Adventures in Depression

Some people have a legitimate reason to feel depressed, but not me. I just woke up one day feeling sad and helpless for absolutely no reason.

It's disappointing to feel sad for no reason. Sadness can be almost pleasantly indulgent when you have a way to justify it - you can listen to sad music and imagine yourself as the protagonist in a dramatic movie. You can gaze out the window while you're crying and think "This is so sad. I can't even believe how sad this whole situation is. I bet even a reenactment of my sadness could bring an entire theater audience to tears."

But my sadness didn't have a purpose.  Listening to sad music and imagining that my life was a movie just made me feel kind of weird because I couldn't really get behind the idea of a movie where the character is sad for no reason.

Essentially, I was being robbed of my right to feel self pity, which is the only redeeming part of sadness.

And for a little bit, that was a good enough reason to pity myself.

Standing around feeling sorry for myself was momentarily exhilarating, but I grew tired of it quickly. "That will do," I thought. "I've had my fun, let's move on to something else now." But the sadness didn't go away.

I tried to force myself to not be sad.

But trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back.  A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work. 

When I couldn't will myself to not be sad, I became frustrated and angry. In a final, desperate attempt to regain power over myself, I turned to shame as a sort of motivational tool.


But, since I was depressed, this tactic was less inspirational and more just a way to oppress myself with hatred.

Which made me more sad. 

Which then made me more frustrated and abusive.

And that made me even more sad, and so on and so forth until the only way to adequately express my sadness was to crawl very slowly across the floor.

The self-loathing and shame had ceased to be even slightly productive, but it was too late to go back at that point, so I just kept going. I followed myself around like a bully, narrating my thoughts and actions with a constant stream of abuse.

I spent months shut in my house, surfing the internet on top of a pile of my own dirty laundry which I set on the couch for "just a second" because I experienced a sudden moment of apathy on my way to the washer and couldn't continue. And then, two weeks later, I still hadn't completed that journey. But who cares - it wasn't like I had been showering regularly and sitting on a pile of clothes isn't necessarily uncomfortable. But even if it was, I couldn't feel anything through the self hatred anyway, so it didn't matter. JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.

Slowly, my feelings started to shrivel up. The few that managed to survive the constant beatings staggered around like wounded baby deer, just biding their time until they could die and join all the other carcasses strewn across the wasteland of my soul.

I couldn't even muster up the enthusiasm to hate myself anymore.

I just drifted around, completely unsure of what I was feeling or whether I could actually feel anything at all.

If my life was a movie, the turning point of my depression would have been inspirational and meaningful. It would have involved wisdom-filled epiphanies about discovering my true self and I would conquer my demons and go on to live out the rest of my life in happiness.

Instead, my turning point mostly hinged upon the fact that I had rented some movies and then I didn't return them for too long.

The late fees had reached the point where the injustice of paying any more than I already owed outweighed my apathy. I considered just keeping the movies and never going to the video store again, but then I remembered that I still wanted to re-watch Jumanji.

I put on some clothes, put the movies in my backpack and biked to the video store. It was the slowest, most resentful bike ride ever.

And when I arrived, I found out that they didn't even have Jumanji in.

Just as I was debating whether I should settle on a movie that wasn't Jumanji or go home and stare in abject silence, I noticed a woman looking at me weirdly from a couple rows over.

She was probably looking at me that way because I looked really, really depressed and I was dressed like an eskimo vagrant.

Normally, I would have felt an instant, crushing sense of self-consciousness, but instead, I felt nothing.

I've always wanted to not give a fuck. While crying helplessly into my pillow for no good reason, I would often fantasize that maybe someday I could be one of those stoic badasses whose emotions are mostly comprised of rock music and not being afraid of things. And finally - finally - after a lifetime of feelings and anxiety and more feelings, I didn't have any feelings left. I had spent my last feeling being disappointed that I couldn't rent Jumanji.

I felt invincible.

And thus began a tiny rebellion.

Then I swooped out of there like the Batman and biked home in a blaze of defiant glory.

And that's how my depression got so horrible that it actually broke through to the other side and became a sort of fear-proof exoskeleton.


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Anonymous said...

So happy to see you back in blogsville. I missed you and your unique perspective on life, in all of its sublimeness (is that a word?) and all of its ridiculousness. Thank you for sharing your struggle with us. I don't know depression, but I sure know negative self-talk. I have recently been fighting back those evil, self-defeating sentences with positive, self-affirming facts. No fluff, just the real stuff. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself permission to take all the time you need to rest and heal and fall in love with yourself. You deserve it. And, selfishy, I'd love to read more of your deliciously delightful dialect! So few of us positively affect the lives of some many, as you do. :-) You rock, girl!

Gabby Mendez said...

good to hear from you,love the last drawing...take care I need your weird humor :)

Anonymous said...

you found a way to articulate what so many are feeling. good for you. hang in there, girl; as i say to myself "caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar" - antonio machado's words
(just in case: traveler, there is no path, it is created as you go along)

all the best from a fellow sufferer.

AC said...

It's weird that I feel like you should be my friend because...well, we don't know each other. So that's weird. I love your blog and this post hits home. It's funny but funny in that great perverse biting way. And it's funniest to those of us who know how very real that sad-for-no-good-reason business is. I want to show it to everyone I know and say "LOOK! THIS IS WHAT IT'S LIKE!" Thanks.

Zong said...

Haha, this comment box was appropriately creepy. Glad you're back, but more than that glad you pulled through the other side. enjoy those Skittles!!

Oddleahnuf... said...

Glad to see you back! I have been struggling with the same type of feelings too, and your post was inspirational. We can all do anything! (I already routinely touch spiders and other bugs, but I'm just weird).

Barbara said...

Are we related?

I swear, I wish I could get to your last revelation. I'm not there yet. I'm still in the self-hate phase.

Glad to see you around again.

Anonymous said...

Just in case it hasn't been said before....we've missed you, I think you're great, and I hope that you're able to get the help and support you need. Lots and lots of love!

O. Lima said...

Allie, we all love you! I'm so sorry you've been depressed - but so glad you felt able to write about it. Made me want to laugh & cry simultaneously (and yes, I've been there, and you totally nailed it).

janeH said...

Everything is temporary, including depression. You will move on. Of course, your drafting skills and wundersnark will abide forever. This comic is spot on and should be handed to anyone who wants to get a clue about what the dark really looks like.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Thanks for posting this. It made me a smidge happy in the midst of my own depression.

ThatOneMezzo said...

We missed you, Allie! You light up so many people's lives through humor, it makes me sad that you were all depressed and such. I've been there before and it is just awful. Chin up because your blood is made of bright fluorescent pink awesomeness! Your heart is made of super tough stuff that even spiders can't break. And your typing fingers are made of magic unicorns and rainbows and POW.

Unknown said...

You don't need to be depressed. You are making us all happy by posting a web comic. We share your feelings. Stand up tall and be proud that you're alive and making us laugh with your funny web comics (well, not this one). Hope that you aren't depressed anymore. :)

M said...

So glad to see a new post but wanted to express how sorry I am that you've been feeling so down for the last while. I don't want to say something stupid like "We're all here for you!" when we're faceless anonymous internet people, but I just want you to know that I heard your pain and the humor through the pain and I think that's very brave. :)

Anonymous said...

This puts the entire Nine Inch Nails discography into context.

Anonymous said...

Allie you are my Queen :)

Lesa said...

From another depression sufferer...thanks for describing so poignantly the helplessness and downward spiral that we get caught in.

It helps me to know other people suffer this and make it through to the other side.

You are wonderful.

Erika said...

I missed your humor! Sorry you've been feeling sad. Hope you are feeling better, and welcome back!

Anonymous said...

The invincibility is totally bipolar.....but....WHO GIVES A FUCK! After going though what you had to, to reach this point! LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!

But....harness it! Through out it all you kept your self awareness, realized through all the loathing who you were, and now on the flip side you are empowered!

Don't let it slip, it's not the end of the world if you do and you can survive and stay strong, but you'll suffer so much less if you harness the power of the good side that sees how awesome you are.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Allie, I see you, I hear you, I feel you. Completely get how you're feeling! And sometimes getting really pissed off does help. An exoskeleton is pretty cool, too.

aharshDM said...

I love you.

As a manic/depressant (but mostly depressant) I know that feel, bro.

This post, along with a healthy dose of the Macho Man Freakout video (youtube eet, look for funny hat), kept me going today.


Anonymous said...

That was beautiful, Allie. I am always amazed at how accurately you convey emotion with stick figures, but this has got to be your masterpiece.

Thank you very much for all of your cartoons, but especially for this one.

Anonymous said...

Oh Allie. I know what you mean. When I got dumped, I spent four months shivering on the couch and crying into a cross-stitch project while my brain came up with long lists of reasons why I sucked.

It got better. It will get better for you too.


Anonymous said...

you just pretty much summed up all anti-feelings i´ve had. it is like that, when you stop having emotions you are also free and exo skeletony

Anonymous said...

Thank you for updating!

I've been through that before. It's not fun at all... and it's so hard to get out of! :(

But on the other hand, it makes for a great post. Thanks for adding the humor back into depression :P

Anonymous said...

You are a genius. That is all I have to say.

What's in the name said...

Superb! Well said! Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant. I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. In my mind you are now inextricably linked with Skittles and Jumanji. Best, Ursula (Durham, NC)

Anonymous said...

This is just so sadly familiar, but thankyou SO MUCH for writing/drawing it. And yay you for the biking/renting movies part!! Also...Skittles = LOVE.

My current state looks almost exactly like your sat-at-laptop-with-crisps pics. Worrying.

HUGS! xxx

Kyle said...

Been there... Glad you're back and more powerful than ever.

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is like, your 2 millionth comment! So you probably won't read this. But IF YOU DO:

I have dealt with depression too, so I know EXACTLY what you're talking about.

The next time you hate yourself, ask yourself: "Who do I trust the opinions of more? Myself (who I hate) or 2 thousand random people?" Then point out to yourself: "THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE THINK I AM AWESOME."

I won't actually make you feel that much better, because depression is a bitch like that. But I hope you can get a bit of a ride on the awesomeness of that.

The only people who think *I* am particularly awesome are my parents (who gave birth to me), my husband (who gets to have sex with me), my dog (who I feed) and my baby (who can't distinguish me from a giant sack of milk).


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much! You put into words (and nifty pictures) what I could never explain to my non-depressed friends. This makes me want to hug you :)

Anonymous said...

This...this was totally me for the past week. Up until your "invincible" point anyways. Thank you, you just broke MY depression. I think...I hope.

Anonymous said...

oh, Allie, you are the best
thank you for this post
i have dealt with mood disorders at various points in my life and everything about this is so relatable. this is like. your knack for expressing things succinctly, uniquely, and whimsically is so wonderful.

also that's exactly what i do with my laundry, too! \:D/

to life, health, and joy for both of us! and everyone else too. :D

Anonymous said...

Allie, Sounds like you dealt with this alone. Next time, if there is one, you should get some help, indeed, you might do it proactively now. Am old enough to be your mom, so forgive me for acting like it. You are an amazing young woman.

mlp in Oz said...

I'm jealous of your breaking through with the aid of an unavailable movie and a wierdly-looker-at. I needed the chemical balance in my brain fixed before I could achieve defiant glory - your fix is cheaper, and you did it yourself.

Banish ALL the sads!

Anonymous said...

You updated! You updated! You updated! YAY! You are not dead! I love you more than baby seals and have been waiting my whole life for this! (By the way, your way of coming out of a depression is a lot more entertaining than some of the movies out there.)

Anonymous said...

I understand that felling of "wait. i dont even have a reason for being sad". I know what its like crying in your bed for hours, not even wanting to wake up, just wanting to lie there, because you don't think you are worth the effort.

i had a terrible year last year, and this is turning out to be one of the best I've ever had. Now, i think back to when i was depressed, an think "that was pretty stupid", and laugh. i still get sad at the thought, but laughing at it really helps.

I hope you are feeling better, and that you never have to deal with this stupidness ever again.

and i love you. in a non stalkery kind of way. we all do. don't ever forget that.

Anonymous said...

I understand that felling of "wait. i dont even have a reason for being sad". I know what its like crying in your bed for hours, not even wanting to wake up, just wanting to lie there, because you don't think you are worth the effort.

i had a terrible year last year, and this is turning out to be one of the best I've ever had. Now, i think back to when i was depressed, an think "that was pretty stupid", and laugh. i still get sad at the thought, but laughing at it really helps.

I hope you are feeling better, and that you never have to deal with this stupidness ever again.

and i love you. in a non stalkery kind of way. we all do. don't ever forget that.

Anonymous said...

I understand that felling of "wait. i dont even have a reason for being sad". I know what its like crying in your bed for hours, not even wanting to wake up, just wanting to lie there, because you don't think you are worth the effort.

i had a terrible year last year, and this is turning out to be one of the best I've ever had. Now, i think back to when i was depressed, an think "that was pretty stupid", and laugh. i still get sad at the thought, but laughing at it really helps.

I hope you are feeling better, and that you never have to deal with this stupidness ever again.

and i love you. in a non stalkery kind of way. we all do. don't ever forget that.

Dan B said...

Welcome back Allie! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with depression, and for putting it in comic form. You're just plain awesome.

Anonymous said...

This is an amazingly good description of what it's been like for me. Over time I've analyzed many aspects of my thoughts and behavior, but you cover many of them that I had attributed to other things. I never really considered that depression was possibly the only major factor. You also do a great job of describing how completely arbitrary it can be. Thank you so much for posting this.

Duncan said...

it feels good to break through to the otherside of depression. It reminds me of hatchet for some reason. The part where he comes home finally and goes to the supermarket. Staring at all that food just sitting there for people to take and how he's no longer a picky eater. Things get so bad for so long that you get used to them and small victories become sweeter. The same way drug tolerance works but on the otherside. instead of needing more to feel good you need less.. I'm on my way down again. I hope that I can make through or get pulled out of it. Right now i'm just in limbo and stuck. not that anyone cares. I still do. and in a way that's the problem. as to the Si'm super creepy and totally capable of find you thing under leave your comment.. I hope you do. I like hugs and I could use one if you don't mind.

Anonymous said...

Allie you are amazing for even writing this post. My life is blessed in comparison to some peoples but still sometimes I am unhappy for no reason. I'm not starving, I'm not dying of cancer - but your post makes me feel better :) One day I might touch a spider too (maybe.... it could happen...perhaps...can I be wearing gloves at the time?)

Arwen said...

I am very fortunate that I have never suffered from depression. I have a lot of friends that have/are though and I try to be sympathetic but I don't really get it. I wish I could make it better for people with depression, but I feel like a hyperactive chipmunk dancing around saying things like "Hey, don't be sad, look at the pretty flowers," is probably not overly helpful, so I end up not knowing what to say!
Thank you for writing this post that helps me to be able to see how they feel/have felt.
I am glad to see you back on line! I love your blog!

Ru said...

Can I just say... thank you for this? This is really very therapeutic for me right now. There have been many times when I read your comic and thought "Wow, are you me?" Thanks for everything.

Unknown said...

So SO sorry you had to go through that, but also SO glad to have you back! It's been sad for me not having new Hyperbole to brighten my day!!!

eliza said...

"Having a party, eh?"


simply brilliant.


Shannon said...

This just makes me admire you even more. You can beat this, we both can beat this. You're amazing. Good luck!

MedCat1974 said...


I love reading your stuff and this by far has been my favorite because it expresses the despair of depression so accurately. I've been a sufferer for almost 20 years and you nailed it in a funny, poignant way. However, if I had to choose between being able to read what you wrote and you not ever having to go through depression, I'd definitely choose the latter. As a fellow patient and as a doctor, I strongly encourage you to seek professional help even if you feel invincible now.

Good luck, glad you're back, and looking forward to next year's book!


Moona said...

It's great to hear that Super-Allie finally defeated the evil Doctor Depression. It sounds like an epic battle filled with robots and monkey ninjas... but Super-Allie got past it all with her superpowerful exoskeleton of epic and love of Jumanji. Congratulations! The villian is now locked away and everyone's heroic blogger can now share her amazing-ness with the internet once again.

This just in. Super-Allie was awarded the medal of bravery today for her dual defeat of the Scary Movie Monster and the Sinister Spider Creature. Congratulations!

waterlily899 said...

This post helped me get out of my depression over being stuck in a hotel room with asthma, a cold and coworkers for 4 days 500 miles from home. Also, Ah fahken lahve Skattles. Congratulations, you win the World. Unfortunately, I don't have access to it yet. Might I make up for this with cake?

The Rat King said...

Excellent, my apprentice... now you must go forth and kick the world IN DA GRILL!

LilaTovCocktail said...

Wow, this blew me away.

Kt said...

Life does get better Allie, and you may not feel like it but depression won't be around forever. That being said, it's well worth seeking help, even if it's just a professional that will listen... And then blog about it cos mental health professionals are funny! P.S. You're awesome x

Anonymous said...

Missed you Allie! Keep on feeling invincible!

Anonymous said...

Love it! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to see you're writing and drawing again! Hyperbole and a Half, even in describing the perils of depression, is laugh out loud funny. thank you!

Alenônimo said...

Feeling depressed? Try to get some sun. Just stay outside on the sun for a few minutes.

It works. Mostly. Maybe. I guess.

Lee said...

Dear god, I do this to myself these days too... Talk about inspirational. o-o I hope I hit the next level of bullet proof!

Alli + Dino said...

Another Alli who has been there and back... you are beautiful and brave and WE'VE MISSED YOU here on the interwebs! There IS a life after depression in which you can feel feelings that aren't sadness or self-loathing or apathy or guilt or pain. You are on your way. I'll be praying for you. :) You are loved!!

gentlestorm said...

Allie -
I've been thinking about your depression post today, and I am now looking at how many comments you currently have in response - 2671! With that many following you, who says you can't be a leader from your dirty laundry couch?! :)

You have done an impressive thing here. You have put a face to depression (even though most of us do not know your face). You illustrated PERFECTLY that ordinary people suffer from debilitating depression. Moreover, you told us that EXTRAORDINARY people suffer. (You are extraordinary with a talent unlike many.) That one doesn't have to be crazy to have depression. You illustrated the loneliness experienced, the paralysis that keeps people in their houses or rooms for days, weeks on end.
And you showed us that it is possible to come out on the other side of depression. That there is no reason to give up on our family or friends who seem to be in a dark pit for-seemingly-ever. You communicated that the pit is probably a lot darker for the person who is in it than it is for the observer of the person who is in the pit.
What I'm saying is that you have helped to DE-STIGMATIZE a rather common yet taboo human (+) condition. It is people like you who have the courage to speak up to your own condition in order to de-condition the minds of so many who have already made up their minds without accurate information.
So, on behalf of all who suffer depression and other mental/emotional "disorders", thanks for shaking things up a bit and letting people know that it happens...and sometimes for absolutely no "legitimate" reason.
in peace,

Unknown said...

Turning on to the final point, I agree. Its your life, and this has nothing to do with the care from others. Earn it, on your own choice.

How Sam Sees It said...

I've had times exactly like that!


How Sam Sees It said...

I've had times exactly like that!


KyngGeorge said...

I'm sorry, but I don't know you. I'm only at your page because of thedailywhat. I've never heard of you, and I don't follow what you do. But this....this changed me. I needed this. I woke up one day having the selfsame depression for no reason. Nothing mattered, but that I hated myself. I went through every stage except for the last. But reading's freed me. I am free from having this hatred and apathy and disgust at myself. If you can do this...why can't I? Honestly, you've saved me. Thank you so much, you kind, amazing beautiful human being. I love you with all of my heart. Thank you

Anonymous said...

This is bittersweet. You're back... but.. you are sad. Feel better please!

Unknown said...

Glad you're feeling invincible. As your 2k commenter, not sure you will even read this, but you are quite wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. You will now either

1) recognize and appreciate the shared humanity in all of us
2) for remainder of your life bitterly resent the whiny fuckers tediously and tortuously retreading your footsteps

Jenny said...

I have been going through something very similar the past few months and I am saving this post and coming back to it again and again because it makes me feel less crazy to know that someone else has been there, too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Allie,

I'm glad that you have posted another entry in your blog. It's been a long time since I saw a new entry and I was genuinely thrilled to see a new posting and to see what has been going on in the Allieverse. I hope you're depression has been vanquished by all the people telling you how awesome you are. :D If not, I'll gladly install awesome sauce dispensers. Nothing better than pure concentrated awesome made into a condiment. b :D d

Siobhan said...

So I just went through like a 5 day spree of reading literally every. single. post. on this blog because, after reading a few for the first time last week (im new to internet trolling, don't judge me), I got so addicted. That's just how funny you are. Seriously, all I did was go to class and read your blog. And as I was reading, I started to feel like you were me, haha, and i felt so validated as a non-failure when such a funny/successful/inventive person talked about trying to be a real person/adult or procrastinating to the point of ludicrousy. And I finally got to this most recent post: it is EXACTLY how I've been feeling for the last month, and i couldn't figure out why I wasn't able to snap myself out of it. you really did a great job of putting the self-criticism into perspective, I hadn't realized that was actually a part of depression so i was so confused before you pointed it out. this is a little redundant as hundreds of people have already said it, but you're not alone, literally everything you said I'm feeling too, from the lack of reason to be depressed to the mental self abuse. thanks for showing me that I'm not alone in these confusing feelings either :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

Have been there (and may be again) and kudos to you for kicking yourself out of it. It's rough stuff.

Shiloh Walker said...

way to go allie...

Anonymous said...

i hope my random depression does the same thing lol, but good for you :) glad you're out of it :D

Elliot said...

I'm so glad you're okay, now! I'm sorry you had to go through that: I've never been depressed, myself, but I'm given to understand that it's the pits, to put it lightly.

(I have, however, felt unreasonably sad for no reason, but never for longer than I've been awake, so it's not really comparable, but.)

I was actually quite worried about you, which may come off as creepy, since you don't know me at all, but you just disappeared! And for so long, too.

Elliot said...

I'm so glad you're okay, now! I'm sorry you had to go through that: I've never been depressed, myself, but I'm given to understand that it's the pits, to put it lightly.

(I have, however, felt unreasonably sad for no reason, but never for longer than I've been awake, so it's not really comparable, but.)

I was actually quite worried about you, which may come off as creepy, since you don't know me at all, but you just disappeared! And for so long, too.

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back!
-From those of us who have also struggled with depression

PS. 2690 Comments in 5 hours. You have to be doing something right!

Harperette said...

Great piece! Lots of hard work went into that for sure. The non-feeling thing we have in common, but after the feelings went away, it made me angry, which is a feeling, and then I got all confused about whether I could feel, or whether I was trying to feel so hard that the anger was almost like a misplaced earring. You never stop holding onto the one earring that is left over, but most of us have given up on finding the other one. Kwim?

Ellen W. said...

I realize that 3,000-or-so comments is maybe more than we/I can expect you to read but I wanted to say: I want a poster of this post for my old therapist's office (the colors would totally clash with her Bedouin-tent decoration scheme, but we'll ignore that.) I don't do this kind of depression, but I have friends who do and I know it's really hard to explain why a person stops trying to live for 7 or 8 months.

I also wanted to mention that that feeling of invulnerability is one of the best things in the world. I call it my candy-coating. It's how I was able to move across the country trying to find a job and move back for a different one. I hope you've found some terrific things to do with your new candy-coating!

Meagan said...

I think your real-life turning point trumps most, if not all, movie turning points.

Anonymous said...

AALLLIIIIIEEEEEE!!! I am glad you are feeling better, and I hope you keep feeling better and better, because you are the most awesome person out there, and you need to know that! You have brought so much joy to my life with your comics, and if I ever meet you in person, you get the BIGGEST hug ever.

Christine said...

So far there are 2698 comments on your post (mine makes 2699 unless others get in just ahead of me and then I might be 2701 or 2711 or something), anyway, as you can tell we all missed you, we are all glad you are back and are sorry for what you are going through.... That also means that you have affected at LEAST that many people in a positive way with your post! And then there are those who didn't even post a comment!

You have a gift, Allie! Your description of your experience is flat out brilliant!! BRILLIANT, I tell you!!! You have an amazing talent and an infectious spirit! Thank you for letting us ride along on your journey! I can't wait to see where you go!


Grace said...

"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes." ~ William Gibson

We love you Allie, keep up the great work.

ytellmey said...

Glad you're back, you've been missed. Isn't it a wonderful relief to come out the other side?

-a fellow depression sufferer.I

Anonymous said...

Depression is so difficult and frustrating. You are not alone.

Mark said...

Superb piece. Captures depression so well. My breakthrough wasnt skittles. Though. :(

my alarm clock sounds like death said...

Well, I'm sorry your sad, but your blog is funny, so I'm glad you've decided to return to the internet. I'm scared of horror movies too, but I watched one tonight. I wouldn't recommend it. But welcome back to the internet. You have been missed. Also I am creepy.

Anonymous said...

I can so relate up to the part where you velt invincible. I am nowhere near that point. Still beating myself up continually. Great post, very real.
Thanks for sharing!

Kristin said...

I love you. Love love you. Love you no matter what. And not because I selfishly want funny posts to make me laugh, but because you're a great human.

Meghan said...

I totally feel the same way, thank you so much for making this post. Love your site! Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone. Keep your chin up!

Jemma said...

Depression sucks balls more than someone with a severe ball-sucking fetish. The last 18 months I've done the same things you have - and have felt all the usual things of intense shame... guilt.... I'm getting better but I could use a dose of your Nothing can touch me attitude. I hope you can work through it, though it seems simpossible at the time. And thankyou for being so honest and open about your depression, it helps people like me to feel more ok about telling people.

Yowie9644 said...

I know that you knowing you have 2704 (and counting) fans out there would not have helped in the slightest(having had depression myself), and that there's nothing much I can add that hasn't already been said in the previous 2703 comments, but still:

You are fantastically insightful and funny. This is depression exactly!(although thankyou for making me laugh at it). And if a non creepy virtual hug from some depression prone fan of yours in Australia can help you avoid (or minimise) the next bout, then: hugs!

Emily said...

I wish my depression had looped around to awesome like that. I've stayed in the sucky part for years. Even with meds. :(

But yay for new Hyperbole and a Half! I have missed your awesomeness!

Mari said...

Sadness happens.

I was a fan before, but now this post has turned me into a super huge fan. Seriously. I ate a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's while reading this and I think I gained five pounds.

Anonymous said...

I have depression too, so I really relate to this post.

I wish the super protective exoskeleton feeling lasted longer.

I get like that though, where I'm like, "Yeah, fuck the world and what they think about me."

But alas, the world has the power.

My brother is engaged to this total douchebag of a girl, wrecked my other brother's birthday by not coming out of protest for whatever they feel we did that wronged them. I just got ousted from the Arabian scene in Nutcracker because I'm fat and ugly. I have 700 Facebook friends, but no real friends. My parents are emotionally unavailable. And it's 10:45 pm and I'm seriously considering driving to Walmart to buy a jumbo size bag of peanut butter mms which I'm sure I'll regret at Weight Watchers on Monday. If I even go. Or possibly sooner, like, at ballet tomorrow. Fuck it all. (You're right, sometimes the "F" word really is needed.)


Anonymous said...

While I haven't truly ever felt this way, I have had friends who have, and I am so glad that you have put it out there in a touching, yet humorous way. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This is a topic that is not broached nearly enough.

M in Seattle said...

Allie, worried about you! Been there. I was lucky and had friends who dragged me off to get help. It was painful and hard and humiliating and I felt stupid to be sad for no reason, but I'm better now. Therapy helped way more than I thought it would. Be brave and reach out...

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you, Allie. Having struggled with depression myself, I can tell you that it does get better. Then it gets worse, then it gets better again, then worse again. It's a vicious cycle, and it sucks. But the important thing is that you don't give up hope. Focus on the good things in life. Try to appreciate the little things. Get into the mindset of thinking stuff like "The dog didn't throw up on the carpet today! That's cool." It sounds really stupid, I know, but it's helped prevent a relapse in my depression for several months. The movie you watched didn't suck? Bam. Good thing. The sky is a pretty color? Bam, another good thing. I know it doesn't seem like it'll help, but just try it. I hope it helps you like it helped me. Also, if you relapse, and relapse hard, try making eggs. You probably think I'm insane for telling you that, and I don't blame you. I thought the same thing when someone gave me the same advice. But I was in a bad place, and I did it just to get them off my back so I could get back to my self-pity party. But after I made the eggs, I felt better. Just try it if you relapse.

On a lighter note, welcome back! I'm glad you're posting again, and I'm glad you're feeling better.

Deeleea said...

You are so totally normal... for a creative person... I've been there. Got a great deal of help/understanding from people who know a lot about how creative people operate. I know, this is going to look like spam... it totally isn't... if you get a chance, and even see this comment... check out Totally awesome stuff.

Karissa said...

tears. in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Allie, thank you for your honesty, and for your courage to share your feelings of depression. You're not alone. Hugs.

Brittani said...

I've been a long time reader of your blog, but I've never commented before.

But I've decided to comment just to say that I'm extremely sorry to read about your depression and I'm happy to see that you've decided to turn it around.

Glad to see this post to let us know that you're doing alright. I hope things start getting better for you :)

Anonymous said...

So does this mean the book isn't done yet?

Galen said...

So you basically just wrote the past year of my life. Minus the video store (Netflix ftw). Not giving a fuck is pretty fantastic, and it makes a lot of things quite a bit easier to handle, but the life of a hollow badass isn't very fulfilling. I went without feeling for so long that when I finally sought help, the depth of emotion I experienced amazed me. Eventually you'll get to a point where the badassery wears off, and you're left in stagnation. This is just based off my experience - maybe you're a million times more awesome than me and you eat chronic depression for breakfast - but it wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to a doctor.

And no, there's absolutely no way I feel the need to give advice because I want you to feel productive enough to write more posts. My motives are entirely pure *shifty eyes*. I feel all self-righteous and preachy even writing this, but I can't /not/ write it when this hits so close to home.

Unknown said...

So glad there is a new post! And I'm glad you are feeling better. You summed up depression perfectly and I was feeling depressed right up until I read this and it made me laugh, so thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

This was my life for YEARS. I couldn't figure out why I was sad, what right did I have to be so fucking sad all of the time when my life was so much better than other people had it. And those other people managed to get out of bed and go to school and have actual conversations and so who was I to act like my life was so cripplingly difficult. I was depressed for so long and it upset my mother and I just kept hating myself for upsetting my mother but it's not like I could get up and actually be the way I was before, the way I am now. Eventually, I got past it. I moved on and started to actually live my life, but I never really dealt with what I went through. I'm not sure I've ever even referred to it as depression before today. Thank you for this post. It sucks that you're going through this, but you will get past it.

Anonymous said...

Allie, loved the new posting. I can relate to the feelings you have had (and the lack of them too). Thank you so much for writing this. Hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I laughed and cried, and saw myself in your post as I have so many times before. Best wishes to you. I hope these comments show you how much we all appreciate your humor, even in the darkest times.

bramblefae said...

Very seldom post to blogs I read, but I want ot let you know that I'm gonna share this, because I've never been able to explain what my family quietly refers to as my *stage whisper* "Nervous Breakdown". It's been a few years now, but reading this kinda made me not so worried about looking back at it, in an MS paint kinda way. I don't know you, I think your blog is generally pretty funny, but I'm gonna go ahead and say, try to remember to be good to you at least once a day. It'll make the path a little easier.

Anonymous said...

WE LOVE YOU!!! (except for maybe the other anonymous dude above). I've been refreshing you blog everyday now and seeing how you were! ANYWAY...FUUUUUUUUU- THE WORLD, FUUUU- EVERYONE IN THIS GOD-FORESAKEN LAND OF ALL EVIL, JUST BE THE BADASS THAT THE YOU ARE......YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO DO ANYTHING!! AHAAA!

Anonymous said...

Been there, done this. I totally get where you are.

I was wondering where in the fuck Allie went, but now I know.

So, so sorry you went through that. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.

Antz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Antz said...


heart = broken <3

Thank you Allie!

Tania said...

Is it weird that I'm happy that I'm not the only one going through a similar situation? Probably is, but I kinda don't care.

Lately I've been struggling to keep the monsters in my head on their leashes, but it's proving to be quite a challenge. I go back and forth between depression and numbness. Oddly enough, I find it comforting to remember myself that nothing really matters. Nothing at all, not me, not the things that bother me, not even what makes me happy. It's strangely liberating because since nothing matters, then I have no pressure to do anything, I can do and be whatever the fuck I want, because it doesn't really matter anyway. Something I've also learned along the way is that it's just plain stupid to try to deny how you really feel. If I feel sad, then that's ok. If I can accept it, then I can move along, even if it's still there.

I hope you feel more comfortable with yourself soon. It's possible to live with depression (I'm the goddamn living proof of it) once you aknowledge it as not necesarilly a bad thing. It's just part of who you are at the moment. I read a paper a while ago that said depression is part of human evolution process as a mechanism to deal with problems. If it's worth anything, you have a positive impact on my life, and I'm glad you exist. Sending you hug bunnies from Mexico :3

Joli said...

I just want to say that I'm am really impressed that you posted this. Not only is it a relate able look at real depression, but I've already seen it spark several really awesome conversations on the topic in several social media outlets. You should be proud of this post.

I am internet dumb,m and wouldn't know where to look, but if there is anyplace I can go to recommend this post of some sort of blog award, someone please point me to it.

Laura said...

Hope you can feel all the love & that we can break through that exoskeleton. You rock our worlds.

Anonymous said...

You are an incredible human being who has brought so much happiness to thousands of people. Speaking from experience, depression is such a hard rut to get out of, and I'm glad that you're starting on an upward trend. Just know that you aren't alone, and all of us are rooting for you!

I hope you showed that spider who's boss :)

Amanda said...

Since I'm comment # 2735, I know there's a good chance you probably won't see this and I'm not really saying anything new anyway, but I think it bears repeating. a) I have missed you ever so much and am glad to see your return. b) That depression is a sneaky ass bitch, but you are clearly clever enough to see all of it's nasty tricks. That shit tried to break me too, but, like you, I dragged myself out of the quicksand. Keep pedaling, dude!

Chaughn said...

I'm in that "NOTHING CAN DO ANYTHING TO ME" zone right now. It's probably a positive sign that you just stumbled upon it; five months of therapy and dozens of little pills eventually got me walking around like a real person, but I definitely don't have my talk-to-people, care-about-work, or organize-things-sensibly powers yet.
It could also mean that you're even crazier now, though.
That isn't always a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

I can relate to this so well - except I don't have an invincible exoskeleton, at least not yet.

I hope you kick its ass.

Anonymous said...

We all missed you!!

Luke said...

Love you Allie! You have a wonderful way with words, and you capture whatever you want to talk about beautifully; even if what you're talking about is being depressed. We're all here with you. So good to see you're back!

Taylor S said...

I completely relate to this. Haha That feeling of invincibility is amazing and exhilarating! I loved it, but I would not like to do the whole thing over again.

P.S. You were Extremely Missed!! :D

Elisabethe said...

Thanks for that brutally honest posting. You are amazing! And totally bad-ass.

Keep on this awesome, empowered path. Depression is real and doesn't just go away, but you already knew that.

Denise Patin said...

shared the link... i think this is perfectly awesome!

burselfnow said...

THIS IS FOR YOU!!! I Saw this on Reddit and freaked out cause I was like "I LOVE HYPERBOLE&1/2 OMG ALLIE IS THE MOST AWESOME PERSON IN THE WORLD. AND FAMOUS!!!"

Then I came here and saw that you were depressed =(

Denise Patin said...

shared this link.... perfectly awesome! you have described the exact word for word of what I have been through over the years....and up to this point. L-I-F-E!

Amanda said...

Are you me?

Glad to see you post again. I know that crushing defeat very well... if I didn't have a job, I would probably live under my bed and eat dust bunnies.

Yay for feeling invincible!

Clint Talbert said...

Thanks Allie, you have a great gift to give voice to so many things so many of us think and feel. Sorry you've been through this, but I"m happy you came out the other side, and you're back on the web. Dunno if you'll read all these, but just know we all love you, cause you give voice to the things we can't or don't or won't. Keep being you, keep rocking and keep writing.


Anonymous said...

YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!


Super can do anything. You have choice =)

Snapfoo said...

I've been there. It sucks.

Unfortunately, I honestly expected a faceplant after the bike picture, but I'm happy there wasn't.

curlygurl said...

I'm SOOO glad you posted something! Good job! Keep it up! I've been where you were and back again.

Be brave.

Be strong.

Be bright.

Sometimes it takes time, getting out of the house, sometimes it takes medication. Whatever it takes to be your best, do it because we all want to see you thrive (as long as it's healthy as opposed to self destructive).

Jocelyn said...

This is absolutely the most wonderful thing I've ever read on any blog-ish site, ever. I want to print this all out, expensive-like, frame it, and hang its panels across my upstairs hallway wall. It's genius.

I am so in awe of your honesty and courage here. Plus, you know, your talent.

AD said...

Depression sucks.. I'm one of those nasty logical people. I've got a good job, a wonderful wife, and a little boy who I think is the most awesome in the world (2 yrs old and already quoting star wars..) Yet... Mornings I hate the world. I don't want to touch the world and it attacks me. The day then just descends. You can't just 'snap out of it'. You can't just jolly up. It's a battle.

My battle is nowhere near as bad as yours by the reading.

You're not alone mate. You are normal (Even if you are encountering a minor setback).

Lyric Frey said...

I also enjoy the semi-indescribable experience of debilitating depression, but replace "enjoy" with "Oh my God how will I survive to be fifty years old at this rate?" This week I've been teetering on the line between "This game is called stand in a corner and look stupid" and emotional exhaustion. I can't wait for the exhaustion part.

On an unrelated note, I hope your video store gets its act together. Not having the movie you want at the exact moment you want it is inexcusable!

Anonymous said...

I know a lot of people were wondering about you and hoping you were okay, myself included. Thank you for sharing this with us, Allie :)

steeley42 said...

Welcome back Allie. We all missed you.

OKP said...

Just hugs, is all.

Anonymous said...

Seriously--so glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

Being sad for seemingly no reason is a symptom of lack of vitamin D. Get out and bask in the sun for a while should make situations like these feel better. I would know. I had "cabin fever" for a couple months.

Mare said...

Allie, sometimes the scariest things in life are inside of us. Glad you found the rainbow in the Skittles.

Stephanie said...

I am so sad to see that you've been through all of that. :( I know your pain, and it kills me to see you going through all of that. :/ It's pretty much the worst thing in the world. I, too, insult myself like you talked about, and after a while, it does get to that point where you don't really know what to criticize so you just start making stuff up. It seems like the best way to get out of the funk is to realize that there is crap you gotta do--seems like returning movies was that for you. I'm glad you seem to be doing better--even well enough to expend the energy to write and draw up this post. That is an amazing feat of strength after what you've been dealing with, and I am sincerely impressed. It's always good to be able to look at your depression with a sense of humor--keep at it! :) We love you and support you. Never give up! <3

Anonymous said...

So sad to hear about your depression... I am in and out of it myself, and i have always found your posts to be soul-food... Here's hoping that you don't feel under the cloud ever again.....


Mariko said...

Sometimes I feel like you live inside my mind.
Seriously. Get out of there!

DavePrime said...

Wow. Judging by the plethora of replies, I guess what they say about depression being common is true. O.o

Like many others who commented, I too have discovered that I am 'low' on Vitamin D. After a trip to the doctor for some blood tests, we discovered that my body just doesn't metabolize enough of it to matter.

Since I have been taking 10000IU a day (5 days a week) I no longer live in a world devoid of color or laughter and smiles! It might worth checking out. Just sayin'. ;-)

Again, fantastic work!

Jennifer said...

Hey You!
So glad to here from you!
Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

The ending of this makes me nervous. Please don't ignore your depression. Get help. We love you!

c said...

i've never found myself grinning and experiencing such little bursts of glee over anything related to severe depression, especially since i've been there. you have the gift of making absolutely anything humorous... while always retaining the element of humanity which makes us care.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post.

apoorva said...

You made me so happy and sad at the same time with this. sad because i relate, so much, and happy because you are the best and i relate so much.

DeAnne said...

Dear Allie,
For whatever reason, your blog posts always awe me and kind of creep me out for how accurately they describe MY INNER THOUGHTS. I'm pretty sure we're related. Can we be related? I want to be related to someone famous..

You know what I find somewhat amusing and somewhat unhappy? I discovered your blog, literally, the day after you posted your previous post. So, this is the first post I've read from you in 'real time'... I'm not quite sure why that was significant. I just felt like telling you that. :D

Anyway, yay for you for getting through that mire of toxic waste! I've gone through periods like that (too often for comfort) and, darn it all, I've never had a revelation as exciting as yours. :P So that's why you're the comic writer and I'm the reader. Thank you, for making something this relevant to my life into an awesome comic. :3

See you later!

Deborah said...

It seems a bit inappropriate to say that a post about depression is brilliant - but this is. Anything more would be hyperbole.

Mukatak said...

I'm glad you're back Allie! This whole post really resonates and it makes me want to give you a big hug. I'm glad you grew a carapace!

SquishyTheOctopus said...

Someone should probably tell you, you're a meme on tumblr. Also, you're an inspiration, and I freaking love you.

ewee said...

Argh. Not sure of how to put it, but I've pretty much been on this path forEVER. Mostly functional, cept for when I'm not. No idea except to go as easy as I can. And when I can't to just get to the next moment and hope it passes sooner rather than later. Makes for a mixed bag but it gets me through.

I like this even better than god of cake. Which is pretty unfuckbelieveable. Thanksman. Something about seeing this helped with the unrelenting futility of it all. Hope you find some ease/support in these comments...

ewee said...

Argh. Not sure of how to put it, but I've pretty much been on this path forEVER. Mostly functional, cept for when I'm not. No idea except to go as easy as I can. And when I can't to just get to the next moment and hope it passes sooner rather than later. Makes for a mixed bag but it gets me through.

I like this even better than god of cake. Which is pretty unfuckbelieveable. Thanksman. Something about seeing this helped with the unrelenting futility of it all. Hope you find some ease/support in these comments...

Raksha said...

In college I minored in Psychology. They should totally print this in the text books instead of what they actually print in the sections that discuss clinical depression. This explains what it's like on the inside way, way better than that super abstract academic bullshit ever did. TRUFAX.

Hansha said...

As someone who has gone through this exact thing multiple times, I admire you for writing about it. I know what it's like to get so soul crushingly depressed, so frozen in sadness that the sheer weight of the sadness was the only thing that could finally break me out of it.

I think a lot of people who experience it don't have the strength to admit it to everyone like you have. It's easy to let the world see you when you look strong; letting them see you when you feel broken beyond repair is terrifying.

After having gone through this so many times, I've basically adapted the attitude that experiencing this is part of what makes a person deeper and stronger. Living at what you feel is your best all the time never really teaches you anything. Falling apart until there's literally nothing left leaves you with self awareness and a blank slate to paint all over.

It takes real courage to feel. Sometimes, it takes greater courage to fall into the depths of sadness and then break free again. The real flaw of a Mary Sue is that she's already too perfect to improve herself.

Enjoy your blank canvas ^^

Dominique said...

-great big hugs- I'm glad you're feeling better. I know what it's like to beat yourself up for months and then burst through it.
It gets better and better. Your invincibility is a mighty shield; your bike, a magic carpet that can take you anywhere.
<3 Take care.

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful. I thought I was just going to come home and eat ice cream but I am crying my eyes out. thank you.

Fan said...

*Hugs* been there... I know it... Get stronger
Love from Us

Anonymous said...

I have had similar experiences in my life. It's awesome to see the course of depression laid out this way! I'm glad you had a happy ending!

Anonymous said...

Intial thought: Oh my god, you have become Helper Dog.

Final thought: Oh my god, you have become Simple Dog.

Lorraine said...

You have such a gift. I have lived with depression all of my life, and this post is brilliant. Soooooo glad to hear from you again! This actually made me laugh--I hope that's okay. Maybe some other people laughed too, but I don't know because you have 2400 freakin' comments already!

Also, drugs are good, m'kay? The kind you get from a doctor, that is.

Jackie said...

Did Boyfriend help you?
I'm happy you are back, but I'm sad that you are sad.
Good luck, I hope you make it back to happy.

Anonymous said...

This is totally my (blissfully short) experience with depression. I just woke up and was like, Damn. And then, months of emotions later, I finally hit the bottom and felt nothing. And if you feel nothing, WHY NOT CONQUER THE WORLD?


Rock on. I love you.

Emmanuel said...

I know how much commenters can cheer you up after depression like last time... I really really hope you can be happy again, I love this blog so much and it breaks my heart to see you like this. Where was Boyfriend during this whole thing??

Much much much much love!!!! <3

Anonymous said...

We <3 you Allie!

Scotty said...


I've worked in a resthome for the last three years and I've always liked doing so...however, about 4 months ago the wife of the resident I've been working with for the last 2.5 years died...a month later, my favourite resident died...roughly 2 weeks after that another resident I was close to died...I've been on anti depressants for about a month now and I have to say...Knowing that you've been able to write something like this, it's given me hope that one day I wont feel like my heart and soul have been ripped out...I one day wish to rent 6 horror movies and as much skittles as humanly possible...

Thank you so much Allie

Anonymous said...

Dear Allie, you're probably doing a lot better than you think you are by making a new story-thingy. Don't be afraid to get the happy pills from your doctor, because they are pretty awesome.

I've been on them for four months or so and feel myself again.

Citalopram go! I can feel things again and do stuff without my brain caving in.

Lane L. Yarbrough said...

“If you are going through hell, keep going.”

~Winston Churchill.

Anonymous said...

I think you're amazing Allie. I love the post - I love all of them in fact. Glad you're back hon. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

A good description of depression. Except for the beating it part. Total Hollywood. There is no way out. There is just feigning happy for the sake of others.

Foolsworld said...

I know what you mean. :)
Welcome back to the fold.

Anonymous said...

Missed you!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog so much. I'm sorry you had to go through such an extended rough patch, that sucks. But kudos to you for figuring a way out of it and then writing the mother of all posts that had me laughing hysterically while empathizing deeply with you all at the same time.

And, somewhat selfishly, I hope it hasn't interfered with the gestation period of your book!! (Just kidding. Kind of.)


Hermine Smit said...

Ohhh I'm so glad there's a new post! But I'm sad that you had to go through that kind of stage... A stage that I'm sure everybody has gone through now or then, so you're not alone! And in the end.... surviving this just makes you stronger. So... I'm very proud for you!!! AAAARGHHHHH YOU'RE BACKKKKKK!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D YAAAAY!!! :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 <3 HUGS!

escottwriter said...

Great to have you back and looking forward to your book!

Fatu said...

Welcome back. Really missed you.

Bonnie said...

Its weird that other people feel this way, too.
Its not a nice place, to not care about anything. I cant tell you if it gets better yet, I can tell you that there are tons of things you can do to distract yourself though. Finding them does not take effort. You just... realize you like things.
I wish you luck in finding things you like. And I hope things get better for you.

Anonymous said...

perfect post! just stumbled across it and thank you for it. Its like how do you know my thoughts? Im so glad to see so many comments echoing these words.

best wishes

Stwff Bach said...

Amazing and inspiring blog.... what you write has deeply touched me as you put into words, feelings that I have.
It's nice to know that I'm not alone.
You are an angel x

Anonymous said...

Oh good, I was beginning to worry about you o.O *hugs* I know I don't know you but I love you anyway because you're good at making me laugh until I hurt myself and my cat looks at me like I'm crazy.
This is probably the most serious thing I've seen on here and it still made me smile. Not a funny smile but an even better 'yay! someone else actually got through this and now I know it's possible!' smile.
I needed that. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The depression post is my introduction to your blog. Amazing that you describe it so well from inside. I lived the other half of the disease, by living with and loving a depressed person for 25 yrs.I suffered from his inability to be consoled. He could console me, but never the other way. I was sad and frustrated while I watched helplessly as he suffered. I have read that though a depressed person is so inactive, they are expending enormous amounts of energy with conflicting circuitry racing around their brains. That is why they are so exhausted. Recently, I went to a lecture by Stephen Jenkinson ( who said that our culture's inability to grieve is a cause of depression. we are trained to feel a sense of entitlement for our lives instead of bewilderment and this leads to rampant depression. thank you for bringing my love back to life and helping me understand a little more

Anonymous said...

Please don't commit suicide. The exoskeleton is the time when people do or try to. Please seek help. Please.

Sweet Potato said...

Poignant post is absurdly relatable, like much of your stuff. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Allie, CONGRATULATIONS on getting through this and out the other side! You are very strong. I hope you enjoyed the movies and the skittles! Much warm love, Kathy and Pepper the Little Chiweenie

foxglove1028 said...

Super awesome post Allie. Loved it. Sorry though that you had to deal with a bit of depression. I've been there... its not fun. But I'm glad you're feeling better :)

Mizufusion said...

I wish I had this sort of breakthrough when I had soul-crushing depression earlier this year. Instead I just took a bunch of pills while drinking bourbon and contemplating jumping off of a tall building.

Luckily I was too depressed and lazy to actually find a suitable building, or get to the one I did like, but the thought was still very persistent. Sometimes it's still hard to go to that library without thinking of flying off the roof, and wondering how long it would take to hit the ground.

barefootnikki said...

You summed it up so well... and i still carry that feeling of "nothing can do anything to me" but with happiness. Good luck to you sweetie!!!!!!

LeahSephira said...

This was sad but at the same time hilarious. I hope you fight your way through it if you are battling depression.
Super nice way to put it out there tho and very fun drawings I laughed and awww'ed my way through.

xx Seph

Emily said...

This was awesome! Love this "comic-like thingie." :) Being depressed for no reason is kind of annoying, I suppose, if you could feel annoyance.

Hi there! said...

Awesome post. Very poignant but so funny at the same time that I was laughing so hard tears came out of my eyes. I like your yellow hat! :)

Katie said...

Thanks so much for sharing. its nice to know there are others like me. :)

Anonymous said...

I really needed this today! thanks for posting. I'm currently in the middle of something similar to this where everything is just hopeless, so it's good to know that someday it will come through to the other side! :)

Anonymous said...

ah ;_;. ive been like that since 1999, since my uncle killed himself. somewhere the sadness started swinging from manic happiness to suicidal depression. i'm in the lower part of the coaster now. this "nothing can do anything to me now". ah. it hurts more than it should ;_;.

i'm new to your blog. i hope you get out of this.

Anonymous said...

And this is completely how I finally managed to kick most of my depression and ended up going up to life saying 'huh, what're you looking at life? Wanna piece of me, huh? I'll kick you in the shins.'

And after that, things got better. Because that fear-proof exo-skeleton totally rocks. As do you!

Elizabeth said...


It sounds like you could use someone to talk to. Even if leaving the house seems like an impossible task, if you're thinking about doing anything drastic, these guys are available by phone (1-800-273-8255) or even by internet ( And we know how you love the internet.

Also available by phone and internet are your friends and family, who would probably take on a mountain lion with their bare hands for you. Assuming they have hands. If they don't have hands, they'd do it with their feet.

This comment box says "I'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you." If that's true, even though we've never met, I'm always here for you too.


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