Adventures in Depression

Some people have a legitimate reason to feel depressed, but not me. I just woke up one day feeling sad and helpless for absolutely no reason.

It's disappointing to feel sad for no reason. Sadness can be almost pleasantly indulgent when you have a way to justify it - you can listen to sad music and imagine yourself as the protagonist in a dramatic movie. You can gaze out the window while you're crying and think "This is so sad. I can't even believe how sad this whole situation is. I bet even a reenactment of my sadness could bring an entire theater audience to tears."

But my sadness didn't have a purpose.  Listening to sad music and imagining that my life was a movie just made me feel kind of weird because I couldn't really get behind the idea of a movie where the character is sad for no reason.

Essentially, I was being robbed of my right to feel self pity, which is the only redeeming part of sadness.

And for a little bit, that was a good enough reason to pity myself.

Standing around feeling sorry for myself was momentarily exhilarating, but I grew tired of it quickly. "That will do," I thought. "I've had my fun, let's move on to something else now." But the sadness didn't go away.

I tried to force myself to not be sad.

But trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back.  A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work. 

When I couldn't will myself to not be sad, I became frustrated and angry. In a final, desperate attempt to regain power over myself, I turned to shame as a sort of motivational tool.


But, since I was depressed, this tactic was less inspirational and more just a way to oppress myself with hatred.

Which made me more sad. 

Which then made me more frustrated and abusive.

And that made me even more sad, and so on and so forth until the only way to adequately express my sadness was to crawl very slowly across the floor.

The self-loathing and shame had ceased to be even slightly productive, but it was too late to go back at that point, so I just kept going. I followed myself around like a bully, narrating my thoughts and actions with a constant stream of abuse.

I spent months shut in my house, surfing the internet on top of a pile of my own dirty laundry which I set on the couch for "just a second" because I experienced a sudden moment of apathy on my way to the washer and couldn't continue. And then, two weeks later, I still hadn't completed that journey. But who cares - it wasn't like I had been showering regularly and sitting on a pile of clothes isn't necessarily uncomfortable. But even if it was, I couldn't feel anything through the self hatred anyway, so it didn't matter. JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.

Slowly, my feelings started to shrivel up. The few that managed to survive the constant beatings staggered around like wounded baby deer, just biding their time until they could die and join all the other carcasses strewn across the wasteland of my soul.

I couldn't even muster up the enthusiasm to hate myself anymore.

I just drifted around, completely unsure of what I was feeling or whether I could actually feel anything at all.

If my life was a movie, the turning point of my depression would have been inspirational and meaningful. It would have involved wisdom-filled epiphanies about discovering my true self and I would conquer my demons and go on to live out the rest of my life in happiness.

Instead, my turning point mostly hinged upon the fact that I had rented some movies and then I didn't return them for too long.

The late fees had reached the point where the injustice of paying any more than I already owed outweighed my apathy. I considered just keeping the movies and never going to the video store again, but then I remembered that I still wanted to re-watch Jumanji.

I put on some clothes, put the movies in my backpack and biked to the video store. It was the slowest, most resentful bike ride ever.

And when I arrived, I found out that they didn't even have Jumanji in.

Just as I was debating whether I should settle on a movie that wasn't Jumanji or go home and stare in abject silence, I noticed a woman looking at me weirdly from a couple rows over.

She was probably looking at me that way because I looked really, really depressed and I was dressed like an eskimo vagrant.

Normally, I would have felt an instant, crushing sense of self-consciousness, but instead, I felt nothing.

I've always wanted to not give a fuck. While crying helplessly into my pillow for no good reason, I would often fantasize that maybe someday I could be one of those stoic badasses whose emotions are mostly comprised of rock music and not being afraid of things. And finally - finally - after a lifetime of feelings and anxiety and more feelings, I didn't have any feelings left. I had spent my last feeling being disappointed that I couldn't rent Jumanji.

I felt invincible.

And thus began a tiny rebellion.

Then I swooped out of there like the Batman and biked home in a blaze of defiant glory.

And that's how my depression got so horrible that it actually broke through to the other side and became a sort of fear-proof exoskeleton.


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Sam said...

The whole wanting to be stoic badass I can really relate to... I'm way too selfconcious. Also this was sad, but then the end I couldn't help but laugh.

sassy_schmoo said...

I spent all day in bed today, with a migraine. Yes, the migraine was real, but I think it's self-induced because I felt I needed a "real" reason to stay in bed other than just my pathetic and lazy feeling of apathy. I totally get it.
Thanks, glad I'm not the only one.

Terrible Lisa (Teresa) said...

I sincerely hope you realize how amazing and creative you are.

RagingSnowstorm said...

I was waiting for a follow up, after the riding with not hands along the lines of ".. and that's how I broke my arm."

Ruth Schmalenberger said...

Wow, there's like a million comments on here. You probably won't get a chance to read mine, but I just wanted to say thank you.

I've been going through the exact same thing right now for the past few months. I mean, occasionally I get apathetically/fatalistically depressed due to hormones, but never like this. Everything happened exactly like you described - the inexplicable sadness, the futile attempts to make myself interested in life, the self-shaming (I started reading through the book of Job to try and guilt myself out of the depression. It worked for about a day.), the self-loathing. Last night I found myself cleaning up the dorm common room just so I could feel like I had a purpose in my group of friends.

And all this time, I'd been really scared because I couldn't see a way out that didn't involve meds.
Thanks for sharing that there is, at least, a point where it changes.

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this. It is overwhelming to read about your struggle. The cload of depression changes everything to grey, removes the sharp edges and melts holes in reality. Continue to fight the good fight.

Anonymous said...

I've been there and done this. I never had a heroic sense of empowerment, I just took Prozac. It worked for me. I don't know if you still struggle with depression but you should consider giving it a shot if you are. <3

Rose said...

So so true, lol!

P. Hos said...

I've experienced all of those things. However, usually within the space of about ten hours.

It's weird. My hangovers usually start while I'm still drinking too.

WorldWithinReach said...

Oh Allie, I missed you so much! I'm so glad that you broke through to the other side!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching the other side. It is a hard and difficult journey, nut so worth it.

Anonymous said...

You are awesome! You simply rule!

Lauren said...

This is amazingly honest and I loved reading it. Thanks for being brave enough to discuss something so many people keep hidden. With 3,634 comments, it looks like the entire Internet is behind you all the way!

Mary said...

So glad you're back!! This makes me want to go hug someone.

Destiny said...

Been there before. Glad you were able to get out of it :D

Nikeda said...

*hugs* :) glad you're back!!

Anonymous said...

:) Piles of dirty laundry happen, but being so creative takes courage and hard work. :) You're awesome.

Anonymous said...

:) Piles of dirty laundry happen, but being so creative takes courage and hard work. :) You're awesome.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. I hope you feeling a lot better and more invincible everyday. :)

Mohenjo said...

Welcome back, Allie!

fey-bear said...

Whoa...this, this was amazing!
I suffered from depression and this is the first time I've come accross an account of it to which I could relate.
Words can't express adequately how much I want to thank you for that.
Take care! :)

Lauren said...

that's what happened with my depression too! I went to ecuador and lived in the rainforest for a month showering with rainwater and the rest of it. I came back totally liberated and able to be happy again. That "what the hell, what could possibly happen that is worse than everything else" feeling is surprisingly adaptive.

Anonymous said...

Not only an incredibly accurate tour of ONE kind of depression, but ... as many people as live in my town checking in with almost no troll/slug/jerk comments! Almost no stiff-upper-lip or just-think-positive crap. The response is fucking incredible. More people can hear Allie than can hear Dr Phil ;-)! BTW, for us with ADD & depression, sometimes depression is a RESULT of the ADD - get the ADD under control and the depression backs off without having to go numb first. (Numb isn't a good place to stay either, whether it is spontaneous or via meds like Paxil)

Michaela said...

So I googled "Funny Memes" and yours popped up. was on Page 15, BUT IT WAS STILL THERE.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. <3

beth said...

We love you and are glad you are back and well. :)

Katie said...

Hang in there, Allie! :D

Anonymous said...

You are fantastically gifted and beautiful in every way. I've only been rifling through your posts for two days and I'm already sure of it, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Please don't let anyone, self-deprecating, immaterial doppelganger included, tell you otherwise. :)

Anonymous said...

Awh, I sympathise Allie, I'm going through this exact thing. ):

Narinuash said...

I'm soo glad your back....soo happy.

hh said...

allie, it is utterly awesome that your depression was snapped by a jumanji-related feeling.

Teresa said...

Thank heavens you are back!

Anonymous said...

Where is dog during all this? :(

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back! You were missed!

Kit said...

I normally don't comment on blogs at all but I just wanted to say that all humor in this post aside (you managed to make depression INCREDIBLY HILARIOUS in that awful but awesome way), I totally understand. This post seriously spoke to me and lots of other people I know.

Your work is such a bright spot in so many peoples' gloomy days, even when it's about subjects that would otherwise be ... well, depressing.

Take care and I really, really hope you feel better soon.

The Monk said...

As a fellow professional writer, I'll say that I go through this about once very three months. Chances are, what you need, is more human contact.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I needed that.

That's Just How Things Go... said...

this new post just made me so so so so sooo happy! my roommates think i'm mildly insane cuz i'll just sit in a corner and read your blog and cry i'm laughing so hard but i just don't give a fuck. you made my day. so thanks

JerJoesy said...

I just wanted to say that i have suffered from depression for the past few years and after reading your story, it all really makes sense. I haven't heard someone describe how I felt to the t before, and for the first time in a while i feel like i know how to get better... as i eat a red skittle.

grace said...

I'm probably the least athletic, most lazy person ever. But now I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REEALLLYYYYY want to ride a bike :|

Anonymous said...

Been there. Done that. Ain't no fun. But, you express it well - THANKS!

Yuliya said...

So happy you're back! Except now when I feel overwhelmingly sad and apathetic for no reason at all my asshole inner demon can berate me for not turning my pain into a kick ass cartoon blog post. So thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

Soooo very happy to have you back! You were really missed!

Mia said...

I don't know you but I <3 you. I've been a fan for a while now. It was enough to know you're talented and funny and insightful. Finding out you're human and brave is a happy bonus.

Anonymous said...

This both validated and mocked me at the same time. I bet my inner critic could beat up yours! Thanks for a much needed laugh.

Talisa said...

Well I'm glad you are feeling better and that you got out of your sad state. I've been there too. Keep up the good work!!!! Life is way funnier with it.

Thanks for sharing you life with us.

Unknown said...

You're amazing. You're my hero. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

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benj said...

Glad to see your back, we all love you and hope your doing better soon. Please keep the posts coming, we all missed you. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this.... you rule.

Anonymous said...

Immense. Beautiful. Sending you all the best.

Anonymous said...

I like it. Fact. The more I type that more I like. sdfuhsiufhsifvjhz;dfgiojsdgioujdfvzdcvjhzs;ghisdfv;ozidv I love it now.

Mon said...

Thank you... I totally understand how you feel...

Anonymous said...

When I was depressed someone bought me a book called 'I had a Black Dog' by M Johnstone. I found it extremely patronising and irritating. I was vilely ungrateful towards the purchaser who seemed to think it would effect some sort of self-awareness epiphany, but I already knew I was depressed, THANKS.

On the back of this experience I wasn't sure about reading this blog entry.

I adored it. Your illustrations describe the fragility and bizarre anti-energy I felt whilst depressed. And it made me giggle.

I ate foam bananas instead of skittles though.

Corrine said...

That is so very familiar and so very hilarious. Especially loved 'where are you trying to go, Sad Legs?'

char said...

Wow, I was like this a few months ago, and then we adopted a kid and I had to pull my shit together. Maybe you should get pregnant.

ne,vele said...

I love your blogs, Alli - the Simple Dog one was the one that clenched it for me.
Just something that irked me - and it always does when I read or see it- Eskimo is uhh..the un-PC way of describing people from the north. Translated, it means 'eaters of raw meat' which the Inuit find a little offensive (Sounds Barbaric). The term preferred is Inuit, or Inuk. Inuit means 'the people' and Inuk means 'person'.
Spread the word!

Fäolin said...

missed u alot :) :( get back on track soon, missy. i need to see the amazing pictures u draw every week. :)
take care *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this. It is an exceptional description of depression. I'm glad you are feeling better. Take care.

natasha linskill said...

thank you for your post, you've managed to put into words the feelings I've never been able to describe.

And that's some amazing handy work in MS Paint!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ahh new post yay!! I love you :) you are way too awesome to stay depressed ;)

Anonymous said...

Allie I missed your posts so bad. You are amazing. **LOTS OF HUGS***

Nithya said...

I missed you. Congratulations on breaking through the depression. Just, try not to hate yourself each time you get depressed. I've done that, and it really really isn't productive. Of course, I was no where near as funny as you are about it.
I think I'll rent a horror movie right now, and watch it here, at 9 in the night in New Delhi. You're not watching yours alone.

Anonymous said...

Most accurate description. Thanks, it helps a lot, knowing I'm not alone.

Katie Kat said...

I'm going through something similar myself. I just haven't broken through to the other side yet. But seeing a new post by you totally rocked my face off today. Thank you Allie! And know you are not alone. <3

Callie said...

I've never commented before but have read your entire blog and looove it - yay for a new post! I'm so sorry for your sad times. :( You have a wonderful quirky gift for expressing themes of human nature in an innately personal, relatable way!! "Alot" of your phrases have become catch phrases in my extended "Internet...FOREVER!" and "do alllll the thinggggs???" Thanks for the gift of your blog to us :D PS Can hardly wait for book!!

Anonymous said...

Wow ne,vele, in response to a post written about a crippling depression you simply MUST correct her use of a cultural term? That could have waited for another time, eh?

I didn't really see the end of this post as a victory. The absence of your living companions from the story and its ending shows how terribly isolating the condition is. I hope I misread it. Sending you strong wishes for your well-being and better days ahead.

Amber Samaya said...

Allie. It seriously made my day to read this, a) because it was awesome and b) because you're back!!! You have faithful readers! The kind that will wait months, years, maybe even decades for a new post! Take time to step back when you need it, we're all totally cool with that, and no one can be inspired to write allll the time. We'll always be waiting in anticipation for what you come up with next! So glad you whopped deps ass! ;)

Chris Moorhouse said...

(+1) What else could you say?

Anonymous said...

I've been having the worst day ever. JUST THE WORST. My research sucks, my ideas are boring, and it's raining as hard as I've ever seen it rain. I wanted to hide in my bed and have my roommate make me Indian food and shove it under the door for me.

And then I saw this and was reminded that even the coolest, most creative people alive have rough patches. Thank you for reminding me that I'm OK.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, haha, thanks for this comic. Made me realize I might have depression, but it's really interesting that you write things I've thought myself. (Maybe everyone actually wants to re-watch Jumanji but we just never get around to saying so?) Thanks again and keep doing whatever it is you do. Rock on.

Gela said...

Yes, this exactly.

Danni312 said...

So, I got off work at 5am. I've been sitting in this same spot for 8 hours, thinking about all the life I need to live, while debating with myself about, well everything. And just when I was starting to ramp up my apathetic attitude and stare at memes all day and eat my roommate's pizza, I came across a link for your page. Now my apathy feels purposeful and justified, and therefore, I'm being productive. Thanks Allie. =)

Anonymous said...

A friend referred me to your blog just a day before you posted this message. I completely relate. Depression is absolutely crippling and awful. I hope that you are able to seek counseling and heal from what you are going through. You are a lovely person with a wonderful gift; don't allow depression to rob you of the things you love!

Faezerbeam said...

I MISSEDD YOUUUU SO MUCHHHHHHHHH. I came to college with the hope that I'd spend the majority of my time online and that when I had time I'd read your blog but there was nothing to read AND NOW YOU'RE BACK =D

Charlene said...

Love your posts. Alot. See? See what I did there?

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that you've posted again, though I'm sorry about the depression hit. I suffer from being sad for no reason quite often, though I'm lucky I snap out of it quite quickly. Or at least I push it away, 'cause I have to concentrate on school. Today, for example, I barely managed to get out of the bed
Be careful, OK? I don't want my favorite blogger to get hurt just because she feels invincible.
I hope you have already snapped out of this state or that you'll snap of it very soon.

Antigone said...

Allie, I hope you feel better soon. I said a prayer for you. :-) Take care! And enjoy your Skittles.

Anonymous said...

I'm so going to rent six horror movies and buy a bunch of skittles. Has to be a lot cheaper than the therapist. Wish me luck. :)

Unknown said...

When I was depressed last, my doctor told me to start a blog.
That was way back when I was one of 20 comments on your posts.

Anonymous said...

Wow Allie. You are rad, and brave and strong. So, glad to see you're back and I hope that these comments show you that you always have something to look forward to when you decide not to give a fuck. Thank you for sharing this part of yourself with us.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. What about Duncan? Isn't he there to help you through this?

Anonymous said...

Huzzah! You're not dead! :D I thought the universe had lost you to the abyss of the interwebs but no, here you are again! I was even considering starting some kind of Twitter search party but that wasn't necessary!

Anonymous said...

Oh god, I know everyone has said this, but you perfectly capture the experience, and you definitely are not alone. It's good to see you back. Rock on, fearless one.

oh! La Vieja said...

(If you get my first message too, blame the computer for redundancy)

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if it was your intention to mimic the scene in City of Angels where Meg Ryan is riding her bike on the highway and she closes her eyes, out streches her arms.... and gets hit by the truck and dies. I hate how that movie ends. please don't get hit by a truck. :)

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I recently broke up and I have been in a spiral of depression for these past few weeks. Just like your illustrations portray, I have been self loathing and stuck in a funk which I felt that I would never be coming out of. Today I decided to write down my thoughts and just through that alone I was able to crack open the curtain of hope for myself.. slightly.

Reading your blog made my day, though. Not only because I have been waiting for a new quirky update to let work pass by just a little quicker, but also because I was able to relate so much to it.

While I am not quite as daring to touch a spider just yet, I commend you in breaking through and I hope that one day the curtain gets pushed back completely and hope fills our dreary, unkempt living room. :)

Anonymous said...

This was AMAZING. The best description of being depressed ever. I totally recognised myself. Also, this was so funny it made me laugh throughout. Your character is so expressive and the not-Hollywood-plot was best ever.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the picture of you riding your bike with a hoodie and boots. Totally captured the moment. Then the..."maybe I'll touch a spider later" perfect.

Lauren said...

I'm so glad that you're feeling better! ^_^ I've been depressed for a while myself, so I can imagine what you went through. Please don't look back on this experience and cut yourself down - what happened to you is common for people who are very depressed, and there's not always something you can do about it by yourself. If it ever happens again, you might want to consider getting a prescription for anti-depressants, particularly since the issue seems to have been chemical. No point in staying sad any longer than necessary ^_^

SunriseSky said...

Perfect timing! I got my fear-proof skeleton two days ago and was trying to explain it to someone. Instead I sent them this. :)

Thanks for coming back.

Ms. L S said...

As someone who has suffered through INTENSE depression and anxiety mixed with a fun bout of agoraphobia that lasted the better part of 2 years... but then come out the other side just like you did, I can only say-- FUCK.YES! GO DO ALL THE THINGS! AND MAKE EVERYBODY ELSE LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


stephplaystrumpet said...

Are you some sort of prophet? This has basically been my life for the past few months. I know exactly how each of those moments feels (maybe except for the part about missing Jumanji). I woke up in the middle of the night one night and was just like, "man, everything SUCKS." And then nothing could make me feel any better. I reached the point where I couldn't care about anything and could hardly leave my apartment. And then I too realized I was INVINCIBLE. We should form a superhero team.

Todd said...

I could relate, and I'm really glad you made it through, Allie. I feel like saying "I hope you touched a spider" is like saying "I hope you reach your dreams". You're awesome! Thank you for this story. I/we? missed your posts.

Kat said...

Really sad, but I <3 the ending! So glad that the depression bug (spider? the one you touched?) has moved on!

Anonymous said...

OMG. You're back, yes yes yes!!!

Takaska said...

Allie, I want you to know, I have experienced this before too. It sucks, but reasonably soon, it goes away. I am a new fan of yours, and I LOVE your work. In short, I am posting this comment to tell you three things:

1. Your fans care about you, and want you to be happy.
2. Life goes on, and it sure as hell gets better.
3. Monkey ninjas always win against penguin pirates.

That last one was a bad attempt at hoping to cheer you up with randomness.

Hold your head high, and be proud! Keep up your awesome, amazing work, and remember your fans will always be here for you!

<3 Takaska

P.S. (>^.^)># Owlie McOwl wanted to give you a waffle.

Anonymous said...

I was typing awesome response only to realize 3,000 others have gotten there before me >-< Name your depression, I did, Grey Mist so it makes easier to imagine myself beating depression. Its like facing thousand villians in my head.. I still have my bouts. Grey Mist occasionally sneaks in.. so much of <3 from vastness of internet. your posts occasionally makes dents on Grey Mist so keep it up :) much hugs from your creepy fan

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LuckyKat said...

Thank you for posting this Allie.

You are seriously made of awesome - and I hope that you keep on going up and up away from the grey that was consuming you.

Big kudos to you.

xx LJ

Magu21 said...

Allie, I'm glad to see another post. I check back often. I re-read your older posts often, and each time I am amazed at how you so eloquently wrote down my feelings, from various parts of my life, ALMOST EXACTLY as I felt them.

Sad songs are the key to my spiral downward, but also involve romantic comedies. Somehow I still feel bad ass.

Liz said...

Holy shit. You have over three thousand comments! *high five*

Also, this is one of my favorites. Depression sucks.

I've missed your posts!

Megantron said...

I swear you read my mind sometimes. Nothing better than being able to look at your past self and say, take that bitch! Meanwhile, thanks, I really needed that post.

Frimmy said...

I was so happy to see you posted. We've missed you. I hope the fact that you did post means you're at a turning point with your depression. I've been there and you explain it well.

Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being there :)

Wig Wam said...

Wow this post is so intimate and truthful. I really admire your courage to write it. It actually resonates with me, and definitely makes me feel like I'm not totally crazy for thinking that way. Thanks for the post! Inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Like lots of others, I totally relate to this post. Particularly the bit about hating yourself for being sad for absolutely no reason. Also the prolonged periodso of time not leaving the house.

I thought the video store woman was going to be helpful and somehow whisk you away to Happy Land so it cracked me up when she just stared with her judgmental eyes. I've had bouts of he fear-proof exoskeleton too but unfortunately they never last. :-/

It sucks that you're going through this but I'm thankful you could express it so perfectly. <333

k said...

You are kickass, and a force to be reckoned with. Love!!!!

Holly said...

I thought this was really great - you have something to say and do it in such a new and interesting way.

Sorry to hear that you're struggling with depression, it's a bitch. Sending you positive vibes in a non-creepy stranger way.

Holly said...

I thought this was really great - you have something to say and do it in such a new and interesting way.

Sorry to hear that you're struggling with depression, it's a bitch. Sending you positive vibes in a non-creepy stranger way.

Consciously Sedated/Rachel Paul said...

I hear you, girl. Been there, done that. I look at it like this... feeling down in the dumps just makes you appreciate the happy times that much more! See? It's all good.

frankendoodle said...

Hey Allie, I think we might have discovered the reason for your depression. I have seen this post circulating the internet like WILDFIRE about how this is what real depression is like and how you've captured it perfectly. You've given thousands of depression suffering readers something to relate to and those who don't suffer from it something to make them more understanding. You may or may not have set out to do that but its what you did and you should be proud :)

Windswept Farm said...

This was excellent. Depression is no fun and you can't just snap out of it. Glad to see you posting. I missed your great blog.

ne,vele said...

to the anon user who called me out on being PC...I'm sorry for being Inuit and taking offense to a term that is old fashioned. I'm sorry for taking pride in my heritage and trying to educate others too. Seriously...learn something today buddy.

Karl said...

Wonderful stuff. So moving and so funny and so true-to-life and so silly. My hat is off to you, Allie -- you're an artist.

ne,vele said...

p.s. anon user - trashing the end of her post? really. you aren't being helpful either, are you?

ne,vele said...

p.s. anon user - trashing the end of her post? really. you aren't being helpful either, are you?

M.Splinter said...

I think you just broke thermodynamics with your depression plight.

Taylor said...

I just wanted to say that I missed you! This blog was beautiful. I've had problems with depression and gone through very similar in the corner/dark phases. You are a ray of sunshine in my life. Thank you for this blog.
- Random Colorado Follower (Taylor)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making the world a lighter place to live...

Jepha said...

I was starting to get really worried when I kept checking your blog and nothing was happening.
You are awesome Allie! If I weren't already grown up then when I grow up I'd wanna be as awesome as you.
I've been where you were/maybe still are. It sucks.
But hey, thousands of people on the internet think you're super and they haven't even met you yet. So yeah, keep being super.
Alot of love (these ones are especially furry and soft) coming your way from New Zealand.

Lorna said...

I'm so happy that you made another post! YAY

Anonymous said...

absolutely fan-fuffing-tastic, you hit the "black dog" right on the head. (ps.before anyone is moved to make a complaint:this is a metaphor-I do not endorse hitting dogs...or indeed any other animal ......of any colour)

Blythe said...

That is my life for the past 2, almost 3 years. Haven't broken through. Watching 10 hours of bad British tv a day on Netflix. Doubled body weight. Going to lose house. Don't care, looking forward to life in my car. But at least you made me laugh.

Sondre said...

Thanks for posting again! I'm sorry to say that I found this enjoyable reading (as in "that was super interesting", not "haha, depressed people"). And also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but you're a meme now.

elizabeth said...

I think...I think you might be my favorite person on the internet.

Randi said...

I just want to say how happy you made me when i saw this post. I was beginning to worry that something terrible had happened to you and we would never get to laugh ourselves shit-less over a new post again. While I didn't laugh myself to death on this one, I'm still super happy your back. I would give you an internet hug but I think I'll wait until you bathe again ^_~ Glad to have you back and hope you feel even better soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

You made me laugh to the point of tears once again. Keep blogging forever, your sense of humor delights me.

Anonymous said...

So good to have you back, Allie! yay!! :D

So sorry to hear about this, though. As others have said, holy shit are you me? XD SO been there, done that. Meds helped a lot, though (although it ends up that caffeine and antidepressants DO NOT MIX; found that one out by having a cup at work. Ended with me hiding under the desk in a panic attack. Sheesh...). I've been off them for I guess about seven years, though, which is pretty damned awesome for someone who was on them for several years. But they helped, oh SO much, as did moving out of the city into a nice quiet rural area. Not having to worry about home invasions = SO MUCH LESS STRESS. :-)

This line, in particular, needs to be framed or iconed or something:

[T]rying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back. A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work.


SO glad to have you back!! *Hugs*

A Morning Grouch said...

Thank you thank you thank you for the post!! I feel like this....a lot. It totally sucks. Glad to see you back.

Unknown said...

Welcome back from the dark side! Glad to know you've had a breakthrough. I laughed and laughed with sympathy and empathy and made my husband read it and he did the same thing. You're good medicine. Thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

um. this wasn't funny? I thought that was the point of this website.

Runner Girl said...

Dear Allie,
First of all you are super cool like glaciers or something and I realled missed your posts. I almost even said hello to the random college kids I saw in Puerto Rico since I was really thought it was you and I was really excited. Anyway my lovely boyfriend just broke up with me so I've been moping around being a loserface. Thanks for the post it made me smile genuinely for the first time in a while :)
- Some cross country runner girl

lisa said...

You have brought me and many friends so much happiness and joy. I just want you to know that. :)

I love your mind. :)

Anonymous said...

That's how I feel sometimes! Some days I get really depressed and cry all the freaking time...for no reason! I'm not alone! :OO

Is Maith Liom Tae said...

its really sad that you've been feeling like this, but its good that you're fighting back! you describe the feeling of depression so accurately, and I hope you get through this!

Anonymous said...

You draw my life. <3

Boo said...

This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. I'm not sure what to say.

This is truth, this is life, this is more than just depression. This is what it's like to live with a demon inside-- somebody who roots against you, rather than for you; somebody who hates you, rather than loves you; somebody who'd rather see you drown than swim. Thank you for this. This is amazing.

Boo said...

This is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. I'm not sure what to say.

This is truth, this is life, this is more than just depression. This is what it's like to live with a demon inside-- somebody who roots against you, rather than for you; somebody who hates you, rather than loves you; somebody who'd rather see you drown than swim. Thank you for this. This is amazing.

Boo said...

Also: this post shows that your storytelling capabilities far exceed the funny childhood stories. There is real wisdom, self awareness and depth here. Well done. Keep writing.

ami said...

Allie, I hope if you have to endure this again, you remember how honest you were in this post. It takes bravery to talk about depression so openly, and I'm glad you didn't feel like you had to write a post about something light when that wasn't how you were feeling.

I also hope that the stress you feel from trying to come up with something funny all the time didn't make you feel depressed. People love you for being your quirky self and writing about things that we all feel like we've experienced, but in better descriptions that we could ever muster. As eager as everyone is to read your new posts, I think everyone understands that it takes a while to come up with new ones.

Take care of yourself - I hope you're able to give yourself one compliment every day and find one reason to get out of bed every day. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

This made me a little sad, but also a little bit better as well.
Depression is something I wish nobody should go through, its horrible, it sucks, its miserable.
You are just great though, I'm almost surprised you put this up while going though this, and I hope you do feel better as well.

You're great and I love your blog... Alot :)

Anonymous said...

I always thought you had a mental illness of some kind.

Trixianna Nina Bewbz Saenz-Tempest-Lockjaw said...

I live this once every so many weeks or so. Sometimes we can break free of it easy, other times, like this one, not so easy. But one thing we can all credit to is being able to break through and be stronger from it.

Hang in there girl, you are not alone and we are all here, hugging you in spirit.

Anonymous said...

Fucking amazing. Marry me.

Anonymous said...

Oh depression. You nailed it. And then highlighted the absurd hilarity of it all. You're one brilliant fucking human. Next time I'm sitting on a pile of dirty laundry and my unwashed dishes are laughing at me, I'll remember to read this.

Soul Beaver said...

Yuliya said...

"So happy you're back! Except now when I feel overwhelmingly sad and apathetic for no reason at all my asshole inner demon can berate me for not turning my pain into a kick ass cartoon blog post. So thanks for that. "


Tell your asshole inner demon to sling his/her hook, because your comment made me inwardly gurgle (it's late, and for the sake of those slumbering nearby I was too considerate to GOL) like a pleased baby.

PS To all those now going round touching spiders like it was nuthin', please take care not be rough. Like humans, spiders do not appreciate undue hassle (even if they are huge and hairy and look like they're asking for it).

PPS 'This Is The Day' by 'The The' is a great soundtrack to accompany the sprouting of a protective exoskeleteon.

RollerScrapper said...

I started reading this, intent on being serious, but was laughing loudly despite the fact that my husband is about a 6 on your a better pain scale. Only you could make a post about depression into a guilty pleasure, filled with laughter. Thank you!

Desto said...

Thank god this story had a happy ending. As the first part is all "OMG! SOMEONE GIVE THAT LADY A HUG!".
But thankfully, you got yourself out of it, which may be even better then being hugged out of it, as then you haven't really conquered anything. But you have. So we can all cancel our trips to come and cheer you up.
... Unless that is still what you'ld want..

Nicholas Fisher said...

Hi Allie,

I know I'm quite late on this and you prob won't see it in the comments, but I need to leave my 2c worth so I feel better.

I really, really hope you don't feel like this too much. It might make for funny comics occasionally, but hell - anything you do makes for funny comics. You could make walking to the letterbox an adventure in hilarity.

You make tonnes of people, including myself, very happy with your site and you really deserve to be happier and more confident because of it.

CTrax said...

I really appreciated this. I mean, I usually enjoy your entries, but this one I actually simply appreciate in a different manner all together. This is one of those entries where I think "I feel better," after I've read this. It's like you've put a feeling into words that I haven't been able to before. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting to come out on the other side for 10 years! One day...

Bonnie said...


I was depressed this year. For awhile, for NO REASON. I didn't even want to touch a spider. And then I fixed it. For now. But the whole time I was sad that there wasn't a new hyperbole & a half blog up. And now, I'm like "fuck yeah. we can both maybe touch spiders later, separately, but maybe together because all spiders are connected like those stupid trees that share roots and humans are better than spiders AND TREES". And THAT'S AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry to hear you had to go through all that--when there were no new posts for awhile I was wondering if something happened D:

but I'm supremely happy that it has finally passed! :] I hope you ended up finding Jumanji at some point XD

swisspenelope said...

finding this blog was almost worth being depressed this summer.

your Personal Abuser could go head to head with mine any day. (that would be a match worth watching ...)

here's to achieving the state in which our feelings consist of nothing more than rock music and not being afraid. keep the faith!

Anonymous said...

Thank whoeever for stumble upon, because I stumbled on to your blog, this post. And laughed so fucking hard. You are brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Usually humans overcome problems by solving them analytically: Oh, I can't reach the Cheerios on that top shelf, I shall procure a chair to aid me. Solved.

Unfortunately, applying this mode of thinking to emotional issues affords no solution, and ironically makes the problem worse the longer this rumination continues. The way to break out of that cycle is by focusing on the now, which is well illustrated by the anecdote you shared. If ever you catch yourself in another cycle of dwelling on and criticizing your negative mood, I encourage you to bring your attention to what is happening in the moment. There is a wealth of sensory information that passes by unnoticed at any given time that is available to each of us. I've applied this method in my own life and have enjoyed great benefit to my mood.

Love your shit. Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear you have been feeling like this. I have been suffering from depression for about a year now, and although sometimes it's fine, there are weeks when I feel exactly like this. I tried to explain it to my BF and parents but it's very hard to put these sorts of things into words.

You really hit the nail on the head with this post, it's really amazing, when I read this is was like you had written it about me. Now I can show it to the people who I want to understand. You have helped (by the looks of the comments list) many hundreds of people to be able to explain how they feel, and that is something invaluable for every single one of us in our journey of recovery. You should be very proud that you have used your talent for such a worthwhile cause.

And the thing I loved the most about this post is that, even though it is terribly sad, it is also really really funny in places (perhaps because I understand where you are coming from) and enabling me to laugh about it makes me feel like it is not an insurmountable obstacle and there are many other people out there who understand how I feel.

So thank you Allie, for helping me to feel less alone in this illness.

Anonymous said...

You are super super awesome for sharing this because I think a lot of people can relate. And not in the "don't worry, I'm gonna downplay your emotions and say it's something we all go through" way. No. We know how HARD it is to not be sad. It just happens. After days or weeks or months of self hatred and pressure and down spiral it kind of passes, but it doesn't mean that that time up until then SUCKED. LIKE REALLLY SUCKED.


Schnikel said...

Here I was thinking I was the only one that felt exactly like that... way to burst my bubble. I found it kind of shocking that you were able to explain exactly how I felt throughout the majority of my short 20 year life. A feeling I am currently finding myself in again. I think I even briefly experienced that born again freedom. I went to Wet'N'Wild in the gold coast, australia, and I was able to go on every single ride, regardless of how steep and big and tall and scary, because I suddenly had, well, balls (figuratively speaking). I guess I still have that. But more in a "It doesn't matter because I can't be fucked moving anyway..." kind of way. Anyway, thanks for the little thing you did there, it was very cool and I liked the pictures. Funky.

Frederick Wecker said...

You need a hug, though I'm only 21 I can totally empathise with you here!

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh so hard that some of my laundry I was lying on fell on the couch. I might even pick those socks up sometime this weekend.

Roy Marvelous said...

Hope things get better for you Allie. P.s. your art looks even MORE MARVELOUS now with your new wacom

Anonymous said...

Been there - I did have a reason, though. Took me a looong time to come out of it, but I did. And I agree - you absolutely do hit rock bottom and think, this is it, I couldn't possible feel any lower, nothing else could possibly happen to make me feel any worse; maybe that's when things start to get better because there is no other way but up :)

Juliet said...

This is the best thing I've ever read on the subject of depression. Very funny and very accurate. The first thing to really make me laugh in a long time.
I might manage to leave the house today because of this. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is so Zen... =)

Tracie said...

Been there, done that, developed the exoskeleton. Sooo glad to see you posting again!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I fucking love you. I want a fear-proof exoskeleton! Maybe this is in my future. Since I'm at about the dirty-laundry-on-couch stage now.

Oceanchild said...

The pic of you hiding behind the couch is totally me, only I hide in the closet and sometimes even pull clothes over myself. Loved the post and may be passing the link to some family members who can't understand the hiding in the closet. :)

Anonymous said...

I suffer from depression and I wanted to say.... EAT THOSE SKITTLES. I really missed your comics, and your sheer awesomeness. I hope that you feel better and continue to come here so that we can shower you with comments of love and cheer.

Hopefully Helpful said...

Overwhelming depression like this is not a personality fault, it's not something brought on by a bad situation, it's simply someones brain messing with them. So many people experience this and since there is really nothing anyone can do internally to "fix" themselves, professional help and possible medication is really the only way out of this mess that people inexplicably find themselves in. If you or anyone else finds themselves in this situation, find a good doctor before things spiral out of control. Depression is not yours or anyone's fault, it's just a human condition that a good doctor can help with. It's horrible and terrible but there is help out there.

RP Maximus said...

I have been there and it sucks. The aftermath isn't so bad, though. Hope you touched that spider.

Unknown said...

Thank you for being alive! I missed your pictures

Anonymous said...

I went through this last summer, and just wanted to let you know that I was there...robbed of all emotion except for anxiety about not having any emotion (I didn't get the superhero part, unfortunately). When I was at my most useless and terrified, I read through the whole Hyperbole and a Half history. I would sit there being so anxious I couldn't eat or sleep or do anything and I just read this site. I dont remember if it actually made me laugh or not but it kept me engaged and made those moments bareable. For a few particularly awful days it was the only thing that could get me out of my head and give me any real form of relief. So,
Thank you.
I hope that you find your way.

Anonymous said...

I went through this last summer, and just wanted to let you know that I was there...robbed of all emotion except for anxiety about not having any emotion (I didn't get the superhero part, unfortunately). When I was at my most useless and terrified, I read through the whole Hyperbole and a Half history. I would sit there being so anxious I couldn't eat or sleep or do anything and I just read this site. I dont remember if it actually made me laugh or not but it kept me engaged and made those moments bareable. For a few particularly awful days it was the only thing that could get me out of my head and give me any real form of relief. So,
Thank you.
I hope that you find your way.

sacredcowtipper said...

Oh, Allie...

I'm so glad you're back. And I relate totally. "False shame, go fuck yourself!" Oh yeah.

Jamie said...

Thank you:D I'm doing nano and you quite encouraged me and I'm hopefully, I'm off :D Thank you!!!

Koutoni said...

I've been reading your blog for ages now, and this post made me so sad...Allie, you are such an amazing person; I don't have to know you personally to know that. You're smart, you're funny, you're creative, you have a way with words that I never can turn everyday things into something entertaining, and the stories you tell are always hilariously brilliant. I look up to you tremendously as a fellow writer (though not nearly as good of one) and catch myself mimicking your writing style at times. Your dog posts and various childhood stories never fail to leave me in hysterics, and I'm pretty sure I've memorized most of your letters to various objects. And your drawings are really what make a lot of your posts as amazing as they are. I'd never have guessed before reading this blog that Paint could be used so well and for such a simple purpose.

I know you get a lot of comments, and there are a lot of people here trying to encourage you, so you might not even read this, which is fine. But just in case you do, I want you to know that you're amazing, hilarious, inspiring, and you have absolutely no right to hate yourself. You are an awesome person who writes awesome things and is completely filled to the brim with awesomeness. If that internal hater starts giving you crap again, I want you to mentally punch it in the face and tell it to go fuck itself. Because that hater isn't you, it's the depression intruding on your thoughts. It is a virus, invading your mind and infecting it with abusive thoughts disguised to look like your own. You could probably make a drawing out of that if you wanted to. I'm totally picturing this cartoon now of a virus attacking a brain with a spear and an evil smiley face...

Anyway. I digress. The point is, you're not stupid, you're not worthless, and you're not an emotionless computer. A lot of people seem to be viewing your newfound invincibility as a good thing, which in my opinion really isn't the case. I want you back to your old self--I'm sure everyone does. You must be feeling somewhat better since you were able to write a post, but...just know that at the very least, there's another person out there who's worrying about you. Hang in there; don't give up. I really hope you feel better soon. <3

Anonymous said...

That was the point where I got dangerously suicidal, be aware that you might start to engage in extra-risky behaviors and watch out for them.

BeeOhVee said...

I'm sorry you had the bout with depression but I'm glad you came out of it rocking like a bad-ass! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

YOU LIVE! Glad to see new stuff. Hope more comes sooner this time.

Also, don't be sad. You're too hilarious to be sad.

Anonymous said...

You're awesome Allie. Look at all the people that missed you. Please keep in mind how much joy you bring to us poor souls trodding the internet.

Andrea said...

I have had depression for 23 years. The last 10 have been excellent because of the right drugs. Every 2 years they have me go off my meds to see if my systerm has corrected it self. So far is hasn't. I want to stay on my meds forever.
Better living through science!

Zack said...

Congratulations Allie!! You don't know me like at all, but for what it's worth I had something very similar happen. Depression (not quite so suddenly) turned into stoic lack of self-consciousness. Weirdly, the good feelings are less too. But they way outnumber the bad feelings. I hope this badassery lasts as long for you and is as awesome as mine has been. I look forward to you next post.

Manus said...

And one more if you can touch the spider, I never could.

Kate said...

totally brought the tears.. being able to relate to someone else who's been there is always a little bit therapeutic.. i'm still waiting for my breakthrough to the other side, but people like you give me hope - and that's huge. so thank you for this!

atomicgirl said...

Can't wait to read more of your awesome stories! We've been pronouncing your blog wrong for about two years. We always thought it was hyper-bole. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for finally posting, Allie! I had faith you would return eventually.

I just finally started getting my own depression treated. As in, starting yesterday. Today I went on a cleaning jag and contacted some people I had been putting off contacting. You're definitely not alone. I don't know if that helps you feel any better, that you're not alone, but here's hoping it does.

purplepensarecool said...

I don't really know how to express my gratitude to you for this post. Never before, in all my...idk?...searches for inspiration and advice and what-have-you have I found something that gave me hope the way this post did. I was so sure you were going to conclude it with how you 'got help' or something. And then it turned out that you resolved it yourself! I've been feeling...ugh?...for a while now and it's just such a relief to know that it can...get better?...i guess. Thank you so much. You don't know what this means to me. And go you! for getting through it :)

Anonymous said...

I've been there. Sucks, don't it?

But I hope that you're getting help and you're not just steeping in your pile of sadness. :( Thanks for telling your story, Allie.

Fred said...

For most of the post I wasn't sure to laugh or cry.

I'm not sure if you, or any of the other commenters, will take me up on this but this is the book I was given by my Psychologist before being sent home from the Military.

The title is horrid, and it took me months to read it (and I never finished reading it it was tooo cheesy for me)but I reccomend it to anyone; though nothing can replace a visit to a therapist:

"The Feeling GOOD Handbook" ~ By David D. Burns, M.D.

Anonymous said...

At least I know I am not the only one who wakes up feeling like they are sad because they are sad

The Cranky Tutor said...

You are the only person in the history of the universe who has been able to explain depression in a way that is both highly accurate and highly entertaining. You have such a gift.

I'm looking forward to the day that my depression turns into an exoskeleton of badassery.

Theresa said...

Wow. I'm shaking out of recognition. No one has ever descriped the deeps I went through so clear. And it wasn't the medication or therapy or good advice or friends that got me out of there... it was the exhaustion at last, that made it impossible to give a shit. About anything. It felt like giving up, but it emptied my head in a way I couldn't even remember having felt before. That silence was the most beautiful state of mind I've ever experienced. My newly found life motto is far from poetic, but I can say it day after day now, and with a bright smile.

"Fuck it"

Anonymous said...

I have felt this exact same way. The abusive monologue is especially something I can relate to. Thank you for posting. Now several thousand people know beyond a reasonable doubt that they are not alone in ever having felt this way. That could mean more to people than you might possibly imagine.

Just Me said...

Allie, I love you.. but where was your fiancee during all this? ):

Milo Vasquez said...

YAY NEW POST!! sorr to hear about your suffering but im glad to hear your now a bad ass chick who dont giva f**K hahaha, but I missed your posts sooo much and I looking forward to buying your book. Hope you continue to feel better and to see another post soon :D

W said...

You may be bipolar. That could be part of why some of your work is so great (hypomania is a good motivator, WOO)

Speaking of spiders, this:

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