Grand Opening: Hyperbole and a Half Store!

Welcome to my store.

Please click the picture to go there!


Steam Me Up, Kid said...

Holy shit. You are gonna rule the world someday.

Veronica M. D. said...

yay to the yay!!

Martin said...

Everytime I go camping my campsite gets ransacked by bears. So I just boughtt a "I Love Bears" t-shirt. I am hoping that this will convince them to leave me alone next time. Can I return the shirt if it doesn't work?

Anonymous said...

You're awesome. I'm gonna totally make my wardrobe all your shit.

lacey said...

Allie, this is SO AWESOME. this will totally be the very first place i spend money as soon i have a job and have money. like, before i buy food or gas. (who needs gas? biking is better anyway.) seriously, this is absolutely great. the only way it could be better would be if there were a way to make a shirt with the "it's too late to apologize, kyle" video on it.

Ellie said...

Dammit, there's no lingerie!

Ed said...

I am seriously going to go buy a shirt RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!

Just don't tell Mooooog, cause i haven't bought any of his shit yet.

Nomadic Cognition said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Please, please make a pain chart one, so my hubby can wear it to work to scare small children and timid adults! "Please point to my chest and show me how you feel".

..oh, oh, and can it please come with model arms attached???

sarah said...

FUCKING. AMAZING. im trying to figure out whether i want the triangles are fun keychain or the spaghetta nadle one... either way, im going to have the most badass keys on the block. im hoping it'll make my beat up saturn look less hopeless and pathetic.

Umbra said...

Oh oh! You HAVE to have Spaghatta Nadle, 12 Emoticons for the Advanced Writer, and the picture about Lou Bega lol =D

ShineForLife said...

I agree with Jo! Could you do a pain chart on the front and the explanation on the back?

My Walkabout said...

this is fantastic! I asked, you gave,and I will now have my own shark-bear t-shirt! hells to the yeah!

Thanks allie!

DJ Buttaskotch said...

I am faced with a dilemma: I want to get the Spaghatta Nadle Pahrple Drahnk Mug, but am not sure if to get I should get it in regular mug format, or frosted glass mug format. People would be able to see through the frosted glass mug and notice that I was not in fact drinking purple drink (unless of course I was, which I do tend to do from time to time), however, it is still a frosted glass mug... awesome...

hmla2599 said...

Dude. You need to follow Ellie's idea.

But this indescribably awesome.

(Had to.)

Buzz said...

I've bought shark/bear shirt but would love a "blato" or skeleton man option as well! I'll be picking up a pahrple drahnk mug for sure.

Dezzy Lou Where Are You said...

Make a nadle shirt please!!!

Martin said...

Oh yeah, the pain chart! Its needed!

Dani said...

I am confused by and envious of your awesomeness.

FAIL said...

I guess I'll have to officially change my name to UNFAIL

(Which is a really high compliment. Think about it. Never mind. Just trust me. It's good)

Lori said...

OMG Pain Chart!

Where is the PAIN CHART!!?!?!!!??

Woolly said...


Homemaker Man said...

That is awesome, however . . . what about tshirts for children and toddlers. My babies wouod be wearing a shark bear tshirt right now if I could get it in their size.

Homemaker Man said...

That is awesome, however . . . what about tshirts for children and toddlers. My babies wouod be wearing a shark bear tshirt right now if I could get it in their size.

SimplyComplicated said...

Please excuse me while I spend my not-so-hard-earned money on a shirt with a Tyrannosaurus Stripper!

Stephanie said...

Please. please, please make the pain chart into a t-shirt.

Thank you! I love you!

HSG said...


p.s. needs more Sharkicorn, Skeleton Man, and perhaps a healthy dose of PLEASE STOP. I'm just sayin. <3

kate sweeten said...

That is pretty awesome - by the way, I totally got a comment today from Steamy that the random drawing I put on my blog was of Allie-quality...and that is ALSO pretty awesome.

Eppyville said...

Way to go you! This will forever be a permanent link on my BLOG!

Anonymous said...

KickASS, girly!

Shana said...

Love it. J is so getting a triangle t-shirt. He loves to wear quirky t-shirts to work just to see people's reactions.

Jen and Tonic said...

Not to go all Whitney and Bobby on you, but...HELL to the YEAH!

I want to be youwhen I grow up.

Christy said...

AHHH-Mazing!!! My favorite is the Velociraper one.

And you have gotten me addicted to that damn bubble word game.

- Jane said...

"When I become Champion of the Internet, I will obviously also become very wealthy, so I will buy myself a unicorn and ride it around town while screaming randomly"

This made me laugh out loud. Literally. and I'm at work. It is also now my status on facebook, quoting you with a post to your blog. Thank you Allie for the many laughs everyday, but especially this obsession with unicorns and loud noises you seem to harbor.

Christy said...

PS. I am going to make a request that "Velociraper" gets made into a shirt.

Mad Mrs. E said...

Have you thought about putting the design on a onesie for infants? Or toddler size shirts? I would SO buy some for my son!! I think they'd be a hit for kids!