Adventures in Depression

Some people have a legitimate reason to feel depressed, but not me. I just woke up one day feeling sad and helpless for absolutely no reason.

It's disappointing to feel sad for no reason. Sadness can be almost pleasantly indulgent when you have a way to justify it - you can listen to sad music and imagine yourself as the protagonist in a dramatic movie. You can gaze out the window while you're crying and think "This is so sad. I can't even believe how sad this whole situation is. I bet even a reenactment of my sadness could bring an entire theater audience to tears."

But my sadness didn't have a purpose.  Listening to sad music and imagining that my life was a movie just made me feel kind of weird because I couldn't really get behind the idea of a movie where the character is sad for no reason.

Essentially, I was being robbed of my right to feel self pity, which is the only redeeming part of sadness.

And for a little bit, that was a good enough reason to pity myself.

Standing around feeling sorry for myself was momentarily exhilarating, but I grew tired of it quickly. "That will do," I thought. "I've had my fun, let's move on to something else now." But the sadness didn't go away.

I tried to force myself to not be sad.

But trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back.  A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work. 

When I couldn't will myself to not be sad, I became frustrated and angry. In a final, desperate attempt to regain power over myself, I turned to shame as a sort of motivational tool.


But, since I was depressed, this tactic was less inspirational and more just a way to oppress myself with hatred.

Which made me more sad. 

Which then made me more frustrated and abusive.

And that made me even more sad, and so on and so forth until the only way to adequately express my sadness was to crawl very slowly across the floor.

The self-loathing and shame had ceased to be even slightly productive, but it was too late to go back at that point, so I just kept going. I followed myself around like a bully, narrating my thoughts and actions with a constant stream of abuse.

I spent months shut in my house, surfing the internet on top of a pile of my own dirty laundry which I set on the couch for "just a second" because I experienced a sudden moment of apathy on my way to the washer and couldn't continue. And then, two weeks later, I still hadn't completed that journey. But who cares - it wasn't like I had been showering regularly and sitting on a pile of clothes isn't necessarily uncomfortable. But even if it was, I couldn't feel anything through the self hatred anyway, so it didn't matter. JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.

Slowly, my feelings started to shrivel up. The few that managed to survive the constant beatings staggered around like wounded baby deer, just biding their time until they could die and join all the other carcasses strewn across the wasteland of my soul.

I couldn't even muster up the enthusiasm to hate myself anymore.

I just drifted around, completely unsure of what I was feeling or whether I could actually feel anything at all.

If my life was a movie, the turning point of my depression would have been inspirational and meaningful. It would have involved wisdom-filled epiphanies about discovering my true self and I would conquer my demons and go on to live out the rest of my life in happiness.

Instead, my turning point mostly hinged upon the fact that I had rented some movies and then I didn't return them for too long.

The late fees had reached the point where the injustice of paying any more than I already owed outweighed my apathy. I considered just keeping the movies and never going to the video store again, but then I remembered that I still wanted to re-watch Jumanji.

I put on some clothes, put the movies in my backpack and biked to the video store. It was the slowest, most resentful bike ride ever.

And when I arrived, I found out that they didn't even have Jumanji in.

Just as I was debating whether I should settle on a movie that wasn't Jumanji or go home and stare in abject silence, I noticed a woman looking at me weirdly from a couple rows over.

She was probably looking at me that way because I looked really, really depressed and I was dressed like an eskimo vagrant.

Normally, I would have felt an instant, crushing sense of self-consciousness, but instead, I felt nothing.

I've always wanted to not give a fuck. While crying helplessly into my pillow for no good reason, I would often fantasize that maybe someday I could be one of those stoic badasses whose emotions are mostly comprised of rock music and not being afraid of things. And finally - finally - after a lifetime of feelings and anxiety and more feelings, I didn't have any feelings left. I had spent my last feeling being disappointed that I couldn't rent Jumanji.

I felt invincible.

And thus began a tiny rebellion.

Then I swooped out of there like the Batman and biked home in a blaze of defiant glory.

And that's how my depression got so horrible that it actually broke through to the other side and became a sort of fear-proof exoskeleton.


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Anonymous said...


Thank you for being so up-front about Depression! So many people don't understand how debilitating it is. I was fired from my job in April 2011 (it's now end of Oct 2011) because I was unable to leave the house/couch, and they decided they would ignore federal disability laws and just fire me instead. Needless to say, I have a discrimination claim pending.

I have been out of work since then. I tried to take some college courses online, but even that was too much. I have run out of savings, and my siblings and mom are scraping together whatever they can to pay my mortgage so I won't be homeless.

So again, thank you for using your work to so accurately explain what we go through!

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing piece of work.

Jacqueline said...

Holy shit. Yes. Recognition. Tears. You're not alone.

Valene said...

Yaay, new post! :D I can totally relate to this post. Especially with the depression causing no clean laundry, thing. >_>

DTravelsRound said...

I just discovered this blog and you are really talented. :) While depression isn't funny, you certainly made this entertaining. :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVED this! Made me smile and cry a little, too. You are very talented... glad you are back!!

Alex said...

Probably the most accurate depiction of depression I've ever seen in my life.

Chya...this post is very sad. I hope you pull out of it sometime soon, if you haven't already.

And at least you have a beautiful knack for storytelling, and the gift of making them relatable is an added bonus.

I look up to you:) even though I'm pretty sure we're uber close in age...though I do also look up to my cat, and he's younger than me, but he also likes to sit on high ledges.

Lola said...

Hey Allie, some unwanted (?) advice from someone who knows this 'black dog' all too well. Go round your friends, familie, loved ones. Get out of your house. You won't feel any better -in the beginning- but it is good to know people care about you, even if you're not feeling it. It´s what got me through.

For me it took a lot of change to start feeling better; new house, new study, a breakup -it did give me the feeling I had my own life in my hands again.

I hope you figure your way out of it, you´re too talented to feel like this about yourself :)

KatyMonster said...

YES. This is glorious.

Fenriss said...

Long time fan and lurker here... motivated to post because I have lived with depression all my life, and I go through EXACTLY what you describe here every time I have an acute episode. Same phases, word for word. Just keep in mind that it never lasts forever. It always goes away. And sometimes you have to get treatment in order to fix your life. Please consider whether that is necessary for you, and don't give me the "I have to fix it without help or I am a failure" schtick, cause I've done that too, and it's shite. Just take loving care of yourself.

Daniel C. said...

I remember when I went through this myself some years ago, emotions just draining away and anxiety and apathy evolving into something else until you're almost a new person entirely.

It gets better. Happiness comes back, along with every other emotion, but this time you get to tweak them as they pop back up. Hang in there, it gets better.

Al said...

I think I will go to the video store and try to rent Jumanji. With any luck, they won't have it!

Julie J said...

Oh man, I have suffered from serious depression for so many years. You really captured it. Thanks, I feel better. I hope you do, too. Been missing your comics.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear you are going through depression. I suppose random advise from internet strangers won't help, but do know that: this too shall pass. There are a lot of tweaks you can make to your diet, vitamins, etc. that can help. The 989 other comments attest to the positive impact you have on so many people. Rachael

Anonymous said...

You got me to laugh at myself. Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so... did you touch a spider or what?
p.s. very happy for your recovery :)

Noah said...

Awesomely brave post (and I mean that in the most literal sense)! I hope the comments help you find strength in seeing that you give strength and joy to others.

kiyote said...


I spent a good portion of my life being depressed, but I had to have a near death accident (and lose bits and pieces of myself) to appreciate what I've got and to be happy about it.
I'm grateful you didn't have to go thru something like that to pull yourself out of your mode.

...and as one other reader wrote: "Fuck yeah, Allie's back!"

we missed you 'alot' ; )

Kirsti Pellegrini said...

This is really awesome. I'm really sorry you've been going through depression. I wish I could help (of course everyone wishes they could help) but I live in Ohio. It's one thing to say "I'm sorry," but I really hope you find someone who can identify with how you're feeling- Empathy is one of the most powerful tools. And this might sound weird, but don't listen to your conscience- as scary as this may sound, those things that have been going through your head are all lies from Satan. Please realize that none of those things are true. You are truly an excellent writer- you summed up depression perfectly. You have this amazing ability to write hilarious stories- don't ever think you're a terrible writer. I actually have my own blog, and I totally look up to you.


Victoria Sauter said...

The Internet missed you. Thanks (from me, personally) for updating and for sharing. I've been there. Numb's not the best it can be.

Anonymous said...

This has been my life for the last three months, except somehow I have still been doing my classwork. Thank you bucketloads for making me laugh about what is possibly the least funny thing in the entire world, which is especially unfunny if you've lived through it. (And thank you for making me laugh, period. It's good to remember I can still laugh, even if I'm doing that awful sort of ragged half-sobbing thing at the same time and feeling like an idiot.)

I hope things are getting better for you.

Anonymous said...

You've basically described my April May June and July. Thank you for the comic and I hope you feel better soon. :-)

victoria said...

dude. story of my goddamned life.

Steph said...

I've missed your wonderful posts. They never fail to brighten up my day.

This one made me cry and then laugh through the tears.

I hope you're feeling better now.

silvermine said...

I've been to that place a few times, where you can't feel anymore. It's weird. I hope neither one of us ever go there again.

I also wish I could say something funny, but I've got nothing!

Anonymous said...

This was sad and funny and most of all honest. I love your funny posts, but I think I love this one most of all; I can't tell you how much it meant to me to see this. It expresses how I've been feeling for a while, and I really admire you for your bravery in posting about it.

Anonymous said...

I went through exactly the same thing. Though I did have a pretty legitimate reason to be sad in the first place, I just eventually got so depressed that I didn't feel any emotions at all - have been that way since...

It's not actually that bad... I am never sad, I don't get attached to people anymore, I don't get lonely and couldn't give less of a shit about other people if I tried. Yet this sounds like a empty shell of existence I am able to do and achieve anything I want, because I want to. I am invincible - relentless and without weakness.

Does that make me a psychopath? Probably. Do I care? No.

Bimini said...

Oh Allie!!! I'm just so happy you're back! We've missed you so much. This is a great post, and you totally captured how depression can kick you in the gut, SO happy you turned it into bad-assery!!!!

Becky in Erie said...


6 years ago, a close friend of mine and my husband's got into a bad place. He suffered from a severe depressive episode, but didn't share it with anyone. Not his mom, or his sisters, or any of his friends. We would have done ANYTHING for him. But we didn't know. After six years, I think of him every day, and miss him terribly. The guilt is horrible.

The world is a better place with you in it. The world will be a better place for you again. Ask for help. Tell your mom, or a friend, or someone. Depression is a sickness, and it generally doesn't go away magically. There is help out there for you. It gets better. We love you.

Summer said...

I can totally relate to this! I wish i could show you a picture of my apartment.. but it'd make you depressed again. so happy ur back though. we missed your posts!!! i was reading it at work, I couldn't wait.

Anonymous said...

You have been sorely missed. Also depression sucks donkey balls. especially the part where you feel guilty for hogging all the sadness in the world from the orphans and people whose pets have just died. :(

I find you superbly awesome and am glad you have an exoskeleton of invincibility.

djscv op ..................,NTjjjjjjjjjjjji5rr55

Also my cat says hi.

Anonymous said...

I can relate to your post. I've been there. Glad that you found your way out of the emptiness. Welcome back! And thanks for posting such an honest post!

hobokeys said...

ickybana5. the world has missed you. welcome back, and here's to victorious bike rides and touching spiders. so very much on your side.

Marc Morrow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kalen Bales said...

As someone who has experienced this type of depression before, I can totally relate, although in a far less illustrated fashion. My own depression was mostly tied to anxiety which is a common cause of mild to moderate depression. I hope things are going better for you now.

Anonymous said...

"...trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back."

That is the most accurate metaphor I've encountered for what it feels like to battle depression. Been there, came through the other side by accident just like you. It gets better. Really, it does! Thanks, and welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your story in such a relatable way. I'm glad that you are on the other side.

jP said...

You just described what it's like to be depressed in Portland. I had a similar experience this year that about wrecked me. It's wonderful when you get past it.

Welcome back :)

Anonymous said...

While I am glad that you're now feeling like a fear-proof exoskeleton, I hope your invincible self is getting treatment for your depression - it can get better, I promise.

I missed you so! Thank you for sharing.

Amber said...

If you were selling a print of that last frame, I would totally buy five copies.

vendetta said...

Ally, this is amazing, funny, sad and so relatable. That you've had the courage to write it is remarkable and I hope you get through to the other side.

The bit about trying to will yourself out of depression being like an armless person trying to punch themselves? Poetry. Reckon I'm gonna quote that to every single douche I catch saying people with depression should just 'harden up'.

Peophin said...

I only discovered this blog a few weeks ago (gasp! I have been deprived!), so I was quite happy to see this in my feeds (my first Hyperbole and a Half RSS update! yay!)... even if the post is about sadness.

I've been fighting both depression and anxiety for years, so this post is far too easy to relate to. And yet you make your chronicle funny at the same time. How is that possible? I have no idea, but apparently you've managed it.

Glad you seem to be feeling better :D Use that fear-proof exoskeleton as long as you can. After reading this, now I can hope that someday I'll develop my own.

Catena Creations said...

Have been there and done that more than once. At least you were spared the joyful experience of having born-again Christians shove Bible verses up your nose and telling you that if you had enough FAITH and you PRAYED a little harder, you wouldn't be DEPRESSED. Oh, and that you should FAST while you're at it, too.

I was just hoping you were working on your book. Sorry you were going through this. But you did a wonderful job of communicating, both in words and pictures, what depression is like. I'll bet even never-depressed Bible-thumpers might even get it!

pauldodson said...

You're the best Some people can relate.

min fidler said...

Thank you for this post, it is poignant and beautiful

Katana said...

Definitely relatable for depression. That numbness seems to be something people go through. Strangely enough, I still smile to people even on a depressing train ride in to work; there's just not much behind it.

Tabitha said...

Allie, I can't believe this put things into words that I never could even make sense of enough to do so.


I know I've never commented before, but I've read every single post, and you are awesome. (Which you already know.) I hope you kick this depression's ass soon, girl.

Jen said...

It's kind of sad when yourself gives up on you, huh?
I've been there.
Thank you for posting this Allie. You almost 100% described my depression. (You're missing a screaming toddler with undiagnosed autism...)
*hugs* I'm glad you feel at least somewhat better now!!!

Emm said...

Wow. Thank you for this. You've put into words things I've wondered in silence to myself.
I didn't know other people criticized themselves in their heads like I do. I kind of like that I;m not the only one that hates herself.

;) thank you.

Conrad said...

Allie Brosh, you are one of the most fantastic humans out there! Depression is a bile filled douche bag that turns you into your own worst enemy. Most people when faced with such an mean enemy want to fight, even if the result is self abuse. You on the other had have weathered this shitstorm are emerging from it stronger. That takes pussy! (Yes pussy, not balls, Im with Betty White and Dan Savage there but thats a whole different matter). From your fans: infinite hugs! We all love you, rock on!

Colton said...

Well, you still LOOK great. I mean, that little blonde triangle is especially pointy and neat.

Mel said...

Like everyone else above me, I am so happy to see a new post. And one that is so darn relatable, at that. I suffer from depression, and while I've written about it, I've never been able to capture the humor in it the way that you have. This is fantastic, and I thank you for sharing.

Leigh said...

Yup, related, you're not alone but of course when you're in that morass you sure are. Been there. Hope not to make a return trip soon. Peace to you.

Anonymous said...

How were the movies? Also, you can borrow my copy of Jumanji.

DavePrime said...

From now on, when I run into someone that just can't seem to understand depression or why someone who is depressed has such a hard time doing even the simplest things, I am going to send them to this post!

Do they give out Pulitzer Prizes for webcomics? o.O

Anonymous said...

I felt so much like you about a 9 months ago, what about therapy?

You are the best.

dawn said...

The best part of depression is when people ask you what on earth you have to be sad about. Like my mom did. Yeah, you're right nothing, now I'm all better, thanks.

Thank you for putting this in words and pictures. It is very very brave of you. Thank you. Thank you.

amyunicorn said...

I'm so sorry you're sad, but I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that there are a lot of us out here that Get This. Totally.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I relate and I love you for this post.

erica said...

you have no idea how much better this has made me feel about my entire life. you are brilliant beyond measure.

I'm going through a similar experience right now, with a few isolated crappy incidents/scenarios sending me careening into a lethargic grind of chocolate-eating, coffee-drinking, desperate-housewives-watching worthlessness. all the nice grownups in my life are trying to help me out with comments like "it's okay, everyone else's life sucks too, so buck up there junior!" and I'm just sitting here all "NO, I WANT TO BE A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE, ALONE IN THE DEPTHS OF MY SUFFERING THAT NO MERE MORTALS WILL EVER BE ABLE TO COMPREHEND." but of course, that's so dumb I can't even let it out of my brain; then I feel guilty for being so self-obsessed, which makes me feel even sadder, and the self-loathing spiral continues...

-cue me emailing all my loved ones the link to this godlike post-

Zac said...

Oh Allie! We're so happy you came back. We missed you! Glad you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...


Kimberly said...

YES. I've so been there, I've totally been there and I had a similar breakthrough at the end. So glad you're coming back... thousands of strangers missed you and thought of you while you were gone. Because you really are that damn awesome. Don't ever doubt it again!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you posted again! A lot of these comments are kind of strange but as someone who has been depressed thank you for your open and honest portrayal. You have to have been there to understand. Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. I'm still holding out for your book when it comes :P

JCT said...

Welcome back, Allie! I missed you alot! :)

I've been stuck in the same vise grip of depressive apathy, and as such I have an idea of how much that blows - for what it's worth there are thousands of people out there who love you, despite having never even met you.

Susan said...

Eloquent/brilliant as always. I had wondered recently where you went. You were missed! Hang in there - best wishes for continued badassery.

Spilling Ink said...

I wish I could say that I couldn't relate....

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for not staying silent and hidden.

Anonymous said...

Dear Allie,
You speak the truth and offer hope to all of the neurotics and depressives out here who hope to also be awesome like you. We love you!

Bevis said...

This comment will likely get lost amongst the thousands of others, all telling you (rightly!) how awesome you are, but I wanted to say that as someone who lives with someone with this kind of depression, it made me love you even more to hear that this is what you've been going through. I'd hoped that our lack of contact was not due to a falling out, but I certainly didn't want it to be because of *this*. I've seen how this can affect a person.

You have my full support as a human being, Allie, and although I can't say I can sympathize, I can certainly *empathize*. It's actually Boyfriend with whom I can sympathise. It's so terribly hard to see someone you love feeling like this about themselves and being unable to help them out of it.

You have my email address. Hopefully I'll hear from you again sometime. I'd like that. No pressure, but ... maybe someday you'll feel like saying hi. And if that day comes, I hope you won't think something stupid like I don't want to hear from you. Cos that's stupid. xo

Lisa Millar said...

So glad you're back...missed you.
And I know where you're coming from. I'm Bipolar, and I suffer very badly with periods of depression which you've captured perfectly in this post. I can relate so much to how you're feeling..but the fact that you're posting again is such a good sign. Best of luck, keep 'em coming xxx =^..^=

The World said...

Love you.

You can make it.

larainydays said...

I feel like I just had a crash course in Depression 101. You are an awesome professor and I am so glad you made it through this class.

Mama Up! said...

I go through this cycle about eeeevery four months.

Anonymous said...

This is the most relatable thing I think I've ever read. I just woke up one day and felt like I shouldn't exist anymore--and not even in a suicidal way, I just wanted to erase my existance. And then I had a series of mental breakdowns, and then just stopped caring and felt vaguely happy-ish :P

Anonymous said...

I have ADD myself and a few years ago I developed depression and anxiety [problems as a direct result of the ADD. I ended up deciding to go back on ADD meds. after ten years on not being on any and doing so much better. I know how hard it can be being depressed and trying to make your self feel happy when you feel depressed for no reason. Depression just can suck the life out of you.

Reading your story makes me feel less alone.

Kat said...

It is sucks getting stuck in those ruts. All of a sudden you realize that you are out of clean underwear and you have not showered in 2 weeks. I am glad you were able to get out of your funk. Keep it up! We did miss you. No one has your unique perspective and sense of humor that I look forward to reading. =)

Mr. J said...

High five to you for at the very least getting up and out. I've dealt with depression my whole life and only recently discovered how horrible it can be. Keep drawing and writing, it does get better.

Plus skittles doesn't hurt any either.

mandy_moo said...

Big hugs!! I've totally been there and done that. I'm still working my way out of it. So glad to see a new post from you and know that you're okay, or at least alive, lol. Don't be afraid to see a counselor if you need one. Also, the book "Feeling Good: the new mood therapy" is really good for helping to battle depression.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you've made another post! How are you feeling now? Where is Boyfriend? I hope I didn't make you sad by mentioning him if something is wrong between you two, but you said you were depressed for no reason...

Saigus said...

I love you and think you're great. We should hang out and be not sad together, possibly whilst milling around on bikes.

Michelle said...

So glad you're back! I missed you. Just remember that millions of people on the Internet love you.
And don't listen to the Anonymous person above me who said "women..." I mean, he can't even capitalize.
You are made of awesome. <3<3<3

nathalie carby said...

Beautiful but sad... missed your writing!!!!

nathalie carby said...

Beautiful but sad... missed your writing!!!!

nathalie carby said...

Beautiful but sad... missed your writing!!!!

Rogue Marvel said...

Totally been there, I cried at everything and just wanted to sleep all the time. I took meds for a few months to help me get back on track and it worked wonders.

Glad to see your feeling better, please don't be afraid to seek help if you need it.

Rikki said...

Yes! The beginning of your story was so spot on. The not knowing why you are sad, and then being sad because you have nothing to be sad about. I often feel that same way and am oddly pleased to know I'm not totally alone. Thank you for posting your story.

Cassidy said...

Just want to say that I've been there. We missed you and you have lots of weird stalker friends online who care about you. Thanks for getting up and returning the movies.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm so glad you're back! Hurraaaaaaaaay

undimmedmagics said...

i can relate to this depression driven state of apathy unbelievably well. unfortunately, i never had that breakthrough of fearlessness that you describe. so it's not quite a happy ending for me.

vivrenoctem said...

I know how you feel! I've recently gone through a deep depression too. Scary for me was when I not only didn't feel, but thought it would be a good idea to drive off the big bridge I live by. Then, going from that manically happy. I found out I was bi-polar, got on the right mood-stabilizers, and now I'm right as rain!

I hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

This is so simple, but you have done an excellent job of explaining what it is like to be depressed. When you can't put words to it, you put pictures to it and the pictures say everything.

I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better. Thanks for your post. We've missed you.

weaselgopher said...

I'm so glad you've made another post! How are you feeling now? Where is Boyfriend? I hope I didn't make you sad by mentioning him if something is wrong between you two, but you said you were depressed for no reason...

musicgirljen said...

You are amazing for posting this - I have so been EXACTLY there. Well, except for the end part, with the Skittles and the horror movies. Glad to see you back, sweetie. :-) Be on the lookout, though - depression can have a way of sticking around and never totally disappearing, kinda like crumbs in the butter tub.

Tia said...

Thank you!

This was actually very accurate of how depression is. I really think I need to have one of those moments of clarity.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I feel better already.~Mary

bete-noire said...

baby steps.

it's astonishing how much they help.

thanks for this. i bet it makes you even more famouser than you already are.


Kate said...

Hey, I've been feeling pretty down recently. The ending of this post put a smile on my face. Thanks for that. Keep writing. :)

Bloycey said...

Even when you're sad you make me happy. :D

Sarah said...

You describe those feeling to a T, and still manage to make them funny!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how that feels.
I am borrowing your Eskimo Vagrant image for an icon but will credit and link.

Katie said...

Hey, this happened to me! I love Hyperbole and a Half! :D

AFAIK said...

Oh god, I was so worried. It's so good to know that you are alive that even depression don't seem so sad ^_^
And great post also :) Did you ever read "Welcome to NHK" by Tatsuhiko Takimoto? It's the life of a person, who couldn't make a step out of the house for several years straight and trying to start a new life. It's sad and hilarious and inspirational all at once, just like your post :)

heather said...

Sorry to add to the 1000+ posts here, but I gotta say...

Best depiction EVER of depression. And somehow you made it funny, too. You are very talented.

Dave said...

Glad you're back on top of the world. Now beat the hell out of it!

Elly Lou said...

Lesson learned. I shall never underestimate the power of jumangi ever again.

And squishy, invincible hugs to you.

TheChicken said...

I like you. Yer funny and cool. I'm sorry you have been feeling super sad and crappy.

I wish there was a non creepy way to make you feel better through the Internet. Alas.

Sarah said...

Couldn't have described it better myself. =)

As you can see from the over 1100 comments, you're in good company, Allie. =)

Felixitous said...

...this was at once amusing and incredibly sad.

Anonymous said...

Been there. Sucked. Glad you're back. By the way, fuzz therapy works (just ask my two mutts). Really hard to be totally "whatever..." with a cold wet nose in your ear.

Solomon said...

You have picked yourself up where many could not. Just remember, no matter what, that you are loved.

Trapeze Swinger said...

This is both wonderfully humorous and a spectacularly accurate description of what it's like to be stuck in depression.

Larissa said...

Been there. Didn't realize until I read this that I really was there. Thanks for that.

Caramelime said...

Thank you Allie!! I missed you a whole bunch! Welcome back :D

Anonymous said...

I was so happy for a new post, but then sort of sad because depression is miserable...

HOWEVER-- the shear awesomeness of your drawings and perfect summaries of life overcome the sadness. :)

So... Thanks Allie, and hang in there!

elly rainbow said...

we missed you. we talked about it at work how much we missed you. i am glad you are back! i also very much understand silly depression. :( i'm sorry it attacked your face and gobbled you whole. :(

Anonymous said...

I can sooooo relate to this. I quoted a bit of this in my own blog. I included links back and written proper credits of course. I hope do not mind.

malenkym said...

AHH, YOU ARE AMAZING. <3 have some anonymous affection

Velky said...

You posted this only 5 hours ago and already have 1000+ responses, so I doubt you'll ever get to this. But If you do, just know that you have the love of the internet, and that is a hard hard thing to achieve. While it my not help while sitting on your couch, try to keep it in mind that you have anonymous people across the world who adore you and will wait faithfully for months just to hear what you're up to. We love ya Allie!

Unknown said...

Hey lady, your posts often end with me having to wipe nasally-sprayed milk off the computer screen (in case it was unclear, I can drink milk just fine but you write funny). But if you are really feeling sad, please let us help you, or at least find someone capable to help you who isn't using your blog comments for therapist training.

We heart you and want you to be well and happy. And wearing clean clothes, when the situation calls for it.

Nanci said...

Oh, dear God, you have more than a thousand comments already. Although that is SUPER COOL, it also seems way enough reason to not leave the couch.

I'm so glad you struggled your way through, although I confess to wanting to strangle Boyfriend and Psychiatrist.

Please take care of yourself, we can wait for posts.

Andrea said...

This is me, this entire summer. The summer of suck.

Thanks for this. Jumanji sounds like a great idea, too.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I have felt your pain for the past two years. I never really found out what it was until just about a month ago. You got this girl!

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you must be doing better after all of that. You wre definitely missed.

Aki Sue said...

Hey, thank you for posting that. I hope you are doing better, and I'll be praying for you. You brighten so many people's daily lives, and I hope some of us can do the same for you. =)

Anonymous said...


some 1 and a half month ago I decided I would follow your blog. It was the first blog that i would ever follow. I was ashamed that the first blog i ever follow hadn't even updated once since i started following it.

And then a new post! ALLELUHIAH (do I spelled it wrong ?) I'M THE LUCKIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD I LOVE YOU


Jessica said...

Prozac works too.

Sofia Ajram said...

NEW POST :') Welcome back. I'm happy you got through the depression somehow.

Anonymous said...

<3 big hugs for you!

Anonymous said...

Having been depressed this past summer and really still not out of it, I just want to thank you for sharing your experience... And I hope I can be as invincible as you. :)

dys·func·tion said...

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.

This is the most accurate and relatable post about depression EVAR!

The WORST part is the beginning where the sadness takes over and there is NO REASON! That sucks more than any legitimate sadness.

And I too have sat in a pile of dirty laundry, unshowered, in a pit of selfpity.

Nice fork.

Anonymous said...

Only Masaka can hurt me. I am for her alone.

RamenHamster said...

Yay! I'm glad you finally overcame your depression and went all BAMF! Also, I'm happy to see a new post. I really missed your awesome stories and smile-inducing doodles. :]

gabbi. said...

Thank you for existing. I know exactly what this is, and I'm sorry that so many of the other commenters are saying the same thing. We're a sad bunch, but at least we're a sad bunch in solidarity.

It's good to have you back, Allie. Now go wrestle a bear.

Ryan said...

"And that's how my depression got so horrible that it actually broke through to the other side and became a sort of fear-proof exoskeleton."

Great, great explanation. And life is like this about many things. I've realized that if you work your ass off enough, you can eventually break through a barrier of "can't work anymore" and become anything.

Anonymous said...

#1 the guy above is an an asshat. -10 internets for you.

#2 - I've been there at least 5 times in the last 10 years and I'm only 30. I'm glad you're feeling better. Talking about depression is so important and I'm glad you're doing it. +10 internets for you

RP Raven said...

Thank you! I really needed this today because my baby deer were totally stunned....

Georgia said...

This is incredible. There have been several times in my life I've needed this post, for myself or to share with others, and now we all have it. I'm so sorry you have been sad but thank you for taking that feeling and putting it so hysterically/amazingly into word and picture form. You are invincible :)

& said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Abi Alexander said...

wow allie, what an insightful and poignant post! totally relate-able, sad and funny and true.

good to see you back and hope your new power mood continues! <3

Simone said...

welcome back. it sucks in that hole. but sometimes we need to go there to see how kickass we really are. xoxo

baresare said...

OMG, I cant even begin to tell you how glad i am that you posted that just now... I've been battling w depression for a few years now and thought i was through it until i felt that horrible gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach this morning. This post completely knocked it on the head and has helped me change my viewpoint - just in time. You're an angel. Best of luck w your recovery, you bring such sunshine and joy to so many people - you are an extraordinary being Allie. Love xx

TheTossedCone said...

Finally! A new post! It's been half a year!

steph schulz said...

Allie, you and your blog have been an inspiration to me ever since I stumbled across it. This latest post was cleverly written with humourous undertones, but the fact that depression has affected your life is nothing short of a tragedy.

From the sheer amount of comments already left, you should know that you have a huge support system here and that we all want to see you get better. No one should suffer alone - that's something I've learned from the continuous battle of my own demons.

Hang in there, girl. It'll be okay.

Emy Shin said...

This post is both extremely sad and somehow exhilarating at the same time. I've battled with depressions before, and just reading this post has my stomach clenched up. I'm glad you made it out of it with the power of movies and skittles. :)

Kemi G said...

I have to say, as someone who himself has a mental illness (manic depression) this is pretty alarming. This doesn't sound like something you can magic away, and frankly, the "invulnerable exoskeleton" is something to be worried about, not grateful for. The periods in my life where I felt that "nothing can do anything to me" were filled with what was, in retrospect, suicidal behavior (although, admittedly, pretty weak suicidal behavior - I had no idea that two entire bottles of NyQuil washed down with an entire bottle of wine wouldn't kill me, but I would wish it had).

The only commentator with any sense of perspective so far is leebrett; Allie, and anyone else who is reading this and has access to Allie, I seriously recommend getting some professional help. Personally, therapy + medication have made a world of difference for me; before I got help, I deliberately tried to kill myself TWICE, as well as countless examples of really bizarre behavior (including riding a bicycle on the highway. At night. While dead drunk). Now, for the first time, I'm able to realize that my death would probably be really devastating to my wife, kids, parents and friends, because I realize now that I matter. Depression is no joke. It only takes one serious episode to do something irreversible. I too went through the burst of euphoria at the end of a dark episode - it doesn't last.

Allie, get help.

Kelsey said...

Allie, I have missed you so much. I was honestly starting to wonder if you'd died--I'm so glad you're ok, and that you survived your depression. I've had days (like the past week, actually) when I felt JUST like you described--WHAT THE CRAP WHY AM I SO SAD. I'M TIRED OF CRYING. FUCKING STOP IT ALL READY--but I couldn't imagine suffering that for weeks on end. Again, glad you're ok.

Sending you love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

You're amazing.

Cheridan x

Jenny said...

I'm another one who went through all that. I would cry under the lunch table at school and my friends, shocked and appalled, would ask me what was wrong. I told them the truth: nothing. Nothing was wrong, and I was sobbing uncontrollably for no reason. I had a pretty good life, except that my brain was broken and I was so relentlessly and crushingly sad that I didn't want to be alive. By far the worst thing I've ever been through. Ten years later, I'm still taking the drugs that help balance me out. You're not alone.

Emilie said...

I've struggled with this too, and the last few days have been really rough...the beginning of that slow slide. I am so glad you posted this just now--sometimes it REALLY helps to be reminded that we are not alone in feeling inexplicable sadness. Still no explanation, but at least not alone. Thank you, thank you...and hang in there!

Sasha said...

WOW what a powerful, honest and emotion felt post. I was really moved, I too have been in this place before, it's the most horrible feeling the self hate, the beating yourself up because you don't have a legitimate reason to be sad. The difference was with me when I suffered a bout of depression I tried to go on like things were normal, pretending to be ridiculously happy and I seemed to have fooled everyone except of course my family who saw once I walked back through the door their was no way I was getting off the couch!

It's an incredibly painful and debilitating condition. I'm pained to see my brother suffering through it now, I'm pained to see my mother continue her 22 year struggle with it and most of all I'm petrified that once again I will be struck with the depression monster!

Good luck with everything, thank you so much for writing this!

Jen said...

Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone.

studyzone said...

I feel like this all the time. You just put it into better words than I can.

Laynie said...

I'm speechless. I've been there, Sad Legs wanting to slide across the floor, but lacking the energy and the gives-a-shit to actually make it happen. I've been there when my life sucked, and I've been there when my life was awesome.

Even when your life sucks, clinical depression means you'll be calling yourself names and feeling worthless anyway. It's a sick, insidious thing that breaks you down.

I hope you can remember this feeling. Also, remember- you're not stuck in this alone. Meds can help, therapy can help... sometimes, drawing awesome comics and letting other people know they're not the only one calling themselves Sad Legs and sitting on a pile of dirty laundry can help. *hugs*

Thank you for sharing this.

Simon Fairbairn said...

Glad to see you're back and sorry that you've been through hell.

Hopefully the now-over-1100 comments of positivity and love have helped remind you that you and the beautiful things you create really do matter to people.

Also, kudos on the brutal honesty: it's obviously something that a lot of us can relate too.

Caelin said...

This is totally amazing & wonderful. I'm dying of how amazing & wonderful this is.

Anonymous said...

I hope all the comments here have helped you realize that depression is something we all go through. It sucks but you're not crazy or broken, that's just part of being a human. Don't beat yourself up for being depressed, just fight through it, and you'll find your life waiting for you on the other side, where it has always been.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing Allie, glad to see you're back. You truly are a bad ass in my book. Thank you for sharing your experience with us in your own way, it does make a difference

Megan C. said...


I sometimes feel a fraction (tiny fraction) of this kind of helplessness / depression. This was inspiring. (: Also, I can't wait for your book even though it's still what seems like LIGHT YEARS away.

Edie Howe said...

It's a powerful feeling when you realize the world can't do anything to you that you haven't done to yourself already, isn't it?

Next up:
"No matter how badly I feel, at least I can feel."

"I'm not dead yet!"

Wear red, and stand in sunlight. Red spectrum light helps alleviate depression. Works for me.

She wants to dream. said...

Glad you're back, missed you and completely relate to this feeling, except I haven't been able to find that defiant stage yet. :/

Fluffy Cow said...

I assure you. There is no reason to touch a spider. No matter how invincible. It's totally not worth it.

Unknown said...

Ah. That is exactly how it is, isn't it?

But that time when you can't do anything, because all you want to do is sit around being miserable... that's pretty awful... feeling useless and empty of motivation.

Anonymous said...

Please feel better. You are a worthwhile human being. I love you, stranger I have never met, I love you for all your faults, all your quirks, your hopes, dreams, successes, and failures. Get better.

jena said...

You're worth waiting for.

Anonymous said...

i way more creepy than you can even imagine so don't try to f*&King intimidate me. come and find me...really.

keep going on your bike; you are the lizard can do anything :)

Unknown said...

I'm so glad that you're back! And so glad that you got through your depression! I (and loads of other people) know how you felt, and you describe the feeling accurately. And really, that's so great that you're feeling better. Thank you for this post! <3

Amanda Violette Groth said...

It's about making some sort of drastic, crazy change to jolt you out of it. Been there and understand. Big change = good.

PiratesLife4Me said...

Allie, as just a stranger on the internet who reads your posts, obviously I don't know you. I thoroughly enjoy everything you write, and I think you must be a marvelous person. It's so nice to have a new post from you, but at the same time I only hope you are doing alright. There's a long road ahead to recover from serious depression, and I genuinely wish you the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

I admire you so much for being able to talk about your depression in a way that is totally relatable and hilarious.

Miste said...

You're awesome. Like a hamster. That's a ninja. With flame throwers.

El Gaucho said...

SO glad that you're back posting again and that you've overcome a nasty spell of depression. Your story will seriously help people who are going through a similar stretch of rough days, and maybe even get them to laugh.

Kirby Carespodi said...

In case you weren't sure, we're glad you're back. We are not, however, glad you're sad.

Clio said...

You are an incredible woman. Until you are able to believe that about yourself again, we will be out here, believing it for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Allie, I just wanted you to know that you make me really happy.
You seem like a very sweet and extremely funny person. I can't wait for you to get through to the other side of this depression. Not for me (or us, who love your posts), but because it will make me happy to know that you're happy.
In the way that you can love a complete stranger (like in V for Vendetta, which you should totally rent), I love you :)

Anonymous said...

You really captured depression well.
I had the exact same fuck it epiphany when want of money outweighed my sadness and I went and got a job, many years ago.

My apathy shield wore off and I became a regular person with the help of some medicine.

I hope you feel good for the rest of your life :)

Anonymous said...

I think we are all sad, but hell, your blog is one thing that makes me laugh until I have cramps, and not everything does that.

That sounds gross, but I thnk you should know how happy this blog makes me, even when I feel down.

Maria said...

this is how I have felt for years now. thanks for sharing the shit that is depression. Lets start a fight club for depressed women

Anonymous said...

I think you are very brave for posting this. Good job, you.

Megan said...

I've never laughed so hard at someone else hitting rock bottom. Missed your posts... Love your stranger danger guts!

Ix Naranda said...

I just arrived home after driving ten miles to the nearest Kinkos only to find out they suddenly can't print on Bristol after four weeks of absolutely nothing changing since the last time I was there. I've been in a depressive kick for the past six months. That was my second-to-last fuck I could give.

Then I came home and read this.

I am now going to go back out and find that last fuck I give and get rid of it so I can touch spiders and possibly even finish this drawing assignment.

Thank you. Now stop being so creepily topical.

Anonymous said...

I don't claim to know how you feel, but I have an idea.. After my best friend was killed in a car accident last year, i was like this, but i couldn't pull myself out of it, even after everybody else had moved on. so glad to read something of yours again :)
Also, I may pee myself waiting for your book......

Sabertooth Screaming Lemur said...

Going through depression myself; helps to know I'm not the only one. I hope your bravery continues and your spark of rebellion develops into a bonfire of awesomeness.

Also, glad to see you posting again.

Nicole said...

So sorry you're dealing with this but I'm glad you've gotten to a point where you are able to use your blog as an outlet again! So many of us, myself included, can relate. Thank you for this and all of your hilarious blogs!

Unknown said...

Truly amazing. Thank you!

Aubrey said...

There are two things that I can thank Facebook for. One, being excellent at aiding me in my time wasting aspirations. Two, reminding me that you still exist! Thanks for posting. I really needed your awesome humor tonight. :)

Anonymous said...

I have so so so much respect. Don't ever think that your words and thoughts don't have a profound effect on other people.

that's what she said said...

I totally totally needed this today. You rock.

The Domestic Goddess said...

depression sucks. But you rocked it and won. Go you! And yeah! Glad to see you back. I've never laughed so hard in my life. I, too, have helper dog and stupid dog. I literally pee myself with laughter when I read yer stuffs. It's awesome. And keeps me from getting depressed.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, this isn't depression - it's manic depression. Swinging from the doldrums to overindulgent, I can do anything-ness.

You need to go to the doctor before the swings get worse.

Anonymous said...

I fully believe that it's the 10 or so years I spent battling with depression that have made me the uncaring badass I am today, and I'm glad for it. It's what allows me to feel comfortable about not acting "ladylike" about every damn thing, and what gives me the ability to knit in crowded public areas without wondering if people think it's weird because I'm so young.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this. It couldn't have come at a better time. You can't know how much good you do. All the best.

Anonymous said...

i really really really want my depression to turn out like this.

Kari said...

This is beyond perfect. The first part has happened to me millions of times. I never knew the video store would cure me!

Meg said...

Ok, so what you're saying is that my current state will eventually let me blossom like a scary butterfly into Wolverine?
Because that will have made it WORTH IT.
As usual, you're an inspiration.

Alison said...

D: I hope things are getting better. You're the best.

Anonymous said...

I can completely relate to this! Thank you for being you, and giving depression a real voice!

Allison said...

Wow, it's so AWESOME that you put this out there. Touching spiders? That's kid stuff compared to this, Oh Brave Woman Whose Drawings Make Me Laugh Until I Pee.

Jesi said...

I'm so glad you're back, Allie. I struggle with depression from time to time as well (although I do mostly have reasons... mostly), and I loved this post. I'm glad you broke through, and I hope you hold onto this triumph in case it strikes again. You brighten the lives of a lot of people, my friend. Don't forget that. ^-^

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