Pre-Post Transition Post

This isn't a real post. I'm going to post the real post tomorrow. But it feels like there should be some sort of intermediate thing to prepare everyone for the abrupt change of speed ahead.

Here's a picture of an airplane.

I realize that airplanes don't look like that, but this has been a hard year for me and learning how to draw planes accurately wasn't exactly a priority. I maybe could have chosen to draw something else, but I started drawing the plane, and there was already too much momentum.

Anyway, I feel like this is becoming way more about planes than I had anticipated. Let's move on.

If, at any point over the last eighteen months, you've wondered what was happening to me and why it might be happening, my post tomorrow should explain everything.

I've been working on it for the better part of a year (partly because I wanted to get it exactly right, and partly because I was still experiencing it while attempting to explain it, which made things weird), and I'm relieved and excited and scared to finally be able to post it.

At this point, you're all probably wondering what is it? What's in the post?? Is it airplanes? And no, it unfortunately has very little to do with airplanes.* It's a sort of sequel to my post about depression. It is also about depression. In parts, it might get a little flinch-y and uncomfortable, and if I succeed in making you laugh during those parts, you're going to feel real weird about yourselves. But it's okay. Just let it happen. I WANT it to happen. Because it makes me feel powerful, and also because there are flinch-y, uncomfortable things everywhere. Seeing them is inevitable. If we can laugh about some of them, maybe they'll be less scary to look at.

Okay, so that's what's going to happen tomorrow. Hopefully this transition post makes the experience less jarring for everyone.

*As it turns out, there is a plane. I had forgotten about it (it's small and not the main focus of the post) and the coincidence was entirely unintentional. I'd never tell you there aren't going to be planes while being fully aware that there's a plane.


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maggie said...

*flapping arms*

Liz said...

I had you in my feedreader because I KNEW you would come back.

You've been missed.

Jen said...


I really hope you're feeling better these days!

Celine said...

Welcome back (I think/hope?) - I will assume you are feeling at least marginally better, and am glad for that!

Sarah said...

Allie! I am so glad you are around! Consider me prepared.

Unknown said...

Good to hear from you :)

Kath said...

I am so happy to hear you're back, and looking forward to tomorrow's post! x

David said...

Welcome back! We're all glad to see you again!

MerDG said...

Ahhhhh I cannot wait for tomorrows' post!

Damien said...

Preparation. Thanks for continuing to want us along :)

CmonReally said...

Allie, so glad to "hear" your voice again. Waiting.

Anonymous said...


Amy said...

THANK GOD you're back! :)

Vinny C said...

I'll be here tomorrow with bells on... Just so you know, that's probably all I'll be wearing.

Amanda said...

It's good to hear from you! I also hope you're doing alright these days.

InitialA said...

<3 I'm so glad you're doing better. I've been wondering how you've been and worried!!

Anonymous said...

Simply desire to say your article is as astonishing. The clarity in your post is simply great and i can assume you're an expert on this subject. Well with your permission let me to grab your feed to keep updated with forthcoming post. Thanks a million and please continue the rewarding work.

Look into my website :: click here

Gigi said...

Holy hell! I've been wondering about you!

Anonymous said...


WilliamSebren said...

My heart and various other vital organs just ruptured from unbridled glee.

Unknown said...

I'm just really glad you're back, airplanes or no airplanes

Heather said...

I have missed you so much

Jason said...


SO happy you're back and in one piece (I hope, it's going to get weird if tomorrow's post is about how you're in two parts).

Unknown said...



yes, this requires all caps.

kobrakaisandy said...

I am SO glad you're back! I worried much about you. <3 I can't wait to read; it's the perfect ending to my super stressful day of finals tomorrow. So happy to "see" you again.

The Laughing Muse said...

I'm so glad to see that you're here!! Depression is an absolute bitch-and-a-quarter. I was just afraid it had gotten someone else that I knew (of)...

areyoukiddingme said...

Welcome back! And I saw something somewhere about a book...I hope that's true. Can't wait to see what you've been up to - I hope it hasn't been awful.

Lani said...

Here I was sure that you'd been eaten by bears. Or geese. I am at once elated and disappointed.

Lynne said...

It is so nice to hear from you again. I hope things are going better for you now.

Garrett Gowen said...


Sero said...

It's great to see you writing again - I was sad that I only found your work during your hiatus, and thought I'd missed the boat.

And hey.. life happens. I certainly know how things aren't all rainbows and sunshive. If you're comfortable with sharing, I'll definitely be reading your real post. :)
Welcome back? (If that's.. even appropriate? I.. I don't know. /social awkwardness at its finest)

Unknown said...

I'll ride that plane! As scary as it gets.

Unknown said...

I'm so excited, I have to go pee! I feel completely unprepared for how giddy I am.

Amber of Butane Anvil said...

Oh, Allie!!! I am so happy to SEE you!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As someone who can relate to your previous depression post somewhat, I greatly look forward to what's going to be posted tomorrow! Thanks for all the hard work!

Thomas said...

And here we discover just how goddamn many of us still use RSS.
Screw you Google Reader for deserting us.

Lexi said...

So glad you are back! We missed you!

Anonymous said...

You're back! I've been worried about you, and I'm very excited for tomorrow's post!

Unknown said...

You're Back! :D

Ari said...

I really missed you. Alot. (It had to be said)

Kristan said...

*points up*

What they said!

Anonymous said...


Abby said...

welcome back. I've missed your writing and your honesty, and I understand how depression can destroy things. so happy to see that you're safe.

elizabeth said...

SO HAPPY to see you updating again, and I wait with baited breath to feel weird for laughing after your next post.

Seriously, though, I hope things are better for you now, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming book!

elembee123 said...

Eeeeeeeeee!!!!! I'm so happy to see that you're back! Yay!

*does little happy dance of joy*

Amber said...



Psychotic rant over.

Honestly I do hope you're feeling much better and I'm trying really, really hard not to squeal right now. I'm hoping against hope against hope that your post tomorrow is about how much better you're doing. Depression sucks.

Jen said...

I'm ready to flinch with you.

Anonymous said...

WELCOME BACK. You were very missed.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see you're alright, or alright enough to make this post, or whatever you want to call it. thank you for the airplane, its lovely

Lisa V said...


Gent said...


Rosy / Michael said...


I have been waiting.


joanie said...

I'm more than ridiculously happy to have seen this on Twitter, even though you didn't want it to auto update, but that's technology for you. We're just all happy to see you back!

bluzdude said...

I am so happy you getting back in the game. Your voice (and drawing) is too awesome to be seen and heard.

tulacastrej said...

As someone who also experienced the last 18 months as awful, welcome back. You have no idea how much I missed you. It is great to read you.

Bradford said...

Yes, I wondered where you went! Glad I did not unsubscribe.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's really weird! After several months of absence (sorry!), just a few days ago I was like "Hey! I wonder what's up with Hyperbole and a Half and Allie?". And just to make sure my RSS reader hadn't missed anything I checked for updates, and even read the Wikipedia article and saw you gave an update on Reddit a while back. :-)

Anyway, I hope that the update means that you're feeling better!

Tess said...


Mike said...

Oh my stars!

Liz C. said...

I am so happy to see your words in this space!! Glad to read whatever tomorrow's post might bring.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm very happy (like VERY, and like FOR REAL) to see that you're coming back. I hope you'll bring us good news tomorrow.

I have no idea what it could be but it looks very difficult and important so... Good luck!!!

Brittan said...

this is a happy day.

littleironhorse said...

Welcome back! You've been missed!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Go ahead and flinch me. I dopey-dog dare ya!

Drew said...

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome airplane.

Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear from you! I am ready for your post tomorrow and very excited. :)

Granoblastic Man said...

Hi, you don't know me, but I'm going to hug you now.


I hope everything is going okay, and you have NO idea how excited I am to see that you posted again. I genuinely missed your quirky stories and bizarre* sense of humor.

*That's code-talk for "awesome"

Andrea said...

I'm super happy that you are back, at least today, no matter what you reveal tomorrow. We are waiting with you :)

Emily F. said...

I am so happy to see you posting again! I have missed your wonderful work and hope that you are doing well!

Sue London said...

Yay! Good to see you back Allie! Hopefully it will be an action-adventure post about how you defeated depression like St. George slaying the dragon.

Erin said...

I quite literally gasped when you came up on my Twitter feed. I don't even know you and I've been so terribly worried for you. I've been checking your site every month or so, just hoping you'd come back and tell us you were okay.

It feels weird to say that I can't wait to read about someone's battle with depression, but, well, there you go!

Megan said...

Waiting slightly impatiently but on pins and needles nonetheless :)

Noah said...

Really looking forward to reading your stuff again! How is the book pre-sale going on Amazon?

Hannah said...


As a person who studies rotting humans (Forensic Taphonomy) I am totally in favor of laughing at the flinchy stuff. Neils Bohr once said, "There are some things so serious you have to laugh at them."

Unknown said...

You have been glad you are back.

Sarah said...

Hi Allie! We love you! Alot!

Naddles said...

I thought about your last post this morning on the train and was hoping that you'd be back and thinking of ways to tell you that you make people happy. But many people have written it better and it might only make a teensy difference when it is already in your mind and you feel worthless. But I am happy you exist.

Sebastian Tauchmann said...

Jolly good show. :)

Rhonda said...

You are back! So good to hear from you.

MomVee said...

So glad to "see" you. So glad I kept you in my feed!

Anonymous said...

You're back! Huzzah! I am so happy! We were all so worried about you! ♥ I can't wait to see what you post tomorrow.

Miss Maggie said...

I'm just so happy to see you coming back, love.

kimk said...

Good to see something from you! Don't worry about making us flinch. It's the internet, it's full of depression, we know what it's like. Flinchify us.

Tippi said...

I was just saying yesterday how I missed your posts and boom! I miss money.....

Chon said...

I google searched you like a stalker because I was worried about someone I'd never met!!

Dr. Dokey Doodle said...

It gets better

Rachel R. said...

Welcome back!!!!

Adam said...

Hooray!! Allie's back and she's still funny! Happy Dance!

Nus Nogard said...

Awesome. I'm glad to see you posting again.

awfish said...

*Kermit flail*

Welcome back!

BananaPudding said...

I actually did the same thing and sent an email last month asking how she was because I just genuinely wanted to know.

+1 to the very excited people to see this post

Untypically Jia said...

Depression is a bitch. Know that you are loved and not alone in it. <3 Welcome back.

Caratunk Girl said...


Cartwheels! Jumping jacks! Skipping!

I'm tired now. Welcome back.

alex said...


I am so glad I randomly decided to check up on your blog for the first time in months.

Well, not totally randomly.

I was looking for a specific picture from one of your stories to post in conjunction with my status on Facebook, which led me to a recent article about your book, which led me to Reddit (does not everything lead to Reddit?), where someone had linked to your blog in a comment and I decided to relive some of the most hilarious content I have ever experienced, only to find THIS!

Which is a far better outcome than anything I could have possibly anticipated from my finals-week internet procrastination.

Thank the internet gods. Glad you are back, looking forward to your post even if it is a bit flinch-y at times.

Anonymous said...

I got so excited I actually screamed! I've been rereading the old posts SO MUCH in the past year. I can't wait!!!

Leah said...

Wheeee! I'm so excited you're back.

Laurel said...

YAY!!! You rock, Allie!!! SO happy to hear you are doing even a little bit better. You have been very missed, and we are all here rooting you on!!! You have so many people who think you are great!

Sara said...

!!! Super-glad to see another post!

Kristen said...

YES!!!! Seeing you pop up on my google reader makes me (and my) alot happier!!

Lauren B said...

you're back! so happy when i saw your post in my google reader :)

Casey said...

ohhh I'm so glad you're back!! I was re-reading your old posts just a couple of weeks ago. Looking forward to your next post, no matter what.

Wrenn said...

SO GLAD to see you back! Can't wait for your post.

a Chris said...

Awesome to "hear" from you. I'm up for flinchiness tomorrow.

Strainul said...

Know that you are loved.

Anonymous said...

I didn't believe it when I first saw this pop up in my Google Reader (which also reminds me, I need to find a new blog reader, oy).

I am SO SO SO happy to see a post from you. Not just because of how much I enjoy your pictures and stories, but because I have been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. I've even searched the interwebs a number of times to see if anyone has posted any sort of interaction they've had with you, but hadn't seen anything since your Reddit thread.

Anyway, this is long and I'm sure there will be many other comments saying similar sentiments in a better way, but you were missed and your return is celebrated.

anne applegate said...

Gah! Flapping! So glad to see you back!

Mary said...

SO happy that you're doing well and that you're ready to share what you've been through. I imagine it hasn't been easy. We have missed you and I'm sure there are thousands of people happy to see this! Love and light to you.

Sami said...

Oooh flinch-y /dundunDUN

Can't wait! Glad to see your return!! Welcome back!

Chris said...

I'm really excited that you've started writing again, and hoping that you've been able to work through everything from the last post. It's really great "hearing" from you again. Kept checking your page, hoping to see something new, and now that it is and there will be, I'm really excited. Just remember, you can get through anything.

Sarah said...

Great to hear from you ! *creepy stranger (but sincere) internet hugs*

lynnzgal said...

Hi! So much encouragement. That is all!

NT said...

So glad to see you posting again.

Old Crow said...

thanks for the pre-post thing. and the plane. which looks like what a shark would want to look like if it wanted to appear, you know, friendlier.

laughing while flinching is a very important life skill, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow's opportunity to practice. in your company. welcome back.

Anonymous said...

So good to see you back again! I saw your tweet pop up and felt great delight! (I miss the people I love online who I've never met when they go away... so sue me.)

Unknown said...

So much love for you! Thanks for powering through it all to end up back with us <33

Arla said...

I'm SO happy to hear your voice I'm doing a little happy dance. Welcome back! You have been well and truly missed!

Queen Holly the Magnificent said...

YAY! You're back! Now I can go back to looking forward to your drawings and laughing and stuff.

Sydney said...


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back!

Kat said...

So glad you're back!!!! You've been missed!

x said...

Welcome back Allie!

We've missed you, and it's good to see you back (y)

Samantha Kneale Taylor said...

Yay! Welcome back!

Jill said...

Yay, you're back!!

Heather said...

I can't even handle it. Somebody put me on that list of ten dogs who can't even handle it right now.

Jess said...

You're back! Awesome. That is all.

Anonymous said...


Jenna said...

I've been worried! Welcome back, and I really hope your life improves/ has been improving in every way possible.

Allison Zapata said...

We all have our shit...I hope yours is starting to smell less...glad to see you back. xoxo

Ethel Mertz said...

OMG! I'm so glad you're back! The land of depression is a god-awful place - I've been there. So happy you're back.

Anonymous said...

I'm so HAPPY THAT YOU ARE BACK! Missed your posts something terrible. Glad that you are making it through.

kruttika said...

oh my I knew this day was going to be awesome! you're back, yay! :)

Anonymous said...

OK, seatbelt is fastened.

Anonymous said...

So happy to see you back online. Missed you very much & am willing to take any flinch-y parts to have you back... :D

Anonymous said...

Your first post helped me explain to my loved ones what I was going through and made me feel so, so much less alone during my own depression. I still don't see a light at the end of the tunnel most days but having you back does make my heart happy.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! There can never be too much fan mail. We have all missed you but are so giddily delighted in your return we don't care :)

Riki said...

Oh welcome back!!! I hope you're doing much, much, much better. Much.

Ghost Runner said...

And here I thought it was because of your book. How is that by the way?

Leah said...

Welcome back! It may sound cliche, but I'm so happy to see you posting again.

exipolar said...

Happy to see you're doing well (I hope)

Amelia Antwiler said...

Missed you!! So glad to see you posting again. And it's a lovely airplane

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back. Having been depressed multiple times, I worried. Truly. I've missed you!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!!!

Rabid said...

Without meaning to be creepy, a couple of things.

I love you. Alot.

You are an awesome person.

I am happy for what this post could mean (both for you and for us) and super happy to see you (hopefully!) getting back on the horse.

Here's a tiny (and furry) attempt at offering some smiles and motivation.

Unknown said...


(most importantly, posting)

(that was a joke, in case some people didn't catch it. it's funny because being alive and well is generally a priority. please laugh. i'm so lonely.)

Zack said...

Hey Allie,

I'm so glad you're writing again, we've all missed you something awful. I also hear the book is coming out soon(ish?), and this makes me happy too. I hope you're feeling less depressed these days, I know how tough that can be to go through.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you are back...I have always loved your blog! Hope things get better and better for you!

Erin said...

Welcome back! I was thinking about Hyperbole and Half the other day and was wondering how you were doing. Depression is not fun speaking from personal experiences with it. Glad you are back!

Denny said...


KJ Photography said...

I am so happy you're back. *hugs love lots of nice things*

Brandon said...

Welcome back, Allie!

Ana said...

I hope all is well. We all go thru tough times. I'm glad you're at a point where you can talk about it.

Disoriented Nomad said...

We're SO GLAD you are ok. Yes, glad you are back, but more glad you are ok, and on the mend. And you are not alone.

Thank you for sharing. We are happy to read anything you post.

Austral said...

At least you are alive!
Hugs for you c:

Anonymous said...

*heterosexual hug and kiss*

Hi :) Glad to see you're fighting some of your internal wildebeasties and making some headway. Take it slow.

-Jennifer M

thatgreenmaid said...

Welcome Back!

Kiera said...

You have been missed. I'm nervous what tomorrows post with be & I'm glad to see you back. I sadly had expected your posting was done.

Ray the Blind Dog said...

Looking forward to hearing your voice again. I hope you've been ok.

Anonymous said...

SO glad you're back!!!

Leah Chisholm said...

Welcome back!!! It feels so good to start digging out of depression, and I say that from personal experience...Here's hoping that the only direction things go for you is up up up!!! WE MISSED YOU <3

Leah said...

So unbelievably happy to have you back, and as someone who has been to hell and back with mental illness I'm so grateful to you for posting about it so openly. To your health <3

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, love! The forums are still alive and kicking! You've been missed, but never EVER forgotten. If we did that...well, let's just say there's a special circle dedicated to people who forget Allie Brosh.

Bean said...

So glad to see you're back. We've missed you. You're the bestest and we can handle whatever you're gonna post. <3

Anonymous said...

Yay! You're back, you're back, you're back, you're baaaaaaaaaaack!

I've missed your posts dearly.

strud said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're back. I've been worried about you since your last post. It's good to know you are working through whatever is going on. Best best wishes.

Carrie said...

Missed your hilarious writings and images. Feel awful you've been struggling. But soooo happy you're 'back.' Fully supporting ya and sending love your way from ATL, GA...and not the Honey Boo Boo the Cool GA :)

MrsSmiley said...

This calls for a Fraggle Rock song!! =D

WEL-COME BACK! ALLIE BROSH! Welcome home, welcome home, welcome home welcome, All-ie Brosh! WHOOPIEEEEEEEEEEEE!

This is done to the tune of "Welcome Back Uncle Matt" Linky:

Jennifer W. said...

So glad you are back! And that's a way better airplane that I could draw

karen said...

Missed you, and so glad to hear you haz plans. <3 a fan.

tacky treasure hunter said...

I think I just fell even more in love with you.

Kalon said...

I'm very happy to see you posting - and I hope that whatever you post helps you personally.

Whatever you choose to share with us I appreciate. It's all been a gift.

I've never said this and I should have before - thank you for so much.

Unknown said...

Allie, welcome back. You've been missed dearly.

Carrie said...

Missed your hilarious writings and images. Feel awful you've been struggling. But soooo happy you're 'back.' Fully supporting ya and sending love your way from ATL, GA...and not the Honey Boo Boo the Cool GA :)

Unknown said...

Hooray! Welcome back! You don't know me, but I just wanted to let you know that there is an entire chunk of the knitting forum Ravelry all rooting for you and your health, well-being, and art. ((ALL THE VIRTUAL HUGS!))

Victoria said...

I am so so so so so so so happy you are alive.

Shelley: the Dread Pirate Rodgers said...

I'm so pleased for you that you are posting again! I've kept you in my reader because I *knew* you'd be back. :-) :-)

Without having read you next post (obviously), I do sincerely hope that you have worked through or are continuing to work through whatever it is that you needed to work through.

In the immortal words of Hunter S Thompson, you are ... " ... A real heavyweight water buffalo type... who could chew his way through a concrete wall and spit out the other side covered with lime and chalk and look good in doing it. "

Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

My friend and I were worried about you. Glad you're back!

Piper said...

Woot! Good to see you back. :)

Unknown said...

It's really good to see a post from you! I dealt with depression for a really long time when I was younger (and lets be honest, now too) and I'm glad you are finding a way to work through it.

Lon said...

*hugs* The entire Interwebz missed you and was a slightly more miserable place without you. I'm so glad you're back. Best wishes!

Unknown said...

Didn't even find out via RSS...I was just checking in to see if there were any updates and...whats this...a post with today's date?

Woot! Welcome back!

MouslyKat said...

OMG <3 I'm so glad you're back! I love you and have missed you dearly. I really go back and read your old posts just to smile! :D

Unknown said...

SOOOO happy to hear from you, and that you are doing better. WELCOME BACK :)

A said...

Welcome back! You've been missed. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you're okay. Glad to hear from you.

Unknown said...

Hi Allie. No pressure, but it is wonderful to see you come back up for air. Hugs. I look forward to your next post. Unflinchingly.

Rebecca said...

You have been desperately missed! So happy you're back and so excited about your post tomorrow. You are able to explain my own depression (even to me!) so much more eloquently and jauntily than I ever could. Thank you, and welcome back!

Kate said...

This makes me really, really happy. And a little nervous to read tomorrow's post, but mostly just happy. You are important and bring a lot of joy to people. Thanks for letting us in.

Barefoot Friar said...

Yay! You're back! Woohoo!

Jennifer said...

Unintentional airplanes rule :)

Wishing you happy, healthy times ahead.

Ashley said...


Nicole said...

So glad to see you back... you were missed and I'm so proud of you for sharing yourself about really difficult times. You are helping a whole lot of people with your bravery.

Anonymous said...

I have also been through that flinch-y uncomfortable period a couple of times. So ready to laugh about it! If anyone can make it funny you can! Glad youre back! Hooplah!

Unknown said...

Whew!! You are living and breathing. Sorry you went through hell...hopefully you are on the rise. Even scary, flinchy things can be funny...and I think you are right...laughing at them makes them, even ever so slightly, less scary/flinchy. Maybe it helps links us as know the whole human experience thing. Awesome you are the link for humanity...


Unknown said...

So so SOOOO happy you're back. I have missed you so very much!

RustyManfang said...

My Body Is Ready

Jessie said...

Welcome back, you've been missed!

Mark said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better or least the book people are making you fake it. If you are faking, it might help.

Stacy said...

Yay! Welcome back!

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