1. "Brick Tag"
The rules of brick tag are simple: if you get hit by the brick, you're "it." You can also play brick freeze-tag, but it is not recommended since a game involving blunt-force trauma to the head doesn't really need to be complicated by not being able to tell if your friends are dead or just not "unfrozen" yet.
2. "Brick Roulette"
Have your friends stand in a circle around you. Put on a blindfold. Spin around as fast as you can while holding the brick with your arm fully extended to build up maximum force. Let go.
3. "Jump Over the Brick"
Put the brick on the ground. Jump over it. See how high you can jump.

4. "Truth or Brick"
Tell the truth or get the brick.

5. "Drop the Brick"
Find something tall. Go up on top of it. Drop the brick.

6. "Brick Conquerers"
Fuck the brick up. Hit it with a stick, stab it with a sword, set it on fire - the goal is to inflict maximal harm on the brick.

7. "Duck, Duck, Brick"

Don't forget...
Spin the Brick
Hide and Brick
Haha! I'd like to play truth or brick with my former best friend. She's a fucking liar! This should be fun. ;D
Brick soccer!
Pin the brick on the donkey?
I feel like maybe your parents should have invested a little more in toys.
I just got a horrible mental image of the board game Mouse Trap: Brick Edition!
this is kinda like Log circa 1990
OOOO-Weee! When did you break 1,000 followers? Congrats!!!!
Why the hell are poor people always complaining? A brick can bring fun to everyone and does not discriminate.
My favorite is Truth or Brick!
I wanna play "Kick the Brick" like Kick the Can, but with a brick instead. See if you can punt that across the street, Ned. Ha! (sorry, bitter childhood memories)
Thanks for destroying my Tuesday productivity with your ultra-time-wastey-yet-undeniably-entertaining blog.
Well, you can set a flower box on two bricks and then put another flower box in front of it...Terraced Flower boxes!!!!
Put orange hyacinths, yellow daffodils and pink tulips in the top flower box and a bunch of grape hyacinths and multi-colored crocus in the lower box.
EASTER-READY tiered flower boxes!!! Woooooooot! YAY, I love bricks!
When I was a kid, we didn't need bricks.
We had JARTS, the deadly lawn darts.
You're probably too young to know what those are. You're so cute. (I only say that to make my old age seem like it's somehow superior instead of dragging me down.)
And all this time I thought they were just for eating...
On Halloween you can 'Brick or Treat'. Don't wear a costume, and threaten them with the brick if they don't give you candy.
Or what about Brick Jenga? Could turn into some cool brick jenga building, or could be deadly. You'll never know and that's the fun of it.
Too funny. I just might try all of them. I like Truth or Brick.
Just a couple of things:
1. Hilariously awesome, as usual.
2. Love the new "copyright monster" so much I'm thinking about putting it on my own blog ...hahaha! just kidding! that's funny because...get it!?
3. WHEN will the I <3 Brick shirt be available? Seriously.
i DO have a pile of bricks, actually, and have been wondering what to do with them.
Allie, once again you have solved all of my day's problems.
(really I do have bricks, I just tore out 70's flowerbed made of bricks in my front yard)
I like these brick games. I think I'll introduce them at the next church youth meeting.
I miss those old days of playing "duck, duck, brick"... good times.
I think we're going to play Duck, Duck, Brick at my daughter's next sleep over party. All the kiddies are out cold and Mommy wins!
Obviously my childhood was filled with playground games of Capture the Brick, so I totally know where you're coming from on this one.
I am new to your blog and it is so funny I can't stop reading!
These games remind me of one that several guys I know made up while camping called Don't Die. I believe the name speaks for itself but, so far, the game has consisted of holding on to a rope while completely submerged in a river...
No one has lost yet.
Oh gosh, duck duck brick is so cool i wanna play it.
Got Brick?
Don't forget "Red Rover, Red Brick"
I am loving Duck Duck Brick.
How about pin the brick on the donkey and brick double dutch?
I'd like to play brick tag. Who wants to play brick tag? :D
"I'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you" (I'd let you find me if you bring nachos)
It is official: I'm addicted to your blog (despite the striptease bit... daring, bold, cute girl... kind of hard to watch...)
Okay Allie you totally need to know this. Blogger is out to get you.
1. I tried to follow you a couple of days ago and it said I wasn't able to because you had too many followers already. Yep you were maxed out on followers.
2. I tried to send you a comment talking about how you made me brave and happy, and how awesome I thought you were and how blogger wouldn't let me follow you and it wouldn't let me post it!
3. I just hit follow on your profile AGAIN and it said that I could follow you!
I'd watch out Allie, Blogger is getting afeared of your awesome powers!
Bricks are great for games, but would be horrible as desserts. I'm glad you didn't combine the bricks with yesterdays post, cause that would have been confusing.
A brick to the face
A pie to the face
Cake still loses.
HAHAHAA.. Please oh please make us a I <3 Brick shirt now !!
Don't forget other favorites such as:
Green-light, red-brick
Nowadays kids just want to play video games like:
Gears if Brick
Metal Brick Solid
I get that this is silly humour stuff, so I'm a little alarmed that I'm seriously considering #5
If I don't get some Spagahatta Nadle real soooon, I am coming to steal yo brick! Then we'll play Where in The World Is Allie's Brick? How about that game???
I like to heat my brick over a stove and tuck it under the covers to keep me warm like Laura Ingalls Wilder in Little House on the Prairie.
@Living Shallow: Brick-in-the-bed doesn't sound like a very fun game
I was the 999th subscriber! Yay!
True story: The stupid boys who lived across the street from me used to organize a game where the neighborhood kids played dodgeball with broken parts of street and curb. Until one day I got over zealous and used to big of a piece of asphalt and broke the Stupid Leader Boys leg. I was six and I still don't feel bad about it.
so...Brick Dodgeball.
There are no words to describe how happy this post makes me.
If ever you decide to feature bricks in another post, I might just die of glee.
Comment testing.
It's bri-ick, bri-ick
It's better than bad, it's GOOD!
brick, brick, brick, brick, brick, brick, brick, it's fun!
I think I like the brick conquerors... although I just tried a variation of it called, "bare knuckle brick boxing." It made me momentarily an unhappy person, but then I remembered that I was allowed to use weaponry so I grabbed my lawnmower and sent it flying into my neighbors car window.
When I was a kid we had rock fights. Yes, rock fights. Ahhh, life growing up near a power plant.
Wow, that really made me laugh. You're kinda hilarious :)
Red Rover, Red Rover send brick right over....Smack!
"Truth or brick" made me pee. Omg.
I love the first comment. All of them are pretty hilarious though, as is Allie. How's the best blog award thing or something like that going?
Love, Malou.
Your games would be fun ONLY if you're the one holding the brick... otherwise you just get smacked upside the head!
Brick Tetris ??
I can't wait for your 'Things to do with an Anvil' series!
Hilarious as usual.
How 'bout Brick paper scissors?
i'm actually surprised we never played any of these games growing up. we played football on PAVEMENT, which is just about as dumb. uh, i mean fun. FUN.
that's so awesome
My sister and I built forts with bricks. We didn't have a lot, though, so it got old pretty quickly. Also, it was a hassle to pull them out and put them back every time so the landlord didn't catch us playing with them.
If you become a breeder you could name your son, Brick. Or Ignatz (the original brick gamer).
i was going to leave some brick game suggestions but am scared a little of the i'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you statement i am now looking at. notice the lack of capital letters, i'm not yelling. please don't hurt me.
All I have are cinder-blocks, will those work? Hehehe...this is going to be fun...:)
-Miss Mayhem
For number six: it would be chlorine triflouride for the win!!
OMG I just stumbled upon this blog and I now think that I am addicted. I haven't laughed this hard in days. ahhhhhh :)
OMG I just stumbled upon this blog and I now think that I am addicted. I haven't laughed this hard in days. ahhhhhh :)
Holy crap. You are really clever. I usually don't "LOL" when I read a blog, but, damn girl. You are funny. I wish I knew you.
Hugs and pie.
I love the purple-shirted kid's expression on the last one, duck-duck-brick.
he just seems so happy, without a care in the world, like he honestly doesn't know whats about to happen, even though everyone else is freakin scared....
such a wonderfully oblivious person....and then BAM!!!
outta nowhere. headshot.
That's just fucking hilarious. Thanks for a laugh to start the day.
LOL a lot of them sound really PAINFUL :D thanks for the laugh.
My favourite is "Jump Over The Brick". And I've dropped the brick many times.
All of them seem very fun. Im very tempted to teach my little brother these games, though, I see them ending very badly
Fuck the brick up. haha I love it.
I'm a personal fan of the brick-walk (it's like a cake-walk but you win a brick), musical bricks (whoever doesn't get a brick gets beat by the people who did), and volleybrick (good luck, fuckers).
I can't wait to play truth or brick!
I saw you on Say Anything and ambled over here.
Freaking brilliant. You remind me of The Bloggess. My fave would have to be Brick Conquerers. Fuck the Brick Up. Dear Lawd, you are funny.
I wonder if anyones ever bludgeoned themselves to death D:
Allie. I love you. MARRY ME.
I'm probably not the first to say this, and I'm sure I won't be the last.
Trick or Brick.
And the classic children's pastime, Shit a Brick.
I used to crush brick bits into a fine power and call it make-up.
I attend a kung fu class where we throw a volleyball around and full speed and you have to catch it, or do pushups... When the game gets going, we have as many as 4 volleyballs in the air... and they can all come at you at the same time... we call it Focus Ball... imagine FOCUS BRICK... it would make kung fu training a lot more interesting than it already is :D
My husband is British and so I had to explain duck duck brick to him. After I explained it, that one was his favorite.
You had me at Brick Roulette....... OMG, best game ever..... xDDDD.
Oh Jesus!!!!!!!!! Laughing at my desk. You're TOO much! :)
I love Brick shirt! You must sell those! :)
Truth or Brick! haha. I'll choose truth!
I think I've read this post two or three times now, every time I cannot stop laughing. Brick tag is my favorite by far, the expressions on the people running away are just so good
The problem with truth or brick is that oftentimes it ends up being truth and brick, giving weight (and shape) to the adage that the truth hurts. Like a brick.
Brick Games are officially next on my todo list. In fact, I shall be acquiring a BrickD6 later.
Roleplaying games will never be the same.
I hear you can play similar games with a Log. Have you heard about Log? It's big, heavy, and wood.
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