Spaghatta Nadle Part Thrah!

A few more Spaghatta Nadles for you... (if this is your first time here, or you haven't read the other Spaghatta Nadles yet, this will all make a lot more sense if you start a few posts back....)


Just A Girl said...

I'm officially dying. Congratulations, now I'm going to be at the concert tonight going "A'M A SPAGHATTA NADLE!" and no one will know what the crap I mean.

Zaedah said...

And I'm a bologna sandwich!!

I adore Nadle's photo diary, the evidence of his trials are so meaningful to anyone who is, by a cruelty of nature, unable to pronounce their names.

I will no longer engage in spaghetti consumption out of respect for Nadle's inspirational story.

Allie said...

Shank - That is exactly why I need to get super, super famous. For you guys. So you can yell about Spaghatta Nadle in public and have people be like "Mah Tah!" instead of like "Waht thah fahck??" Only they wouldn't say it like that.

Allie said...

Zaedah - That will make you an "everything-but-spaghatta-tarian"!

Unless you're a vegetarian or a vegan already. Then you're screwed. I guess you could still eat rice, but I'm going to ruin that pretty soon too...

Schnitzie said...

Flawah gahts tha pahnch lahn!!!! Baahahahahahahahahahhhh!

Sam Liu said...

Brilliant! I never thought speech impaired food stuffs could be so entertaining :D

Anonymous said...

Thats so funny! i love spaghatta nadle!

P.T said...

That's epic!!! I'm dying here...lmao

Zaedah said...

If anything needs to be ruined, it's rice so do your worst!!!

I accept the label of "everything-but-spaghatta-tarian" as long as I can add squirmy fish thingies to the list of food avoidances...

Anonymous said...

If someone tried to describe this to me I'd be like "erm no, sorry I don't get it..." (a bit like boyfriend I should imagine) but you make this so funny! The illustrations are so simple but so effective. We definitley need to get you famous so that we can share this with other people and then say we were there from the beginning!

ShineForLife said...

The flower saves the day! If you choose not to celebrate Valentine's day, not only do you save a life, you can make a poor, lost spaghetti noodle feel better about itself.

Coopie said...


ROFLMFAOTIABA!!!!!!!!! (rolling on floor laughing my fuckin ass off to infinity and back again!)

dude....these last few posts have been EPIC. SIMPLY EPIC I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am glad that our advanced sense of humor is not wasted on the hobos of the world.....

TheHurt said...

Hahahahaha, the spaghatta nadle has me in stitches!

A'm tha spaghatta nadle!

You should totally make a button. I would take a spaghatta nadle button any day!


Polly Syllabick said...

I. Am. In. Hystericals. Like. Just dying. You have to stop posting these, people around me think I'm out of my f-ing mind.

Anonymous said...

I have voices for each character. Fun times.

Harini said...

Hehhe! This is the best of all :).

Sarah said...

<3 This makes me so happy! I really felt bad for the pickle in the last one, and I could see how Spaghatta Nadle's difference was interfering with his interpersonal relationships.
I love that he found a really nice friend, one who can give constructive criticism.
Still, I wish I could stop saying, "A'm a spaghatta nadle" all day long.

Umbra said...

I just can't get over 'Nah Wah!'

Hahahahaaaahaaa *cheeks hurt* hahaha... *starting to get light headed* haha... ... .. .

Anonymous said...

BTW the second nadle's name is Bahb. Spaghatta told me so on Fahcebahk.

Kelly L said...

This just made my life.

Nairn said...

This is full of win and awesomeness.