Saturday is Spaghatta Nadle Day!!!

If you are new to Spaghatta Nadle, go here first.


Mel said...

Poor Spaghatta Nadle seems to have stumbled upon hard times. He should be flattered though that he has a day in his honour.

How exactly does one celebrete Spaghatta Nadle day?

Allie, you're always hilarious. I adore your blog.

Allie said...

Mel - Yes, Spaghatta Nadle is going through a little rough patch... but there are good times up ahead for him. And I think the best way to celebrate Spaghatta Nadle Day is to run around yelling "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"

Allie said...

I just deleted a mean comment. Usually I don't do that because it feels dishonest, but I'm extra emotionally vulnerable today for several reasons and I just don't want to deal with mean people right now. It actually felt totally liberating to hit that delete button.

Anonymous said...

Allie! I love the last one ;)
Thank you!
Love, Malou.
And Spaghatta Nadle must be very happy to have a day all to himself. :)

Ed said...

Mean people suck.

Mr. Nadle does not.

Mary said...

HAHAHAHA you just made my morning. I love Spaghetta Nadle!

Curiosity said...
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Curiosity said...

Good for you for deleting the mean. I have never understood what compels people to feel like that's acceptable to do in the first place. If you don't like the taste of Root Beer, don't drink it. Don't send a nasty letter to the CEO of A&W telling him he's an inferior person and his pets/kids/interests/spaghetti-noodles suck. I am often very glad that most of the negativity I get so far is piles and piles of Russian spam (and only because I'm much smaller than you). Also, if you need any некоторые дрянные пилюли, I can totally hook you up.

You always make me smile. I know that one negative ends up with way more weight to it (because all humans are a little broken that way), but I hope you know that there are way more people here who think you're just great as you are.

Anonymous said...

How could someone say something mean about the Nadle? This post brought me to a good way. :)

Travis said...

I have the worst hankering for alfredo sauce.

Rita Templeton said...

Love me some Spaghatta Nadle! So I must admit it made me a little sad-facey when the nondescript pink block-thing (eraser?) wouldn't divulge what he/she/it actually is.

Barbara said...

The I'm cahnstahpahted one made me LOL. Maybe he needs some peptah bismahl.

sarah said...

viva spaghatta nadle! god i needed this.

Kalisa said...

The only thing I DON'T like about Spaghatti Nadle is that when I go to my son's rugby game today and keep yelling out AH'M A SPAGHATTI NADLE!, no one there will know what I'm talking about.

Gnetch said...

what caused spaghatta nadle's constipation? he seems to be going through a rough time. ;D

Oh and that mean commenter? Don't mind that. Your celebrity status is rising up fast so it's normal for that loser to feel jealous.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I love Spaghatta Nadle. Please don't ever stop these, Allie!

Claire said...

Like Kalisa -- I've taken to saying joyfully, "I'm a spaghatta nadle!" just to make myself laugh, knowing noone else would get it.

...That's not weird, is it?

TAMPA said...

Hahaha... Thanks Allie for making my birthday better. I love Spaghatta Nadle... I even just bought a mug !!

J-Bird said...

Forget the mean people. They suck!! I showed my mom today's Spaghatta Nadle and she laughed herself to tears. That's a huge comment coming from my mom. You're great Allie. Don't let no suckers tell you different (that's courtesy of my gramma D).

Christina Harper said...

It must be all that partying that Nadle's been doing lately. Poor guy, he needs to take a break. Too many facebook friends, not enough time for them all and a job and food. :)

Loco YaYa said...

OK. the constipated noodle almost killed me. like worse than ebola or stomach aids.


from laughing.

at work.

so dead without a job.

Chuck said...

Thank God for the Nadle today...I have been walking around the house telling my dog that "A'm a spaghatta nadle, Yah!" all week in a weird falsetto voice. He just cocks he head to one side and looks at me sympathatically.

I can only do this when my wife is at work cause she doesn't get the humor that is the Nadle. She thinks I'm weird.

I know next week I will slip at work and say this out loud and everyone will look at me like I've had a stroke or something, Haly Shat!

On a heavier should have let the mean comment through...then we could have lit his ass up and whipped him with a Nadle! Then you would have felt better.

summerlynn said...

whats the pink thing?

Rebekah said...

is the pink thing a block of spam? cuz i was just thinking yesterday that the only thing missing from your blog was spam. if it is spam, i will be convinced that i am clairvoyant.

Valen Hunter said...

THis is the first time I have read your blog and I already love you like family. I would jump in front of a moving bus for you...just for kicks n' giggles, or for serious.

Leoparda said...

OMG i would totally give spagahtta nahdle money to dance. lol

I'm sorry, but y is that pink block being rude?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PINK BLOCK??? Y DO U HATE THE NAHDLE!??????!

Tony said...

Oh, make my heart smile, and you brighten mah dahs. Thahnk Yah!

Iqbal Ismail said...

I am very sad today. Spaghatta nadle... Ah lav ya da wah ya arr.. Brack ar wat ladds af manah...

Anyway WHO/WHAT THE HELL IS THAT PINK BLOCK?! It is very rude! Why can't that PINK BLOCK just answer that simple question by poor Spaghatta Nadle?

By the way Allie, where is that 'Technically This Still Kind Of Count As A Post' post? Did you removed it? Why?

Iqbal Ismail said...
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Maureen said...

poor spaghatta nadle. what kind of food does it eat/will it dance for? does it have a crazy unlocking jaw like a snake?

David said...

Why did you delete your almost blog post from yesterday. It was very funny. You shouldn't just delete mean people. You should kill them.

miss. chief said...

I need some некоторые дрянные пилюли.

I took first year Russian so I can read Russian letters but I don't understand the actual words ... so that says nekotory dryanny pilioli.

Yeah, that's hot! Whatever it is.

I hate whoever said that mean thing about you. S.N. is the coolest.

ShineForLife said...

Ah, I can finally comment [my computer has been really stubborn]

You're brilliant. Is that pink thing an eraser? For some reason its face reminds me of tofu.


Nikole said...

Rebekah - I totally thought it was a block of spam too! It should definitely be spam.

dogimo said...

If that's its mouth, than its either Spam or an eraser. If that's a mustache, than its clearly some kind of snobbish, pretentious poseur of some kind.

JoAAAnna said...

My husband I have taken to yelling "IMA SPAGATTA NADLE!" all weekend. There doesn't seem to be any end in sight. And I'm glad!

andrewlong said...

Nadle sounds Canadian to me...

Maybe because he/she/it is so happy all the time...

because Canadians are happy.

all the time.

Laura said...

I cahn ahtest to thaht(^) !! :D

Hayley said...

1. My roommates think I am insane for the amount of ferocious giggling I have been doing in the corner by myself.
2. I'm glad they haven't noticed me mouthing Spaghatta Nadle's words out. Yet.
3. IS THAT... TOFU BABY!? Tofu Baby is a much hated and loved comic in the Athens, GA Flagpole. Or it used to be, the haters may have won, I don't live there anymore. But the last one looks like Tofu Baby. And I love Tofu Baby.