The God of Cake

My mom baked the most fantastic cake for my grandfather's 73rd birthday party. The cake was slathered in impossibly thick frosting and topped with an assortment of delightful creatures which my mom crafted out of mini-marshmallows and toothpicks.  To a four-year-old child, it was a thing of wonder - half toy, half cake and all glorious possibility.

But my mom knew that it was extremely important to keep the cake away from me because she knew that if I was allowed even a tiny amount of sugar, not only would I become intensely hyperactive, but the entire scope of my existence would funnel down to the singular goal of obtaining and ingesting more sugar.  My need for sugar would become so massive, that it would collapse in upon itself and create a vacuum into which even more sugar would be drawn until all the world had been stripped of sweetness.  

So when I managed to climb onto the counter and grab a handful of cake while my mom's back was turned, an irreversible chain reaction was set into motion.   

I had tasted cake and there was no going back.  My tiny body had morphed into a writhing mass of pure tenacity encased in a layer of desperation.  I would eat all of the cake or I would evaporate from the sheer power of my desire to eat it. 

My mom had prepared the cake early in the day to get the task out of the way.  She thought she was being efficient, but really she had only ensured that she would be forced to spend the whole day protecting the cake from my all-encompassing need to eat it.  I followed her around doggedly, hoping that she would set the cake down - just for a moment.  


My mom quickly tired of having to hold the cake out of my reach. She tried to hide the cake, but I found it almost immediately. She tried putting the cake on top of the refrigerator, but my freakish climbing abilities soon proved it to be an unsatisfactory solution.

Her next attempt at cake security involved putting the cake in the refrigerator and then placing a very heavy box in front of the refrigerator's door.  

The box was far too heavy for me to move.  When I discovered that I couldn't move the box, I decided that the next best strategy would be to dramatically throw my body against it until my mom was forced to move it or allow me to destroy myself.  

Surprisingly, this tactic did not garner much sympathy. 

I went and played with my toys, but I did not enjoy it.  

I had to stay focused. 

I played vengefully for the rest of the afternoon. All of my toys died horrible deaths at least once. But I never lost sight of my goal.

My mom finally came to get me. She handed me a dress and told me to put it on because we were leaving for the party soon. I put the dress on backwards just to make her life slightly more difficult.

I was herded into the car and strapped securely into my car seat.  As if to taunt me, my mom placed the cake in the passenger seat, just out of my reach.  

We arrived at my grandparents' house and I was immediately accosted by my doting grandmother while my mom walked away holding the cake.  

I could see my mom and the cake disappearing into the hallway as I watched helplessly.  I struggled against my grandmother's loving embrace, but my efforts were futile.  I heard the sound of a door shutting and then a lock sliding into place.  My mom had locked the cake in the back bedroom.  How was I going to get to it now?  I hadn't yet learned the art of lock-picking and I wasn't nearly strong enough to kick the door in.  It felt as though all my life's aspirations were slipping away from me in a landslide of tragedy.  How could they do this to me?  How could they just sit there placidly as my reason for living slowly faded from my grasp?  I couldn't take it.  My little mind began to crumble.  

And then, right there in my grandmother's arms, I lapsed into a full-scale psychological meltdown. My collective frustrations burst forth from my tiny body like bees from a nest that had just been pelted with a rock.  

It was unanimously decided that I would need to go play outside until I was able to regain my composure and stop yelling and punching.  I was banished to the patio where I stood peering dolefully through the sliding glass door, trying to look as pitiful as possible.

I knew the cake was locked securely in the bedroom, but if I could just get them to let me inside... maybe.  Maybe I could find a way to get to it.  After all, desperation breeds ingenuity.  I could possibly build an explosive device or some sort of pulley system.  I had to try.  But at that point, my only real option was to manipulate their emotions so they'd pity me and willfully allow me to get closer to the cake. 

When my theatrics failed to produce the desired results, I resorted to crying very loudly, right up against the glass.  

I carried on in that fashion until my mom poked her head outside and, instead of taking pity on me and warmly inviting me back inside as I had hoped, told me to go play in the side yard because I was fogging up the glass and my inconsolable sobbing was upsetting my grandmother.  

I trudged around to the side of the house, glaring reproachfully over my shoulder and thinking about how sorry my mom would be if I were to die out there.  She'd wish she would have listened. She'd wish she had given me a piece of cake.  But it would be too late.  

But as I rounded the corner, the personal tragedy I was constructing in my imagination was interrupted by a sliver of hope.  

Just above my head, there was a window.  On the other side of that particular window was the room in which my mom  had locked the cake.  The window was open.

The window was covered by a screen, but my dad had shown me how to remove a screen as a preemptive safety measure in case I was  trapped in a fire and he couldn't get to me and I turned out to be too stupid to figure out how to kick in a screen to escape death by burning. 

I clambered up the side of the house and pushed the screen with all my strength.   

It gave way, and suddenly there I was - mere feet from the cake, unimpeded by even a single obstacle.

I couldn't fully believe what had just occurred.  I crept slowly - reverently - toward the cake, my body quivering with anticipation.  It was mine.  All mine.

I ate the entire cake.  At one point, I remember becoming aware of the oppressive fullness building inside of me, but I kept eating out of a combination of spite and stubbornness.  No one could tell me not to eat an entire cake - not my mom, not Santa, not God - no one.  I would eat cake whenever I damn well pleased.  It was my cake and everyone else could go fuck themselves. 


Meanwhile, in the kitchen, my mother suddenly noticed that she hadn't heard my tortured sobbing in a while.  

She became concerned because it was unusual for my tantrums to stop on their own like that, so she went looking for me.

When she couldn't find me anywhere, she finally thought to unlock the bedroom door and peek inside. 

And there I was.

I spent the rest of the evening in a hyperglycemic fit, alternately running around like a maniac and regurgitating the multi-colored remains of my conquest all over my grandparents' carpet.  I was so miserable, but my suffering was small compared to the satisfaction I felt every time my horrible, conniving mother had to watch me retch up another rainbow of sweet, semi-digested success: this is for you, mom.  This is what happens when you try to get between me and cake - I silently challenged her to try again to prevent me from obtaining something I wanted.  Just once.  Just to see what would happen.  It didn't matter how violently ill I felt, in that moment, I was a god - the god of cake - and I was unstoppable. 


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Radien said...

Y'know, Allie, your writing is supremely funny and always worth reading. But I have an equal appreciation of visual humor. And with that in mind, after reading the entire article, I went back and looked at all the pictures without reading the text.

Except for a few places where the action jumps from one location to the next, the story stands VERY well on its own in a visual format. It's just another way to enjoy the story. No wonder a previous poster said that her kid really liked the pictures. I am always tempted to make your pictures into animated gifs.

In all honesty, your blog has convinced me that synesthesia is a gift that gives your storytelling and humor a very unique edge. Or at least that's how you're using it. :)

(...Although I do admit that I feel sorry for your mother and hope you got her and your grandparents a cake after you grew up.)

Yui D'iot said...

I can't stop laughing at the cake crumbs smeared around your mouth

hwoman said...

I love your blog! Just had to say it. I know that you probably do not read all eighty million of these comments and that I could be writing about my plan to take over the world with my genetically created velociraptors (I am their queen) and you would not notice, but yeah...
Thanks for being the awesomest person ever!

ps: I am not using velociraptors. They are too clever by half.I will probably just use pterodactyls.

Anonymous said...


I think you are funny and wonderful. I am drunk right now but honestly, I would think so anyway. Someday all of us crazy people who think about dragons and orc rapists and who worry about the fact that we MIGHT be falling off the deep end will be justified because the world will ALMOST end and then some nerd with an imaginative idea will put in their 2 dents and figure out how to save everbody else. By the way, I know I'm not exactly sober, but BY THE WAY you are awesome REGARDLESS of my BAC. You should use this personal testimony if you ever have some kind of public trial. I will be your star witness.

Ok. So South African wine, while it tastes AMAZING, is not exactly --oh man I can't even think of words right now--it is not HELPING. Let's just put it that way.

Allie, no matter how drunk you get or how cold it is in Montana or how sad your find yourself for living in a place where orcs MIGHT get you--know that people like me are reading and listening to you, and that we love you and we are seriously invested in your well-being. I don't even know you from Adam and I hope that you're okay and not being eaten by bears. And I think that's pretty significant, you know? I think that means you are an alright kind of gal.


P.S. I'm also wasted so obviously I mean everything that was said but if i write anything disparaging I cannot be blamed in a court of law.

Eef said...

This is so funny !!!

Offbeat said...

This is certainly hilarious. Can't believe people work that hard to post their material online.

George Shaw said...

Absolutely amazing.

dougbittinger said...

That was just so hilarious, you have such a talent!

Anonymous said...

roflmao, you are so fucking hilarous, did thath really happened to you?

Brogan said...

If a picture is worth a thousand words, will you draw me two and a half pictures to summarise Shakespeare so I can send it to my tutor and get a degree?

I actually laugh so much when I read your shizz that I quite often end up on the floor as a tangled mass of limbs just sort of hiccupping and gurgling from time to time, unable to articulate any words except "heeeeerrrrghhhhh" sort of wheezed out through a massive derp face.

I love you.

bradfordj said...

Woah this is fantastic. I've been enjoying your blog for quite some time, and thought that after your latest article, it was time to give you kudos.

I am exactly like this with Nutella. Even at 22, I still manage to get big sugar rushes off it. Anyway, keep up the good work. Looking forward to your next post, as always.

Anonymous said...

most of your episodes make me cry from laughing so hard. this one made me cry a lot. it was glorious.

Anonymous said...

most of your episodes make me cry from laughing so hard. this one made me cry a lot. it was glorious.

oogyx said...

I love your expressive drawing and the post is super awesome

Sarah said...

Hehe >.<

But how come you don't post nearly as often as you used to? I was reading your older ones and there was one for like every day :(

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, you were quite a little hellion when you were a kid, weren't you? Your mum might've done better to handcuff you to the door where she could see you...

AuntieMean said...

Wow, that is one child run AMOK. Unfortunately, I have met children like that and I fear I will meet more and that they will be related to me.

Julie Webster said...

I love you Allie, really I do, but this story is a perfect example as to why I will NEVER have kids.

Sharon said...

This, on top of the tooth story, convinces me that your mother is an absolute Goddess of Patience. I am now going to live in fear that my 10-month-old son finds this blog and starts getting ideas. To Allie's Mother: my hat is off to you. You deserve a dozen roses every single day. And possibly a trip to Europe, and maybe a date with whatever Hollywood hunk holds your current fancy.

Tracey A. Jones said...

LOL, this is superb! My family says I did something similar at the age of four with a giant (like, two-foot-tall) chocolate Easter bunny. I locked myself into a spare bedroom with it and they found me later, passed out, smeared in chocolate, with only the foil wrapping in evidence. I, however, do not remember a single thing about it.

You, and your posts, continue to be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. I'll never eat cake again. And I want to publicly apologize to Fudgie the Whale for binging on him as a youth. He's probably still swimming in my overstuffed belly.

For more or less on my eating style, please visit

Nina said...

ZOMFG I LOVE YOU!!! I was just sitting here feeling all sorry for myself because I'm hungry and also allergic to wheat, so I can't just go out and GET MYSELF a cake - I'd have to make a special one. And I'm out of flour. I'd have to make a special trip to go get more. And then I'd have to follow a recipe. STEPS. And now I'm just going to sit here dying of laughter...and still thinking about eating an entire cake just for me.

Worse? Tonight is a family birthday party. My kids excitedly asked if there would be cake. I have NO IDEA if there will be cake. So now I'm being tortured by the knowledge that there MAY OR MAY NOT be free uncomplicated cake that I can eat after dinner. CURSE YOU, SCHRODINGER'S CAKE!!!!

And I totally bet your grandfather just laughed. Granddads are often cool like that!

Adriana said...

OMG, you are the awesomest EVER! I stumbled upon your blog on Thursday and now my entire office is obsessed!! You rock! Thanks for making the work days go by faster!

birdgirl said...

Awesomeness, as ever!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Yaara said...

Two things I love most about your latest story:

1. It's frickin hilarious!

2. It gives me hope that my five-year-old nephew, who is a deranged animal and who makes me not want to visit my family, may turn into someone I want to spend time with... because the cake thing sounds like something he would do (on one of his well-behaved days). If he turns out to be half as bright and funny as you are, his irritating childhood will have been worth it after all.

Missez Premise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Missez Premise said...

Brilliant. But now you must tell us what happened afterwards. Besides the vomiting.

Anonymous said...




okay, i'm done now. awesome post btw!

Mirth said...

As the mother of a son with ADHD who reacts the same way, I was laughing out loud when I saw the series of pictures after your first bite. It was totally my son. I showed it to my husband (just so he could see that series) and he scrolled to the top and then kept reading, laughing out loud through the whole thing as well. Awesome stuff!

Sharp Implements said...

This is great!
So Allie, do you have two Forks Of Chaos chained to your arms by the previous God Of Cake?

Courtney said...

Obviously you're hilarious, but I really love the picture of you angrily playing with your toys. <3

Cat Adams said...

just do you and your mother get along nowadays?

Kyra said...

I am also a whore for sweets, only I am not 4 years old anymore. I always check out the dessert menu before I order dinner (so I know what to save room for) and as soon as the plates are cleared, I want my dessert and I want it NOW. This might have been cute when I was a child, but it's not nearly as charming in an adult. Guess that's why I became a pastry chef. Now I can have cake whenever I want! I WIN!

My dream would be to have Alot of cake. Artisan Spring Water. Are you still doing that? My email is!

Also, I'm going to go make some cake now. We have a party to go to tonight so I can pretend that the cake is for all of them (when really it's just for MEEEEEEE)!

Linda Myers said...

Oh, my gosh. You are so funny! Also, as a child, I note you had a VERY long attention span.

Christine said...

I was sneezing the whole time I read this, perhaps I am allergic to cake?
Eagerly awaiting your next update, as you always make me laugh!

Cui Cui said...

This blog makes MY life worthwhile. Thank you Ally.

Splunge said...

This explains a lot. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I haven't laughed this hard at something in a long time. Your writing is absolutely perfect and your illustrations are simple, but they say so much! Glad I discovered you!

FELLE. said...


Anonymous said...

"I went and played with my toys, but I did not enjoy it." For some reason that line and the accompanying picture of angry play are just killing me. Essence of kid-dom, captured.

Anonymous said...

"So now I'm being tortured by the knowledge that there MAY OR MAY NOT be free uncomplicated cake that I can eat after dinner. CURSE YOU, SCHRODINGER'S CAKE!!!!"

HAHAHAHA! Well played, Nina!

Anonymous said...

what an annoying child you were! i am amazed your mother kept you after that

Unknown said...

I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and I am officially addicted...I compulsively check to see if you have posted anything new. LOVE this one...the drawings kill me. Can't wait for more!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I almost peed myself when I saw the I went and played with my toys, but I did not enjoy it" picture.

Why would a rational person deprive an irrational person of their cake? I can't understand why people insist on controlling other people's cake needs. We ALL have cake needs. Yeah, you might not want to admit it, but it's true.

A week ago I walked 3 miles at 7pm just to get the kind of cake I wanted. It came from an unique bakery in downtown San Jose. It totally payed off, even though I could've sworn I was about to get mugged and killed about 5 times and I was sweating way too much when I got to the bus because I was sure people were following me so I ran the 3 miles back in high heels.

Allie, I'm going to say this and I'm only going to day it once...


There, I said it! You totally make me laugh everytime. Thank you <3

PS: Eat me @ <---That was cheap advertisement. So disgraceful. So sad that I need it. But I do. Sadly

Anonymous said...

All the cake! =D I actually left a comment on the last post instead of this one because I am foolish and click the wrong things. I've been reading back over your old posts while waiting for this one and there is so much awesome. Thanks for making me feel like I fit into the world. =)

MarvelX42 said...

Joo said...

Your stories are a joy to read, I love them muchly :)

Very awesome, you have a talent and a half! :)

Bryan White said...

You must have been a rotten kid :)

But who can blame you it's cake. CAKE!

Bryan White said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Antigone said...

Thoroughly hilarious, your mother must be a saint. In fact, I think a blog of her own would be fantastic! :)

Sally said...

This is simply The Eternel Truth!

Ikce Wicasa said...

and yet another post just full of win.

Unknown said...

You're writing was so good! :]
And this is funny! The pictures just enhanced the whole experience! Thank you for sharing! <3

Anonymous said...

Allie you need to put something new for the awesome button! I'm in love with a simply apology, so I need something just as great to assist in my procrastinating.
By the way this was an amazing entry.

Trini said...

This was me as a kid.
This is why I don't have kids of my own.

Anonymous said...

that's So ME!
"Happiness isn't Good enough I Demand Euphoria!"

Rose said...

My mom just gave up and let me have as much cake and candy as I wanted. I'd love to say that made me grow up with a normal attitude toward sweets but it really didn't.

Anyway, hilarious and I loved it.

Anonymous said...

The cake was a lie.

Jules AF said...

Now I just want some cake.

Ellen said...

Yay! Laughter! Thanks :)

ThatOutfitGirl said...

Loved this..especially the blurry CAKE parts..I dont like cake that much myself but sweets make me do this even at the grand age of 32! You have new loyal follower, keep up the good work!

Pale Girl said...

This made me laugh so hard I swear I almost died. You also inspired me to start a blog so yay! Thanks Allie x

Laura Rafferty said...

Ahaha - I'm still like this! :D

Anonymous said...

Your mom is not smiling. Like, not ever.

Anonymous said...! that sounds like the most fantastic piece of heaven ever! now i have to go bake a cake that looks exactly like that one! if i don't i might just die.

Life: Not my expectations. said...

Thank you for creating the ultimate alternative to school work. You are perhaps the funniest person I have ever met. Well, that would be incorrect. I haven't actually met you, but you understand what I'm trying to say. I hope that you become rich and famous. I'm not sure if you get to read all of these comments, but on the off chance that you do - Thank you. (I read that you don't do well with praise, but you get so much of it that I'm sure you're learning!)

Bones said...

I have similar experiences involving cake. And by similar, I mean, extremely different. Two facts you'll need (well, need) to know: I hate cake (I know, I'm not natural) and I have a diabetic brother. So when I was younger, instead of desperately seeking out cake like yourself, I used to desperately force feed my unfortunate brother all the sugary goodness I didn't want and he couldn't have. There are somethings he'll never forgive me for... for everything else, there's mastercard.

Stephanie said...

This actually beats my sister's encounter with extra-chocolatey birthday cake at age 4; she had a slice just before an evening church service and my dad chased her around the building for half an hour afterwards before he managed to catch her. The few times she was allowed chocolate or anything high in sugar she invariably ended up literally climbing the walls (or tearing around like a maniac if there was nothing remotely climbable around). Thankfully she wasn't a huge fan of candy to begin with.

Oh, and the "black hole Allie" drawing cracked me up. Hugely. :D

Milla said...

Whoa!Allie, your postings just get funnier. The picture of you half-heartedly playing with your toys is so funny! what would your mom's side of the story be like in comparison to yours?
Children love your blog. I know because I am 11!

Milla said...

Whoa!Allie, your postings just get funnier. The picture of you half-heartedly playing with your toys is so funny! what would your mom's side of the story be like in comparison to yours?
Children love your blog. I know because I am 11!

Leilani said...

You are a comic genius. Period.

Kieran said...

You look like a cake addicted demon from Hell in the picture of you in your grandmother.
.. All I have to say is- EPIC WIN.
I cannot believe I've been living without reading this blog for this long.. I now know what I've been missing.

Anonymous said...

My 4-year-old was sitting on my lap while I read your post. He saw the cake. Let's just say he totally relates.

BigDaddyMazra said...

Well . . . I have spent the better part of the last four days reading your blog, all the way from the begging and I must say I am impressed.

I StumbleUpon'd your blog and have been reading it every spare moment I had until I finished . . . which I just did. Needless to say I have become a die hard fan and can't wait for your next post!!!!!

p.s My favorite so far is "I Am Destroyer".

ajjcbev said...

Hahaha. How did all of this stuff happen to you? I don't understand! Why wasn't my childhood this hilarious?!?

ajjcbev said...

Hahaha. How did all of this stuff happen to you? I don't understand! Why wasn't my childhood this hilarious?!?

Anonymous said...

This is me every day.

"Must have cake..."
"Must have ice cream..."
"Must have pie..."

Paula said...

Too bad the kid didn't have a conscience and redeem his selfish ideas at the end...Poor grandpa...AND MOM!

EWatson02 said...

Oh my god, you horrible little hellchild. Hilarious read, but I gotta say, I'd have been PISSED if I was your mother. Hell, I probably would've made you clean up your own puke.

That being said...I just made a pan of muffins. They are almond-flavored, and that smell is one of my favorites in the world. There are 12 muffins, and four of us, so logically we should each get three. But dammit, I want MORE than three!!

The Narrator said...

You are hilarious. Much like "To Kill a Mocking Bird" convinced my father-in-law that he could never write a book, I now know that it would be pointless to an extreme for me to blog. I wish we could be friends, but I live in Texas and you live in Montana, and I think that's a bit of an insurmountable obstacle. It's okay, though, you can still be my second best friend ever. My first best friend is named Ally, which is funny, especially since, though you might not be able to tell by the way it is spelled, my name is pronounced like Allie except with a 'C' on the front. Ally and I apparently got called the "Wonder Twins" because our names rhymed, and we were both sort of home-bodies who didn't leave the dorms very often, and we were roommates so that involved us being together too. (That is not a run-on sentence. If you think it is, then you should try reading Faulkner, then come back we'll discuss never-ending sentences.) Is that a good ending because I never know when to stop? I'm stopping now.

Bran said...

hahahahahaha! I'm about to fall out of my chair over here! hahahahaha! there are TEARS! OMG! so funny hahahahahaha Now I know why my 4 yo crys and screams for candy and cake... next time I'll have to just give it to her! hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

I also check in more than I care to admit for new awesomeness! It's almost as if Allie exists for some other reason than to entertain me daily. It's as if she has a life. Wait, that would mean I don't have, nevermind.

Yeah, making a pink cake with marshmallow animals? Mom pretty much had it coming!

Amiedoll said...

Lol Love it! Allie :0) I had to make a cake after reading this, but I actually restrained myself and shared with my hubby :0P Unfortunately I didn't have marshmallows or toothpicks to make animals with so I experimented with my new piping set and made a wonky flower, and wrote Hi there on it lol. Please keep up the great work, your posts always make my day :0D

Paul Milligan said...

I truly feel immense sadness for your poor mother...

Anonymous said...

Yeah. The first attempt at the cake would have been nothing but fantasy, as I knew damn well my parents would have beaten the joyful childlike spirit out of my body, had I either succeeded in snatching a piece, or even insisted on getting a piece after they said "no".

Generator on hire said...

great i like this

Anonymous said...


Laughing hysterically........

Anonymous said...

Usually I laugh at what you write but I hate spoiled children who act like this.

Absolutely loathe them.
This is not a sugar-hyperactivity story. It's about a brat throwing a temper-tantrum.

I realize that it's not your fault. At the time you were a child and clearly there weren't any consequences for your behavior. Still you're an adult now. Telling this story is your prerogative, I just wish it had been through the lens of an adult as you did with the tooth story. It had perspective.

This - there's no perspective. It's just a spoiled brat talking about being a spoiled brat.

This is so not cute, but it explains a lot.

Gon said...

You are a goddess and this post are getting better and better.
I'm still laughing.

Anonymous said...

You're funny as hell, but you do sound like you were a horrible child. Your poor mother - and grandfather; who not only didn't get cake on his birthday but had to endure a shrieking kid running around vomiting everywhere and ruining the rest of the party. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with everything that Anonymous at 6:13 said. This story just makes you sound shockingly self-centered: not the child you, but you.

Unknown said...

wow this one was great!! i just couldn't stop laughing on seeing the pic in which you had ate up all the cake!!

Anonymous said...

May I just say that you are fucking hilarious. Your writing style is awesome, and the comics just make it even better. When I scrolled down to the first few, I spit food on myself because I laughed so hard.

So, yeah. You made me spit food on myself. That's the mark of good comedy.

Unknown said...

Hilarious as usual.

I love your expression when your mom said NO to you!

Thanks for the good story.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I love your blog. Your poor mom, she really had her hands full, didn't she?

Love the images when you're in super sugar rush mode.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word, thank you for the smile!!!!

Anonymous said...

BEST.BLOGPOST. EVER. thank you for making my jurydutyonmydayoffwhilemyboyfriendgetstosleepin monday THAT much better.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard reading this my co-worker came out from her office worried that I was choking.

... said...

I can't even convey how hilarious you are! Your posts quite literally and honestly make me laugh harder than anything in the entire world ever has. It's possibly insane how much I look forward to new posts on here, but within two sentences I'm laughing so hard I'm crying, and after a paragraph I'm usually downright bawling. Thanks for making me curl up into a ball and sob uncontrollably... in a good way!

Readasaurus Rex said...

These make my day. So funny :) Oddly enough I hated cake as a kid...but I'm making up for it now. Love cake

Hilary said...

Now that's too funny. I can see you put a lot of time and effort into your posts. And humour. Good for you for being able to make this work as an income for you. Everyone should love what they do. Clearly everyone loves what YOU do. Thanks for the laughs.

Terry Elisabeth said...

Hehehe hehehehehehehehehe !!!
I love your drawings ! Almost peed my pants.

laura said...

I happen to be getting married this weekend and will LOVE to post one of those hysterical lil Allie and the black CAKE writing, making obvious note of your blog, of course. Would that be a problem? I'm a diabetic bride and I'm SO STOKED for the cake time :-)

Missy said...


Ida said...

Hysterical. And a good reminder that I'm glad to be child free.

BoggyWoggy said...

Tomorrow I'm having a colonoscopy and can have no solid food today. After the procedure tomorrow, I'm going to bake myself an entire cake, thanks to you.
To be successful in life, all one needs is someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to. I'll have cake.

Camille said...

My husband and I were recently introduced to your site and are absolutely captivated by your story-telling and artwork. We love your sense of humor!

I was recently reading a friend's status on facebook and immediately thought of you when I saw this: "I could of..."

I would love to hear a good rant on the misuse of could have, would have, and should have. (unless one already exists...?)

Dread Gazebo said...

*Yes*. A book would be a super-uber-mega-awesome idea, if you could find the focus for it. NYT bestseller for at least a couple months, all the fame you could want. (And all the cake) Even more doting fans!

(Brilliant as always, by the way)

Tristalyn said...

I love you Allie. <3

Anonymous said...

Oh Allie, this is beyond hilarious. Again, you amaze me with your brilliant story telling and vivid close ups. It's almost like a horror movie in some aspects - where you find yourself enslaved by the sugary goodness that is cake.
I appreciate all the work that has been put into telling this story. You are the funniest and weirdest (in a good way) blogger I've ever come across. And thank goodness for that.

MichaelaD567 said...

FINALLY!!!! It was well worth the wait but damn woman! Almost a month?!

bb said...



AER said...

This is truly amazing

Kai said...

If there's anything on the internet that's funnier than you, I don't want to know.

I would never leave my computer. Also, my sides generally hurt after reading your posts. Seriously.

I think you should have a TV show, or maybe a feature length film.

Unknown said...

you've outdone yourself. i love it.

Jen said...

Dude, you are fucking rad. And hilarious. (

Anonymous said...

I too did this more than once as a child. I feel bad for my parents sometimes.

Not just cake either. The most memorable was probably one Christmas when I was four o five. I ate the whole tray of my Grandmother's Fudge Rum Balls. She often put a lot more Rum in those than the recipe called for. I was told children couldn't have any, but I loved nothing more than Fudge at that moment...

This is the best Blog ever!

FromTheStalls said...

HAHAHA! Have you done one about bathrooms yet?

Donna said...

Oh no! Maybe it is because I am a parent but I was completely horrified and I sympathized with your mom. LOL What did she do to you after your security breech?

Anonymous said...

i found this on stumble upon, and great thats all i have to say, your pictures make me laugh and the story is amazing, keep them coming

Anonymous said...

You obviously had/have ODD, (oppositional defiant disorder) and the one mistake that your mother made was NOT beating the hell out of you!!!

Anneliese said...

I love you. I love your drawings. You are filling the gaping void in my soul that Bill Watterson left empty - thanks. : D

Anonymous said...

What a spoiled bitch.

Anonymous said...

Allie! This is amazing, like all your posts. I just wanted to say, that I react the same way to bacon. You could have replaced "cake" with "bacon" and it would be about me. Except I'm not a kid, but a 25 year old lady. Seriously though, I just need one taste and it's over. My boyfriend has to literally have one arm out to block/beat me from entering the kitchen and stealing bacon while he's cooking. It had to be rationed to me (while he guarded the plate) until about a month ago when I started to exhibit the maturity to not eat a whole pound of bacon in one minute. It was really hard to get to that point. I'm seriously not joking...

Anywaaaaay, the point is, awesome post!

Joanne said...

Great post. I act that way around cake now...and I'm 42 years old!

Karielle Stephanie said...

❤ Love you, Allie :)

Lana said...

Dear Allie,

This is amazing. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt and I couldn't breathe. Your art is awesome, and you are an excellent writer. Thanks for being so cool.



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Unknown said...

Allie, Allie, Allie. You are magnificent. I am so glad to have found your blog.

Your incredible wit and flair for telling stories in a hilarious manner is formidable. You should be rich. Very, very rich. You DESERVE to be rich. You deserve to live in a fancy, fancy mansion and have 12 sweet rides and an Italian villa and a helicopter and a pool filled with costly vintage Champagne, not necessarily so you can go swimming in it, but just so you can say 'I'm so rich, my pool is filled with motherf*cking CHAMPAGNE.'

You probably aren't that materialistic; however. It was the best way I knew to express to you how awesome you are and that I hope that you are very happy and rewarded for your awesomeness.

cchana said...

absolute genius! we've all had a day like that, I'm sure!

cozydunt said...

Awesome you have inspired me to do more stuff with my cakes on

Lorrie said...

This is freaking hysterical. What a great read. LOVE the cartoons to go along!

Dr. Cynicism said...

We TOTALLY understand - cake has this insanely powerful hold on all of us. It's just not fair. Cake 1, Us 0.

Moose said...

See i did something similar as a child, cept it ended around about the time i tried to take the caked (although in my childhood it was icecream) a second time, dad just smacked me. Then i went to cry about it, so he smacked me again and told me if he saw a single tear he'd lock me in my room and I wouldn't eat for a week.
I tried one more time, when i knew i wasnt alowed to and dad took of his sandal and smacked me accross the face with it at the dinner table infront of my mum, grandparents brother and sisters. And they all laughed.
My childhood was fun, i learned good.

BeckoningChasm said...

I suspect this is how babysitters were invented.

DoggieGirl said...

Um, recipe ? ? ?

megatron said...

you are me in childhood. we even looked quite alike if your drawings are accurate:)

i had kind of an opposite story of this where i was forced to eat something i didnt like at a family gathering and my revenge was retching it all over my mother while she herself ate dinner...

Stephalopolis said...

Dear Allie

That was hilarious.


P.s- I spent this past weekend reading every one of your previous posts. You're welcome.

Kate said...

Love your blog so much!
I prefer to think of us all as children, explains why we do some crazy sh*t.

Julie said...

I love this. Stumbled upon you, because someone shared your running story-poison control incident. Hilarious. ps... I was and probably still am in my own mind the god of cake... I love it. especially wedding cake. It is the best kind of cake. However, now as an adult I am slightly more able to control my urge for cake, as in I can just barely make it to serving. There is always room for cake...

Azerune said...

Cake-seeking black hole pictures make this. I love your illustrations, they're hilarious.

Trisha said...

I just read your entire blog in roughly a week. I am now OUT of blog. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!? Please write more so I don't die. Thank you.

caterpillar said...

I like your tag line for the Comments box...nice touch... and the same with the latest entry...quite hilarious...

Anonymous said...

You are fabulously creepy.

Erin said...

Your blog is absolutely fantastic. You are a great story-teller and each of your posts are hysterical. I'm so glad I happened upon you!

KLM said...

The illustrations of you as a cake-obsessed child remind me SO MUCH of my greedy little pug. She once got up on a dining room chair we forgot to push in and ate half of a cake I made from scratch for my Dad's birthday...Plus her eyes look just like that!

spitandvinegar said...

Um. I love you. More than slightly.

Tom said...

Alliteration acts awesomely always, Allie. Please provide a proper pedagogy for why you profane such prim and pretty phrases

Nicole said...

Oh wow, this was amazing! I was waiting for a new post! And now I feel like I have to share my story. You see- my parents were huge health freaks. So- although I was just as cake obsessed as you, I had to hide it, because I felt ashamed to be wanting to eat evil cake.
What would happen is one of two things: if we had left over cake that had already been partially eaten, I went (probably more than once) to town and would eat everything that was left. Then, when accused, I would deny any knowledge of what had happened to the leftovers. Somehow, the fact that they were partially eaten made it seem more plausible to me that the rest could disapear without arousing suspicion.
If the cake was brand new (as in your story), I had to sneakier....yes, I was one of the people who would scoop fingerfuls of icing, and then try to use a knife to smooth the evidence away. Any spots that looked like they might be susceptible to breaking off, or getting mashed by the cake box- MINE! Any spare decorations or icing flowers- MINE! I don't think I ever went as far as to eat out the inside of the cake- but I know my sister once ate the entire BOTTOM layer of a box of chocolates!

Bambi said...

I found your blog today via a comment on Consumerist. Anyway, I've never met you but after reading this story I am completely in love with you and want to be your new best friend.

Alexandra The Beverly Hills Mom said...

I have never seen a comic illustration that better depicts my quest for sugar. This whole post is truly priceless!

ST3PH said...

Absalootly fantastic. I was more of a quiet child who would secretly plot to be mad at my parents for as long as I could whenever I was punished.

Unfortunetly my anger always seemed to dissolve after about an hour. At least I tried! :)

Anonymous said...

My feelings to your poor mother, what a horrible child. Shoulda given you a slap on the butt.

megansquared said...

You're a lot cooler than me.

Amy said...

ahahaha, this is awesome and terrifying.

WilliamLongfellow said...

You've conquered my internet. This story is hilarious!

Why have I never met people as funny as you in real life? It's like you have a window to the child in me.

Cathie Walker said...

I may or may not have laughed so hard I peed a little.

Amy said...

This is amazing! Funniest thing I've read in a long... ever. Funniest thing ever.

connorlove said...

I love you. Oh how I adore you. And you and my five year old son were seperated at birth. You are so good for the universe, yay you.

Caleb said...

My wife just introduced me to your blog. This was the first thing I read, and I'm pretty sure my son will not stay asleep because I'm writhing on the floor laughing... Thanks for the laugh, Allie, I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG time...

Invidia E said...

"I was so miserable, but my suffering was small compared to the satisfaction I felt every time my horrible, conniving mother had to watch me retch up another rainbow of sweet, semi-digested success: this is for you, mom. This is what happens when you try to get between me and cake" This had me rolling around in the bathtub(don't laugh at me, I MUST USE THE COMPUTER AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY, EVEN WHILE BATHING. |:I) laughing, which didn't last long due to the fact I sucked in a little water. After I choked it up I started laughing again though, so it's all good. c:

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Damn! Long life to you. That was one of the best things I've read in a while. You are hilarious! Thank you.
Su-sieee! Mac
This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.

McGee said...

My daughter is four years old, and this is EXACTLY the sort of thing she'd do. In fact, at the end of her second birthday party, we caught her on the dining room table, digging into the remnants of the cake with both hands.

LilPixi said...

Umm, this post totally possessed me to get up at 3:00 a.m. & bake cupcakes. I needed cake like crack.

See, you're an inspirational writer too. haha. I LOVE this blog. Voting for champion of the internetz.

bonsais.and.jigsaws said...

Your illustrations for this post are AMAZING. I especially like the "sliver of hope" illustration. It was made of win, which is appropriate because in the story that moment results in an ultimate win of cake eating.

Anonymous said...

30 years have passed between me and a simular episode in my life, so I hardily identify with this story, the tears of hard guffaws running down my face.

Sue said...

I just wanted to bring to your attention the fact that at the College of William and Mary, there is a group of Baptists who are absolutely addicted to your blog. They (meaning me and like 15 other people) sit around and read your posts aloud, pausing frequently to come up for air. You, dear, are a master. You are a study break, a pick-me-up, and a joy.

We thank you profusely.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha i had the same obsession and freakishly climbing skills.. i used them for cake and iced tea mix (yeah the pure sugar kind of iced tea mix)

Brian said...

I'm really glad you didn't actually suck all the sweetness out of the entire universe.

Though, maybe that's only because it ended back up on your grandparents' carpet and then dispersed itself to its rightful locations...

Ava&Ashleigh said...

We love it. So funny.

CPete said...

Thanks for the great laugh! I have a four year old girl and just today caught her in the pantry with handfuls of brown sugar and decorative sprinkles! I think she would totally identify with you... but I don't think I'll be reading her your blog anytime soon. Too many wonderful ideas. Besides I wouldn't want to spoil her unique sense of creativity!

Steeeeven said...

So. I would just like to let you know that your blog is the funniest fucking thing to ever happen in the history of ever (as if you haven't heard that before). I, like you, get into ridiculously awkward/dangerous/stupid situations and make the best of it by laughing it off. That's what I like about your blog, and that's the reason that every time I type in (for some reason I do not know I've yet to bookmark your blog) I get a grin on my face that looks like some retarded puppy.
I've been laying in bed dying of bubonic plague the past 3 days and I've read all of your 2010 posts, and I'm working on the 2009 ones. I pray to every god that you don't die of some freakish accident and that you continue to blog long into old age.

Anonymous said...

The more I read about your past the more I kind of adore your mother.

Unknown said...

This post is an epic. You must have been the god of vomit also after that cake? We don't kneel in front of that god though, oh-no!
: D

Misty said...

Allie - you are a very talented young lady. I found you through the link from Ann Althouse and after reading Cake, I've gone back and read all the older posts. ROFLMAO! Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with all us peasants. I now follow you also and am waiting somewhat patiently for your next post.

Melania said...

So happy you updated - and it was so worth the wait!

As another poster commented, my kids love the pictures (they don't get to see all of them). I have taken to reading these childhood stories aloud to my husband, and sharing them with family and friends. Thank you!

Also, I have a 5-year-old who can be as stubborn as you appear to have been as a kid, and you captured his stubbornness perfectly in the picture and the phrase "I played vengefully".

April said...

when i was 10, i only ate cherry pie for thanksgiving. it was super awesome, even when i threw it all up in the hallway at midnight late that night. i hope you've retained your god(dess) of cake title!

Samiam said...

The drawing of you in the back seat of the car made me laugh out loud in my cubicle! This is the best blog ever!

reno said...

I love it! I felt like the god of cake last night, when I took home more than half of my sister's birthday cake. I also have a very similar reaction to Sour Patch Kids; heaven help the person who gets between me and sugar!

Carolyn said...

I do not even like birthday cake, but this is undeniably funny. If that had been cheesecake, I would have been all over that window.

Realistically, there is no "would have"...I would still break a window for cheesecake. Especially my Grandfather's.

Blogvae said...

So... was this the inspiration for the truly inspiring PSP game "Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake?"

Emily and Sameera said...

I loooooove your work. When I saw that there was a new post, my heart came pretty close to stopping. But the cardiac arrest was worth it. You're pretty much the main inspiration for the blog my friend and I started writing.

Keep up the awesome work. <3

Heather said...

Allie, I was introduced to your blog about 3 weeks ago, and while reading "The Party" I laughed so hard I literally cried and almost suffocated due to the inability to stop laughing to take more than just a tiny gasp of air.

Your newest entry, "God of Cake," had nothing less than the aforementioned effect, and I have since gone back through your entire history of posts and read each and every single one.

But now I'm done. I've caught up on every single post you've written! And I had a small panic attack when I clicked on "comments" under "The Party" and saw that it was posted a month before "God of Cake!"

You used to post updates apologizing to your readers if you didn't update your blog every day!

What happened? Did you get rich and famous? I guess I understand if you did and have less time to post now because you have money and can do lots of fun things, but please please pretty please post more than once a month! My sanity may depend on it (I have an incredibly stressful job and desperately need a good, quality laugh more than once a month)!!

I know that probably sounds totally selfish, and I apologize for saying it. (but please please still consider posting more often)



PS: For the first time in my life, I laughed after seeing someone write "alot" when I saw a Facebook status update in which someone wrote "...alot of change" and I pictured an alot made entirely of quarters.

Anonymous said...

Not to offend you but you're kind of a selfish bitch. seriously. I feel terrible for your mom.

Anonymous said...

You said it to all conniving parents out there! I just want to say that I'm so happy someone stuck it to the adults so they know their punishments aren't working!

Jill said...

I just laughed my ass off....not only because it's hilarious, but I have the same crazy addiction to baked goods. :)

Jo said...

my friend made some awesome cakes for her birthday party. she had them in several different colours with different coloured icing. not sure how good they were for me but i had quite a few. took me about 8 hours to crash, think i may have scared a few people with my crazy eyes and general twitchyness. love your blog :D

Person Who Knows You said...

Oh, wow. So, I've never commented here before but I love that it says "I'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you." Similarly, my e-mail name is Person Who Knows You, so no matter who I send it to, that's what comes up in "Sender." I love it.


Anonymous said...

I agree with one of the latter posts. I was reading this post at work and just about burst into fits of laughter.. instead i tried with all my might to silently laugh- it just came out like a snort. ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. love your work ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your colorful story telling, I read your blog to my daughters and the three of us laugh our asses of. You know, that genuine kid laughter. love, love love it.

Andrea said...


Best part is the psychedelic blurring when you first grabbed the handful of deliciousness.

LOVE this one.

Natasha said...

Did you eat the toothpicks???

Anonymous said...

Oh my GOSH your comics are a thing of beauty. The rest of my family has gone to bed, and I'm sitting here having to stifle my snorts with a pillow b/c I'm laughing so hard. You are fabulous, God of Cake!

Citizen Insane said...

Haha. I'm pretty much the same. Except with Donuts. Mad Over Donuts. I could live off Donuts.
Are you a Donut?
Because I'll bite you if you are.

Kara said...

This reminds me of my body and it's inability to digest regular cake without going into an intestinal death fit of vili killing revenge pain. Celiac disease is a bitch, with bad manners...and then I discovered Pamela's brand Gluten free chocolate cake. Shit has rainbows and love radiating out of it I swear. I have to hide it, or my mother and I spend two days being cake mongering ninjas fighting over who gets the last piece (I usually win and celebrate with margaritas).

If this post has bad grammar and spelling I apologize, my computer does not have spell check, or a gluten free pizza that actually tastes good. I died a small amount inside on the day I found out I can't have pizza, though the can't have kinda of trumps the want. You get an agonizing skin melting off your entire body rash for 3 months so you get taken out of school with nurses pointing and whispering at you with a doctor who doesn't know what the hell is wrong it sucks. Followed a home school teacher with a mass in the middle of her chest that kind of looks like a third boob, an alien of some sort or cancer, you give up bread products. My vote is still for the alien, it moved.

P.S. You're Awesome :)

Kate said...

Oh God, I love you, Allie. You make me laugh so much. XD

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