see you back. I'm looking forward to seeing the NEW ADVENTURES OF INVICIWOMAN!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, depression sucks and can be the worst side-effect of ADHD. I missed you and am happy you are back. Want to borrow my copy of Jumanji?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Allie! Was wondering what happened to you. Thought maybe you'd gone Stepford once you could afford daily meds; sane but subdued. Also had some wild-ass guesses: #1-Back in Idaho "visiting friends" in Orofino. (Wow, too close!) #2-Chillin' in a Wasilla meat locker, because "There's only one crazy bitch from Sandpoint!" #3-Bride of Bigfoot.

Seriously, though, now that you've found out your gift is a huge freakin' double edged sword, be brave enough to swing hard, but wise enough to stay safe. Hint: practice more often - we miss your regular posts - alot! (But maybe not "fuck" 800 times in a row - 700 is quite enough.)

I can't draw you a pretty enough horsie to thank you for being so cool, but how about I give you a better job title than "draw-writer" - Google isn't using this word yet, so it's all yours: Allie Brosh, Racontooner (raconteur + cartooner).

Anonymous said...

You're really terrific.
I'm just getting through some tough times myself, and this post made me smile.
Thanks for everything, invincible Allie.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I just wanted to say I went through the EXACT same thing recently, and seeing this post made me feel a lot better. Thank you :)

Dasha, Former Sarong Queen of the East China Sea said...

You are strong and brave and amazing! I've missed your posts. Hope you are on the road to healing - from all of us who have been there/ done that, this truly is the first step! You are LOVED!!

Anonymous said...

You need another character in the debate: the obnoxiously supportive mom who yells at the abusive bully and tells it to shut up, and says encouraging nothings to the rest of you, like "It's ok, Sweetie-pie-dumpling, your readers love you. Don't let the meenie-weenie bully make you cry, you're better than that."
I've been there too-- that bully such is mean, and awfully manipulative. So don't listen. You don't have to listen to that crap.

Sam Barnett-Cormack said...

That's wonderfully put. Fantastically expressive pictures. It should be compulsory reading for people who don't believe depression is a real illness.

For me, though, the ending isn't the end of the story... it seems like you've broken through and nothing can bother you, but on several occasions in my case it's ended up with the emotional equivalent of feeling so invincible I end up playing chicken with a truck that can't actually see me.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow.

I literally am sitting here at home because I had a horrible meltdown at work earlier and walked right off my job. Then I sat around and cried, and then I pet my cat, and then I started browsing the internet so I could stop thinking about how guilty being sad and anxious makes me feel.

So then I found this post. And I dunno if it made me feel BETTER, exactly, but at least it made me feel less alone.

Abby said...

Thanks for sharing this. The Cymbalta commercial always made me laugh at myself during my bouts with depression:

WHERE does depression hurt? EVERYwhere.

Ren said...

So glad you're back, Allie! Thanks for breaking through the sadness and talking to us again:)

Sam Barnett-Cormack said...

I couldn't help but add some more here...

I totally understand the inner bully. Some of my therapy has looked at where that might come from, why it's a good thing in small doses at certain times, but helping me feel empowered to ignore it/stop doing it (it's part of yourself, of course). It's horrible. It's so hard to learn to be kind to yourself.

I don't know if I woke up one day sad for no reason. I can't remember there being a time when 'sad' wasn't my default state, except for brief periods, some due to treatment, some that I'll get onto in a moment. I don't know if I was always depressed, or just depressed since before I can remember. I definitely remember those feelings in primary school, and my inner bully has gained abilities in argument and persuasion and eloquence just the same as the rest of me since then. It's had a lot of practice.

Weird thing is, sometimes I'll get kicked out of the depressed state, due to something nice happening or being successful at something I tried when I'd fallen out the other side. It's hard to remember those times, but during them I think it was hard to remember what it was like to be depressed. I felt like I could do anything (within logical bounds - I'm talking grandiosity not extreme mania), any amount of things, and if not better than anyone, at least better than most people. I was great, I was me, I mean, what could be better? This inevitably led to some sort of grand fall and failure because I took on too much or didn't admit that I had a problem with something (how could I have a problem? I was ME!)

I only noticed this pattern during therapy recently. I'm wondering about bi-polar (type II to be specific). Maybe I should talk to my doctor about it...

Amy said...

I read, "I'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you" under your 'Leave your comment' box. Well /I'm/ super creepy because I totally wish you would! XD As cliche` as saying this is, I wish I personally knew someone as witty and hilarious as you. While waltzing through my college-freshman days, it seems that I'm not coming across /anyone/ with a stinkin' sense 'a humor.
I love reading your posts. Your blog inspires my own illustrative blog. I started it because I wanted something to do with my time, get my thoughts out, and hopefully be a successful blogger like you. (But only a little, not trying to steal your adoring fans!)
Anywho, this comment is very long and I am very boring. If you read this, that's enough for me!
You are fantastic!
-Amy Tripp

Blah Blah Blah said...

You should try some vitamin D and massive quantities of chocolate!
Get your thyroid checked yearly because sometimes depression is a symptom of a common disease and hey, hope you don't get late fees on all your horror movies and PULEEEZE tell me one of those was Wax Works!!

Anonymous said...

I've been there. So much so that it was as if you were talking about me! I know everyone else's comment says the same thing, but this just struck me so hard. I'm glad I'm not there anymore, but I'll never forget it. I hope that getting through it made me a stronger person in the end. Thanks for this <3

pnb_dave said...

Love you, Allie! I wondered why it had been so long since we'd heard from you. I hope you're doing better. You have many, many fans who are rooting for you!

TannerTidbit said...

This perfectly sums up my feelings as of late, but seeing that there was a new post on here turned my day around completely. I love that you're able to reach out to so many people, we've missed you so so so so so so so much on the internet! *hugs*

Sheeprustler said...

Wow, so many comments - now I feel all down about how few my blog gets :) Seriously though, excellent description of depression. Hope you enjoyed the horror movies.

Steph said...

Wow, I feel like you're living a life parallel to mine. Everything you just described is 100% what started happening to me a few months ago (except for the video store bit). I think I'm getting better now though, and I hope you do, too. <3

Stephanie DeBolt said...

Allie, I missed you. I wish you could email me your depression, I'd kick it's ass and send it back to you in a frilly tutu with unicorns and rainbows on it and we'd drink grape juice while shooting it with marshmallow guns.

I, Fisheh said...

:) I missed you. Is good you are back. *huggles*

Adrasteia said...

Nice to have you back, Allie! We missed you! Depression blows goats for quarters. I think you should totally go touch a spider. Just not the bitey kind, or this might end poorly.

Joe Reader said...

Wow, 3000+ people, all discovering we share the same things: a) Depression and b) The need to cheer up by reading your blog.

Thanks for changing all of us, Allie. I know I'll never look at depression the same way again.

Welcome back!!!

Anonymous said...

So, hey, I know there's like a billion other comments saying the same thing but - I'm glad to see you back again. I missed you. And I hope everything is awesome all the time!

Chris said...

Ditto the above. Very very best wishes to you, Allie.

Chandani said...

You're my hero. Again.

Varda said...

';m going to be comment number three thousand one hundred and fifty two, I would be all "Fuck it, what does it matter" - and not bother to leave one. But I can't just read a post like this and walk away, leaving it un-commented upon.

I, like many, many others here who have missed you, had no idea what you were going through. Depression is a bitch and a monster. And you are a brave, fierce woman.

So glad you have gone through and come out the other side, biting the black dog back. Babe, you are awesome.

Autumn said...

You managed to describe depression perfectly. I hope all is well with you again.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you blogged again, and your post was completely on point. I feel the same way right now, but I have no idea on how to express it. You did a great job, and I'm convinced I should buy your book, next year.

xxforeverxfreexx said...

I want you to know I read this while sitting in my sad dark basement, wearing an oversized fleece, and eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. Fill free to join me if you ever need a "pity party" =).

Rebecca R. said...

Aw, I'm sorry you had a depressive episode. :(
Right now, I'm at the point in your story where I don't have enough energy to hate myself anymore.
Last time I had an episode, I also became fearless in the end. That basically just amounted to me not being afraid to kill the bugs in my room, though. :P
Best of luck, hopefully this was a one-time deal for you.

Anonymous said...

Thank so much for the new post Alli, and I hope you are still feeling a little more energised by carefactorlessness.

I feel the same way at times, then ride the wave too high back up and end up back on the couch. As I get older I am tending to recognise the cycle more and try to be ok with the couch and dirty laundry.

Just know that so many people are helped by your honesty and humour.

You're wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post. I just got over a bout of depression and I know you will too. I discovered your blog last week and read the whole thing and I was so glad to discover, upon reaching the end, that you'd posted in the meantime! Take care of yourself, keep being awesome, and let us know how the horror movie experience goes.

Kat said...

I missed your posts so much! I hope that everything is ok over there.

Anonymous said...

Well this is basically my life. Except the last bit. Still waiting for that.

Anonymous said...

I have to say thank you. Because all of those things I have been feeling. I think "God, I know people who have had horrible childhoods and are better adjusted than I am. I had a great childhood. Why do I feel this way????!!! STOP IT. NOW." And that never works. Lots and lots of shame and self pity and crying for no good reason and panic attacks. Somehow, I get out of it. It's comforting to see someone else who experiences/experienced this. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I hope your mom told you what a super terrific genius you were, because you are and you are loveable too! If I were your mom, I would call you everyday, just to tell you that.

Heather said...

Me too, Allie. Me too. Thanks for making it funny in your awesomely weird and twisted way ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for creating that brilliant insight into what depression is like, so that people who've never had it can understand a bit more what we're dealing with.
I hope you're managing to drag yourself out of the slough of despond. It does get better.

Crunchy Mama said...

I suffer from clinical depression, borderline personality disorder, and severe anxiety problems.
This is pretty much how it started for me, which is kind of weird; admittedly it was one of the weirdest feelings in the world to know that things really weren't that bad and yet for some reason I was constantly beating myself up for almost no reason. It sucked so, so much.
I have no doubt that among the rest of us you'll find as much support as you want or need, whenever you need it. Best of luck. I'm sorry you felt like this.

Tariray said...

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

you are like a neon sign of how to do it right

Tariray said...

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

you are like a neon sign of how to do it right

Tariray said...

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

you are like a neon sign of how to do it right

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back!

This might seem a little weird, but you might want to go to a doctor and get your thyroid checked, because many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism are very similar to those of depression. I was in your boat a year ago, but I'm on thyroid medication now and I can actually function again, it's like a miracle.


lacochran's evil twin said...

You are awesome and life will get better.

Torrrrieeeeeyyy said...

The first two lines in this sort of describe my life. Please be happy, I know it's hard. <3

You're just one of those awesome people out there that the rest of us look at in amazement and jealousy--we couldn't afford you being unhappy.

/crawls away

Mushushushu said...

I'm glad to have you back posting. I was really depressed my second year of college, I don't really remember it cause I was in a haze all year. I've been going through bouts of sadness since then (about 3 years). Nothing as awful as my second year of school though. You're blog helps me on my not so good days. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

What was Boyfriend doing during this?

Anonymous said...

I missed you so much! I even started posting my own blog with pictures I'd been secretly drawing for years because of your lack of awesomeness. (my pictures are not nearly as fabulous at all, but I needed my fix.) But glad you're back and feeling better!

Angela :o) said...

I've been there too...Thanks. (((hug)))

JT said...

I love you, Allie. You're a special, intuitive, kind and fucking hilarious person. You bring so much joy to other people. Depression is hard. And scary. Please ask for help if you need it. And damnit, stop beating yourself up!

Kaylee! said...

LOL this was supposed to be here:

I TOTALLY relate. I'm so glad you pulled through and congrats on your Jumanji induced breakthrough. I have been where you are and the simultaneous hider/hater. Love. Keep on keeping on!

sambi said...

Amazingly well captured, that's EXACTLY how it feels. sometimes i feel like a fraud for feeling so low because there's no 'real reason' and that compounds it but then it gives way to moments of ridiculousness and hilarity at how absurd it all is and i'll feel confident for a while at how unaffected by it all i am. then it starts again though, mostly.
Thanks Allie, you're one smart lady to convey this so well. Cheers

Rose said...

I'm so glad you're back and were willing to share with us.

I used to have depression, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. This post reminded me of those times, but your ending to the post GMH. You're gonna be ok!

We all love you and are here for you if you need help ♥

Radinka said...

i'm really sad that this happened to you but i'm glad you were able to come on the other side of it ... now i'm conflicted. thanks. joking aside: here's a tip, as invincible as you're feeling, please don't ever watch human centipede. so much love being sent from Toronto, ON (Canada) <3

Vanyel Kane said...

I was jumping for joy the moment I saw you had a new post. Perfect way to perk up after a shitty month and lo and behold its about something that I'm slowly slipping into. I have hope now. Thanks and hope you continue to write these amazing posts.

bluedog0610 said...

Thanks for the post. Nicely sums up large swaths of my life.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully descriptive. Glad you got on your bike dressed like an eskimo vagrant - it suits you. And I mean that in the best possible way.

Stay strong!

Megan said...

Oh my God, that is EXACTLY what it feels like. :(

Thank you for making this. Really.

NYCLOAMR said...

Touch a spider sometime, they're not so bad really. I keep three of them as pets. We don't cuddle or anything but they're not as gross and bitey as most people would have you believe. Feel betta!

Anonymous said...

Loved this, thank you. Please keep posting, your fans adore you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can really relate to this. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets depressed and starts hating myself for no apparent reason. I hope you continue to feel better!

K said...

So like. I've been having bad cases of depression on and off (and on and off). Lately it's been clicking on more often and I remembered reading this. Today was bad, so I opened up your blog and reread this.

It made me laugh and feel something for like a whole 5 seconds after I stopped reading.

Best 5 seconds of my day. Just... thank you.

Spitphyre said...

It's good to know so many people feel the same way I do sometimes. Thanks Allie. Keep blogging because you're awesome. :)

Soul Beaver said...

Crying here. With laughter, but the purest, most affectionate kind.

What I just read has to be the funniest thing about life-crushing-depression-so-bad-it-makes-a-brick-wall's-existence-seem-enviable I've ever read.

"I'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you."

Be my guest and find me! Be warned, I may propose despite generally hating the idea of marriage and the usual end-result.


Michelle said...

Hope you're doing better, Allie. That post was touching/sad/funny/hopeful all at the same time.

Also, I know the internet probably tells you this everyday.... but I love your blog and think you are a wonderfully creative writer and talented artist.

Anonymous said...

Great post!!! Glad I found your blog.

Mr. Kimberly said...

"I'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you"...

and when you do, I owe you a drink just for writing the superb post on depression. It was such a perfect description that I emailed to my wife to explain why I have been the way I am. Any previous thought of bringing up the subject left me feeling like weak and lazy, not deserving of the love and attention of my sweet wife because I couldn't Man-Out of my depression. Funny, poignant, badly-drawn-yet-expressive cartoons my be might gateway out this crappy feeling. And if I do get out, I'll have you and your post to thank.

Unknown said...

Allie, 3193 comments, wow. Obviously, I wasn't the only one who was excited to see that you had posted again. I'm glad that you are feeling better, but I'm sorry you felt so low. I certainly commiserate, I've been there more times than I can (or wish to) count. One thing I am certain of though, our sensitive souls are part of what allows us to be artists. Take care, hope to see more posts soon, as you can clearly see, you've been missed! I mean, I started my own blog because of you. You make a difference. Don't forget that.

Anonymous said...

All of the "don't be depressed" comments on here really bother me, but I'm not going to be that guy, so I'll leave that lie.
You truly did sum up living with depression perfectly. The invincibility you felt to all judgement and whathaveyou is exactly how I felt after living with it for 2 years. I did all manner of things that would horrify me to do now. I just actually did not give a fuck. I wanted to, but couldn't.
So glad to have you back, and thank you for sharing this. It means a lot.

UlyssesBlue said...

Oh Geeze, this sounds pretty bad. Hope things all work out for you.

My advice is don't try to fight this on your own. You might be strong, and the 'I don't give a damn' plateau is a great place to be, but sometimes your brain can just randomly screw you over for no reason at all. Talk to someone: a friend, a doctor, your dogs, your mum, preferably all the above. These people can help you, and help you a lot. You need it, and don't let your brain tell you you don't. That's not you doing that sort of thinking.

Kevin said...

Hey, Allie

Just wanted to say I love your stuff (see, I even mentioned you in a footnote in my brand new blog - ). You're an incredible writer, and I hope you find whatever strength you need to break out of what you're feeling - be it faith, support from loved ones, or cake. You write in an amazing way, and I can actually sympathize with you through your writing, which is rare for me.

Pam said...

So many comments I'll be amazed if you get to this one...
Honey, I'm so glad you are out the other end of the tunnel, and so sorry you had to go through it at all. I've been there too and I am grateful for my meds! If it ever happens again, don't beat yourself up. Have a plan before it happens. Get help, and don't let that dark beast eat your soul and your life. Life is too short and precious.

abbyinwonderland14 said...

oh, allie. thank you for blessing us with so much hilarity and reality!

Daniel said...

I'm not going to lie, the primary reason for my recent depression was your lack of posting. Depression = resolved, you don't mind if I join in not giving a fuck do you?

Alex said...

I needed this. Several weeks ago, a friend of mine died, and then right after that I got incredibly sick for a while. After all that, I've become super depressed. I've felt so much like the story you've told here, even down to leaving piles of laundry in the middle of everything just because it doesn't matter enough to move it. I've just been lying around all day and missed most of my classes lately because I've been curled up in a ball on my bed, crying. I can't even make it out to do simple tasks, like buying food. I keep telling myself I'll go later, but never go. I finally had to go to the store one day and felt like I was going to have a breakdown just waiting in line at the checkout counter. I was so close to just leaving my basket there and bolting out the door. I've also barely eaten anything. It's been bad.

After reading this entry, I've started reading through it again and again every time I start to feel like I'm about to break down and cry. It helps. I still have trouble, but it helps. And I even bought a gigantic bag of Skittles after reading it.

So...thank you.

Charlotte said...

This is spot on and left me crying and laughing and snorting milk from my cheerios- all at the same time!

Thank-you so much!

Anonymous said...

Your post is so great! It was incredibly funny, especially since its topic is so grim. You've captured what it feels like to be depressed so well I almost cried. Good luck to you, I hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

YAHOO you're back!
Just wanted you to know my WHOLE school (of which I am a teacher) can now spell a lot.
Because of you. You actually made my year!

Anonymous said...

Soo. . . I was all excited that you had a new post but then it was all sad :(
Fortunately I have a thing that made me happy and hopefully it make you happy too! The internet loves you! This has been on the pumpkin posts TWICE in the past week.
Yay! I love the alot!

Anonymous said...

YAY Allie goooooo! <3

Amy said...

I get it, I believe you, I'm so there, and I love the way you expressed this.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Allie, how can someone who makes so many people so happy be so sad? I know how depression feels and I want you to know that you are amazing and if you nothing but hermitize yourself in your bed for the rest of your life you still will be the most amazing person all the time ever. Because you rock. Also I think I have a girl crush on you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're ok & you've posted something up! Depression....almost everyone's been there, you've come out of stronger! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are back! The entire internet missed you. You have seriously made my day by posting. ! <3 you!

Erin said...

This post is unbelievably perfect. I've been struggling with depression in a very similar way for the past few months, and I cannot thank you enough for perfectly summing up the experience with your characteristic humor and grace. This was absolutely spot-on timing for me, and you just made me feel understood and not alone for the first time in a really long time.

You are amazing and I hope you start feeling like it soon :)

fogharty said...

What Erin said.

Thank you for putting yourself out there.

Anonymous said...

you are so fucking awesome

Anonymous said...

i am so very sorry you have been feeling depressed.. having nothing to blame it on is an incredibly awful feeling, we have all been wondering where your delightful stories have gone. this explains everything. *hugs* this was very sad.. but, as always the visuals were incredibly funny. we missed you<3

Angus said...

That is a story that needed to be told. I applaud you for standing up and showing the world what depression really is. We fight hard to help those with depression and to support depression support services and when we find people who speak out, it is a triumph as it will definitely help someone else who is going through this.

Justine said...

Definitely been there. Glad you broke through :)
Gotta say you are an inspiration for getting through it. Also, this comic makes me smile (as they all do).
So, in short, keep being you, because you are awesome!

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