Adventures in Depression

Some people have a legitimate reason to feel depressed, but not me. I just woke up one day feeling sad and helpless for absolutely no reason.

It's disappointing to feel sad for no reason. Sadness can be almost pleasantly indulgent when you have a way to justify it - you can listen to sad music and imagine yourself as the protagonist in a dramatic movie. You can gaze out the window while you're crying and think "This is so sad. I can't even believe how sad this whole situation is. I bet even a reenactment of my sadness could bring an entire theater audience to tears."

But my sadness didn't have a purpose.  Listening to sad music and imagining that my life was a movie just made me feel kind of weird because I couldn't really get behind the idea of a movie where the character is sad for no reason.

Essentially, I was being robbed of my right to feel self pity, which is the only redeeming part of sadness.

And for a little bit, that was a good enough reason to pity myself.

Standing around feeling sorry for myself was momentarily exhilarating, but I grew tired of it quickly. "That will do," I thought. "I've had my fun, let's move on to something else now." But the sadness didn't go away.

I tried to force myself to not be sad.

But trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back.  A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work. 

When I couldn't will myself to not be sad, I became frustrated and angry. In a final, desperate attempt to regain power over myself, I turned to shame as a sort of motivational tool.


But, since I was depressed, this tactic was less inspirational and more just a way to oppress myself with hatred.

Which made me more sad. 

Which then made me more frustrated and abusive.

And that made me even more sad, and so on and so forth until the only way to adequately express my sadness was to crawl very slowly across the floor.

The self-loathing and shame had ceased to be even slightly productive, but it was too late to go back at that point, so I just kept going. I followed myself around like a bully, narrating my thoughts and actions with a constant stream of abuse.

I spent months shut in my house, surfing the internet on top of a pile of my own dirty laundry which I set on the couch for "just a second" because I experienced a sudden moment of apathy on my way to the washer and couldn't continue. And then, two weeks later, I still hadn't completed that journey. But who cares - it wasn't like I had been showering regularly and sitting on a pile of clothes isn't necessarily uncomfortable. But even if it was, I couldn't feel anything through the self hatred anyway, so it didn't matter. JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.

Slowly, my feelings started to shrivel up. The few that managed to survive the constant beatings staggered around like wounded baby deer, just biding their time until they could die and join all the other carcasses strewn across the wasteland of my soul.

I couldn't even muster up the enthusiasm to hate myself anymore.

I just drifted around, completely unsure of what I was feeling or whether I could actually feel anything at all.

If my life was a movie, the turning point of my depression would have been inspirational and meaningful. It would have involved wisdom-filled epiphanies about discovering my true self and I would conquer my demons and go on to live out the rest of my life in happiness.

Instead, my turning point mostly hinged upon the fact that I had rented some movies and then I didn't return them for too long.

The late fees had reached the point where the injustice of paying any more than I already owed outweighed my apathy. I considered just keeping the movies and never going to the video store again, but then I remembered that I still wanted to re-watch Jumanji.

I put on some clothes, put the movies in my backpack and biked to the video store. It was the slowest, most resentful bike ride ever.

And when I arrived, I found out that they didn't even have Jumanji in.

Just as I was debating whether I should settle on a movie that wasn't Jumanji or go home and stare in abject silence, I noticed a woman looking at me weirdly from a couple rows over.

She was probably looking at me that way because I looked really, really depressed and I was dressed like an eskimo vagrant.

Normally, I would have felt an instant, crushing sense of self-consciousness, but instead, I felt nothing.

I've always wanted to not give a fuck. While crying helplessly into my pillow for no good reason, I would often fantasize that maybe someday I could be one of those stoic badasses whose emotions are mostly comprised of rock music and not being afraid of things. And finally - finally - after a lifetime of feelings and anxiety and more feelings, I didn't have any feelings left. I had spent my last feeling being disappointed that I couldn't rent Jumanji.

I felt invincible.

And thus began a tiny rebellion.

Then I swooped out of there like the Batman and biked home in a blaze of defiant glory.

And that's how my depression got so horrible that it actually broke through to the other side and became a sort of fear-proof exoskeleton.


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Lizzy said...

Oh Allie im glad you're back, this story is so sad. Stay strong girl, you fucking amazing person!

Alex said...

This is so bittersweet. I hope you feel better. *Hugs* Just imagine that, all of your followers hugging you because they love you and want you to do well.

And even though it sad, it was funny, which is commendable. It's not easy to make something like depression a subject where you laugh, but I did laugh. Twice!

And definitely touch the spider! Heck, eat it. Yum!

Jason said...

In case the first 798 comments didn't make it clear: thank you.

Ambie said...

I have some little fun packs of skittles that I've been avoiding eating because I already ate, like, half a pizza and my caloric intake for the day has been hit (even though it's not even dinnertime yet!!!)

But after reading this... I am munching on those skittles like a defiant goddess of rainbowy awesomeness.

Thank you. Thank you.

Kimberly L Carey said...

So glad to see you alive, and yet so sad to hear what you've been dealing with since we last heard from you. Never forget all your fans. We would send you all our love in a big in the mail if we could, and if the shipping wasn't so atrocious. But for realz, gurl, we love you.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. That's exactly what happens with me.

Anonymous said...

I love you Allie. <333 I can relate to this ridiculously well.

Payton E said...

Also, about... two months ago, I had a dream that I was looking for you and I couldn't find you anywhere, and everyone was telling me I needed to find you because you really needed help. And I was looking and looking and looking, but I couldn't. And then I heard that you were depressed and you had died. And I cried. And I woke up and I was crying. And then I went online and looked at your Google+ post that said you were not dead. Or at least not unable to post. And then I felt better. And I just thought that I would let you know.

This probably came across a lot creepier than I intended it to (which was not at all) but I figure you'll understand, considering that you're you, and what it says above this comment box as I am writing it.

Anyway, thank you, Allie. Really. This describes depression perfectly, and I'm really so glad you're okay.

Michelle said...

Love your work, even when it brings me back for a short visit to the depressed place. Glad you made it to the other side so you can share with us again.

Verity said...

This is simultaneously sad and funny and heartbreaking and heartwarming, and parts of it hit too close to home. I'm so sorry you've been feeling sad, because it's completely horrible. But thank you for writing this - your writing is excellent, as ever, as are you. I hope things get better. x

Desert Islander said...

Apparently we are on the same depression slope. Or boat. Or whatever depression comes in. In any case, thank you for the much needed smiles. You are awesome!

Molly said...

Dear Allie,
You're one of my heroes. Really; I'm a long-time follower and I want you to know that I think that you are amazing and funny and brilliant and strong and I'd love to be half as fantastic as you.
I'm sorry to hear about your depression, but the way you beat it was incredible. You've got it right: you can do whatever the heck you want, and it'll be awesome!
I've had some bad days in the past, and the only thing that makes me feel better is to laugh. Your blog has kept me laughing for ages, and I just want to say thank you.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I think this post will end up helping a lot of people, it'll get forwarded around many many times. It will help some people in a small way (making us laugh, making our days suck less) and it'll help others in a big way (making them realize they're not alone.)

I think it's important to give yourself some credit for the fact that, even as you're going through this dark time, you are still able to help hundreds (if not thousands) of people.

Lawrence Collins said...

So glad you're back! :D And still an inspiration!!!

Unknown said...

Welcome back. You are really brave for posting this in a way that I wish we can all be brave. Glad to see that you came through. Really miss your posts.

Lex said...

Oh, Allie! Thank you so much for this post. I just had to withdraw from school because of my recurring depression. It's so hard to explain how it feels to someone who has never suffered it. This is it exactly, the same damn thing I have been through every time, and I hope that your invincibility lasts long enough to seek out some treatment, because as you might have guessed... it doesn't get better on its own. It's an illness - no one WANTS to be depressed, just like no one wants ebola. It's got a physical cause and a simple treatment. So I hope you make it out the other side. I'll catch up with you when I get there, too.

OmerosPeanut said...

As bad as bad becomes, it's not a part of you.

jess said...

Thanks for posting about your depression. Mental illness is no one's fault and nothing to be ashamed of. There is help and hope!

OmerosPeanut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MuteHailer said...


Good stuff. Don't be too sad anytime soon again.

Anonymous said...

In the current unwashed state I am in, sitting on and around many loads of unwashed clothing and abiding in a filthy house I don't even begin to know where to start cleaning, hiding out in a major months-long period of self-loathing lethargia (which is not even a real word, apparently, thank you fucking spell-check) from my friends and family and myself with no earthly idea why, and drowning in my own insignificance, I most sincerely thank you. Because you wrote this I know I am not alone and I'm not a horrible person because I am depressed and anxious for no reason I can put my finger on. I hope you feel better soon and often.

Christy R.

Jess Crayons said...

Aww, man, Allie! I'm so sorry you went through this and didn't talk to people about it. I was worried that you hadn't posted for a while and I guess that worry was justified. I love the drawings as always, but I also feel really sad that YOU'RE sad. I've had depression and anxiety and panic disorder since I was 11 (I'm almost 26) and I know EXACTLY how you feel. I've spent more than one week this year hiding in my apartment watching videos online and eating ramen because nothing else mattered to me. *HUG* If you ever want a random stranger/fan to talk to about depression, please do contact me through my Tumblr! Don't be sad all alone!

Anonymous said...

Are you okay? :C
I've kinda been down the "I was so sad I broke" road before, so I can relate to what you're feeling, I think. I hope that touching that spider will make you feel better.

Go put on your dinosaur outfit. It's good for you.

Dizzles said...

I wish my depression would break out the other side of whatever black hole this is I have been sucked into already, dammit.

Good post.

Anonymous said...

awesome post today! Totally related - mine was my darn thyroid.... hope you are feeling better! Love your posts. :)

Anonymous said...

Allie~ Thank you so much for writing this post. I was actually diagnosed with depression yesterday and I'm still waiting for that exoskeleton to kick in. (The laundry pile-up, it seems, already has.) You're one of my role models as a writer and overall creative ass-kicker/ doodling superhero, and knowing that you found the other side of it (just knowing that there's even an other side there) makes me want to get there too. I hope things just get better from here on out for you! Keep being brilliant.

Beth said...

I like how in the last picture, it looks like you're throwing a double middle finger up at depression. You go, girl, And I want a mug with that last frame on it. Make it happen.

(PS: Depression totally sucks. Glad you're looking through to the other side now.)

MGS said...

That's often how my episodes go, too. If only we could make the process go faster! One thing I found that helped was eating super healthily, tracking my nutrition to make sure I'm getting all the RDAs. That plus exercise seems to reduce the severity and duration of my episodes.

It's also amazing to me how many people just don't get it. "Oh, you're such a confident, upbeat person, how could you get depressed, just snap out of it!" I think both people with depression and people who have never had depression need to realize that depression isn't a part of who you are, but a brain state that is abnormal. Just like having a chronic cold doesn't change who you are as a person: it's something that happens to you.

Thanks for another amazing post, and good luck with your book. Even if it takes a long time, it will be well worth the wait.

Tara said...

Was just talking about this today!!!

I am still lying on the couch....but you did inspire me to eat some candy LMAO!!

Have missed your posts and am so glad to see you back. Hope things are still looking kiss ass and your still feeling invincible!

Thanks for being willing to poke fun at your self!


Anonymous said...

You won't believe how much reading this today means to me.

Jenny said...

Glad to see you back! You seem like such a fun, exciting, strong person I know you'll get through this!

vinny said...

Thank you. Its not sad. Anyone who has spent time in their own personal hell will find this extremely funny.

Display Name said...

The only difference between your story and my life is that I nest on top of clean laundry.

It got worse when I had a break-up in 2007. I dumped her and when I realized I made a mistake and went back to beg for forgiveness (and boy did I fucking beg, complete with James Horner background music as I wrote that letter) she then dumped ME. I hit such a low words never quite came around to express it even all these years later. I'd've gladly killed myself if I had any guarantee my soul wouldn't wander forever in such a pitiful state. I'd come home from work and sob until I retched and then sobbed more and passed out, for months. I literally begged to a God I never entirely believed in to kill me to spare the constant pain.

Then an ex came back into my life. Pretty little thing with librarian looks and a soft church-mouse voice. We talked again like the 5 year difference was never there. She pulled me back from the brink. Sure, she was living with another guy three hours away and they were practically engaged but she had her qualms about it and her and I matched up like lego blocks of the same size and color. Part of it was bonding over this blog, having both of us suffered through depression most of our lives. I know shes read this new blog entry. Hell, she might even have commented here before me or even read this comment (though I doubt that last one).

Then she decided talking to me about anything was about on the level of having sex with her. Talk about the weather? Intercourse. Talk about the 1986 World Series Game 6? Dirty talk. Read aloud the directions from my Maytag dishwasher? Sexual perversion. And she said that though she loved me and would always think about me, she couldn't have a stable relationship with her fiancée and still email / text / Skype call / whatever me. So she picked him - the guy who sometimes treated her badly, said horrible things during arguments and wanted to control her constantly with phone calls and guilt - over the nice guy who liked talking to her to help our depression, who told her it was okay to like things that her boyfriend hated, who wrote her love letters and sent care packages only nerds would understand. She chose the jerk with severe communications issues and a keg for a gut over the guy she had regular dreams about for the last 5 years and who had a way bigger penis. (Just saying.)

The only difference between your story and my life is that I'm back to nesting on top of clean laundry.

Now I need to find my video store.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Yea! Go Allie!

Unknown said...

Allie, you are so awesome for sharing that. I'd love if you'd come over to Band Back Together and write a post for us. You are an amazing cartoonist!

Pie O' Pah said...

I think I may have just found the magical thing necessary for poking by depressed writer/comic roomie out of his funk. I hope.

Well written, hope you keep feeling ten pounds of skittles worth of defiant.

Thanks Allie.

quiltzyx said...

A bit scary how many people can identify with this post Allie. But there is help out there too - beyond the exoskelton.
You can find some links here:

Big hugs to (((((((((you)))))))

Anonymous said...

You're alive!! I have had a very similar experience and totally understand. I'm so glad that you are doing well enough now to post this.

mrtl said...

Nick Cage is kinda skirry.

Shmooface said...

Allie, I kind of doubt you'll read this far, but I really hope you do. I've struggled with depression for a looong time, which is weird since I'm not yet 30 and doing anything for a looong time means I've done it since I was like 13. But I digress.

Struggling with the exact same inability to do simple tasks is hard, especially because you a) used to be able to do them and b) cannot possibly explain to people who haven't felt that way what it's like. I'll say, "I can't do (insert thing)." And people offer such helpful advice as, "Well, just like get up and do (insert other thing)." Someone once suggested that I begin an exercise program, which is awesome for depression, except that when you are speaking to someone who cannot, say, go outside (or put on non-pajama clothing/undergarments), it's skipping a few steps.

The best part is when the depression makes you anxious, too, because you are somewhat aware of how far behind in life you may be falling and also shameful and fearful of encountering another human person. It's a fuckload of rainbows.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with you (besides some depression/anxiety and an inhuman amount of awesomeness). I know it's weird, since we've never met, but consider me a super creepy supporter. Don't be afraid to get some therapeutic assistance or talk to your doctor about trying an anti-depressant. It can take a while to find the right one and dose and such, but the new ones treat both the highs and the lows, so it's a good age to live in for shit like this. :) And way to be the best person ever, whether you are weepily eating pasta at the time or not.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! While I was reading the first part of your post I thought "hmm, she´s totally writing about me". I´ve been battling with depression for so long I begun to wonder if I was ever going to feel normal again. After reading your post I am hopeful that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Anonymous said...

Sending you a lot of love, Allie! So glad you are back and hopefully feeling a little bit better. You basically summed up my entire high school existence in this post.

Elizabeth B said...

So glad you're back and feeling better! I have had similar problems with depression and just last night realized that I need to be ok with being uncomfortable sometimes or I'm never going to feel any different or better. It's not exactly a fear-proof exoskeleton, but I think it's a good start. Yay for breakthroughs!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're feeling...something. I've been that depressed twice in my life. Unfortunately the inside voice kept telling me how stupid and worthless everything around me was too, and I became suicidal. I had my reasons for fighting back, and one of the things that keeps me going is bringing as much humor as possible into my life. Your stories crack me up. You're literally saving my life!

Allie said...

Allie, thank you SO MUCH for giving a voice and some tragically funny pictures to what goes on inside my head, too. I'm sorry you went through this. I hope you've turned a corner with the depression. Remember that a solitary tree, if it grows at all, grows strong.

Anonymous said...

tell your laundry pile of soul crushing doom that my laundry pile of soul crushing doom says "wussup", maybe next week i'll defiantly kick the washer for both of us, but only maybe because that's a lot of effort that i'm probably not capable of right now

Matt said...

I'm glad you're back, and this post really hit a nerve. Remember that depression is an illness, not a weakness. Kick the hell out of it.

Anonymous said...


Doug DeJulio said...

That's alot of skittles.

rosenpant89 said...

I love this post alot!

I was depressed for a while... because you hadn't posted for 5 months... I'll be okay for a while now.

Janet said...

I understand how you felt. I'm glad that a trip to the video store was what you needed to get out of the hole.

Jackie said...

LOL I go through this cycle...A lot.

Anonymous said...

Dude, Zoloft.

Lisa said...

Boy, do I ever understand this. <3 *hugs* for you.

Katie said...

This is the funniest comic that ever made me cry. Or the saddest comic that ever made me laugh. And I mean both of those things in a really good way! I am so glad you didn't let depression keep you from creating. You ARE invincible!

car said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. It is such a good way to explain depression to people who don't understand. I hope you have support and that you are finding what will help you. You have so many people out here in the world who care about you.

Haddayr said...

Depression sucks, but the most AWESOME people get it. oh shit I just called myself awesome

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. So many people (like myself) have dealt or are dealing with this and never talk about it. We hide away until things get better (either on their own or with help) then re-emerge and try to act as nothing happened. When bloggers like you are willing to put it out there, I think it's amazing. I think each time someone does this, it makes it just a little more okay for someone feeling like this to reach out and get some help. So anyway, I'm glad you're doing okay now, and thanks.

Tutness said...

Hey Allie,

After reading this post I started crying, still teary actually at the moment ... and not because I suffer from depression or anything (though I do volunteer in a mental health institution and I've spent a lot of time with people who suffer from depression too), I'm crying "just because" you move me and I feel your pain. Which is part of what makes you Allie, and part of what makes you wonderful.

I just wanna say that I've missed you, I'm glad you're back, I feel for you and I'm also very sorry that you had to undergo through all of that alone (or at least feeling alone) ... I think you're very very brave, and I think I speak for us all when I say that you can lean on us, "alot" of people here love you and think you're awesome and will want to stand by you ^_^=

you're the best! stay awesome, touch a spider, whatever it takes!

Love, hugs and skittles.

axcho said...

"To get rid of your passions is not nirvana - to look upon them as no matter of yours, that is nirvana."

- Zen saying

Claire said...

I understand. The other side is awesome.

My favourite line: "And thus began a tiny rebellion."

You do win at the internet...

chemgirljaime said...

I missed your comics and I'm glad you're back... I understand the pain of depression... and glad that you were able to overcome it.. :D

Look forward to more empowering depression-ass kicking posts!

Anonymous said...

I'm very glad the last frame wasn't being so invincible that you were hit by a truck and died...

Right As Rain Creations said...

I have lots of experience with pointless depression and you totally expressed exactly how I've always felt. Also, is is amazing how mundane or odd the turning point can be. Recovery doesn't happen in an instant, so remember to take it easy and cut yourself some slack.

In all my bouts of depression, my lowest point was the time I noticed a spider had been smooshed in half in the window frame. And I cried. Really cried; loud guttural sobs.

roc97007 said...

I have not experienced true depression and can only kinda understand intellectually what you went through, without being able to understand it emotionally. I have family members who are clinically depressed but I don't really understand them either. I have learned that you can't say "just perk up and get over it", and that you have to take into account their depression when they say stuff to you. So I don't know if this is appropriate to say, but... Welcome back. And I don't just mean to your blog.

tehryguy said...

I've missed your posts! I've been in that pit, and I know how it can be.

I'm so happy you're back! Please don't go away again.

weeble said...

Thanks so much for this. I hope this means you are finding your way out of the dark tunnel.

I'm definitely sharing this. You've provided a comic explanation of why comments like, "You should exercise/get out of the house/snap out of it" just don't work for deep depression. Hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I love your blog so much. I feel like EVERY post, including this one, is expressing something that I have felt or thought - but you do it in the cleverest, funniest, truest way. Please keep it up.

savanna said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! Anytime someone doesn't seem to understand how overwhelming and all-consuming depression is, the way it sucks all motivation from you and the fact that you can't just make yourself feel better and you don't necessarily have "a reason" to feel depressed, I AM GOING TO SHOW THEM THIS.
I am sorry that you had to go through this. It's rough, I know it is. I'm glad to see you had a turning point. Don't let the fact that it was over Jumanji lessen the experience. Hell, Jumanji makes for a great story and is far better than any turning point I can think of for myself.
Last but not least, thank you so much for sharing the end to this, too. I will return to it when I need hope and a reminder that there IS something better to look forward to.

Rita said...

You're a magician, Allie. You really inspire me. You've been dealt a tough hand, but you produce such amazing art with it. You are my hero.

Jenny Jones said...

I've missed you, Allie! Just when I was about to give up on the hopes of you continuing this blog, you strike me with an entertaining, dramatic, and very impacting post! I'm so impressed!

Anonymous said...

If you bother getting to comment eight hundred something or other that my comment will be here, then you get to know that this was incredibly meaningful, and wonderful to read. Thank you so much for sharing. Not that I'm reveling in your pain or anything. That would be pretty messed up. And creepy. I wouldn't be creepy like that. I'll just go stand in the corner looking stupid again...

Anonymous said...

Except for a couple scenarios that were different and the 'no reason to be sad' part, this is exactly what happened to me where it broke through to the other side. It's weird but cool.

savanna said...

I want to add - for awhile I got really into eating fruit snacks and thought of them as my cheaper alternative to anti-depressants. I know it's not the healthiest choice but there are worse emotional eating choices out there and I was ultimately limited to how many I could eat anyway ($$). Your skittles just reminded me of that!

Anonymous said...

this was super inspiring!

but you're wrong....


Carol said...

You nailed what it's like. I'm just so glad you're back. You have no idea.

Laura said...

Thank you so much for being brave enough to share your story and express the reality of depression in a way that makes it accessible. Even though so many of us suffer from depression, the stigma lingers. People like you make a difference.

Whitney Soup said...

i (or, rather, all comedy fans and the entire blogosphere) couldn't be happier that you are back.

Laura said...

Thank you so much for being brave enough to share your story and express the reality of depression in a way that makes it accessible. Even though so many of us suffer from depression, the stigma lingers. People like you make a difference.

Laura said...

Thank you so much for being brave enough to share your story and express the reality of depression in a way that makes it accessible. Even though so many of us suffer from depression, the stigma lingers. People like you make a difference.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This reminded me of what my best friend is going through. Thank you for being such an awesome person for her to relate to and for maintaining your badassery through the worst obstacles. We love you!

Duck Burd said...

Laugh out loud funny as usual....though feeling sad and depressed is no fun at all. However, building a few-proof exoskeleton = bad ass.

Benji said...

First off, like everyone else, I missed your posts. I'm sorry to hear things have been rough, but I'm glad that you've come through and that you're back. I hope you never go away like that again... I was starting to worry.
You're too awesome to not be around... on the interwebs...
Yeah that sounded cooler in my head, Imma go.

Lissa said...

In the hopes that you might read one of the thousands of comments left on this post: thank you. I am sorry you've suffered. I'm not quite in the stage you are yet, but you've helped me feel like there is an end in sight.

B Anonymous said...

Allie!! We all missed you quite a lot and are super glad you are back.

Also, Jumanji is on Amazon for less than $10.

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you're through this yet or not. I don't know if it will come back again or not.

If ever you are in despair and reading through your fans' comments looking for a way out, please know that depression is treatable-- that both therapy and drugs can help people. Most people most of the time, and it's worth the effort.

The other thing I want you to know is that your work has brought joy to many many people. And I am one of them. And I thank you.

Anna B said...

thank you thank you thank you for posting this!!

"hey, do you think you could load me up? thanks." --pure genius.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to feel like this! I live better through chemistry and you can, too. See a doctor!!!!

Anonymous said...

Allie, you're awesome. I love you.

A said...

This kinda reminds me of a friend of mine. Hope he reads this and decides he too can touch spiders and give fewer fucks.

Also, you rock Allie. Here is a whale friend for you


Anonymous said...

I've been in this place... inexplicably sad for months on end. Eventually, the darkness and self-loathing lifts, very slowly and often without me realizing it. Until one day, I wake up and am not sad anymore. I'm really scared because I know 'sad' will come back one day.

a400m_runner said...

I am Thrilled to have read this. I have had this happen before. I do hope that this helps keep you up!

TJ said...

I am sad a lot too for very dumb reasons. I hate it. The things you write make me happy, though, even when I'm stupid sad. Thanks for this!

JB said...

I know how you feel. I go through this same thing, minus that last phase. And that worries me. It hasn't broken through to the other side, it has broken through the ceiling of a vast cavern into a great empty void. Fearing nothing means you have nothing to lose, and that is a very dangerous place to be. I hope you are able to find that light that leads you out of this cavern.

Zozo's Mom said...

Well, at least you don't re-read all the Twilight books when you're depressed . . . like *some* people. 'cause that's just humiliating.
Sending good vibes to you.

Ms. MM said...

Hey girl. Glad to see you're feeling better. You totally are Batman.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this was definitely my world during grad school. Thank you for this post. I hope you continue to be stronger than your depression!

cocopop said...

Allie - I just want to say that your willingness to talk openly about mental health issues and the amazing ability you have to describe what those situations are like to live through is refreshing and inspiring. On behalf of myself and many other nuts out there, thank you.

Unknown said...

I only hope I get to the super awesome side soon.

Anonymous said...


Kimberley Jane said...

massive hugs, Allie. This has been exactly what most of this year has been like for me too and it has been fucking rough. I'm glad that you pulled through. <3

Anonymous said...

Hey Allie
Great to see you up and posting again. I really understand what your going through and you made me feel better by making me realise that other people feel the same terrible sadness that is made all the more terrible for lacking in reason. I feel better just in knowing that its possible to break through that haze. Allie, I don't know you, but from what I can see on your blog you are a truly talented and funny person. Don't forget about all these people on the internet, a place defined by its anonymity, who think exactly the same thing. Take pride in the fact that you've won these anonymous strangers over with tales of your life accompanied by pictures done in paint.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Allie. You are absolutely brilliant. You have achieved the feat of even making depression funny. I'm just sorry you had to go through all that to pull it off.

I don't know why but my intuition tells me you are going to get better soon. God bless you.

WafflesMakeMeHappy said...

Thank you for posting, Allie. I know first-hand how personal depression and sharing one's battle with it can be. Depression is something that's always been cyclical with me, and I'm in fact going through another bout now. I had actually just forced myself to quit my latest crying session when I came across your blog in my feed.

My current battle stems in large part from being newly unemployed in a new town. I should be happy--I left my last job (which made me miserable) so that my husband could take a new opportunity that makes him really happy. We live near friends and family now, in a much improved living situation, and, because I'm such a miser, we're financially sound. Despite that, good health and a general lack of need for anything, I'm in the darkest place I've been since middle school in the '90s.

I'm glad you've broken through and found your "fear-proof exoskeleton" (ps--amazing definition!). I hope I can find mine again, and soon. It's very helpful to read your story and those of so many other posters and know that I'm not going it alone. It can be hard to remember that you're not the only person in the world hurting when you're battling depression; it's a cruel reminder to hear of other people's struggles against it, but at the same time, cathartic to share my own perspective on the issue. So thank you for sharing. It's made me realize that I'm not going it alone and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I will come out of this and be ok. With enough time, hopefully we all will.

A little off topic: are you or any readers going through the same fellow Libras? A lot of horoscopes I read say that the sign is going through a major time of transition, and that we're due to face a lot of personal challenges, growth and strife through this time next year. I'm just curious if anyone else is feeling it...

Lillith::Raeyn::Etc said...

Been there, done that, got put on meds again about a week ago. Now the evil little voice in my brain trying to sabotage my every thing is lasered into submission. >:D

Erm... to say - yeah, I feel you there. 'Tis the season for this crap or something.

E. Beaumont said...

Hey, Allie. I feel like that sometimes, but never for longer than it takes to get myself to laugh.
Would you mind reading my blog? It's supposed to be funny, but I doubt it's as awesometastic as yours. You might get a laugh out of it. (Or think that I'm completely deranged.)
I could still use some outside eyes to tell me how it is. ^^ (BTW, looking forward to your book!)

Jessi said...

I suffer from depression too and this is the most relate-able depression-explaining post ever. Exactly how I feel at times, where I literally just want to lay on my floor and kinda smush my face to the carpet and spend my life as a rug. I hope you feel better soon. When that depression rears it's gross, ugly head again, keep being super strong and come back to us quick, okay? :)

Rachael said...

I wish that everyone who doesn't understand what it is like to be depressed would read this. Thank you for writing this. I hope you are starting to feel better. Being sad for no reason sucks.

Anonymous said...

This post is exactly what depression feels like. It's brilliant, and it makes depression actually make sense (as much as it ever makes sense). Thanks so much for this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this, I really really hope you consider therapy! You don't have to feel like this and help is available. Please please throw yourself a lifeline, therapy is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving a voice to what depression feels like. You did this once already with ADHD and you've done it again now. Thank you. It's good to know you're not alone.

Amy - Hamlet's Mistress said...

Not that you'll see this after 800+ comments, but glad to see you. re was was Duncan through all this? Did he try to get you to go get help? Anything? You still have him as your fiance on facebook so I assume he's still around. Anyway I was just wondering. Love you, girl.

Trisha said...

I never thought your work would make me cry but this did. Depression is a beast. I hope it leaves you alone for a while. Forever would be good.

Lindsay said...

Basically, in a nutshell: Depression. Except with awesome illistrations. As a lot of other people have left you very similar posts, I'll try to keep this brief (and fail at it).

I've been doing the depression thing since 1999 (I was 11), and I'm pretty sure the worst has passed, but it's no bueno for anyone. I'm sorry! You're doing the right thing, because what can we do but take a step back and laugh at it?

I hope you're in a better mindset now and are back to work! We missed your special brand of humor!!!

Samie said...

Wow, do I know how this feels! You've expressed it perfectly and wow. I kinda feel better knowing I'm not the only one who has days/weeks like this. I don't know if this is what you were meaning to do when you posted this, but thank you. *hug*

Anonymous said...

This whole problem could have been avoided if you'd just used Bittorrent.

Erin said...

You sum up depression perfectly--I can't think of how many times I would scream at myself, "Stop it! Nothing's wrong with you! There's no reason to feel like this!" I'm glad you're back, and I hope you've been to see your doctor or something, because you most certainly don't have to (and shouldn't) feel like that. Hugs to you, Allie! You're my blog hero!

Tracey said...

You are an inspiration. Love your honesty, it's a strong courageous person who can be upfront and open about their struggles. Keep talking, keep writing, keep us updated with how you are feeling... you are much loved and have an amazing gift that can reach and help millions of others who (like me) have struggled with depression. Keep holding on xxxxxx

Lily said...

I have been through the spiraling hell that is depression and I must say I have never heard of a recovery quite like yours! I've come out the other side just to have my husband cheat on me, and you have emerged an emotionally invincible demigod! I was beginning to wonder when you would start posting again; I thought your hiatus had to do with your book being published next year - which, by the way, I'm SO excited about!

Best of luck from NC!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Post.

Matt said...

It's great to hear from you again. We miss you, and wish you all the best. :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!!

And it's totally normal to have long phases of being depressed for no fucking reason least, I sure hope so.

And also?

Look into getting a sun lamp.
Or take Vitamin D supplements.


Marie Nicole said...

900 comments and counting, and you posted this like an hour ago? Man... were YOU ever missed!

I was sad yesterday and it dawned on me. Sometimes dogs are sad too, for no evident reasons, so that gave me the ok to feel sad. And it also made the sadness go away.

I'm glad you're back out here.

ツ my cyber house rules dot com

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH. I'm really sorry that you're going through this. I don't think anyone should have to, but you've described it so perfectly. I think maybe I'll send it to my parents who keep telling me that "Everyone gets sad sometimes, you just have to look on the bright side, etc. etc."

Jenny said...

LOVE your blog! It inspires me! Hang in there, or else you will make a lot of people really sad!
So glad you're posting again!

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate. I`m a freelancer and it is way too easy for me to get into a slump for lack of a legitimate reason (read: working to buy food so the cats don`t murder me) to get otu of the house on a regular basis. Even now, i`ve been fantasizing for the past couple months of living out the rest of my life in flanner PJs, never comb my hair and watch TV and eat pizza for the rest of my life without ever answering the phone or opening the door.

But my landlord and the power company think that's just stupid. So I combed my hair and stepped out today. It's f-ing cold outside. It's toasty warm at home. Gotta repeat tomorrow.

Tia Sparkles said...

R.E.L.A.T.A.B.L.E!! Right down to the end :) Fanfreakinfabulous.

Kristy @ said...


Thank you so much for posting, I was really wondering what you have been up to, so long between posts, but now I know. I'm so glad you're able to write so humourously about being depressed. I'd love to show this to some of my patients who have depression, I think they could totally relate and it will put a smile on their faces.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what to say. Tears are still pouring down my face! Thank you for sharing this... Glad you're back...

The Queen of Weeds said...

I remember the day that inner bully stopped talking to me. I didn't realize how loud she was until she shut up. It took a lot of medication and a vacation at the "hospital", but life is a whole new world out there when the sunlight is turned on in your mind. I hope you stay invincible.

You are pretty, you are smart, and you are important.

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back!! Missed you tons!!

Kris said...

Firstly, wow :( I can totally relate to the depression and I'm so glad that you were able to pick yourself up. Remember you have thousands of fans out here who are happy to help you. I hope you remain invincible and continue to post, seeing your posts always makes me smile :) Have a good day. No, really. Have a good day :)

P.S.: your drawing are /always/ hilarious, even if the topic is serious.

Meaddows said...

Thank you. I can totally relate and this made me cry. I'm glad you're feeling a little better.

Anonymous said...

So incredibly glad that you are back and feeling better. I've felt that depression-borne invincibility, it can be pretty kick ass. I've never stared so many people down in my life.

Mandy said...

You take that depression, you kick it's arse and you serve it up to it's self on a silver platter for breakfast.
It happens to all us rock stars honey, what matters most is how you come out the other side.

Elizabeth said...

I'm so happy you're back. I was quite concerned about you. I'm glad you've pulled through, Allie! This was very very moving. I hope that you do live the rest of your life in delirious happiness, but no pressure if you don't. <3

Angelala said...

I'm sad you've been so sad. But I think it's awesome that you're going to go touch a spider!! I'm not even afraid of spiders, and I can't do that. :) I'm glad you're coming out on the other side.

Sarah said...

You have described my junior year in high school. My parents didn't notice that I went to bed by 7 and never came out of my room. I was blessed to have friends at school that noticed and prayed for me. It took a long time, but Jesus Christ got me out of my depression. God bless you!

Rockster1039 said...

You are flawless individual. Draw me like one of your French ladies :B

Rachel said...

I am SUPER GLAD that you're back because your drawings make me happy and you are awesome. :)

Anonymous said...

Allie, you are so much more awesome than you even suspect.
And I think it could be worthwhile for you to ask a doctor about antidepressants. They've helped me and a lot of my friends, and taking them does not mean you are "crazy" or any other stupid label. It means you asked for help and got it. They might or might not work right away; you might have to give them a trial period and be patient (I know, I know, that's really hard...) But you can't wait until you're at your worst again, because you obviously wouldn't be up to going to get them then. See if they can prevent sagging that low again.
You are worth it!

xtine said...

Such an accurate portrayal.

I was already planning to base my halloween costume on Clean All The Things, but this just strengthens my desire to be you for a little bit.

meghan said...

this is the funniest thing i have ever read. youre brilliant

Unknown said...

I've been feeling irrationally worried about you because you hadn't posted anything for so long! I thought being worried was silly because I don't know you in the real person world and I only just discovered your blog like six months ago. I'm sorry it turned out there was good reason to be worried! I recently got medicated for my depression and anxiety and I hope very very much that you find something that helps you too. (Or, even better, that you have already found your something and are all better now!!) (And even even better I hope you get to keep your fear-proof exoskeleton but without the yucky feelings-free insides!)

Zimy said...

I totally thought I was alone in how that all went down. That I was weird. That I was so mean to myself because that was just me. I did it. It was painful and good to see/read. Thank you. It couldn't have been easy.

Nicholas R said...

I'm sorry you're having problems with depression :( It's amazing that you can turn something as sad as depression into something funny! But then i was sad that I was laughing at your pain...

somnomania said...

I can absolutely sympathize with most of this. My depression was never really that crippling, because I went to the doctor after doing nothing for a month but sleeping and working on a single highly-focused art project, and went on antidepressants. I'm still fighting with all sorts of other health stuff, though, and it's coming to light that I might be dysthymic, which is the clinical term for being physically incapable of giving a fuck. I don't have feelings most of the time, and never get anything done because I don't give a fuck. :Db

courtney said...

I almost cried as I read this because it's just like me. thank you for letting me know I'm not a lazyass, I'm just depressed <3

Caroline said...


Here I was, feeling sorry for myself for living at home with my parents (six months after graduating) during trick-or-treat night with no costume, no candy and the porch lights turned off.

I hope you read this, because I feel way better knowing I'm not alone.



Ru said...

:) you're amazing! and I wish I could force more people to read this post! There are so many people who feel like you did -completely unjustified for being depressed, when depression can be so non-specific!

also, i'm so glad you're back! :) more reading material during lectures XD And i hope you're feeling heaps better now :)

Renee said...

I totally get it.

Megan said...

I know what your talking about, I felt the same way once. I'm incredibly pleased you're feeling better, and impressed you decided to be so open about it. Regardless of the content of the post, I'm really happy to hear from you again, I started to worry about where you'd gone off to for so long. :)

P.S. Copious amounts of Skittles is what normally gets me through too, I'm excited someone else shares my passion for their wonder.

Allison said...

Thank you so much for posting this. There are not many things that can make me laugh and cry at the same time. I've been that girl huddled (literally) in the corner of her bedroom crying "for no reason" many times before. It seems like depression is still a dirty little secret that most people don't want to talk about or take seriously for reasons I still don't completely understand. I just know that I often feel ashamed and decidedly not awesome because of my on-going relationship with depression. Reading your entry made me feel so much better about myself because having followed your hilarious, insightful and intelligent stories and drawings, I'm sure you are a decidedly awesome person and if you can be sad sometimes, just maybe I'm not so terrible for being sad sometimes after all :)

I hope you are feeling better and that the next part of your road is paved with Skittles for easy travel. I really admire your honesty so much.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post! I'm going through it now myself and I've been struggling with depression for a few years. This just makes me feel normal :)

Again, thanks! I actually left the house today <3

Nakymee said...

Don't touch a spider! Life has more to it than that.

But yeah, suffering from depressions myself it's hard to explain to people how it feels/work. It's SO much more than just feeling blue while looking outside a window.

Oli(vier) said...

definition of awesome

LE said...

I feel like a computer too sometimes, Allie.

Glad to see another post. I love reading your blog. ^^

Anonymous said...

Excellent story - hits close to home since I have the same thing. What really gripes me is when people try to devalue ones feelings of depression by mentioning someone out there has it worse. All that does is add guilt. There doesn't have to be an external or even someone elses idea of a good reason for being down That's why there's exogenous vs endogenous depression duh.

nominder said...

A teacher gave us the draw-a-tree personality test today: she told us all to draw a tree and hand it to her anonymously. Then randomly selected a few for interpretation. Of course, we all knew the test. Thus, she had to go through teeth-like roots that were actually a part of Monster's Leviathan dentition, happily munching along soil, cadavers and skeletons, through penis-like fruits, through tree houses in which lived gallant acrobatic penguins that could fly, through tree crowns that could came to life as furry blob monsters and dance around in circles, through undercover trees that were actually Nutella, through the noble origins our colleague, distant cousin of Prince William, carefully displayed on branches of branches of the family tree.

As a result, she concluded we all were psychotics, neurotics. insecure, maniacs, hysterical and schizophrenics. In return I told her she must be wrong, I'm not schizoid, I'm a tree.

Anna said...

This is the most true description of depression I have ever read. You freaking rock my socks. I'm so happy you're back!

Lesley said...

I hate to tell you this Allie, but you've just become one of the depressed masses. If that doesn't depress the fuck out of you, nothing ever will again. I learned a long time ago that no matter how many other people around you say that they're depressed - you don't give a shit and yours is much, much worse. And it is. It's so hard to live in that black hole but I have to thank you for bringing the humor and the smiles into it...sometimes the best we can do is laugh at ourselves. Your ability to convey your feelings as you always do - no matter the subject - is a profound gift, like it or not. Your willingness to speak of this part of your life is a little brick in the cornerstone of all of us who've felt the same, bleak way. I thank you from the bottom of my dark, black heart. Many blessings and hugs to you and much hope that you realize how truly blessed you are. I am blessed...simply by knowing about your little page here.

calikas said...

I actually really needed to read that right now.

made me feel a little better...

a little...

CitizenX said...

Kept checking....
Kept checking ...

Cursed the book a few times
(I blamed the book)

I see now you were struck with the most unexplainable thing that hits us sometimes.

Glad you are working through it.
I know it makes NO SENSE

Fangly Fish said...

You aren't alone. I feel the same way sometimes, and the worst part of it for me is the feeling that no one understands. People that have never been truly depressed don't get that there isn't a particular reason for your sadness, you just are. It's good to see you back. You make me smile.

Anonymous said...

Lots of exercise works well for me.

Anonymous said...

Lots of exercise works well for me.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you're back, but please feel better soon. I'm so sad that you are sad. Please feel better soon, you are one of my role models in life, and I want you to live it to the fullist. Get better <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I'm putting it everywhere and sending it to everyone, because it is painful, hilarious, and shockingly accurate.

Lots of love.

Elsbeth said...

I've dealt with depression since I was a kid, but it got horrifically bad in the last couple of years. Thank you so much for posting this. I've been through these phases, and I'm in tears. In a good way.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Allie, I'm so sorry to hear that you've been this ill. Please know that this is a real illness, it is not your fault, and it is completely "legitimate". Depression is very scary, and it makes your brain attack itself and tells you it can't and shouldn't be treated. But it is treatable, and despite the brokenness of our health care system, there are mental health resources available to people of all income levels -- another of the terrible things about depression (and anxiety) is that it pre-convinces us there won't be any way to get help.

I am rooting for you. We all are.

Abby said...

I want so badly to laugh because this is very funny but I kind of hate myself for that because depression sucks... Glad you're back though Allie!

Anonymous said...

the good news: super awesome to see a post! we love your stuff! the bad news: you're only half way back. the better news: it will get better, no matter how much you think it won't

Rob said...

Missed you. Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Amy said...

^ What everyone else said about being able to relate. If you didnt live in a place with such ridiculous healthcare Id recommend prozac. Its like living in candy floss.

Badmother said...

Allie, this is serious and getting some Skittles and not giving a fuck about which movies are in does NOT mean your depression is gone.

I'm very worried you may be coming out of depression and going into a manic cycle.

PLEASE!! See a doctor. Regular MD that you can trust. IMMEDIATELY. You need help, and it is out there. It's ultimately very annoying and unfair that you have to embark on getting this help precisely at a time when you are most likely to be crippled with anxiety or apathy, or in the throes of "bulletproof" mania, but please don't ignore this. SERIOUSLY.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad that you posted something. I'm sorry you were depressed. I go through it, too. It sucks. You illustrated it very well.

Julie said...

Allie, you bring such joy to the world!!! I have SO been where you were; it's uncanny that you described the self-berating so well. A million hugs to you, and I hope the next chapter involves you slowly breaking from the fog. Please know that although it doesn't seem like it at the time, the episodes DO end. Take care of yourself, Lovely.

Anonymous said...

I have checked every couple of days since your last post, hoping you'd be back. I'm so glad you are! I had a similar experience with depression, and invincibility... glad I'm not crazy. Or that we both are. Whichever.

Anonymous said...

Blessings to you, honey. May you be well.

LavaLady said...

You always make me laugh until I cry, and unbelievably you made depression and self-hatred laugh out loud funny. Thank you for sharing your story. I feel kind of invincible now.

Rachel K said...

Yay! your back!!! the Internet missed you!!!!!

znel said...

That's where you went. We missed you.

mivox said...

*whew* At the end there, I was afraid it was going to end in another "my bicycle tried to kill me" post.

Also, is there any easier way to get a fear-proof exoskeleton? Because I would really like one, but I don't want to be depressed again...

lifeafterfive* said...

I found this really moving - gorgeous cartoons too. Hope you've turned a corner :)

A Los Angeles Love said...

Thank you for this. I just made it through depression-for-no-reason myself. I've never felt so low or lost. And I don't have a grand It Got Better story either. I never thought a comic could capture the depression spiral so well. Thanks for the dark laugh today. Happy to hear you're doing better, however you got here.

Lindsay said...

Allie, you're bang on. Hang in there, it's okay to seek help and learn to manage depressive episodes when they happen. You're creative, gifted,and completely relate-able, and I thoroughly enjoy your talents. You're worthy of your gifts. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Ally, you described depression more accurately than I've ever seen before. I can relate to this 110%. Hope you are okay. hugs and love to you!

Anea said...

YES!!!!! <-- elation because you have returned.

I'm battling my second bout of depression (which like you, has also appeared for no apparent reason) and it is so so so good to read it through your eyes.

Reading this blog entry gives me hope that I can kick it too and go touch a spider!!! You rock.


blondzilla said...

You really nailed the whole apathy thing. I've been sleeping in a bed full of clean laundry (which probably now needs to be washed again)since my sweetie died last year because it's just too damn much effort to find a home for it. My internal monologue has dwindled to a single line - 'I don't care' and the only thing that is motivating enough to make me go to work (most days) is the fear of ending up living under a bridge, because I'm pretty sure my two dogs wouldn't like it. I'm sorry to hear you're going through the same silly shit. Even when you've gone through it before, and know somewhere that it doesn't last forever, it still feels like there's no end when you're in the middle of it. So here's to exoskeletons *cheers* and thank you for making me feel like less of a bird in the wilderness.

laanba said...

I am so glad to see you posting again. I'm sorry that the reason you have been missing is such a difficult reason, but I am happy to hear you have had a break through. Lots of positive vibes going your way.

Kat said...

The truth in this post is unsettling. However, the illustrations are making it extremely hard not to crack up into laughing so hard i'm crying and i can't do that because i'm sitting in the computer lab and am supposed to be working. D:

Holly said...

Allie I'm glad you are feeling better and very sorry you have gone through this. Depression is terrible and I hope you find a good doctor and the help you need. Hugs,and welcome back!

SaraCVT said...


Having suffered from clinical depression all my life, this post was bang on. Except I don't think I've ever made it out the other side. I'm glad you did. I've missed you. You are one of the few sources of genuine laughter in my life. I'd hate to have that go away.

Steve Rapaport said...

fistbump Allie for making my depression last year seem relatively benign! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I adore you for having an emotional breakthrough because you wanted to rent Jumanji. So glad you're back writing. Hope you keep feeling better. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, you never have to go through something like that again. Glad you are feeling better.

Kathleen said...

Look, the whole internet missed you! You're wonderful and talented and hilarious and brilliant! Thanks for posting again :)

Inari said...

Rainbow? Fucking tasted.

You win!

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