There's a button for this on the sidebar, but mobile people count too, so I'm putting a separate link to the book page here:

I'm sorry for neglecting you, mobile people. Please forgive me


VioletVision said...

I just want to say, I have enjoyed your work tremendously since I was a young teenager, and always appreciated you as a talented creator who was open with her struggles. You were one of the first to make me feel strangely understood. I wasn't the only wolf child! You bet your butt I'm buying the book, I am so glad to hear that you are back and reclaiming your internet throne with some of the best content out there.

MelanieJanelle said...

Thank you so much for coming back!! I missed you so much! Finding your book in Chapters today was the highlight of 2020!!!!!

Unknown said...

Someone on Reddit mentioned your new book. I have since gone on a quest to acquire said book. Thankfully, I have succeeded! It will be here on Tuesday and I can't wait!

(also, thanks on behalf of all the mobile users. I may or may not be writing this reply while on the crapper. Sorrynotsorry)

Chelsea Nielsen said...

I was having an incredibly awful day, but getting this in the mail made me feel so much better I can’t even explain it. Thank you, Allie, I missed you a lot.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Allie for giving more to us than we can give back. I've read your stories (The Party, God of Cake, Wolves, How a Fish Almost Ruined My Childhood, Texas, Depression, Depression Part Two) to thousands of my 8th-12th grade students as part of our Mental/Emotional Health Unit in Health Education (I edit out some swearing). Trust me when I say that your stories have saved lives, and made some serious Hyperbole and a Half fans. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I got SO HAPPY when I heard about this! I'm so excited!!

Ashes of Atrophy said...

I loved the second book (and the first, obv). I laughed, I cried, I thought about frogs, I contemplated the afterlife. The idea of getting your stats and personal records in heaven is brilliant. Thank you for sharing your stories!

Just a fan said...

Oh Allie! Thank you so much for making 2020 suck less!

baimeeker said...

Just wanted to let you know that page 363 is beautiful. I love, the comics but I always appreciate a little touch like that.

baimeeker said...

And you made me cry. I don’t do that a lot reading. I loved your book. Never stop trying to be friends with yourself. You’re worth it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this book.

Brittany Kuhn said...

Allie, you should know that you speak to all the weird and random girls out there. I read your stories and laugh until I'm crying because I relate so hard to every word, even the sad ones, especially the sad ones. Thank you for being you. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I hope you are here to stay for a while and post some more.

Natalie Ryan said...

Been waiting for this for years. You’re an amazing goddess for sharing your brilliance and struggles. I can’t ever say thank you enough for what your work means to me and the new book is incredible!

Anonymous said...

So happy you published again.

Anonymous said...

So, so glad you're back. We've been worried about you, and it sounds like you've had a rough go. I'm just an internet stranger, but I'm glad to hear you are persevering.

leila c said...

hi allie! i read your first book in 7th grade (6 years ago whoa) and it's been a piece of me ever since- it was the first time i saw words for how i felt. im excited for book 2 and i hope youre having a wonderful day -love leila c from los angeles :) p.s. im so happy communication exists, its so lovely that i can write you words that youll see :O

熊の娘 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So glad to see you online again. To be honest, I was concerned but had no clue what to do about it. Congrats on the book.

Noah said...

saw you have new book. ordered book. awaiting book. thank you in advance for book

Emily said...

I loved Book 2 so much. This is such a hard time, and it really helped me. I read some of it on a train and when I got to the chapter about Meditation, I wound up laughing so hard I snorted several times, which happens maybe once every 5 years. I keep urging everyone I know to read it too.
I got my mom to get me a signed copy for my birthday, and my brother to get me a ticket to your event for Powell's, which was fantastic. I'm letting him keep the book that came with it.
To sum up, I love you and I'm so glad you're back.