Here's a picture of an airplane.
Anyway, I feel like this is becoming way more about planes than I had anticipated. Let's move on.
If, at any point over the last eighteen months, you've wondered what was happening to me and why it might be happening, my post tomorrow should explain everything.
I've been working on it for the better part of a year (partly because I wanted to get it exactly right, and partly because I was still experiencing it while attempting to explain it, which made things weird), and I'm relieved and excited and scared to finally be able to post it.
At this point, you're all probably wondering what is it? What's in the post?? Is it airplanes? And no, it unfortunately has very little to do with airplanes.* It's a sort of sequel to my post about depression. It is also about depression. In parts, it might get a little flinch-y and uncomfortable, and if I succeed in making you laugh during those parts, you're going to feel real weird about yourselves. But it's okay. Just let it happen. I WANT it to happen. Because it makes me feel powerful, and also because there are flinch-y, uncomfortable things everywhere. Seeing them is inevitable. If we can laugh about some of them, maybe they'll be less scary to look at.
Okay, so that's what's going to happen tomorrow. Hopefully this transition post makes the experience less jarring for everyone.
*As it turns out, there is a plane. I had forgotten about it (it's small and not the main focus of the post) and the coincidence was entirely unintentional. I'd never tell you there aren't going to be planes while being fully aware that there's a plane.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 2208 Newer› Newest»YAY! The best part of my life is coming back! I've missed your posts for a long time. I'm glad you are back but I am also glad you took time to care for yourself and make things right. You are an endless source of inspiration. Can't wait to read your next billion posts! :D
I HAVE totally thought of you a lot -- in fact just the other day so this makes me super happy. I am glad you are back and well enough to post and smart and brave and creative enough to show us how to look at AND laugh at the flinch-y things. Phenomenal.
(I've been blog-stalking you forever and literally just looked at your feed the other day, with a whimper and a thought, "man i hope she posts again soon)
and here you are.
Welcome back!
You've been missed. ^_^ so happy to finally see an update!
so glad. and grateful. welcome back
Today, I graduated from a Community College after trying, and literally failing, over the past six years.
Today, Allie Brosh came back to the Internet.
Guess which one made me cry more?
I am so, so very glad you are back Allie. I've missed you.
Welcome back!
I'm still working on my struggle with depression. It isn't easy for me so it will be nice to hear someone's story to see if I relate to it.
I hope you're doing better!
Weeee!! So glad to hear you are back! This girl is pretty excited to see your next post. Hugs!!
Thank goodness you're feeling better.
I have missed you ALOT! :D
I am so glad you are back :)
I'm so^12323746283 glad you're coming back! I've been periodically checking this blog seeing if you had somehow snuck a post in without announcing to the world but then you popped up on my twitter feed and I was so happily shocked! Welcome home Allie!
Awww, YAY! Allie is back! Probably you're unaware of the deep friendship we developed over the past 18 months you've been gone which coincided with the 18 month anniversary of my arrival.
but it's deep.
And also friendly.
So glad to hear from you again and I hope this is a sign things are on their way up for you. Much love and support.
I'm so glad that you are okay. As soon as your facebook status update appeared in my feed I texted all of those I've shared your blog with. We've been patiently hoping that you were recovering well. You're cared for by many. :)
My husband and I quote, "clean ALL the things!" to each other constantly. I'm glad you are posting again. You have been missed.
YAAAAAY!!! You're back.. Can't wait until tomorrow! I've waited 18 month... what's one more day??
Welcome back!!!! Totally missed your hilarity and hope all is well! :-)
You're the best! I love your work and have missed you!!
Glad you're back! I just thinking about you last week and wondering how you were doing and whether you'd ever start posting and drawing again. So glad to read your latest post and hope the demons are at bay for a long, long time.
So glad you're back and feeling better (I hope)! I will echo everyone else here in telling you that you've been sorely missed!
I'm so glad you're okay!!!!
WE LOVE YOU!!! Welcome back SO HARD!
Dear Allie -
We love you.
Welcome back.
You have discovered the secret to depression. Laughing at the flinchy and uncomfortable things is the best way to survive, and ultimately defeat, them. We're all rooting for - and laughing with - you.
SQWEEEE! I has a happy.
Jack, my cat could not care less, but that's a cat for you. Uncaring selfish bastards, them cats.
I know how much depression can bring a person down. I don't normally comment on these things cause I don't feel I have anything worse saying , but you should know that your comics (most specifically the previous post about depression) have brought me some relief. Looking forward to it. Suffer well :D
I just threw my arms up in the air and yelled whoo! Cant wait for the new post. Glad your back Allie.
may some of our happiness about your return help lift some of the veil of your depression. You have been missed
Sweet Jesus with butter! There's something worthwhile on the Internet again! :D
As someone who also struggles with major depression, reading your new post will be my official reason to get out of bed tomorrow. :)
The Internet welcomes you back with open arms (for however long you choose to stay)! We all hope you're doing well (or at least I do, I'm not sure why I'm presuming to speak for the rest of the rabble).
MISSED YOU OMIGOSH so glad you're back!
Oh my gosh! You have no idea how much you've been missed. My family has had several run ins with depression, and I'm just glad that you are feeling better, even just a little bit. We don't even know you, but we've been rooting for you(: Much love <3 (My sister bought me a spaghatta nadle sweatshirt for my birthday a few years ago. even though it's a billion degrees in michigan right now, i'm going to wear it in honor of you...)
Welcome back, Aly! You were greatly missed.
Thank goodness you're feeling better and thank goodness you're back!!"
I can't wait to read tomorrow and Im glad you're feeling powerful and better! Welcome back to the interwebs!
I love you Allie. Please know we are all here for you. We've been anxiously waiting for you to come back. We haven't gone away.
I am so glad you're back and (presumably since you've posted again) doing better.
So happy you're back! No pressure. :)
I just threw my arms up in the air and yelled whoo! Cant wait for the new post. Glad your back Allie.
Hooray, you're back! I, and so many others, have missed your wonderful posts full of realness.
Depression. Yeah, she's a bitch. I hope this means that you've found a way out of the darkness. Looking forward to tomorrow's post!
Soooo happy!
The alot monster is one of my favorite things.
Sincerely yours,
Editor Being Treated for Depression
Jeez, you're not loved by very many people, are you? (Lol)
It's a journey. If you keep walking, eventually you'll come out on the other side.
SO glad to see this, Allie :)
I will read no more comments. Maggie has won.
Rock. Star.
So glad you're back. Having had my own struggles, I'm prepared to laugh with yours.
I'm glad to see you are posting again. Just know that you are supported as a person and not just someone who feeds blogs to the hungry hungry internet monster.
I'm glad to see you coming back! Depression can be a real ass-kicker, I've gone a few rounds with it myself.
So glad you are able to reach out and have been working through all of it (flinchy or not). Sending love & support-y stuff-- I hope you can smile a bit to see how missed you've been. :)
I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!~
I'm really happy you're back. (: I've been checking your page every month or so since your last post hoping you'd come back. As weird as that sounds, I'm really glad to of heard something from you.
Love to you, Allie. Welcome back. We missed you.
My shark ponytail now feels like it has a purpose again. Welcome back! :)
Some of us are just glad you're back! *Big creepy internet hugs from total strangers who are elated by your return*
OMG, you're back! You posted! Holy frig! Wait 'til my 15 year old daughter sees that you're back. We've missing you desperately. Acutely. I'm not kidding. I'm so glad I've kept you in Google Reader so as not to miss a single word or drawing of yours. We've poured over each and every single word of all your prior posts just to tide us over until your return. We've thought about you every week since your last post. We've been sending you encouraging vibes, I hope you got them. You have made an enormous difference in our lives. You will never know how much you've enriched our lives.
Whatever you've been going through is whatever you've been going through. No more, no less. ... Welcome back!
That was a good prep post. Now I feel like I can actively listen (read) tomorrow.
It's good to see that you came out of that dark place in one piece.
You were missed.
Yay! You're back and from the looks of these comments, a lot of us were waiting for your return, hoping you were OK.
YAY! Allie! This is excellent news. HURRAH!
I've always found it one of the saddest things that writers and artists who struggle with depression so rarely get a chance to realize how much their work means to others. I guess one of the benefits to the Interwebs is that you at least get some instant feedback gratification on how much you have been missed. Enjoy the love, Allie, hope to hear you are coming out on the other side.
It feels weird to adore you and not know you. I do. Adore you. And I also don't know you. But if I had three wishes one of them would be to let me feel flinch-y and uncomfortable tomorrow. I hope that's only one wish, though, and not two.
I have nothing new to offer other than more thanks for posting, and that I am very sorry you had such a rough year and a half. Hope you are feeling better/managing better, and I look forward to reading tomorrow's post!
Hooray! I hope you're well, or as well as possible, or the most appropriate thing I can wish for you since I don't actually know you at all but just assume you're awesome due to the wonderful works you've posted here. I don't want my well-wishes to be inappropriate with those considerations in mind, so take what's good and ignore the rest.
So glad to see this pre-post post. Does this make this a pre comment comment? I am looking forward to reading your post, even the flinchy bits, because you can take the mundane, the bizarre and the painful and make us take a good long look at them, followed by an even longer laugh, and then much sharing amongst friends and family ensues.
I'm so happy I think I'm going to go open Paint and draw a dinosaur and put it on the forum. Just like old times. I ♥ you.
I was going through pinterest and someone posted a pic and i thought the drawing looked cute so i clicked and was led to this blog and i got sucked in (1 hour to be exact) going through posts and before i headed back to pinterest, i hit the home button for no particular reason and just saw the most recent post just happened!!!!.....crazy! excited!!! cant wait for more posts :)
You rule.
^^^ What everyone else said... with the exception of the use of the word "alot"... and the one who babbled on about "Simply desire to say your article is as astonishing. The clarity in your post is simply great and i can assume you're an expert on this subject..." blah blah blah...
Planes or no planes - I'm so happy you're back, and I can't wait for tomorrow.. squidgy feelings n' all.
Yah! Welcome back! As someone who has experienced the lows and low-lows of depression and anxiety, I extend a heartu and knowing fist bump to you.
I kind of looks like it was going to be a shark
You are loved.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! She's back!! *dances, giggles and squeezes Allie*
You have been sooooooo stinking missed!
You are more awesome than words can say. So happy that I'll once again get to hear about your adventures.
This is the best thing that happened to me today! I'm so glad you're back! YAYY!!!
i've missed you I've missed you I've missed you I've missed you I've missed you!
Oh, Allie! <3 I'm glad you're back.
The fact that your airplane looks like a shark says a lot about how vicious your fight with depression must have been. Allie 1-Bastard Depression Shark 0. Yay.
I cannot wait to read your next post. Having experienced some pretty nasty bouts of depression myself, your last post helped me feel like I am not alone. And of course, by extension, neither are you! :)
Welcome back. I hope that by the outpouring of internetz you realize that your hilarity and wit was trul missed, and also people genuinely give a crap about your well-being. Cheers!
SO glad you are here.
You're alive. You're trying to come back. I know where you were because I have the same problems. You're here, though, and you're loved, and missed.
I have missed your posts , your humor and your aet. Very happy you are back, and just want to say, you are not alone. Hope you are Ok, and just know that at least. in my world, you are important. Peggy Wilson
Thank you for coming back to us! I know it must have been a struggle, and may continue to be. That said, you have made many of my days brighter, and I hope you know that. I've never commented before, but I'm sending you hugs!
So glad to have you back! Missed you badly!
You're back!!! My son and I were talking about you literally last night and how much we love your blog and wish you were still writing, welcome back, we are so thrilled, and the airplane picture is spectacular!
I'm glad you're okay. I was worried.
Yaaaay! I just looked you up a couple of days ago and I have to say, I was a wee bit worried about you. Glad you're back and happy!
Welcome back! Always enjoyed the comics and ready for more!
Alle! So glad to hear from you. Hopefully you're doing well & we will be seeing some more comics from you in time.
Yay!! she has returned and stuff! hope you are feeling much much better. if not, let us know who you need beat up and im sure alot of us here can make it happen...probably even throw the guilty parties off airplanes!
I am so glad you're back. I've been very worried about you.
I'm just so excited that you're back! Even if it's just for these two posts, I'm still excited. And also I'm hoping that these posts mean you're doing better and you've been able to take care of yourself these past few months. Welcome back! You've been missed
I was missing this, even considering I began to read Hyperbole and a Half from the last year, NICE!
Let us have it! I'm so glad to see you back, and ready to hear your story.
Preparing? You're always preparing. Just go! (Just go.)
Hello Allie! It's so nice to hear from you again and hope all is well. You've been in our thoughts so often, but only ever the nice ones. :D
Your friends from Canby (remember the door chime bell thinky for Simple Dog and ice cream at Goodies?) - Macy, Maddy and Kris
Love. Lots and lots of love.
I gasped super loud when I saw you had posted something new!
Allie, I hope you know that we aren't all just thrilled because you're back to entertain us with hilarious stories and comics. We're happy because you are here to share your story of what you've been going through, and relieved that you are well enough to post to your blog. You may not be okay yet, but please know that your presence helps us. You owe us absolutely NOTHING - remember that, too. But believe everyone that says that s/he missed you, because we do. The reason so many people love your blog is because of the absolute humanity of it, the ups and downs and horrors, and I truly have thought of you often in this last year and a half. Be well and safe.
As everyone else has said, we've missed you. Welcome back c:
Been hoping to see you back! I love your work!
I've missed you alot (see what I did there?) I'll be waiting to feel weird about myself and welcome you back tomorrow.
Omg, I'm so happy you're back! We've been waiting for you! I hope you're feeling better, and this past year has given you the time you needed to sort through life. I can honestly say no blog has ever made me laugh as hard as yours, and yet still managed to make me think about the darker aspects of life without feeling like crap afterward. <3
ermagehrd! i'm so glad you're feeling better, and i've been looking forward to seeing your return.
Welcome back!!! :D Reading this make me so happy, I was worried about you, buy now I wish I could give you a big hug!!! :')
So happy that you're okay Allie! Wishing you the best. <3
Yay, you're back! *does happy dance*
Too bad you only have a couple fans who are over the moon excited to see you back. Why can't people be a little bit happier to see you? People can be such jerks. ;)
But really, thank you for being real and honest. I hope you are finding peace and happiness!
Everybody and their brother have already said, welcome back, we missed you; but I am going to say it too. So glad to see that you're going to post again!
Allie!!!!!!!! I just want to say that I am so glad you posted something. Anything.
Your humor and writing has enriched so many lives. For instance, I am a teacher, and my first period drumming class was HORRIFYINGLY AWFUL this morning. Three boys were actually trying to get sent out of class. It was awful.
And then I saw your airplane and it was like a beacon of hope popping through the clouds of my soul. :) The fact that I know that my favorite blogger ever is okay is enough to make Wednesday May 8th 2013 a good day, even though the rest of the day was pretty icky.
We love you so hard! Dogpile on Allie!
I'm so excited to see this and I'm even more excited that you're back! <3
Is it too soon to go ahead a make a cup of coffee in preparation for your next post or would that be just creepy?
Just askin'.
Very glad to hear from you cause we miss you like fuck.
I honestly feel like I might cry from joy. I checked your blog regularly to see if you'd posted and to hear that you're still around and you're doing better for yourself makes me so happy.
Good to hear from you.
So Happy you are back! We have missed you!
Missed you, sugar booger.
Nice to see a new post from you! Looking forward to reading more. And the plane is better than I could do, so you've got better plane-drawing-skillz than at least one other person. Good times.
Yay! You're back! You're back! I can barely contain myself! :D
Everybody and their brother have already said, welcome back, we missed you; but I am going to say it too. So glad to see that you're going to post again!
I'm so glad to see you active again! For a while I thought that something bad may have happened, and got kinda scared.
Very excited to see you back. As you can see by many posts, you are greatly appreciated. Depression sucks to all hell and it is heartbreaking to know you (or anybody) has had to experience it. I'm sure I am not alone when I say your writings have given a smile, a laugh, and thus helped me find a moment of joy during a dark phase, and I hope the same has happened to you :) I bet you can't re-read retard dog without cracking at least half a smile ;)
I'm very glad that you're still breathing. I also very much want to know exactly what happened. Not because I'm a nosey bitch, but even without really knowing you, you have made me laugh and changed many of my very sad days into quite happy days. So I do care. A lot. About what happened and that you are okay and hopefully that you are no longer truly depressed.
I suppose tomorrow, you'll tell me at least some of the story. Thank you for being willing to come back and really share it. xo
Allie I'm so happy your back, and so excited that I just spat of mouthful of tea all over my new laptop when I saw your post and I'm not even annoyed! Welcome back sweetie :D
Whew. Thank you for coming back. :)
You have been missed. I'm glad you are able to entertain us with your stories again.
My entire week has been misty and blech and tedium, but now I get to look forward to your post that's not at all about planes, except maybe a little, and I'm not at all excited, except maybe a bit more than a little! :)
Welcome back!
Welcome Back. :-)
I will absolutely nothing done at work tomorrow. Wait. I will get the "wearing off the F5 from the actual key" done while waiting.
So so glad you're back!
that. is a perfectly nice plane. thank you!
So happy you're back and have something to share!
Wow - did we ever miss you. I am a boy scout - (read: prepared)
welcome back. wish i had something clever to say; it has been a fucked up year. good luck
OMG! So happy you're back! We all missed you!!
YES! My household has seriously missed the crap out of you! <3
Yayyy I'm so excited! I'm so glad to hear from you! btw don't listen to any haters. If there even are any, which I doubt. <3 <3 <3
SO GLAD YOUR BACK!!!!! Chin up Allie-you got this. <3
Allie, I'm so, so glad to see that you're back and that you got help. Depression is ugly and horrible, and you are so strong for talking about it. I'm so happy you're back, and I can't wait to read your post tomorrow. I (and just about the rest of the internet) think you're spectacular.
I am so incrediably happy to see you!
I'm just so happy to see that you're alive and doing well enough to come say hello to the internet. The internet loves you, no matter what has changed.
So glad that depression may be easing for you, Allie. Be gentle to you. xx Can't tell you how happy I am to hear that you have a post coming - your insight, humour and intelligence are much missed. xx
I'm so stinking glad to receive this in my news feed!! I hope you will just "let it all out" and do what is best to heal as you share. I bet you will definitely hit a nerve with someone (could be me!!) that needs the humor or the insight. I'm rode the roller coaster ride of depression and what a ride it is!!!!!
Huzzah! You're back!
I'll read anything you have to say. I hope you are doing OK, or OK-ish. You have a MILLION BILLION fans and we all love you to pieces.
Welcome back, Allie.
Allie, you're alive! Gosh, it's so good to see you writing again! You were missed. Love all the way from Malaysia!
So glad you're back. We really missed you and worried about you! Hope you're okay.
I'm so glad you're back! Life happens--sometimes we need a break, no? So happy to hear from you. You are such a talent; thanks for sharing your gift.
So glad to hear you're back - I've certainly been among the many who have been thinking of you and wishing you nothing but the best.
ohmygoodness I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUUUUCHHHH!!!! Thank you for coming back I love you! (but not in a creepy way)
Welcome back! Your honesty about your difficult time is refreshing. Also, thank you for the permission to unabashedly laugh at the flinch-y things.
Thank you. Your writing means more to me than you could know.
Thanks for not giving up.
Welcome back, you were missed :)
Pretty much just copying and pasting what I said on your Facebook post but I love you and am so glad you took time to take care of yourself & to acknowledge that it is a REAL illness. I have severe bipolar disorder (at times ADD, depression, anxiety, PTSD, everything) & am training to be a peer support specialist so talking about all of these things lately is woven into who I am. Many times we feel like we are alone when we are not alone. I don't want to be "that" person to give unsolicited advice but if you haven't already check out a NAMI chapter in your area (hopefully there is one.)
5 minutes ago · Like
I also thought of you a few days ago because I had made a file where I put all of the "clean all the things" slides on to one page for my fridge. I just about died at that post because that is exactly what we do. My husband named the file "ADD girl." Also just about screamed at the post about the 50 steps it takes to deposit a check. I showed it to my parents & said, "See! Finally someone GETS me!!!!!" Ahhh, like everyone else here I could go on forever.
Oh man! I meant to say, I like that you are back alot. ;)
Depression is the craps. Glad you're surfacing. Keep fighting the good fight. Good to see you back.
I can't tell you how many times I've read and reread Adventures in Depression. So. Freaking. Spot. On. So I'm pretty excited you're back!
Yay! Go Allie!
Glad you're back, looking forward to reading what you've written. Mostly though I just wanted to let you know I get it. Been there, sometimes still go there, but I do get not there sometimes too.
Welcome back :)
Allie, the world and the internet are better places with you in them. As a fellow depression sufferer who has had major gaps in his creative work as a result, you have my sympathies and my respect. Plus, your work is beyond excellent and I've always thought you were the best humor writer on the web. Last but not least, thank you for giving me something to show my daughters which tells them that women can do more in media than simply be pretty in front of a camera. I will be watching what you do with great interest. :)
Happy you are back with us, hope you're okay!
You're back! You're back! You're back!!!!!! I have NOTHING intelligent whatsoever to add to this thread, just pure slobbering JOY!!!! YOU'RE BACK!!!!!
Yes! I also want you to have that power over me, you've earned it
Hi, I'm a random person who discovered the awesomeness of your blog while you were away. Having suffered from depression and anxiety for, oh, 13 years, I can totally understand why you might want to dig a hole and hide in it for a year. I'm glad you're back, and I hope you're feeling better. *hopefully non-creepy anonymous weirdo hugs*
para bailar la bamba...
Welcome back! Your honesty about your difficult time is refreshing. Also, thank you for the permission to unabashedly laugh at the flinch-y things.
Can't wait for your post tomorrow!!! Welcome back :)
Yay! You are still with us. :) Our household has been missing you and worrying about you and thinking happy thoughts for you hoping that they helped you in some strange karmic way.
Hang in there Allie, be strong when you can and lean on those who love you when you need to.
I HAS A HAPPY! So glad you are (maybe?) back!
I'm so glad you're back with us, and I hope you can accept/process the tremendous cloud of love and support in which you're enveloped.
:-) Yay you!
So glad to see a post from you ~ and I'm looking forward to seeing what you post tomorrow. Depression sucks.
You are loved... and I look forward to hearing about your journey through that o-so-familiar world named depression.
Your back! You have been greatly missed by total strangers including me. Tis a good day!
as long as you don't merge with Airtran
:-) super excited to see you back!
depression sucks
Good to see you are back. My fiancee and I have been wondering what happened...we enjoy reading what you create, and have turned others on to it as well(with much laughter). We hope all is well with you.
Can't wait!
Oh, shugs, I'm so glad you've pre-posted. And I hope you find your way back to peri-posting again. You can just doodle if you want. We don't need ALL THE WORDS. Just know we're pre-post showering you with love and adoration. M'kay? Here's a hug from Ohio. xoxo I look forward to your post. I'm sure it took courage and it wasn't easy and I hope you're feeling stronger. I hope you are on the road to recovery and discovery and peace.
So happy you're back, alive & writing again!!!
I'm glad you're back and I do hope you're doing much better. Depression really really sucks.
Internet hugs for you!
<3 <3 <3
Welcome Back!
Glad you are back. Hope you are feeling lots better too! Hope dogs helped thru all that. Love your dogs, love dogs in general, but have a great big soft spot in my heart for your not-smart dog. Actually your moving with dogs story is my all-time favorite piece of writing ;)
Holy crap I've missed you so much!
Welcome back Allie, and well done for coming back. No matter how scary.
You're amazing and we love you!
I knew instantly that was a picture of an airplane.
from someone else who is going through a really horrible time (but doesn't have your talent to write about it) I look forward to your post.
As someone else who is going through a really horrible time, I'm so sorry for the darkness you've experienced.
Yes! I also want you to have that power over me, you've earned it
Welcome back!
I'm so glad you're feeling well enough to post now. You have been greatly missed. Seriously.
my friend texted me that something amazing had happened and without fully comprehending what she was saying I clicked on my favorites (because I never gave up hope)and my brain is exploding also I'm psychic?
But on the real I hope you are in a better place now and I know the internet has missed you and I hope the time away did you some real good.
You are seriously one of my favorite writers. I'm so glad you're back!
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