Don't get excited, this is just an update...

I've been getting lots of emails with subject lines like "R U dead???" and "POST SOMETHING MOTHERF*CKER!"  and "Wheeeerrrrrree aaaaaarrrrrrrre yyyooooooouuuuu???"

I've been posting updates on Twitter, but Twitter is stupid and soulless and many of you (understandably) don't use it, so I thought it would be prudent to give you guys an update here as well.

Okay, so remember when I almost died? That happened again, but not as bad this time. The last couple days have been like playing "Guess Who"with diseases, but I'm pretty sure my doctors finally figured out what's wrong with me and it probably doesn't have anything to do with my heart, which is good. The heart weirdness is most likely a benign genetic anomaly that is unrelated to the fainting, fevers, low blood pressure, and abdominal pain.

Anyway, I finally decided to make a fan page for this blog on Facebook as a way to give updates like this without having to make a whole new post about it: 

If you're looking for medical details, that's where they'll be posted.  I'm doing it this way because I understand that some of you are squeamish and I didn't want to be like "Hey!  Guess what's wrong with my organs?!" and then have you be all "Holy crap, why would you tell me that without any warning?"

You're welcome.

Edited to add:  You can still view the Facebook page without having to get your own Facebook account.  Yay!  Also, there's a tab that let's you choose to see only comments from me or comments from everybody.  If you're looking for information, it might be easiest to click the "Only Hyperbole and a Half" tab.

In summary:  Still not dead; will post soon.


lifeinapinkfibro said...

Glad you're still with us - in whichever cyber form you choose...

Margaret said...

Yes. Please get well, you're useless to us dead.


Dori the Giant said...

Man, I wish I had cool diseases and sicknesses to brag about.

I absolutely never get sick. It's a curse.

Laura said...

Eek. I know what having 239489328 things wrong with you but being a mystery to doctors is like. Feel better! And don't die. That would put a damper on my life.

PS I was the 5th person to like the fan page :D I feel so much ahead of all the other fans. So much ahead, in fact, that I feel the need for my smiley face to grow a handle bar mustache to denote exactly how far ahead of the other fans I am. :{D

Anonymous said...

good luck!!!
i think, if you died, i would die. because this blog would be over (unless you could post from the dead) and a significant amount of awesome would have disappeared from the world.

Reevine said...

Are you still going to be using Twitter to post updates also? Cause that would be nice. Facebook is of the Devil!

Tae said...

I'm glad you aren't dead. Being dead probably sucks a lot, you know, from a being alive standpoint.

On the other hand though, Zombie Allie! That would be kind of cool, except that all of your posts would be about brains and eating brains.

Allie said...

Jeff - Of course! This is just another way to keep everyone on the same page.

Anonymous said...

But how is babby formed

Unknown said...

Try not to die, okay? Because that would be pretty stupid. I mean, there's only so many times I can reread your old posts before I memorize them...

Anyhoo, get well, you sexy lion you.

Not Actually Louis Wain said...

I hoping that at some point there will be a series of drawings of your organs in revolt. Maybe the heart could be wearing a little DNA hat and a shirt that says 'I "me" Allie'. (this sounded like a much better idea inside my head)

axinsane said...

I thought about wishing you well. Then I laughed at the wishing well verbiage.
So I thought about praying for you. Then I recalled I'm an atheist and laughed again.
So then I thought about sending you money. I laughed because that seems whorish.
Finally I decided to comment here instead and suggest a zip tie to help your ovaries get over their fixation on causing you pain. You know its funny, because your ovaries never caused ME pain. Hrm....

Anonymous said...

It would make me sad alot if you died.

Chris said...

Is this a House MD episode?

H said...

I'm totally taking credit for you updating, because I commented right before I left work, and when I got home BOOM! There's an update! Hope things get better soon for you.

Dani said...

My goodness. Well I'm glad you remain with the living. Hope you feel better soon.

Allie said...

YAY, you're not dead. That would be bad, because u da best.

alb said...

I'm pretty sure you predicted some sort of ovary disaster when you got your pain scale quoted on this page:

Zannah said...

Glad you're not dead, and while I love your posts, I'm okay with you concentrating on figuring out what's going on and how to handle instead of keeping me entertained. (Don't you feel better knowing you have my permission?)

Unknown said...

Glad you are not dead. Although it would be pretty cool if you were dead and still posting. Then it would be Zombie Posts and that would add a whole new element.

So in sum, I'm glad that you are not desirious of brains and attempting to lure into a false sense of security.
. . .
or are you?

K(Banterings of a Basketcase) said...

Jeesh- I just spent three days reading all your back posts, and a whole few minutes putting you on my blog- so if you die, I'll be pissed! what a waste of time. Like having your favorite author die mid book series.

dinogami said...

Most glad you are not deceased...but I guess I will never know what is going on because I will not ever get on Facebook or Twitter...

Mika aka Xeyli said...

Glad to hear from you. I had wondered if you another episode with the dying thing. I haven't looked at the FB fan page yet, but it's good to hear that they finally have found more information into what is going on with your body.

Thanks for sharing!

Alex said...

Seriously, are folks e-mailing you asking "R U dead?" Questions like this are so contradictory they always make my brain hurt; and often also cause a fatal error in my logic system so I need to reboot before being able to operate normally:
-- other examples include: --
* R U sleeping?
* your mouth is full of what?
* (on the phone) I can't talk right now. O_o
* (on the phone) Can u talk right now?
* so you're not gonna talk to me, are you?

sheep said...

oh thank GOD you're still alive :D
i hope you get better soon!

G said...

My husband and I just started reading your blog last week. Love it, but was beginning to worry that we killed it. Always the last on the bandwagon and all. Its good to know that isn't actually the case, and hope you get to feeling better.

Stephanie ~ Meowrawr said...

Yay for not-deadness!

I can imagine that you had to deal with the peeing in a cup or getting prodded with needles to get your blood stolen and stuff again. >< That couldn't have been fun for you.

Hope that you're starting to get better!

laaaaaaaaura said...

oh dear. glad to hear you're still alive. get well soon and keep up the blogging awesomeness. really. write more, i love your stuff.

Melissa said...

You being dead wouldn't help me (or anyone else) at all. I'd much rather you take some time to get well and be alive than have you gone completely.

Niraja said...

Thanks for the update! I'm glad you are not dead and I hope that you are better soon.

Gnetch said...

Please try not to die that easily. Who's gonna take care of Alot? And I miss Spaghatta Nadle already.

Wait. Is SN dead? Please say he's not.

Unknown said...

Please feel better, Allie! It's important to follow things through with doctors, even if one tells you it's nothing to worry about. I had surgery for an adrenal tumor that made extra adrenaline (called a pheochromocytoma) this March after feeling awful for more than a year!

Stay on top of those doctors. Find one who truly cares about your well-being... like we do. :-)

Please feel Alot better. Alot is better, but you should be too.

Stacy said...

Whoa! Hope you're feeling better soon. Glad you're still alive and kicking.

Mel said...

Allie, I'm glad they figured out what's wrong with you. Also, I'm glad it isn't your heart. I hope you feel better soon, for your sake and for the blogospheres.

Love love love.

Unknown said...

I was wondering when you were going to have your own fan page on FB! I have been telling so many people about your blog. Actually, I reserve the blog recommendation only for people I find funny or intelligent. I think your humor is a notch above the rest & can't be wasted on the lame! I hope everything about your insides is figured out soon!

Shelley said...

I just wanted to let you know that between this post, and your previous one, I was able to read your entire blog. You know what that means? It means you need to update more often! Though I do follow you on Twitter, the tweets didn't quite suffice. Glad you're not dead!

The Sanity Inspector said...

Glad you're not dead. There's a Monty Python joke in there, somewhere...

Kay said...

Please get better. You are really the only blog I have ever laughed out loud at and actually followed.

Oh, and I'm very concerned with your health.

And on the plus side - I am drunk right now and needed to show everyone I am with your blog.

A Twenty-nothing Blogs said...

Hope you feel better soon! Apparently on House, it's never lupus, so it probably won't be for you either, which is good. For me, it turned out to be really weird lupus, which is just typical. Anyway, look forward to hearing all the grisly details!

Unca Jeffy said...

I don't know that Twitter is stupid (though I don't use it) it's just that I have an attention span.

140 characters is alright if that's what you have to say...but it's too limiting to ALWAYS say that.

It's great to have you back.

Donna B said...

I'm so glad you still aren't dead. I was one of the rude asses who left cry-y whiny messages about wheeerrrrreee aaaarrrreee yyyooouuuu?

You're welcome.

Shinxy said...

Don't die. That would be very annoying.

You're my blogging God, you see. So if you die, I'll be in a Nietzsche situation and I don't even like Nietzsche that much. He's probably one of my least favourite philosophers.

Also then I'd have nobody to worship, and that's no fun.

Chicken Maker said...

Eww... facebook page... That's almsot as bad as Twitter.

Cher said...

Yay! Glad you are not dead :D Also the FB page is a great idea! I never check my twitter account!!

Hope you feel better soon...and also that Rob jerk leaves you alone!!!

Miz Dinah said...

Don't die. We would miss you, Alot.

Allie said...

If anyone saw the little bit of drama that unfolded here, it has been resolved and all comments have been removed out of respect to the parties involved and my own desire for privacy.

Fluffypaws said...

No! Please dont die! This blog is funnyer then the average squirrel fight. Which, might I add, can go nuts!

Looking forward to reading more intriguing posts :-)

Coyote said...

Please accept good wishes for your health from my household. We'll try to send good vibes. We'd send candy, but it would probably get sticky in the mail.

Have your doctors tested you for lyme disease, or gram-negative infection? Stuff like that can give weird, unpleasant, hard-to-diagnose problems.

Anonymous said...

Pernicious anemia. Google it.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are not dead. It was starting to seem like a possibility. Prodigious blogger goes away without warning....what else would one think. In fact I did think that but I do tweet and I did see your tweets and I kept reminding myself of that. Because ghosts don't tweet probably.

Unknown said...

Glad for the updates. I'm thinking you've got to be getting some good blog material out of the scads of medical professionals you've seen. Okay, not really a bright spot, but I'm looking for the positive in this to make you feel better. Dang. WWSND? (what would spaghatta Nadle do?)

furiousBall said...

i totally screwed this up and got excited.

Anonymous said...

I bet you'd have these bullshit excuses if you have a real job, too.

NotablyNeurotic said...

ugh, your diagnosis sounds incredibly unpleasant; I hope they can eleviate the pain and come up with a good solution.

Thanks for the update on everything! I jogged over to your facebook page and see you have eleventy billion fans over there too. I bet you're so proud! Congrats!

Kate said...


jorellan said...

Hey Allie,
Does the number of Alot references being used in the comments section frustrate you?

That was one of your best posts, but something like "we miss you. Alot! roflroflrofl" must get pretty annoying after the 1000th time...

Feel better!

Panteranic said...

I am sad you're only updating on facebook and twitter because my work blocks both, and your blog is the only thing that keeps me alive here. but really.

The Random G33K said...

Well, on the bright side at least they're pretty sure it's not a heart problem or ebola aids. Get better soon!

Jeremy said...

Take care o' yer arse.

Priority of life:
unicorns > your health > anything wrapped in a tortilla > role-playing during sex > your blog > everything else.

Grant said...

I'm willing to give you some of my blood pressure. I have lots to spare.

Lulu said...

You better not die!!! your blog is my crack...and I really don't want to get on the REAL CRACK if you die!!! SO FOR THE SAKE OF ME BEING DRUG FREE, you need to stay alive. p.s. tell your doctor if you die there will lots of crazy cyber fans who will hunt his/her ass down and make him/her pay for our lack of daily laughter for the rest of our lives!

Emma said...

I'm glad you're not dead! Hope they can figure out all the craziness soon so you can feel better.


Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Isn't it grand being a woman?

Camila da Mata said...

Hey, I'm from Brasil (or "Brazil", if the first one sounds like a terrible grammatical mistake for you) and I just wanted to tell you that you're funny. Which means that you're funny pretty much everywhere. :D

PeaceBang said...

Selfishly, I live in the hope that you will find creating art a great way to take your mind off of health worries and pain. Other than that, I hope you have good docs and that you feel better and get actually WELL. I mean like healthy WELL.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ahk, Ah dahd'nt mahn tah dahlaht mah fahrst pahst! Allie (Allah? Calturahlly insensitahv!), fahl battah! Glahd yahr naht dahd!

Can you PLEASE do another spaghatta nadle post? I basically hooked at least 12 people to your blog on that alone. We're obsessed. I email things like this to my friends:

Hahlk Hahlgan ahts spaghatta! Thahs waht ahm tahken abaht...


Hahly Shaht! Mahlahshas Spaghatta!

A Day in the Life of One Girl said...

Feel better soon! $;8

Danielle Monet said...

Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling good. As a creep, I think I heard somewhere that you're all sick and everything because of ovarian cysts. Well, if that's right, I like to think I'm the leading expert on those things cause I have four of those mutant mofos residing in my right ovary. (One is a friggin beast, too!) I'm sorry you have to go through that nasty pain they like to cause. It is not fun at all. I hope they fix it all soon and that you are feeling better real quick!

Trabb's Boy said...

For some reason I could find everything except the actual explanation of what has happened to you, but I gather it has something to do with exploding lady bits.

I am so, so sorry you have exploding lady bits, Allie. That really can't be fun.

Don't you worry about your fans, here. Just get better. We'll keep checking in. My 11-year-old daughter and I will just wile away the time tahkahg lahk Spahgahtti Nahddle. Yes, I let her read your blog, but I made her promise not to use *those* words until she's 16.

Me! said...

I just found you, you can't be sick now. Sheesh. Get better soon. You make me and my entire office laF with delight.

Eliza J. said...

Glad to see you're still alive. I do know you're alive because your writing talent is better than that of the average zombie. If you were a zombie, I would have to call my friend and put our Zombie Apocalypse plan into action (yeah, we have one.) Which would probably involve your death, unless we could de-zombify you (we're working on it.) So in conclusion, stay alive. Yeah.

Waldo McNutt said...

yay! Leee WUUUUV you!

Jessica said...

I just ran across through random clicking of links and I'm glad you aren't dead.

J Doe said...

OMG--I'm so glad you aren't dead! I have been blog-stalking you for a while now and when I didn't find anything new for you I admit that I was a little mad at you. I guess I have to forgive you now right?

Please get better. Now.
J Doe
(But really, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling 100%, and I'm sorry I was mad at you for it! Can we be friends?)

Princess Pointful said...

I just discovered this blog, and now I feel all possessive of you. You can't leave! You are my favourite way to waste time! Death = not allowed.

LousyTourist said...

Dammit I knew that was a bullshit diagnosis.

Get better or I'll come down there and kick your Dr's butt.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're okay, and I really hope they figure out what the hell is going on. Not having a diagnosis is enough to make a person go apeshit.

Miss Mayhem said...

Yay! You're alive! I am totally visiting your Facebook page!

Chuck said...

Mitchell, I'm sorry about Goose...everyone really liked him...I'm sorry...whoa, just had a Top Gun flashback.

Now get better and get nadle back on this here blog...nahw!

Kelly said...

One time I passed out for what felt like no reason after walking down the street to get coffee, and an ambulance came and took me to the hospital, and the doctors told me I had a dangerously irregular heartbeat. I had to stay in the hospital for a day while they monitored me until some genius finally figured out that passing out had MADE my heartbeat irregular temporarily, and not the other way around. Maybe that's what happened to you? I'm glad you're feeling better now.

Anonymous said...

Dear Allie, I'm glad you're not dead. The internet would suck a lot more if you were to leave us!
And thank you for your facebook update page, twitter is evil, and I will not be a part of it, but, finally, now I can follow you on the (slightly) less evil facebook! WOOHOO!!!!

nzmoores said...

Allie, I blame BP. They are screwing up the ocean and your lady bits. Beware the oil glob ovary kryptonite. Get better. We miss you. BP sucks.

Kb_Mal said...

Feel better, Allie!

contrarybear said...

Good news! I am wearing my Bear Chips t-shirt in support of your recovery.

Demyx Lupin said...

SO glad you're not dead D: Alot of people will miss you.

And so will a lot of people.

*cymbal crash in background*

Feeeel better, Allie!

And thanks so much for the Facebook page, as I'm not supposed to use Twitter... XD

Christine said...

Just started reading your blog like two days ago. It's awesome. I'm sure you know that, but I like to feel good about myself by telling you things that everyone is general agreement about.

Also! What if the disease is really just your segway disease? To your brand new super powers? Of justice. Or flying, I think flying would be the way to go.

Or you could be super lame like Jubilee and shoot lights out of your hands.

I've got my fingers crossed that it's not one of the lame ones. For your sake. I mean, fireworks are cool two times a year? Flying and throwing shit at people from the sky is fun any time.

Feel better!

Unknown said...

I tried emailing you a hug...a totally platonic, not-stalkerish, hanging-you-on-a-hook-in-my-room-like-a-poster-of-my-favorite-band, hug, but my digitized self was too large to fit as an attachment, so I'll just leave a comment.

I am really glad that you are not dead, 'cause that would really suck. Tell your body to stop trying to kill you. Offer your organs sweets and treats in return for good behaviour. Bribe them with dessert and designer tampons if you must.

Remember, if laughter truly is/was the best medicine, all doctors would be Patch know......funny. :D

Creepy Hugs from Canada.

Miss A said...

Feel better!

I refound you from That Wife's blog. It's kind of awesome finding you all over the internet. I feel like a stalker ninja.

(then again, this is also my first comment on your blog and you have to think I'm crazy nooooo)

shubha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shubha said...

omg your blog is funny, etc, blah, but I ALSO have "fainting, fevers, low blood pressure, and abdominal pain." but not the fainting. But the rest. I've never bothered asking a professional about them together though...and in isolation professionals don't find them very entertaining. I hope you find out what those are caused by and post it here so I can diagnose myself based on your diagnosis!

cmonster said...

Dang, Miss Allie.

I'm really sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well lately. I hope this funkyness doesn't last too long and keep you feeling yucky. You deserve better, Wee-One!

I keep forgetting about the Facebook page and oughta go there and wish you a speedy recovery. Every bit of concern helps the healing!

Please get well, rest, and let the inner-bears work their juju-healing-majick...I have no idea...
I just hope you get well!
Best regards,

Suzanne said...

Um. I just noticed that every time I scroll to the bottom of your blog and see the friendly hairy dude that says hello, I say hello back.

P.S. No more almost dying, please.

Wait... Er...I don't mean that in the "almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades" way that means almost isn't good enough. I mean don't do anymore things that in anyway resemble the feeling or appearance of death or impending death.

zebraMatt said...

This might be a little... insensitive, given the circumstances, but are you aware that you just said, "...there's a tab that let us you choose to see..."?

Is your grammar one of the organs affected by your disease cornucopia or just your fingers?


Suzanne said...

"disease cornucopia" - I like that.