Adventures in Depression

Some people have a legitimate reason to feel depressed, but not me. I just woke up one day feeling sad and helpless for absolutely no reason.

It's disappointing to feel sad for no reason. Sadness can be almost pleasantly indulgent when you have a way to justify it - you can listen to sad music and imagine yourself as the protagonist in a dramatic movie. You can gaze out the window while you're crying and think "This is so sad. I can't even believe how sad this whole situation is. I bet even a reenactment of my sadness could bring an entire theater audience to tears."

But my sadness didn't have a purpose.  Listening to sad music and imagining that my life was a movie just made me feel kind of weird because I couldn't really get behind the idea of a movie where the character is sad for no reason.

Essentially, I was being robbed of my right to feel self pity, which is the only redeeming part of sadness.

And for a little bit, that was a good enough reason to pity myself.

Standing around feeling sorry for myself was momentarily exhilarating, but I grew tired of it quickly. "That will do," I thought. "I've had my fun, let's move on to something else now." But the sadness didn't go away.

I tried to force myself to not be sad.

But trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back.  A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work. 

When I couldn't will myself to not be sad, I became frustrated and angry. In a final, desperate attempt to regain power over myself, I turned to shame as a sort of motivational tool.


But, since I was depressed, this tactic was less inspirational and more just a way to oppress myself with hatred.

Which made me more sad. 

Which then made me more frustrated and abusive.

And that made me even more sad, and so on and so forth until the only way to adequately express my sadness was to crawl very slowly across the floor.

The self-loathing and shame had ceased to be even slightly productive, but it was too late to go back at that point, so I just kept going. I followed myself around like a bully, narrating my thoughts and actions with a constant stream of abuse.

I spent months shut in my house, surfing the internet on top of a pile of my own dirty laundry which I set on the couch for "just a second" because I experienced a sudden moment of apathy on my way to the washer and couldn't continue. And then, two weeks later, I still hadn't completed that journey. But who cares - it wasn't like I had been showering regularly and sitting on a pile of clothes isn't necessarily uncomfortable. But even if it was, I couldn't feel anything through the self hatred anyway, so it didn't matter. JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.

Slowly, my feelings started to shrivel up. The few that managed to survive the constant beatings staggered around like wounded baby deer, just biding their time until they could die and join all the other carcasses strewn across the wasteland of my soul.

I couldn't even muster up the enthusiasm to hate myself anymore.

I just drifted around, completely unsure of what I was feeling or whether I could actually feel anything at all.

If my life was a movie, the turning point of my depression would have been inspirational and meaningful. It would have involved wisdom-filled epiphanies about discovering my true self and I would conquer my demons and go on to live out the rest of my life in happiness.

Instead, my turning point mostly hinged upon the fact that I had rented some movies and then I didn't return them for too long.

The late fees had reached the point where the injustice of paying any more than I already owed outweighed my apathy. I considered just keeping the movies and never going to the video store again, but then I remembered that I still wanted to re-watch Jumanji.

I put on some clothes, put the movies in my backpack and biked to the video store. It was the slowest, most resentful bike ride ever.

And when I arrived, I found out that they didn't even have Jumanji in.

Just as I was debating whether I should settle on a movie that wasn't Jumanji or go home and stare in abject silence, I noticed a woman looking at me weirdly from a couple rows over.

She was probably looking at me that way because I looked really, really depressed and I was dressed like an eskimo vagrant.

Normally, I would have felt an instant, crushing sense of self-consciousness, but instead, I felt nothing.

I've always wanted to not give a fuck. While crying helplessly into my pillow for no good reason, I would often fantasize that maybe someday I could be one of those stoic badasses whose emotions are mostly comprised of rock music and not being afraid of things. And finally - finally - after a lifetime of feelings and anxiety and more feelings, I didn't have any feelings left. I had spent my last feeling being disappointed that I couldn't rent Jumanji.

I felt invincible.

And thus began a tiny rebellion.

Then I swooped out of there like the Batman and biked home in a blaze of defiant glory.

And that's how my depression got so horrible that it actually broke through to the other side and became a sort of fear-proof exoskeleton.


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AnmlBri said...

First of all, I'm sorry that you felt so terrible. I've been depressed and it's one of the worst feelings in the world. But also, this is pretty much how depression works with me. I get into this cold, badass state where I feel like I want to act rashly because I just don't give a fuck anymore. It kind of scares me actually, because I know that if I were to do any of the things I've thought about doing (like going out and having wild sex with someone or saying something to someone) I'd regret it as soon as I came to my senses. It's an empowering feeling, but can also be a bit OVERpowering, if you know what I mean.

AnmlBri said...

Also, please don't beat yourself up. I know how easy of a trap it is to fall into as I've been there myself before. I feel like I'm not worthy of love or kindness and don't give it to myself. But my mom told me, and it helps, to think of my depression as a small child alone in a park, crying because she can't find her parent. Now, if you found a child like that, would you go up to her and say, "Quit your whining! Suck it up!" or would you take her hand, offer her words of reassurance and tell her you'll both find her parent together? You wouldn't beat up that poor child, so why do you deserve any less? This idea made me cry because I am so mean to myself and I feel horrible about it, but it really puts things in perspective and tries to take away at least one source of pain in my mind: that inflicted by myself.

TRose said...

Nothing here in my comment is new or profound
but as I have been depressed I feel this post may help turn it around :)

catch you on the bright side <3

Jodie said...

I've been feeling depressed, off and on for the last few months. Right now I'm doing better but I had an attack of "the green meanies" yesterday and it sucked balss. Your cartoon made me smile and makes me feel not so alone in feeling sad.

astiltner86 said...

So glad to see you back. I sincerely hope that your "infallible exoskeleton of anti-feelings" can bolster your confidence and ultimately allow you to see how truly remarkable of a person you are. Your gift with words is something to be proud of, and it's one of the best lenses on the human condition in general that I have ever read. I hope you continue writing and feel as awesome as an "Alot" very soon!

Silly Rabitt said...

love it.

Elizabeth said...

THE BEST Description of what being depressed for years is like on the inside of your head.

Really, no one else needs to say shit to you-- your brain does all the shit-talking.

Great Job Allie.

Grace said...

Wow, this is an awesome description of how I've felt when depressed, except funny and with pictures. Thank you so much for your always interesting perspective.

(Hope you are continuing to feel better.)

xiao-ji said...

This was so very bravely honest and raw... Allie I hope you will see that you are a wonderful person. Even not meeting you how come the whole internet knows that? You bring joy to so many people and so many KINDS of people its ridiculous. I see people who wear your shirts on the bus, in town, in classes, and I can see that it brings them a particular kind of joy. It's you who does that. Personally, I feel like you said so much of what I do to myself as well especially when times get rough, and I just want to say that you are a fucking hero for putting that up. Remember that things will be okay, and that just being alive, you're winning half the fight. I'm glad you're free :] at least for that bike ride! So glad you are back! Love love love from the rainy northwest but somehow you've brightened this day.

kayasmom said...

you go girl!!!!! keep it up....but maybe go see the doc while you are out and about conquering the world!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Allie, seriously.

a) You managed to make a comic about depression relatable. I don't even HAVE depression and I could understand it.

b) And you could put a bit of humour in. Like, subtle humour, not roll-on-the-floor-laughing-at-Allie's-suffering humour. Because we would never do that <3

c) This proves that you are the awesomest thing on the Internet.
Even more awesome than - yes - BARNEY STINSON.

"It's gonna be legen - wait for it -dary. LEGENDARY."
You are legendary, Allie Brosh. Real life, bona fide, humble as pie legendary.
I mean that seriously. That is one bloody good comic.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say, you could have written this about me. The sucky thing about depression is that you can't talk yourself out of it. You just have to go through it to get to the other side. The frustrating part of that is, how long is it gonna TAKE to get to the other side?

I love your blogs. They are totally awesome.

Mads said...

Brilliant work :)

figgityfigs said...

Thank you for this. <3

Sara said...

I've been struggling with depression on and off for the last couple of years, sometimes caused by real sad things like family members almost dying and then actually dying, and other times for no apparent reason at all, and I always have these really intense narratives in my head that make me think, "this would make a really great blog entry", especially since I stopped blogging because I didn't have the will to anymore, partially because I thought it was too self-absorbed to blog about my depression, but I commend you for being able to do so effectively in ways I don't think I ever will be able to. I sincerely hope you overcome what is weighing down your soul, in many ways for the selfish reason that I was sad you stopped blogging because reading your entire blog, start to finish, was an amazing and uplifting distraction from my own depression. I also hope that this blog served as a turning point for you and a sign that things are getting better.

Stookla said...

Allie Brosh, I find you inspirational. Even as you are struggling you are brave enough to tell people and give a voice to the rest of us who don't have the means or aren't brave enough to talk about it. I'm praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Allie - glad to have a new post from you, but sorry it was about your depression. Been their a couple of times, usually when I get close to something I really want (just mentioning that because this seemed to happen after you getting the book deal). I hate the self-sabotage that I can manage!

Anyway, good to hear that you are on the up-slope now, and will keep an eye out for more posts!

lulamorashi said...

This was such an inspiring and honest post, thank you so much. My heart goes out to you love :) You're gonna get through it, I'm sure of it :D

Anonymous said...

I missed you Allie. Looked like we all missed you. I hope you're ok and glad that you did this post. We all want to hear what you're going through and not just because you make us laugh so much with your drawings. Lots of virtual hugs, xxx

Anonymous said...

You are actually amazing :)

Chitaku said...

Oh, man, my friends and I have missed you. Sorry to hear you've been so depressed. That really sucks. Whenever I'm down like that I try to do some baking, making the house smells like yummy zucchini bread or whatever I'm making. That tends to cheer me up a bit. Hope you feel better soon. <=)

Daniel Glamorgan said...

I'm glad to see you're still alive and posting, I've missed you.

I figure the chances you see this post are very slim, but I just wanted to thank you. I've been through, and am still going through a lot of the stuff you are. But if ever I feel down, I come here, and your stories have always managed to cheer me up. So thank you Allie, for being an inspiration and a source of humour and happiness for me.

Kim said...

It's so true. Nothing can hurt you more than your own mind.

I wanted to blog about this very thing, but didn't have the guts.

Anonymous said...

This made me cry, I wish I had a cool exoskeleton now, I'm still at the trying to use will power and anti-depressants stage.

To everyone else out there suffering from depression, good luck sorting things out

Juliana said...

Hey, I imagine you are feeling a bit better, since you can now talk a little about it. Medication and therapy have helped me a lot with my depression, but mostly therapy.
I wish you all the best.

Lady Wordsmith said...

Very sad, but made me laugh :) I hope that's alright. Are we allowed to laugh at depression? I think so. Well, I did, so ... whatever. So happy to see a new post from you, and such a good one.


A Beer for the Shower said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yep, that's about what depression feels like. I'm sorry. Just don't rob your local Walmart for Skittles. As free and powerful as you feel right now, the rest of the Walmart goers are packing shotguns to protect those Skittles. And you can't yet fight shotguns.

A Beer for the Shower said...

I waited months...for this?

Looking at the number of comments, now I'm depressed.

Anonymous said...

This really hit me hard, and was a really good representation of what depression can be like..I think I was like this, from the age of 12 and then up to the age of 17, but even now I slip back into the habits of just not mentally having the energy to even get up. I left home at 16 and when I lived in my own place, I loved keeping it tidy but anything to do with going outside - getting food, for instance - just made me want to cry. This made my depression so much worse, and I hid away from it all.

Eventually, I finally managed to get to a doctor after nearly a year of suffering and I was diagnosed with agoraphobia. When I finally realised that I was letting it control my life, I reached that "I just don't care anymore" stage and just started walking out of the flat, ignoring my panic. Sometimes I'd still have panic attacks, but not much anymore. I'm a full-time college student now and I feel like I'm finally crawling out of the depression abyss.

Thanks for writing in such a truthful, yet Allie-style-humour way. It made my week. My friend could really relate too, so thank you on her behalf. You're amazing!

Jen W said...

Wow, Allie. I relate to a lot of things you write, but this...I had so many of those thoughts when I was depressed. And this...

"But trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back. A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work." pure genius. It's so hard to convey to people who've never been there why you can't just "snap out of it".

I wondered why you hadn't posted in so long. I'm really glad you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming back.

K. Connor said...

Along with the other 3200 who love you, I love you. & you seriously nailed it on the head. Normally I'm dying of laughter during the first sentence, but this one made me sad, until the skittles came. I know exactly what you mean, and know there are people out here who love you if you ever need to surf the internet with company and sit on laundry together. Hope you are well!

sumo said...

Thanks for coming back, you magnificent badass!

Monica said...

That is awesome. Keep your chin up!
I also wanted you to know that I saw a spectator at the Marine Corps Marathon yesterday holding a sign with a picture of you maniacally doing homework and the words, "RUN ALL THE MILES!!" and it was very encouraging. :D

Anonymous said...

What are Skittles? We don't have them here at the bottom end of Africa but they are clearly magical and I want some!! If you describe them to me I can find the equivalent - are they Smarties or Astros or Chuckles or Whispers..........

Anonymous said...

This post is amazing! I am so glad that you made this post. It really helped put into words something I deal with almost constantly. I just wish I someday break through and become fearless like you.

Sean and Danielle said...

This is exactly how I feel. My husband doesn't understand and I could never put it into words. I'm so sorry you felt like this. I hope I can have a video store moment of my own soon.

Daniel said...

I'm glad you're back Allie. I hope things are getting better for you. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Im so glad your back to writing. thank you so much for being so vulnerable and explaining what its like to be depressed. you have taught me two great life lessons. A lesson of being compassionate towards people dealing with things I may not understand and secondly there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. for that I am so grateful. I hope that one day you will be completely free from depression.


Megan said...

Your description of self-loathing and spite is so spot on. I'm so sorry your in pain - hangin' there! It sucks feeling so shitty. Just know you are not alone and one day you won't feel this way anymore.

Unknown said...

Awesome! New post... Glad to hear that you feel better.

Best wishes from Ann Arbor!

Anonymous said...

You are as awesome as my mom. And my mom is pretty fucking awesome.

emily.S.hester said...

Jesus Christ, I don't remember the last time I laughed so much. BECAUSE IT IS SO FUCKING RELATABLE. Thank you. Stupid effing depression...gah.

Faith said...

That was an absolutely perfect description of living with depression. I am now sending it to everyone I know that told me to just do something during my "year in bed". Thankfully that was a few years ago, and it creeps back in every so often but now I recognize, hey, you're the depression asshole of my brain.

Thank you Allie. You are, by no means, alone.

Anonymous said...

We missed you! It's good to see your writing/drawings again. Your account of depression is painfully and humorously familiar. Thank you!

Jean said...

you know that saying where the longer something is gone the more you miss it. yup, right now.


Caleb Elliott said...

Allie, will you marry me? Pretty please?

Jeff said...

Glad you're back, Hype&a1/2. We missed you.

Ana V. said...

AAAAAALLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIEEE! I'm super super happy you're back, and it's all even sweeter because today is Halloween! I feel like I arrived kind of late to the "Allie's New Post" party, but oh well. Can't wait to read your book! :D

Jaxie said...


We are all so happy to see you back. You have some really important things to say and your fans will always be here ready whenever you are. Keep on with the bike riding, I think it unleashed some good energy for you.

MB said...

I've been through both life-altering grief and plain old no-reason depression, and the no-reason depression is much, much harder to emerge from. Thank you for your talent.

Lindsey said...

I must admit I laughed when I read this but only because I could identify with every single part of it. I would never laugh at someone's pain especially when I know first hand how bad that pain sucks. Thank you so very much for saying exactly what I have felt the majority of my life! I was diagnosed at age 11 with Type 2 (aka Rapid Cycling) Manic Depression (aka Bipolar) amongst other things. I am 27 now. Even though I have tremendous coping skills now, I have always wondered how much of what I experienced in my life was truly understood by others. Many days I have felt truly alone and misunderstood even though my friends and family try to understand to the best of their ability. You have given me so much hope and reassurance! You are an inspiration to me! Seeing this post has helped me to gain the courage to start advocating for others like me who may still feel like they're all alone. Thank you! Your post has changed my life! As melodramatic as that may sound, I speak the truth. I cannot thank you enough! Keep your head up hun! Life is a rollercoaster. There are ups and many many downs but when we make it through them we can take a deep breath and smile about them and walk away with a lesson learned. I know this very well. Just as I know that I am not alone please know that you are not alone either. You are a beacon of light and hope to many who are in a dark place and feeling hopeless. Thank you for that and thank you for being you! :)

simo said...

Oh my! You saved my Monday and it ended up much better after reading this for some reason. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for providing this illustrated guide to depression that I can use to help my close friends and family understand my disease. I wish I could communicate as effectively as you!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you were depressed, and appreciate the honesty of your story. I hope you can totally taste the rainbow now.

...drc... said...

So I'm not the only one??? Bless you. I wish you skittles and the wind at your back.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Not only is this scarily accurate, but you also managed to get the facial expressions down perfectly, wrote it in a way that was both humorous AND moving, and you did it with really fantastic descriptions and writing.

Thanks for posting. <3

L said...

its like u read my mind and then drew it. i almost cried at the end

Anna said...

I'm really sorry you have to go through this! I struggle with depression and some other shit, and I find this very relatable... So relatable that it made me laugh. Sorry. Anyway, I think you're a very strong person and I hope you'll feel better soon! :)

Not Supermom said...

Depression's a bitch.

Also, I like Skittles.

Sess said...

This is probably the truest account of depression I've ever seen, and super funny, too! Hope you feel better soon x

Biev said...

Why didn't you go see a doctor? D:

Pinecone Stew said...

Have a SUPER week !

Reeceloui said...

This is feel glad to see good pics. I like all of them.I like to saw human creation.

photo book

Reeceloui said...

I feel glad to see nice pics.This is amazing and fantastic creation.

photo book

Hannah said...

Hey Allie,

I don't know if you'll read this. But I wanted to let you know that you've been an inspiration to me ever since I started reading Hyperbole and a Half. I see a lot of myself in you. I even started my own blog.

There was one year when I spent an entire summer indoors. I'd get up, cry, go back to sleep. Then get up again in the afternoon and cry some more, maybe eat, and then get lost in the internet before popping some sleeping pills and going to sleep again. There was no real reason why I felt that way. I'd beat myself up because I was so sad, when I had it all (a house, a job, college, friends) and then I'd feel even worse.

I still feel like it a lot of times. But it's gotten better. It'll get better for you, too.

Don't stop posting. You're hilarious, and I love you.


Hannah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
julie t. said...

made me laugh. skittles are gross though.

LoLo said...

Allie Brosh, welcome back. :)

A fellow dirty-laundry-pile-sitter

Kat said...

I somehow stumbled across this post and even though I don't know you I must say this post was amazing. You brought the reality to a situation of depression. It's definitely never like in the movies. Beautiful post I'll for sure be keeping up on your blog now.

Kat said...

I somehow stumbled across this post and even though I don't know you I must say this post was amazing. You brought the reality to a situation of depression. It's definitely never like in the movies. Beautiful post I'll for sure be keeping up on your blog now.

Carri said...

Yep, that's depression for ya!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for the comic! and so sad for the comic... I bet you could touch 10 spiders.

littlebitcanadian said...

This is exactly how I have felt when I went through my depression. It is nice to hear from someone else who went through it.

Unknown said...

I'm not going to say how much I relate to this post, or how glad I am that you are getting out of this funk...that's all implied naturally.

What I do want to say is how interesting I find it that you called him "the Batman" and not just "Batman"...

Interesting indeed.

Welcome back!

Emily said...

Where were the boyfriend and the dogs during all of this??

Anonymous said...

Great comic, but maybe you could leave a "serious" footnote at the bottom with support numbers that people with depression could call if they want help? Many more people become trapped in it then there are those able to snap out of it.

DeliciousSanity said...

Glad you're back, and doing better. We all missed you!

Heather said...

Depression is exactly like this.
Depression is nothing like this.

My depression is just like yours, only totally different.

Ever played a game like Tetris or Bejewelled, and just had to stop because there was absolutely no point? Even though you had nothing better to do? Depression is like that... except what you want to stop is living.

That's the best analogy for my depression. Yours is pretty close to. One of the hardest things for people who've never been there is that you aren't depressed *about* something. Sometimes, you are just depressed.

Victoria said...

Allie - this was super sad. As a person who has been diagnosed with depression, I can say that no one can really tell you what to do to make you feel better. You have to figure that out on your own. But doing things, I've found that that helps. And I hope that this new blog post is an indication that you're feeling a little better.

Keep being awesome, we love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Depression isn't funny, so I feel like I shouldn't be laughing at this. But it was hilarious, despite the subject matter being so sad. Congrats on turning something that was horrible into something that makes other people smile. :)

Also, I'm glad you're feeling better!

Milieunaire said...

I missed you. I'm glad you're back. You articulated depression beautifully. Long live the exoskeleton!

Anonymous said...

I hope you find a way back to your feelings, in addition to not being sad anymore. Because numb and not caring, even if you feel invincible, isn't that much fun over the long haul. Sending compassion and love your way.

Anonymous said...

I hope you find a way back to your feelings, in addition to not being sad anymore. Because numb and not caring, even if you feel invincible, isn't that much fun over the long haul. Sending compassion and love your way.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you were sad for so long, but I'm glad you broke out of it.

Also, you still rent movies at a video store? Do you live in a town stuck in the 90's?

mizmstie said...

Hey, Allie, just wanted to tell you that my husband's blog has awarded you his first annual Halloween award! With a darling, darling picture of you as a zombie!
To see it just go to thatgalaxynextdoor at

Seriously, it's SO CUTE.

Soozie said...

I've missed you. Kinda gave up on you - figured you were out doing book stuff. Now I feel totally guilty that I didn't just send you an email saying I was missing you.

I am so happy you are away from that dark spot...I have been there and, although it's different for each of us, am glad you are away from the corner and the floor.

Anonymous said...

Now I feel bad about complaining to myself about no new posts.
Still, glad you're now INVINCIBLE.

Duck and Cover said...

I needed this today. Thanks Allie.

Duck and Cover said...

I needed this today. Thanks Allie.

Abby Sinclair said...

Love it! it made me LOL in my pants.

Miss Marzi said...

Welcome back! You were definitely missed.

Egal said...

Reading your post made me feel less alone.

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad when I see comments from people that have claimed to be depressed saying (in essence) that you should "just get over it". Being depressed isn't something you should feel guilty about because you "don't have a reason." Real depression is caused by a chemical imbalance and it's something thoroughly terrifying and difficult to get through. Getting help for my depression was the hardest thing I ever did, but it was also the best thing I ever did. Get help, Allie. There's no shame in it. You may be bipolar or on a temporary rebound. Don't live life in misery like I did for fifteen years. Peace.

Anonymous said...

This was super sad but the mean you made me giggle, I'm sorry for giggling at the mean version of you.
But I like the end... minus the spider touching :)

Abby Jane Lorenc said...

Phoebe Buffay, when explaining why she wasn't quite sure she believed in gravity said, "Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm not so much being pulled as pushed." You are a tiny bit alone, but mostly not. Look how many of us are with you.

Kimberly Madsen said...

So glad you posted! I missed you! What's happened in Allie-Land??
I laugh and cry at this post (and every post) because you're freaking hilarious but also you remind me of me - especially the hilarious self deprecation.
Don't leave us for so long!

elisamaza76 said...

I hope you continue feel badass, because you really, really are.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are back. We were worried about you. Hang in there.

Darcy said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! How is Simple Dog?

Amy Ruben said...

I'm sooo glad you're back! I've missed you!!!

Anonymous said...

I can relate to these feelings. It's very human! I really enjoy your sense of humor and quirky illustrations.. Hope you're feeling better these days! Keep your chin up.. or revel in your sadness.. whichever you so choose at the moment!

Madeleine said...

I know we don't know each other, but I have been there and I'm glad you're ok now. Take care of yourself. xx

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to ask if you and your internet girlfriend are still together. Because, if you aren't, I'd break up with my real boyfriend for you... :3 I've read every single one of your posts at least 6 times.

That's devotion.

Dusa said...

When you're done with the exoskeleton, could you send it along? Umm...cause the holidays and winter usually wrapped my depressive self in a big ol' cocoon of anxiety. I'm thinking an exoskeleton would come in mighty handy.

And how are the dogs?

Landon said...

This explains depression as well as anything I've ever read except for Infinite Jest. Pretty amazing for a comic to be on par with a massive tome of my favorite author's brilliance. I have a similar feeling about breaking through my existential angst to existential joy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween! Did you check out the 'Alot' pumpkin:

I wish I had thought of it!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to express that this feels very, very true to me about something that's very difficult to explain and even more difficult to communicate when you feel it yourself. I'm a grad student in visual studies, and the way you use the pictures with the words is incredible--honestly I can't say any more than that.

dangerkitty said...

You've been missed, Allie! So glad you're back! May your exoskeleton stay strong!

Anonymous said...

It this why you haven't posted in forever? If so, then I'm really sorry that you were so sad. Everyone missed you.

But everything's okay now, because you've become a superhero, right?

Great new story! And perfect for Halloween (horror movies and skittles, heh heh).

RandBo said...


Hey a new post! I like the more the more personal touch. It was very well done. I went on a roller coaster ride of empathy for when you were depressedasaurus, to jubilation when you became bat-cyclist. Glad to see you back in action!

--Mystery hyphen guy

SunnyWhenIt'sRaining said...

Wow... click on my name and go on "Sunny when it's Raining" to see my theory on why you haven't posted.

Hannah said...

This is so awesome!! I love how you normalise something that effects so many shed light with your humour....and in doing so you are an inspiration to thousands!! thank you for being so strong in your unique way of seeing the world!!! all the best for recovery....I love that your depression became a positive thing...that is just awesome!! :) xo

Diogo said...

WOAH. That was fucking amazing. Congrats. Really.

Nhiyoka said...

Hey Allie.
I can't tell you how many times I've been through similar situations and MAN IT SUCKS! Maybe it has something to do with the move? I ALWAYS prefer depression with a cause to what I call drifting depression, that has no discernible reason. I'm glad you posted again. I just finished my homework and was looking here as a hope for a scrap of entertainment/reward. As sad as this all was, it provided a few laughs. Thank you! ^_^

Matt said...

I see that about 3336 other people have said something like this, but you did a great job of summing up depression here. I have felt this way many times and have shown this to my significant other to help her understand why I am the way I am sometimes and I plan to forward it to some other people as well. I hope you continue to improve and thank you for writing something that will help many people.

kate said...

i've experienced a similar type of journey countless times. reading this was fucking awesome. thank you :)

Karri said...

Hi Allie,

I wanted to thank you for sharing this, and to let you know (which I'm sure you've already seen through the other comments) that many people don't have a "legit" reason to feel depressed--it just happens. I'm very glad that you've managed to make a come back! Your writing is incredible and has touched many lives -- you definitely have a gift. Humour (leave the spelling alone -- I'm Canadian eh? lol) is something that the world needs more of.

If you ever feel like this again you should consider seeking help. And I don't mean like "lets commit you because obviously there is something wrong!" -- I mean find others who understand what you're going through/who can help you figure out whats going on. It might help you feel better more quickly.

Anyway, continue getting better and know that your stories are some of the only things that can actually make me cry because I'm laughing so hard!Thank you!

Lizzie said...

Oh, WOW! New post! AWESOME!
I feel your pain, sometimes i feel miserable without knowing why and I feel pathetic.
What you write makes a ton of people feel better, because we now know that we aren't alone!
Thank you so much for existing, and its great you're feeling ok again, 'cause we were all worried that something bad happened.
How were the horror movies?
Hope there were zombies in them.

Bookwyrme said...

Glad to see you back.

Sorry you've been fighting depression.

whoeverxwins said...

Wow, you totally captured the feelings there. Or lack of. Or whatever. I'm so sorry you go through that. Depression sucks. What is really great is when someone tells you to "just not think about it." Sure. When I find that off switch I'll turn it right off. *hugs* Glad you're back!

Elyse said...

thanks for this. i love you.
i might clean the candy wrappers off my bed now. probably won't get off the computer. but still, thanks :)

Anonymous said...

I am so you are back. Thank you for the update, and please take care of yourself :-)

Tedsaid said...

Awesome! Except for the skittles. I don't like skittles. They pretend to be M&M's but they don't taste like M&M's and that's cheating. But welcome back! The Internet missed you.

I hope you touched the shit out of that fucking spider.

billie the girl said...

500 bonus points for writing "the Batman". :)

Anonymous said...

I have been incapable of putting my depression into words. I'm so happy that somebody was able to do well as add pictures! While I am not happy that you have been so very depressed...I am glad you have not been eaten by a vermicious knid or something of the sort, which is pretty much what I had assumed happened to you. Feel better. <3

Anonymous said...

This was awesome - I laughed and then realized you were describing exactly how I've felt many times. Thanks for a great post and hooray, you're back!

Anonymous said...


Chantelle said...

Thank you for posting this. I've struggled with that kind of depression off and on for most of my life and it's hard to explain to anyone else what it's like to live with that kind of overwhelming, immobilizing sad.

You can do anything and nothing can do anything to you. Now that you know this, will you do me a favour (I'm Canadian and I get to spell that way)? Please get some help. Getting out from under that kind of depression is hard and there are people out there who can make it easier and make it take less time.

Also, if you or anyone else out there feels like actually exiting this life by killing yourself, please don't do it. Call a crisis line or get yourself to the ER instead. You are special and you deserve to live.

Sending you hugs, love, strength, and happy thoughts.


joemakescheese said...

Can't imagine the energy, strength and courage it takes to create one of your posts. It's amazing that you summon all that awesome, post after post, and that you keep creating such honest, touching, and hilarious work.

But that you found a way to summon it all this time, to create this post, after the stretch you've been weathering--you really are some kind of badass, depression fighting legend. With a ton of friends who want to help you.

Katrina said...

YAYAYYAYAAYAYAYAY you're back!!! Even if it wasn't the happiest post ever i'm so glad you're back!! You are amazing and it brightens my day whenever you have a new post. I'm sorry you've been struggling but we all love you and I'm super glad to hear you're doing better! Here's a quote I love when I'm feeling down

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Keep being amazing!

Chon said...'re back! Man, as a fan and someone who doesn't know you at all, I'm so glad you are alive in there! We missed you, and you came back just as hilarious (if not slightly insensitive to your own state, but whatever. We all do it.) as before :) I don't think your "better pain scale" really helped in there, did it? Maybe you should make another one :)

British Orphan said...

From a university student who is surrounded by crushing sadness all the time, this was what I needed.

Now I shall boldly go out into this world, and give NO FUCKS!!!

human hair extensions said...

Thanks for an excellent article! I appreciate your insights and agree with what you wrote.

Anonymous said...

I went through the same depression this past summer (I would watch the dying scene from "My Sister's Keeper" on repeat...) and then one day I said, Fuck IT. And got a tattoo.

Anonymous said...

Bipolar Disorder. I'm 100% serious. If you're functional, cool, but if you were that depressed--I don't consider that "functional." Get some help if you need it; don't be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Allie, I'm so sorry things were so bad for you, but know that we all love you SO much and are beyond ecstatic to have you back!!! Only you could put such a perky twist on such an initially sad story. <3 Best wishes!

Mark T. Tomczak said...

Welcome back to the stage of history, Allie. :)

radhanath said...

there is something fundamentally wrong in this logic, but you know what in ok with that

russell said...

I haven't left my room all day. I might, now.
thank you. wonderful to see you back.

Anonymous said...

I have never understood people with these mental troubles. I have days where my lack of motivation is overwhelming and I get extremely frustrated with myself... but never to the point you have described. I am glad of my mental strength and that I don't have these ordeals that many people suffer. In fact, your post has inspired me to clean up my disaster of a room, which has been accumulating piles of junk for months.

Foxx said...

Hello. I've read your blog for a little over a year now, although I've never posted a comment before. I would just like to say that I can relate... I deal with depression myself, and your blog has helped me quite a bit. When I'm feeling my worse, I go back and re-read your stories and it helps brighten up my day. I hope that you feel better very soon. You seem like too wonderful of a girl to deal with icky feelings like that <3

Anonymous said...

I used to compare depression to that scene in The Producers where Leo keeps tonelessly repeating, "No way out." But I was wrong. THIS is it!

Sad Person Holding A Fork

Xanderous42 said...

Have you ever thought about looking into bipolar disorder? If you're sad for long periods of time, that's one of the symptoms. Hope you feel better!

Miranda said...

Thanks for this. I've been feeling the same way and needed a laugh. =)

Tad Callin said...

Wow! I was so excited to see you back in action - I hope it makes you happy that you've made me (and a bunch of these other people) happy.

You should be hugged by someone... alot. :D

Bodangles said...

You can kick depression's ass, Allie!! Glad to see you're back, and I hope everything works out for you. You are awesome.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and have eagerly awaited your next entry for about 1 bazillion days. Given your exciting and fabulous previous blog about the book, my guess is that you have hit that existential no-woman's zone of publication anxiety and would now rather die or shrivel up than finish such a daunting, soul-crushing project. Go forth, sweet blogger-artist-writer!! Your book will be wonderful, and once the initial hell is over, you will be able to eat Skittles and drink chocolate milk with deep satisfaction, and your mysterious depression will morph into an intoxicating brew of strange self-satisfaction breeding a desire to write more, more, MORE!

feryxlim said...

YAY! Welcome back to the world of happy or lack of fear.

Anonymous said...

I completely relate to this, although I am still in the "I feel like a computer" stage. So glad you posted a new one!!

Treasure Huntress said...

This is the most heartwarming post ever. Not kidding.

Alice said...

That pretty much sums up the last year of my life, good to relate to. Thank you x

Anonymous said...

Okay, I could relate so much to this post. Like, what. To the point where the things I say in my head are word for word what the cartoon is saying. Thanks so much for this post, it was weirdly triumphant for me to read and it seriously meant a lot. Also, way to do an awesome job using comedy to accurately describe the stages of depression. It points out especially the absurdity of the rationalizations that go on.

Anonymous said...

oh god i feel every single word of this... and i'm glad you're back...

Eeels said...

"But trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back."

Oh, yes. You gave words to my heart. (And pictures too, of course.) I was there for, I dunno, 10-15 years?


Che said...

these comments are so epic.

Anonymous said...

Allie, you are so amasing. You can somehow make even depression funny. As someone who has combated SAD, you've summed it up perfectly. and put a humorous spin on something that is usually thought of as srs bsns. Thanks for posting, thanks for existing. You're the best!

Tonie Domino said...

We missed you! (I didn't read all 3,000 of the other comments so apologies if I'm the 2,500th person to tell you that. But it's true.)

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I admire your talent tremendously, but I am very worried about you. Based on what you have written on your blog you really need treatment. It certainly sounds as if you are suffering from clinical depression. This is a very serious, but very treatable illness. Please don't let yourself suffer longer without getting help.

Anonymous said...

How odd it is to read this while I am in the exact same state minus the exoskeleton part...

Katrina said...

I relate so much. I feel so much better knowing I'm not alone. Be tough Allie!! You'll come out on top.

ThePhantomCorrector said...

Something like that happened to me as well a while ago.

Erika said...

Hey, could you check out my blog? Any feedback is appreciated!! :) thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. I love this blog, I check it everyday! Thank you for making me smile.

olivia said...

You know I care because I just scrolled through 3384 comments. I was over-joyed to find a new post, then concerned, then laughing, then nodding vigorously at the truth in this. Power to you and your super bicycle!

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you posted that. I can relate and it was a great description ...

But I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I hope you feel better soon :(


Anonymous said...

This is the most true thing I've read: "But trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back. A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work."

Thank you for that.

Unknown said...

YAY!! You're back! I had been thinking of you (in the concerned, "I hope sudden internet stardom hasn't crushed her soul" way. Not like a creepy stalker.) and wondering if it had all gotten to be a bit much.

What a great post, too! That took alot of balls [WAIT, don't visualize...!!! damn. too late.].

Angela said...

SO glad to hear you worked through it, been there done that :) the emotionless thing is both a blessing and a curse haha, but it does wear off!

Anonymous said...

I have been in that awful awful place. I am SO thrilled for you that you had that ephiphany and turned it all around!!!!!!!!!!!!

Casey said...

So many people have said it already, but Thanks for this post :) It really is relate-able. I'm still in my corner though and not quite ready for spiders... not really scared of spiders so maybe human beings are a better example. LOL I'm still not touchin' a human!

Joosh said...


You're super awesome XD
Can't wait for the exciting adventures of Invincible Allie!

ashyposh said...

I. Understand. All. Of. This.

Kristi said...

That's really awesome that you broke out of that so awesomely. I wish my depression would break with me buying a shit ton of skittles

Maddy Kersten said...

Thank you for being such an inspirational person in my life!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just..... Wow. I have to nominate this for Best Of status. This hits home on so many levels. I hate to say something that is cliche, but I have wandered through that wasteland, and have met that gatekeeper. At some level, I remember thinking "I cannot die now." It was tied to Jesus (and I hope saying that wasn't to preachy), but it was also one of the deeper moments of my life. I felt un-undead. I think it takes a he'll of a lot of honesty/humor to talk about this.

Ashley S. said...

I'm so glad you wrote this! I was having a bipolar day (I really do have bipolar disorder), and then I was like NEW HYPERBOLE AND A HALF! And then I saw that you were depressed. And then I was sad for you. And then I was happy because you overcame your depression! Because I'm bipolar and go from sad to happy in like 0.048586 seconds and then back again! (It's not as fun as its sounds.) Glad to know you're back to make us smile! I even linked to your blog on mine because you make me laugh when I feel sad (or when I need to pee on myself. LOL)

Frungi said...

I found this through a tweet by someone who had another tweet retweeted by someone I was following.
Reading of your depression was distressing. We all know how that feels. The ending made me laugh, though. =D
So how are you now? Did you get through it all? Or was your depression just completely transmogrified?

westof the sun said...

Oh yeah. You left out the depressive's relationship with the contents of the fridge .. but otherwise... otherwise, there's nothing like a packaged candy hangover to replace being depressed with "ohhh, I'm not depressed, I'm SICK". Welcome back, m'am -- soon it will snow over there and we all know you get happy from snow.

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY know how this feels. It's like my brain chemistry likes to punch me in the ovaries until I cry, and then tell me stories about starving kittens.

Whenever I used to feel like this, I would berate myself until I felt suicidal. Eventually this ritual became comforting.

Now I'm better at hitting that voice in my head with a rolled up newspaper and saying, "NO!!1!"

Because I am more awesome than that retarded voice, and so are you.

Anonymous said...

I have missed your writing. Please post more because they cheer me up so and make life so much more interesting and enjoyable.

Catherine said...

Thank you, Allie. I've had some form of chronic depression/anxiety for most of my life and I know what it's like to cycle through these stages. Whenever somebody asks what it feels like, I'll just refer them to this post. Thank you for finding the humour in your own experience and sharing it with us. I sincerely hope you're feeling better. You are a hilarious and brave and awesome lady and don't you forget it.

Jess said...

I'm glad someone else can understand the weirdness of being sad with no real reason to justify it. It is almost disappointing, like you should find a reason.

Although I don't understand why you want to watch Jumanji (again). But glad to see you are back!

Unknown said...

You are seriously awesome.

I really look forward to your posts, and this one was by far the funniest and most touching of all!

I'm in med school right now, suffering from seemingly endless exams. Honestly, knowing that I had a new hyperbole & 1/2 post to read once it was all over made this week THAT much better.

Thanks for all you do.
We're all in it together, right?

Amos said...

I really really really want to email this to my last therapist. She would agree that this perfectly describes my motivation to leave my steady, secure job and go back to school full time this year. I really appreciate the levity you brought to this issue. The End.

Anonymous said...

Hella Jeff?

Cheltz said...

i love you... you regurgitate my existence like it's chocolate pudding

Anonymous said...

Oh God, Allie. I know what this is like. I want to tell my own story.
It happened to me when I was awake, just reading a book on the floor. Suddenly something HIT me. I was stunned, but the first thing I felt when my sense returned was a sharp, sucking void in my chest. My reaction to this was absolute fear. I shrieked and moaned like a specter, robbed of what must have been my soul.
I wasn't just sad, I was TERRIFIED that I was sad. How did this happen? What is the nature and origin of this feeling so strong that it crushes everything else? Thinking about it made the pain that much worse, because I had less mental energy left to dull the pain. But I kept pushing on, hoping that if I could get the answer, it would somehow be the key to warding the void away forever.
After months of psychiatric visits (that helped) and pills (that did nothing), I slowly realized that this 'depressions' is actually rather simple, perhaps more so than I wanted my adversary to be. Depression is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, and it feels like all of your happiness and motivation is gone. It's so strong it chases all thoughts out of your head (like most overwhelming emotions), and thinking about it makes it stronger (like emotions in general).
That's it. Nothing left to think about, and no reason to think about it. Perfect excuse to never think about it again. Every time I caught myself analyzing my depression, I told myself I was wasting time, and forced myself to stop. I got really good at this, and it developed into a weird kind of mental resource management.
Now, years later, I've pretty much mastered it. Though there are some lingering effects of the damage it's caused. I never feel emotions to the extend I expect, which means I'm always disappointed by what I feel. This is probably because the overwhelming sadness and fear chased out all other emotions for so long, they've become stunted, like a man who goes blind after years in total dark.
I guess I'll have to do things that make me feel anything but sad and scared in order to bring myself up to speed. Maybe I'll try really hard to succeed in college, do great things, build up some confidence. Then all will be repaired.

benjaminvai said...

awesome stuff. i just encountered the exact same moments, nothing was wrong but i was just so depressed, the taste in my mouth was goone, my heart shoots moments of fast beating. ugh

Anonymous said...

Oh God, Allie. I know what this is like. I want to tell my own story.

It happened to me when I was awake, just reading a book on the floor. Suddenly something HIT me. I was stunned, but the first thing I felt when my sense returned was a sharp, sucking void in my chest. My reaction to this was absolute fear. I shrieked and moaned like a specter, robbed of what must have been my soul.

I wasn't just sad, I was TERRIFIED that I was sad. How did this happen? What is the nature and origin of this feeling so strong that it crushes everything else? Thinking about it made the pain that much worse, because I had less mental energy left to dull the pain. But I kept pushing on, hoping that if I could get the answer, it would somehow be the key to warding the void away forever.

After months of psychiatric visits (that helped) and pills (that did nothing), I slowly realized that this 'depressions' is actually rather simple, perhaps more so than I wanted my adversary to be. Depression is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, and it feels like all of your happiness and motivation is gone. It's so strong it chases all thoughts out of your head (like most overwhelming emotions), and thinking about it makes it stronger (like emotions in general).

That's it. Nothing left to think about, and no reason to think about it. Perfect excuse to never think about it again. Every time I caught myself analyzing my depression, I told myself I was wasting time, and forced myself to stop. I got really good at this, and it developed into a weird kind of mental resource management.

Now, years later, I've pretty much mastered it. Though there are some lingering effects of the damage it's caused. I never feel emotions to the extend I expect, which means I'm always disappointed by what I feel. This is probably because the overwhelming sadness and fear chased out all other emotions for so long, they've become stunted, like a man who goes blind after years in total dark.

I guess I'll have to do things that make me feel anything but sad and scared in order to bring myself up to speed. Maybe I'll try really hard to succeed in college, do great things, build up some confidence. Then all will be repaired.

\* REPOST: I added spaces to each paragraph. It looks better *\

Dr.Garfield said...

A few weeks ago I had the fleeting thought that maybe my 'laziness' was really depression. The past week I have been really considering it and today I had decided that I need to talk to a professional about it. But it is really hard to explain how having no motivation to complete assignments and not really wanting to be around people while not having any reason to be sad is not just me being a procrastinator and a hermit.

This post really hit home. I may just show it to my doc to help explain what I am going through. Thank you for sharing and I am glad you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

You are my absolute HERO! Everyone is getting parp mugs filled with skittles as gifts from now on. I don't care if they have no idea what it means. Or if they don't like skittles. I just don't care. They will get them and they will like it. So there.

Brian Kampschroer said...

Your descriptions of your depression are viscerally excruciating, especially so since I and my sister are both clinically depressed. Everything you said and portrayed is absolutely accurate and obviously heartfelt. I have tears in my eyes and down my face and my beard is soaked.
Thank you for expressing your feelings and lack of feelings so beautifully and for bringing real depression and its understanding to those who do not understand and who have never experienced it.
We are not talking about feeling a little down now and then, we are talking about a potentially fatal and exquisitely painful disease, one for which it is difficult to decide one needs help, often discouragingly hard to then find help, is challenging to treat and impossible to cure. In other words, it sucks!
I wish the best for you in your endeavors and sincerely hope you receive effective treatment and you get your feelings back. Even bad feelings are better than none. I think. Maybe.
Thank you so much, so much, for portraying true depression in all its ugly glory in a way that most people can understand. Understanding is at least one tenth the battle!
Please keep on, if you can, bringing hope and humour and insight and delightfulness to all of us who are continually amazed by your talent, imagination and command of English and, above all, your depth of emotion. For one so young to understand life so well, I suspect you are living life backwards in time.
We are awed.

Wishing you health and happiness,
Brian Kampschroer

Anonymous said...

meh, I'm too sad to finish writing this com

That Bee Chick said...

Allie you are awesome. I was checking by here for ages hoping you'd posted something new and then getting all sad when nothing new came sucks that you were stuck dealing with depression, I've been there and it's the worst. Thank you for a post that made me giggle, but also addressed something really important in a non-judgmental and no-threatening way for others. I think this post is going to make a huge difference to a lot of peoples' lives. Thanks :) from a long-time-fan.

leipa said...

This is exactly what I go through, except with anxiety. There is absolutely no reason for the hideous, overwhelming anxiety, it is just there and kicks your ass, even though you know that it shouldn't, because there is absolutely no reason for having the hideous, overwhelming anxiety.

Thank you.

TCA Sharad Raghavan said...

you know what's a good cure for depression? Your blog posts. My bet is that the more you write/draw the better you'll feel, and it goes without saying that the more you write/draw, the better your readers will feel. Keep at it, please!

Carolyn said...

Stay with us Allie! You're such an inspiration and you always seem to reach people who feel exactly the same way you do, so we know none of us are alone in this. Take as much time as you need to work your way through it and we'll all be waiting for you :) welcome back xxxxx

Unknown said...

I missed your very witty and inspiring blog posts, Allie, and I can say reading this one helps me understand that sometimes, like I, people have random bouts of sadness that are sad, lol. Just because they may have been seemingly for no reason, it is still just as serious... But usually are caused by something, maybe the stress of publishing your first book? (super-mega-ultra excited for it btw) Keep filling the Internet with your blog posts, my whole family loves your blog. :)

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