The God of Cake

My mom baked the most fantastic cake for my grandfather's 73rd birthday party. The cake was slathered in impossibly thick frosting and topped with an assortment of delightful creatures which my mom crafted out of mini-marshmallows and toothpicks.  To a four-year-old child, it was a thing of wonder - half toy, half cake and all glorious possibility.

But my mom knew that it was extremely important to keep the cake away from me because she knew that if I was allowed even a tiny amount of sugar, not only would I become intensely hyperactive, but the entire scope of my existence would funnel down to the singular goal of obtaining and ingesting more sugar.  My need for sugar would become so massive, that it would collapse in upon itself and create a vacuum into which even more sugar would be drawn until all the world had been stripped of sweetness.  

So when I managed to climb onto the counter and grab a handful of cake while my mom's back was turned, an irreversible chain reaction was set into motion.   

I had tasted cake and there was no going back.  My tiny body had morphed into a writhing mass of pure tenacity encased in a layer of desperation.  I would eat all of the cake or I would evaporate from the sheer power of my desire to eat it. 

My mom had prepared the cake early in the day to get the task out of the way.  She thought she was being efficient, but really she had only ensured that she would be forced to spend the whole day protecting the cake from my all-encompassing need to eat it.  I followed her around doggedly, hoping that she would set the cake down - just for a moment.  


My mom quickly tired of having to hold the cake out of my reach. She tried to hide the cake, but I found it almost immediately. She tried putting the cake on top of the refrigerator, but my freakish climbing abilities soon proved it to be an unsatisfactory solution.

Her next attempt at cake security involved putting the cake in the refrigerator and then placing a very heavy box in front of the refrigerator's door.  

The box was far too heavy for me to move.  When I discovered that I couldn't move the box, I decided that the next best strategy would be to dramatically throw my body against it until my mom was forced to move it or allow me to destroy myself.  

Surprisingly, this tactic did not garner much sympathy. 

I went and played with my toys, but I did not enjoy it.  

I had to stay focused. 

I played vengefully for the rest of the afternoon. All of my toys died horrible deaths at least once. But I never lost sight of my goal.

My mom finally came to get me. She handed me a dress and told me to put it on because we were leaving for the party soon. I put the dress on backwards just to make her life slightly more difficult.

I was herded into the car and strapped securely into my car seat.  As if to taunt me, my mom placed the cake in the passenger seat, just out of my reach.  

We arrived at my grandparents' house and I was immediately accosted by my doting grandmother while my mom walked away holding the cake.  

I could see my mom and the cake disappearing into the hallway as I watched helplessly.  I struggled against my grandmother's loving embrace, but my efforts were futile.  I heard the sound of a door shutting and then a lock sliding into place.  My mom had locked the cake in the back bedroom.  How was I going to get to it now?  I hadn't yet learned the art of lock-picking and I wasn't nearly strong enough to kick the door in.  It felt as though all my life's aspirations were slipping away from me in a landslide of tragedy.  How could they do this to me?  How could they just sit there placidly as my reason for living slowly faded from my grasp?  I couldn't take it.  My little mind began to crumble.  

And then, right there in my grandmother's arms, I lapsed into a full-scale psychological meltdown. My collective frustrations burst forth from my tiny body like bees from a nest that had just been pelted with a rock.  

It was unanimously decided that I would need to go play outside until I was able to regain my composure and stop yelling and punching.  I was banished to the patio where I stood peering dolefully through the sliding glass door, trying to look as pitiful as possible.

I knew the cake was locked securely in the bedroom, but if I could just get them to let me inside... maybe.  Maybe I could find a way to get to it.  After all, desperation breeds ingenuity.  I could possibly build an explosive device or some sort of pulley system.  I had to try.  But at that point, my only real option was to manipulate their emotions so they'd pity me and willfully allow me to get closer to the cake. 

When my theatrics failed to produce the desired results, I resorted to crying very loudly, right up against the glass.  

I carried on in that fashion until my mom poked her head outside and, instead of taking pity on me and warmly inviting me back inside as I had hoped, told me to go play in the side yard because I was fogging up the glass and my inconsolable sobbing was upsetting my grandmother.  

I trudged around to the side of the house, glaring reproachfully over my shoulder and thinking about how sorry my mom would be if I were to die out there.  She'd wish she would have listened. She'd wish she had given me a piece of cake.  But it would be too late.  

But as I rounded the corner, the personal tragedy I was constructing in my imagination was interrupted by a sliver of hope.  

Just above my head, there was a window.  On the other side of that particular window was the room in which my mom  had locked the cake.  The window was open.

The window was covered by a screen, but my dad had shown me how to remove a screen as a preemptive safety measure in case I was  trapped in a fire and he couldn't get to me and I turned out to be too stupid to figure out how to kick in a screen to escape death by burning. 

I clambered up the side of the house and pushed the screen with all my strength.   

It gave way, and suddenly there I was - mere feet from the cake, unimpeded by even a single obstacle.

I couldn't fully believe what had just occurred.  I crept slowly - reverently - toward the cake, my body quivering with anticipation.  It was mine.  All mine.

I ate the entire cake.  At one point, I remember becoming aware of the oppressive fullness building inside of me, but I kept eating out of a combination of spite and stubbornness.  No one could tell me not to eat an entire cake - not my mom, not Santa, not God - no one.  I would eat cake whenever I damn well pleased.  It was my cake and everyone else could go fuck themselves. 


Meanwhile, in the kitchen, my mother suddenly noticed that she hadn't heard my tortured sobbing in a while.  

She became concerned because it was unusual for my tantrums to stop on their own like that, so she went looking for me.

When she couldn't find me anywhere, she finally thought to unlock the bedroom door and peek inside. 

And there I was.

I spent the rest of the evening in a hyperglycemic fit, alternately running around like a maniac and regurgitating the multi-colored remains of my conquest all over my grandparents' carpet.  I was so miserable, but my suffering was small compared to the satisfaction I felt every time my horrible, conniving mother had to watch me retch up another rainbow of sweet, semi-digested success: this is for you, mom.  This is what happens when you try to get between me and cake - I silently challenged her to try again to prevent me from obtaining something I wanted.  Just once.  Just to see what would happen.  It didn't matter how violently ill I felt, in that moment, I was a god - the god of cake - and I was unstoppable. 


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Anonymous said...

This post reminded me of "Hellboy" - you have tasted of the pancake. You made my week with this post. Thanks so much for the laugh!

johnson said...

Resume is essential upto the point.

- Resume

Unknown said...

Seriously! You must start a webseries cartoon. I know an excellent animator and I have done some work in film myself. I'm sure your capable of doing it on your own. But if you needed to know some people to get an animated webseries going, I would be glad to help you in anyway. You have a natural sense of comedic timing! SO HILARIOUS!

Arquinsiel said...

I just laughed so much I nearly threw up. You almost made me physically ill. I hope you're happy.

Arquinsiel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LA Shutterbug said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm pretty happy you posted a new entry. I was getting an awful lot of work done over the last week or so, without having your blog to distract me.

LA Shutterbug said...

I had the unfortunate experience of happening upon someone's extremely negative comment about you and this post and I felt I needed to remind you, yet again, that YOU ROCK!!! It's really not necessary for anyone who disagrees to comment at all, especially when I can't see any reason for a person to do so, other than to intentionally hurt your feelings. In my humble opinion, that's pretty crappy.

Your posts are smart and FUNNY and I'd venture to say 90%+ of your readers agree.

In short, keep it up Allie! You're awesome!

Unknown said...

Best blog ever...

Anonymous said...

This is what I look like 50% of the time:

The rest of the time, I'm either at peace because I've just had cake, or freaking out because it's been too long since I had any.

Valley Girl said...

Too funny!

I, too, have a similar story involving me and a quart of chocolate milk.

But instead of happening when I was a child, it was last week.

And chocolate milk doesn't convert to rainbows.

Keep up the good work!

JenC said...

Is this before or after your mom tried to keep you from the parp?! p.s. you are awesome!

Christie C said...

HA! the rainbow picture, oh my god. you are so hilarious.

Débora said...

ALLIE! You rock! hahahaha :D :D

Megg said...

This is the best kind of happy anyone's ever given me... ever.

You are SO hilarious I wish i could pay you for this.

Brandy said...

You were a bad ass kid, and not in a good way. My mother would have annihilated me had I even TOUCHED the cake to begin with, let alone spent the entire day harassing her about it. Even as toddlers, my siblings and i knew our limits. Yow.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the facial expressions in your pictures so spot on. They're really what made this post so hilarious. Everyone else in the house has gone to bed already, so I had to do that silent fast-breathing laugh to keep them from waking up. Good thing it wasn't a public computer, people would have thought I was crazy. Allie, you are made of awesome.

maura29 said...

BRILLIANT!!!! I love how you put your party dress on backwards just to make you mom's life a little more difficult. That is sooooo something my 7 year old would do.

Jessica said...

And THIS is a perfect example of why I don't want kids. I'm terrified that I will have a crazed cake obsessed devil child. Thanks for the laugh AND the birth control!

curator said...

oh. ohgod. i can't breathe I'm trying not to laugh so hard (at work)


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, that could have been a story about my son, Ian. The only difference would be that it would be cookies that he would move heaven and earth to get at.

You are truly the best!

Christina Kazadzis said...

Tomorrow is my birthday and a friend shared your blog with me. This story was hilarious, your writing is engaging and the cartoons made it even better. You have a new fan!

Unknown said...

...Are you SECRETLY ME?!?!?!?!??! :O

Anonymous said...

CAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE! mmm delicious.

Anonymous said...

The 36th picture (panel?) is pretty awesome. So is the 43rd.

Anonymous said...

I want to share this with my kids but it has fuck in it :(.

I friggin LOVE this article.

Marsy {Giddy Fingers} said...

It's a cakeincidence! I'm eating cake while reading this post :) Cake is possibly the reason for my existence and this post confirms this.

Jen said...

i wish you made one of these every day. i read them in my most boring class with my friend and we always disrupt class by our tears of laughter.

Unknown said...

PLEASE make T-shirts from the Cake blog. PLEASE

Unknown said...

Hi, Allie...I just want to say that you are super talented and that we would totally be friends if we lived in the same city. On that note, I work for the Governor of Wisconsin as his receptionist...he just walked by and saw your cake post. I think that is really special and I hope you do too.

Joshua said...

I just typed this really long comment equating this post to cake and then I deleted it. Much like you ceased to make that cake exist.

Long story short: This post cheered up my day immensely.

Kyle said...

This is truly my favorite post so far. The pictures totally encapsulate an under-appreciated art form that I now love. Thank you.

Stephanie said...

I'm DEAD. I DIED. I haven't laughed so hard this entire week. Yes, clearly my life needs more laughter in it... but this cake story is epic. What an impressive feat, spying the open window and claiming your prise... lololol

yolm said...


I just found your blog and it's already one of the greatest!

I couldn't stop my bing grin on my face. :)

Laura said...

This. Is. Amazing. I never thought I'd be so riveted by a cartoon story about cake BUT I SO TOTALLY WAS and I scrolled down slowly to take in the illustrations and not have the end spoiled for me. Truly epic. I kinda love you, Allie Brosh. But if I was your grandma or grandpa or mom I would probably have offed myself.

Laura said...

You are so fantastically and brilliantly . . . disturbed! I love your writings and drawings - they help me remember what is real.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I loved this, not only because i love cake, but because today is my mothers birthday and i am baking her cake. my little girl, im sure, will try and sneak a piece too. haha. love it!

Kelly said...

This is awesome, beginning to end. The best part is the sulky-play-with-your-toys picture. That is the personification of a four-year-old. I lol-ed. Wow, thats a lot of hyphens...

Nikoliosis said...

How do you remember shit like this? I barely remember the LAST time I had cake (and we all know Nikole loves her some cake) let alone things about my four year old life. At four I remember kissing a boy named Corbin behind a couch at my babysitter's house and my brother holding it over my head for the rest of my life, getting the world's BIGGEST splinter ever, and..nope, that's all.

Unknown said...

In the end,I'm glad you got that cake :] Sweet Victory!

She looks like a haddock said...

Oh my god. You never fail to make me laugh so hard that I cry. Thanks again for a fantastic post!

She looks like a haddock said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
loopard said...

I laughed Alot ;D

great quality draws, have to love those distorted_trembling_fading_in_time ones! awesome as always!

love you, keep going, we want MOARRRRRR!!!

NERNSEY said...

incredible, as usual.
i particularly enjoy the bloated, cake-filled you.

Anonymous said...

Your close-ups make me laugh so much. Thank you so, you god among bloggers!


Inkcrafter said...

I was eating a little chicken pot pie while reading this story. My cat was unsurprisingly acting out the post, assigning my pot pie to the cake's role. He also won in the end.

TheWanderWoman said...

I hereby nominate the "cake is the only thing that matters" panel and the "vengeful playing" panel for t-shirt designs (including aprons for the former and baby onesies for the latter). And possibly the last panel with the inscription, "The God of Cake," underneath it.

Kelsey said...

reading this for the second time, I added sound effects. Like pitiful wailing, and what a bloated four-year-old sounds like. and the holy "ooooo" sound when you/she sees the open window.

David Greg Katechis said...

Spiteful Cake Eaters should be the name of a J-Pop group.

Diana Ceres said...


Anonymous said...

Hilarious!! Thanks Allie!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for an amazing start to my weekend.

Karyssa said...

Very impressive :)

I've read all your blogs now and I think you are hilarious. I was wondering if you've ever looked up "hyperbole and a half" on Urban Dictionary. It's pretty funny:

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard, OMFG!
This i pure awesomeness!

- Kjellus

Anonymous said...

Only believable if the cake was CHOCOLATE, then it's a given

Anonymous said...

I think I love you.
The other night at 2am, I got up and made cake batter, and ate it all raw, secretively hunched over the bowl in the bathroom in the dark.
I am 37 years old now...

Wombat Central said...

Love the "cake cake cake" frame. Yay for cake!

Crissy said...

Omg, yay! I've been looking forward to a new post ever since I found you! :D You are the funniest person on this PLANET. And any other planet too!

Sharon Buchbinder, Romance Author said...

OMG! ROFLMAO! As a child, I ate the inside of a cherry pie and left the lattice work crust intact. No one realized it until they cut it because it was still nice and red inside....I could also pick the locks on cookie jars and refrigerators...

Anonymous said...

I completely understand this burning desire for cake, although I pity your mother quite a bit. This reminded me of an instance at one of my sister's birthday parties when I was younger - I would casually stop by the cake and stick my finger in the frosting every time I passed by, and by the time the cake was officially eaten, almost all the frosting was gone. Your tale is far more dramatic though.

I only just recently discovered your blog, and I am already looking forward to new posts quite a bit. Your drawings are fantastic - the way you draw your younger self is brilliantly funny.

Also, I appreciate your attentiveness to grammar.

Cat said...

As always, that was incredibly funny.
"I played vengefully for the rest of the afternoon." That is one of the greatest sentences ever, and the illustration makes it 10 times funnier.
Also, was that a Shel Silverstein reference when you're imagining your mother's reaction to your death? "If only we'd just gotten her the pony..."
Thanks for the laughs, Allie!

Anonymous said...

This is the most I've laughed in AGES. My stomach is ACHING from the laughter. So. Awesome.

Best blog in the whole universe!

Anonymous said...

This is the most I've laughed in AGES. My stomach is ACHING from the laughter. So. Awesome.

Best blog in the whole universe!

Brittany Rojas said...

Thank you! Freakin hilarious...gotta love those drawings :)

Robotika said...

This... was hilarious. Have you seen caketroll? When you were talking about this all I could picture was this girl smooshing her face on the glass with a plate and cutlery in hand.

Anonymous said...

Kids these days, no respect for Santa. Very good writing here. Thanks for sharing.

Adam said...

Hell hath no fury like a...woman? denied her cake.

Smokey said...

funniest shight ever.

Jena M. said...

My stomach hurts from laughing.

But I wish it hurt from cake.

Rick Lee said...

The only thing sadder than this story is people thinking "first post" is cool.

Lysandra said...

i need to tell you how much this pleased me


lold irl, again. thank you

Anonymous said...

I guess you could say that, in the end, it was a piece of cake....

Seriously though, if you were my kid i would have probably beat you or given you a lightly poisoned slice of cake so that you'd associate it with being sick and not want it so much anymore.

BRN said...

Wow, what a stupid child you were.

Anonymous said...

Have broken ALL my vital organs laughing...

Joe said...

I've read and re-read a few times.

I really love the picture of the angry toy-playing.

And the discovery of the open window.

And of course little fat kid with cake in mouth.

It was priceless.

HV said...

The last panel just killed me. Your art and timing is amazing and keeps getting better, if that's possible. I hope your mom appreciates that cake being put to good use, so many years later.

Jonnie Boi said...

This is creepy. I just did two posts about cake and how I love them, but mine aren't as amazing as yours! Here are the posts: and

Anonymous said...

I've been having a pretty crap week, so coming home to find that you've posted something new makes my mood increase ten-fold ♥ My comment is neither funny nor super exciting, but I still hope you take the words to heart and continue to be the absolutely hilarious person you are. :D

Simbera said...

(Hopefully this works as I've had some issues commenting on other sites lately)

I've gotta the determination. A lot of kids seem to have it, and it's like...if only I were as focused on doing my homework as I am on making sure I got the biggest piece of pizza, I'd be set.

Lizz said...

you make me cry with happiness

Kerri Michael Sernel said...

That is just the funniest damn thing I have read in a LONG time.

Cake IS the only thing that matters!!

BuddhaKenji said...

Where was your dad? Riding his bike?

Teagan said...

baha, this is great.
I had a very similar thing happen when I was small.. Though it was pie. I can see the draw to cake though, it looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

this is the first time i ever read your blog and i am a life long follower now. thanks for bringing tears to my eyes, i like laughing that hard!!

osteopathosaurus said...

Thank you Allie! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! I just took the most gawd awful test of my med school career thus far and woke up from my post test coma induced by desperation and more knowledge than my brain can handle to find this little gem. I <3 you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Six hundred something comments already?

After reading all of your archives and noticing that you'd only get twenty something comments, this is crazy.

Good job, Allie.
You're hilarious.

Unknown said...

I find you hilarious. Like, really hilarious. For lack of another word. My friend, who I texted when I found the new post, told me via text "color me excited." That's how awesome you are. People text each other in order to spread the word.


I don't live in Montana, I live in a real place!!!! (although I lived in Maine for 18 years soooo...) Boyfriend's alright I guess..... If you reaaally like him I'll make due. Maybe. :(

Ikumi said...

I'm sure someone's commented on the statement above this comment box. To your super creepiness I say: challenge accepted!

:D On to the cake: what flavor was it?

Den Mother said...

Dear Hyperbole and a Half:

I have now left 2 comments intended for The God of Cake in the wrong places. I have also left 1 comment apologizing for the first comment left in the wrong place. Sigh.

If my persistence in trying to get it right doesn't tell you how much I love The God of Cake, I don't know what will. Also, I have a passel of monsters clamoring at me to get it right.

Monsters and I think you're brilliant!

The Den Mother
La Société des Monstres Célèbres

Lyndse said...

If I had done that as a kid, my mom would've beat my ass.

That said, this is still a hilarious post. I love it when people tell stories of the stuff they did as kids to get themselves in trouble.

Evlar said...

hji allie

your blog is oggod. this is the first comment ive ever posted. its 2am and im really rtired and when im tired i may as well be drunk because that s about how coherant i will hbe. your blog is good. i hope you liked the vake. i had a cake once. goodnight.

my grammar is bad but i fyou knew my blog you would see it was good but now imve made a bad first impresison. goodnight.

Kevin said...

You are absolutely hilarious.

Christy said...

Thank you so much for this; I needed a good laugh. Fantastic stuff.

Campbell B. said...

Freaking AMAZING.

Unknown said...

Lately I've noticed in myself that I normally do not want cake in any manner until someone or something reminds me that cake exists. Then, I must have cake. Just a piece and a half though.

OMG this is funny! My husband was laughing until he cried at some of your other posts (I can't wait to show him this one!). Seriously, beet red face, tears running down his cheeks, laughing only stopped by the coughing fit it brought on. If there were ever a perfect example for "we'll laugh about this later" your stories are it.

I agree with the other commenters. You should write a book, and put me on the pre-order list! I counted it, and so far only six people (seven including me) has commented on this post asking for a book, so you might do a poll to see if taking on such a project is worth it. I think it is, though.

Unknown said...

YAYYY new post! YAYYY hyperglycemic fit!! I...I think for me, your blog is like that cake was for you. Except I can't make you update it by breaking into my grandparents' house.

Emily said...

My word...I can't tell you how grateful I am. I was having a terribly shoddy day, but this just corrected it. I have tears streaming down my face and my roommates are staring at me as if I've lost my mind. Thank you for the hilarious post!

Miss B said...

Wait, I the only one who is slightly confused about why, exactly, one would make (fucking adorable, oh my god I want giraffes and elephants hand-constructed out of marshmallows on everything in my entire life, please) a cake topped with tiny marshmallow animals for a man in his 70s? Was your grandfather a zookeeper or something? Or, just really fond of giraffes and elephants (who isn't?). Or were there actually other marshmallow creations on the actual cake, and you just made them into giraffes and elephants for the retelling of the story, because you recognize how awesome giraffes and elephants are?

megansquared said...

This makes me excited, because I relate on so many levels. SO MANY. Like the one time I got in trouble for trying to eat my mom's baking chocolate. Lesson: baking chocolate=not delicious.

Anonymous said...

OMG this was awesome. and reminds me of when I was Younger.. I had baked a batch of brownies for my husband. well I had to eat one to see if they came out good. then it was yummy so I ate two, then three. well by the time I had eaten half the pan I felt guilty cause this was supposed to be for my husband.. so I finished that whole pan of brownies then I made a second pan and ate one out of it to make it look good. LOL So Believe me I understand. :D

Hans said...

uh-oh, poor grandpa. hahah.. nice new post! thanks! it was so funny how determination let nothing stand in your way. :D

Jenna said...

Have just discovered your blog and loooove it. It's made me want to get back into my own blog, which is sadly neglected because of my own boring job and no-one will ever find it interesting enough for me to make money from it. NONETHELESS.

I also hate you as I just spent about 4 hours not doing work (I work from home and am possibly the most undisciplined person on the planet) while I was reading through all your old entries! But love wins out. Cheers.

xo Jen

SarahJ said...

This ia why celebrities disappear for a while and then make a glorious COMEBACK! I also read the whole archives and got all concerned about you. I mean its ridiculous, I live thousands of miles away in Johannesburg, South Africa, probably about as far away from rural Montana that a person can get (Not literally... or maybe, I'll google it!) and I feel we could be pals. Maybe just interwebs pals but still. You are HILARIOUS. and Brilliant. and funny. And with all that, like many many many creative geniuses through the ages, also comes the all the dark and scary stuff when the black beast of depression can feel like its devouring you whole. Well who knows. Maybe you were just out Zombie hunting gloriously in the woods and have returned full of adrenaline and battle wounds gleeful and wild. Yup. Thats all I have to say. Love Sarah

Heather R. Holden said...

Hah! TOO FUNNY. I think everyone has a story similar to this from their childhood...

Anonymous said...

This is why I could never be a mother, because if my child did this to me I'd have given them the spanking of a lifetime and locked them in a room.

Luke said...

In fairness though, that cake does look pretty irresistable.........

Nose said...

...This is brilliant.
You are my hero.

Tsubasa said...

So you had your cake...and ate it?


Lesley FW said...

Absolutely Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Amazing... Amazing post/story!!! Thank you for an early morning laugh that I am sure will last me the day. As an added bonus, I now have acquired a little more insight into the mind of a young person. This post will come in handy, I am sure, when my little one has meltdowns. I will be able to reflect on your story which will assist me in my action/reaction to her psychotic episodes. She is 3- they are frequent!! Again, thanx so much... :-)

Danni said...

LOOOOL i love the bit where you do a close up after first eatting the cake! Brilliant! :)

Baby K said...

Wiping my eyes from laughter. You are a freaking cake eating genius.

Christine said...

LMFAo! this is soo funny! lol.. had this happened to me in real life my ass would have gotten a whooping! lol said...

(I thought your absence was Joshua's fault, too...)

Your stories never fail to make me simultaneously laugh out loud and silently thank God for the children I got...

Anonymous said...

I am a little disappointed in myself to find me FULLY in support of your 4 year old badness. The opportunity to eat a whole cake... everyone should experience that at least once. :)

On|Off said...

Your drawings on fantastic! When you make this into a book please let me know! Katy x

Miles said...

In the second frame of the first drawing of your attempts to breach the refrigerator, you very much resemble Wobbuffet.

Adam E. said...

Oh, I love barf stories. It's a running theme in my own life.

Adam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FalaRapha said...

LMAO!! Excellent Allie!

Natascha Strauss said...

Your blog entries seriously make my day and I post the link everywhere, basically every time, that is, if I'm not left completely deranged from dehydration caused by hysterical fits of laughter. You're awesome! Always looking forward.

Rebecca Jane said...

the black-hole-of-cake-need face is one I identify perhaps overly much with.

At work, I tried explaining to coworkers that I have this alternate persona called Fat Beesus who does very little other than loudly scream "CAKE?!" like a manic monosyllabic frenzied drag queen. It's a good time.

KookieKate said...

I am a bit of a late comer to your blog, but have recently fallen madly in love with you. So I have been reading from the beginning the past several days. Productivity at work has plummeted. Anywho....

Last night I dreamed in images from your blog. And it felt oddly real.

I'm also getting anxious about getting all caught up because then I will have to wait with the rest of the world for new posts.

Sorry for the random comment. And thanks for making me lol regularly. Which is also hard to explain while I'm at work and my boss walks by.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've just encapsulated my entire approach to food. Thinking I'd best get back into therapy now.

Nikki said...

I loved this post! It was great and hilarious!

Tinkerschnitzel said...

Epic, as always! BTW, I loved your "how to put on a coat" video. You're so awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha... this is funny! and it was posted on my Birthday!!!!! :) thanks for the cake! lol

abenet said...

One- your blog is the most fantastic thing ever to happen on this earth. It's amazeballs.

Two- is a pink dress the only clothing you have owned since childhood? I'm just surprised I haven't seen that question posed yet...

S said...

OMG If I had laughed harder at this I might have suffocated and died!

Elan Morgan said...

This weblog is being featured on Five Star Friday -

Suz said...

OH MY WORD you slay me. You *slay* me. The picture where you're playing with your toys, I swear that could have been me at three years old. The one with the rainbow background, and the series of you approaching the cake, are among the funniest things I've ever seen in my life.

Of course, I'm also having trouble stifling my laughter, as I'm in a public quiet study area at university... to make matters worse, I'm studying abroad right now and I have no access to the kind of cake I'm now craving! Damn you, Allie!

Cassandra said...

This is SO funny. This is one of your greatest stories yet!!! I am bursting holding back my laughter while at work in my quiet office.

THANK YOU, I really needed that this morning!


Emily Dee said...

I sent this to my mother and asked her if any of this sounded familiar.

I am now being barraged with stories of my own childhood dementia. Woo!

Spellbound said...

My sister in law ate half a wedding cake during the ceremony where her father was officiating. She also threw a butterscotch meringue pie at my mother in law. I found both of these things amusing. What I cannot forgive is the fact that she had never weighed more than 100 pounds and she eats three times as much as anyone I know. That and her blackmail attempt, but that's another story. You have a gift for writing btw, excellent well told story.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard I thought I had an aneurysm. This made me choke on my Sprite!!!

Angela said...

I'm thrilled to have found your blog. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Amazing. Thanks for sharing!

stephwak said...

OMG! it's such a good thing I just went to the bathroom, cause otherwise I'd be sitting in pee! I AM CRYING!!! And the look you gave your mom when she said NO! is the exact same look my puppy gives me.

This was too funny. Your poor family. They will have a special place in heaven.... locked away from you and the cake.

Pakistani said...

I don't know why but I love this blog more than any other blog..........

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a spoiled brat. I was rooting for the mom all along, hoping she would not slip up as she did with the window being left open. I think once the kid started to get sick the mom should have locked the kid outside again to puke outdoors, not inside all over the grandparents carpet. And the lesson here should have been to not over eat. Too much of a good thing equals a bad thing. Oh well.

Tia said...

This is like the best thing ever. It reminds me of myself! I love cake(well, mostly cupcakes) and I do go on food binges every once in a while where this one thing is the only thing in world that will make me happy. You are the best!

rich said...

This is hilarious! This is m first time on this blog and I looove it already. ;)

Athena said...

I love your drawings! They really are brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Your poor mother.

My Name's Not Steve said...

It scares me that your 4-year-old self was my 11-year-old self.

Anonymous said...

I have an important question!

...Did you remember to remove the toothpicks?

My dad's birthday is today, and-- ahem-- CAKE TIME!
I love you. :P

Apocalypse Dummies said...

LOL! This is epic. It totally reminds me of me. I am the only person in my family capable of getting jacked up on Monster Energy Drink. (Does Monster Energy Drink have anything to do with this topic?)

Nikki said...

I dunno if anyone already said it, because I don't want to skim through almost 800 comments.

But the theme from "2001: A Space Odyssey" played in my head while looking through the "Cake Attainment" pictures.
Dun. Dun.

Brooke said...

I love you!! I laugh out loud every time - those big eyes kill me - we quote you oh so often at work. I repeat, nothing but love. And cake.

Rachel said...

The best part of this is that you GOT THE CAKE. This is the fantasy of every child out there... You should turn it into a children's book.

Loving your blog!

Claudia said...

The pictures alone had me cracking up. Love your posts.

Annodear said...


Anonymous said...

I nearly just peed my pants from laughing. Please don't make me explain that one to my friends....I'll blame you Allie, see if I don't!!

Anonymous said...

the best ever, I swear to god! the god of cake that is.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! This is so funny! Damn... you really are a God... a God of cake!

River said...

ALLIE! You made my century. Had a breakup, which is the icing on the cake, and I'm so grateful I checked the blogspot! CAAAKE! I suddenly want to watch Homeward Bound.

I shall now move on to writing my latest post, which is less interesting "I'm a fucking writer." :)

Thanks for making us smile.

River said...

ALLIE! You made my century. Had a breakup, which is the icing on the cake, and I'm so grateful I checked the blogspot! CAAAKE! I suddenly want to watch Homeward Bound.

I shall now move on to writing my latest post, which is less interesting "I'm a fucking writer." :)

Thanks for making us smile.

River said...

ALLIE! You made my century. Had a breakup, which is the icing on the cake, and I'm so grateful I checked the blogspot! CAAAKE! I suddenly want to watch Homeward Bound.

I shall now move on to writing my latest post, which is less interesting "I'm a fucking writer." :)

Thanks for making us smile.

Daniel Butler said...

lol Awesome story.

Geoffrey said...

I absolutely love you Allie. This blog has brought so much joy to my life. Thank you!

Brandy said...

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a shining example of why I will never have children.

aditya said...


Brianna said...

hilarious! if you ever get pregnant and it has even a tiny bit of your tenacity and will to find/get in trouble, God help you

Elizabeth said...

Since I'm new here, I don't know if this is a true story or not but as one who works with children... this story made me FURIOUS!!! I want to beat that child. That is all. :P

bigbadjorge said...

Thank god for you, the cake beneath my wings. I waited and waited and finally you wrote! Happpiiiiineeeeeesss....

Jessica said...

Oh I've been waiting for this post!!! Love it! You're my favorite alot ALOT!

Anonymous said...

This post was the highlight of my day, especially the last picture. :)

gretchen said...

I loved this! Thank you! Your illustrations of you with your gram remind me of me and my cat when my cat doesn't (or does) want to do something. Suddenly every appendage is pushing away from me (with the added joy of claws.)

Sarah said...

I actually just laughed so hard that my mum came into my room to check that I was okay. Hilarious, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog.

read mine?

Lolo said...

Your blog brightens my day! This story is hilarious! And your expressions, priceless. Especially the getting caught face. Hahaha! I can't get enough. Keep it up! :)

Anonymous said...

Five hours after reading this the first time and had to read it again. Hilarious!

*joins in the chorus of praises*

Alex L. said...

You seem to have poor luck at birthday parties..

Unknown said...

Sorry, but I'd have beaten you until the cake spewed out. Then duct taped you to the wall for the rest of the day.

Anonymous said...

But... but... no cake for Grandpa :(

Callypso said...

This scenario is totally understandable.

In my baby book there's a newspaper clipping detailing a company picnic both my parents attended when I was a toddler. The accompanying photo is of my dad pulling a sideways/back-bend Matrix-style move because you can see my tiny little body stretched out as far as possible (from my dad's failing embrace) trying to reach the sheet cake in front of us. I was two, maybe. Possibly younger. And the cake was big enough to feed an army.

Rock on, little me.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how spagettah nadle feels about cahk?

Chase said...

that was amazingly awesome - thank you for the laughs!

Anonymous said...

Can I share this with EVERYONE in the WORLD? Your drawings are awesome. Inspired. Fun. And spot-on.

Thank you.

Jamie said...

It's simply brilliant, I couldn't stop laughing xD

Do you still have the desire?:)

wordwitch said...

You are truly amazing!! I love reading your posts - as an editor, I LOVE finding well written blogs!! Thank you so much for sharing your life and adventures.

Emmy said...

I'm going to choke one of these days laughing at your posts. Hysterical. And I'm with you on the cake thing. To this day I can eat an entire box of cupcakes before I even leave the parking lot of the grocery store.

Mom said...

I hadn't yet learned the art of lock-picking...

OMG Sounds like there's another story in there!

Anonymous said...

You know what you and I have in common, Allie? We both wear hot pink rectangles.

John Schlarb said...

Cake or pie? It's a no-brainer, really. But maybe we mature from cake to pie.

candy said...

Hey Allie,

I read this a lot, and I think you must feel good about it, I was feeling very depressed today and you made me laugh out loud.

The other day was Atheist Coming Out Day and I got in a big FB feud w my crazy family over just posting it really....I had the audacity to proclaim my non belief. From being told I'll find out when I die to being accused of indoctrinating my daughter I was feeling pretty depressed about the possibility of ever having any relationship with these people.

Thank you for cutting through!

Candy - not cake - Candy!

JWM said...

Anyone else notice that in the shot before her mother walks in she is holding two pieces of cake and putting one of them in her mouth with her left hand. In the last shot, she has one piece left, which is right, but the wrong hand has the remaining bit?

Anonymous said...

Actually JWM, If you notice in the shot before the last shot, there is only one bit of cake on the floor by her right hand. The last shot, she dropped the piece from her right hand onto the floor (now there are 2 pieces) and she took a bite out of the left one, but is still holding it (the pink icing is missing)

Crystal said...! This is the best and funniest post right after seven games to play with a brick! How do you come up with this stuff? I was at my computer and as soon as i saw the vacuum drawing and started scrolling down i laughed so hard i ell on the floor (literally) and my mom started wondering what was wrong with me so i showed her the story and she started cracking up too, actually.. im smiling from your story as im writing this, honestly i dont even know you, but you're the most awesome person i've ever met(anywhere) You are awesome!!!! please dont ever stop writing posts, unless something really bad hapens that you cant but i hope that doesn't happen cuz i would cry if u stopppped posting stuff, you make my life hilarious and youve inspired me to start drawing again, AND one of my paintings was featured on a postcard thanks to you, seriously thanks soooo much. bye, you're awesome, bye. : )

Unknown said...

I have so much respect for your mother. I am also in awe that so many children survive childhoods of jumping out of moving vehicles and gorging themselves on pink cake. Kudos.

BigSis said...

Oh dear. That pic of you playing with your toys. I almost died laughing.
Thanks for always brightening my day =)

Valerie said...

Oh, you horrid child! It's lucky for your poor mom that you grew up into a genius who can support her with hilarious blogs... ;-)

Lori said...

I freakin' love you Allie. So very many of these need to be on mugs or posters or SOMETHING that I can buy!

Who do you want to BE? said...

Oh my, this was hilarious. And since cake Wrecks found you, I found you. LOVE it.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard reading this. Love how you are able to convey so much emotion with the eyes, it's awesome!!!

Anonymous said...


if only you had known how good pie was.

will you sell me Steve? i have been trying to email you that but i just get a bounceback. i have money, which i will pay. halloween is soon. get back to me.

kinnery said...

Absolutely hilarious!!

Reminds me of a story about my brother........................

(note the horribly elongated ellipses. In fact, I just counted, and that was nine ellipses. You know it's a pretty badass story with that many ellipses.

Beryl said...

From all that I know from this comic, your mom is awesome.

ModernSophist said...

I'm enamored.

safer midwifery utah said...

shiiiit, I just took extra small portions of dinner to hasten the thanksgiving pie eating. I feel low key by comparison.

JM said...

I kind of hate you now, for making me want cake in the middle of the night.

But it's funny, so it's all good.

Ankita Sarkar said...


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