My Childhood, in Pictures

I didn't grow up to be criminally insane!!  Good job, Mom! 


Allie said...

this brightened my day. i love the part with the crayons. great post!

Jenny Grace said...

How does the small baby feel about how you grew up?

Woeyhairs said...

hey allie I love your blog, even if you write "I woke up", somehow you make it awesome! How long do these pictures take you in MS Paint? YOu're too good!! :)

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!

Sarah said...

You didn't color on the baby. You should have colored on the baby. She was totally stealing your thunder.

JustLinda said...

You really ought to have those unevenly dialated eyes looked at! Scary. LOL

Gigi said...

Oh Allie! No you didn't grow up criminally insane - just extremely gifted!

Allie said...

Allie - Thank you! I'm glad my mother's misery can finally be turned around to make people happy! See mom? This is what I had planned all along...

Grace - It's hard to tell... we were bitter enemies throughout childhood and adolescence was stressful at best. Things got a little better after we got our own rooms when I was 17.

Woeyhairs - Thank you! As far as how long it takes me to do drawings, this post took me about four hours to do, when you factor in getting distracted a couple times.

Allie said...

WannabeVirginiaW - Thanks!

Sarah P - You mean like this?

I totally did that a couple times, but not quite as extreme as in that link.

Linda - I find that unevenly dilated eyes are directly related to crazy. Thankfully, I outgrew that phase, but it was probably a worrisome problem for my mother...

Gigi - Thanks, Gigi! Can you imagine what would have happened if my mom gave me a bomb kit instead of crayons and paper, though?

Dear Mason... said...

I think you accidently drew my son in a dress...

Untypically Jia said...

I've been having a crap day, but this totally made me laugh. You have a great way of doing that.

Homemaker Man said...

I love the tiny angry punch. It's like you were a combination of carrie, the firestarter, and John McEnroe. Also, good looks on the toddler tees. We are in discussions about colors/numbers now!

Anonymous said...

I love how simple but hilarious your drawings are. They always make me smile (kinda like Natalie Dee!)

dogimo said...

This could be like, a how-to parenting manual. Look how well this whole situation resolved.

I believe you Allie! That dang kid drew all over that wall.

Sarah said...

Yes! That's awesome! You totally should have colored all over her.

We have a children's book by Berkeley Breathed. I highly recommend it. It's called "Mars Needs Moms." In it, the mom doesn't get what's so funny about "sister tinting."

ShineForLife said...

Your mom must have been incredibly patient. Mine yelled at me when I drew on the tiles. But I was ten, and probably should have known better - paper solves all problems.

Tony said...

Oddly, that's how I see my older sister...she used to hit my mom, and she blamed stuff on me all the time. But I guess that's what all older siblings do.

Ed said...

Cartoon Allie is sooo cute & demonic.

Oh look, she's still wearing the same pink dress.

Quinn said...

The picture after "No! Don't punch mommy!" made me LOL for at least 10 minutes...

P.T said...

Epic! I'm surprised Blogs of Note hasn't featured you yet...or have they?

juskaulani said...

Holy jeez, this whole time every time I saw "Allie's" posts I thought they were you. Awkward. lol.

And that's a lot of drawings.
Don't little siblings kind of ruin your life when their first born?

Shana said...

Blame it on the baby! Great idea.

--V said...

I especially like the one where baby sister is quietly gnawing on a crayon.

Kait said...

you are cutest fucking cartoon child I've ever seen. even the crazytown child moments. especially them.

Layla Winterborne said...

Dude. I'm pretty sure that my boyfriend is going to leave me for you. ;)

G said...

i super heart you but you know that.

Nomadic Cognition said...

hahah omg these cracked me up :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Allie. I loved this. It's a nice tribute to your mom that it ended so well. If you put that Bicycle one on a t-shirt I will totally buy it.

Harini said...

hahaha.... awesome!! I loved this... i seem to say this to every post of yours :P.

The Randomist said...

I once drew a stick figure mural going up the wall beside the stairs... except I carved it into the paint with the stick part of my belt fastener... I then blamed it on the neighbor's dog. I don't know why they didn't believe me, that dog was like a Picasso ninja.

I V Y said...

haha awesome!

Rita Templeton said...

This looks like a drawing of my life - only I'm the mommy and I have sons. But close!

Moooooog35 said...

My childhood is pretty identical except for the dress and baby brother and there was more smoke bombs and lighting of my Star Wars toys on fire involved.

If you could draw that shit up, I'd appreciate it.

AssertiveWit said...

you have to make a book of all these awesome pictures and stories you draw!!! it's too hilarious and I would DEFINITELY buy it!!!

Blaise said...

Haha! I love the demon toddler eyes. and teeth! Your cartoons are excellent, keep it up!

Chl said...

I want a "I WANT A BICYCLE" t-shirt. Now hop-to chicky! :)

Unknown said...

That is amazing. My mother's two favorite pictures of me as a kid were taken on the same day - in one, it looks like I have little silver stars in my big blue eyes, and in the other, the red-eye is overwhelming and you can see my fang teeth. I'm going to forward this to her. She'll love it.

Brutalism said...

Was it hard to have a two-dimensional childhood? I used to see the two-dimensional kids in my class and think how hard that must be...but I suppose we all have our crosses to bear.

Love your perspective on things.

Anonymous said...

Seems like you were a wonderfully delightful child!

Hipstercrite said...

You should totally have a Sunday comic.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Haven't changed a bit!
Bahaha. Just kidding.
Left an award for you on my blog!
Love, Malou.

Sam Liu said...

What a delightful childhood you had, and even then, you were an enthusiastic artist and drawer!

Awesome post :)

Alice said...

so the lesson i take away from this is that you should have a new kid every time an existing one demands a bicycle.

those duggar kids must have wanted A LOT of bikes.

Brian O'Mara-Croft said...

When I was a child, I would go into my parents' room, trash it with my mom's makeup, and then run to my mom and tell her my brother just messed up her room. I'd be thanked for letting her know, and he'd get a spanking.

I'm pretty sure I have the penthouse suite in Hell reserved.

Jenny Brown said...

You're frickin' hilarious.......I want some of whatever your on - seriously Can't wait to read more of your posts..... :):)

Gnetch said...

You are so my new favorite! Really funny stuff. Im your newest follower!

Gnetch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gnetch said...

In case youre wondering, i deleted the 2nd comment because its just the same as the first one. I accidentally clicked publish your comment twice! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hehe, that was cute.

Anonymous said...

More people should have moms like you.

Simone said...

crayons. yum. and your mom was brilliant finding an outlet for your creativity. thank her for me.

Christina Harper said...

Ah, the life of an older sibling. Lol. Great way of handling it, Allie.

Your evilness astounds even me. :)

Tgoette said...

Awesome drawings as usual! So nice to see how well your drawing has evolved over the years! Funny post!

Philippe de St-Denis said...

I'm with --V: I loved it all, but my favourite image is off the baby chewing the crayons.

Surely you are familiar with the twisted and random Don Hertzfeldt?

Lewis Goose said...

I'm a sucker for happy endings

Mandie said...

I think I would be a little scared to be your sister...

Just sayun.

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog & love it--This one is my oldest daughter to a tee--except instead of crayons she had a knack for finding Sharpies I thought were out of her reach.