Adventures in Depression

Some people have a legitimate reason to feel depressed, but not me. I just woke up one day feeling sad and helpless for absolutely no reason.

It's disappointing to feel sad for no reason. Sadness can be almost pleasantly indulgent when you have a way to justify it - you can listen to sad music and imagine yourself as the protagonist in a dramatic movie. You can gaze out the window while you're crying and think "This is so sad. I can't even believe how sad this whole situation is. I bet even a reenactment of my sadness could bring an entire theater audience to tears."

But my sadness didn't have a purpose.  Listening to sad music and imagining that my life was a movie just made me feel kind of weird because I couldn't really get behind the idea of a movie where the character is sad for no reason.

Essentially, I was being robbed of my right to feel self pity, which is the only redeeming part of sadness.

And for a little bit, that was a good enough reason to pity myself.

Standing around feeling sorry for myself was momentarily exhilarating, but I grew tired of it quickly. "That will do," I thought. "I've had my fun, let's move on to something else now." But the sadness didn't go away.

I tried to force myself to not be sad.

But trying to use willpower to overcome the apathetic sort of sadness that accompanies depression is like a person with no arms trying to punch themselves until their hands grow back.  A fundamental component of the plan is missing and it isn't going to work. 

When I couldn't will myself to not be sad, I became frustrated and angry. In a final, desperate attempt to regain power over myself, I turned to shame as a sort of motivational tool.


But, since I was depressed, this tactic was less inspirational and more just a way to oppress myself with hatred.

Which made me more sad. 

Which then made me more frustrated and abusive.

And that made me even more sad, and so on and so forth until the only way to adequately express my sadness was to crawl very slowly across the floor.

The self-loathing and shame had ceased to be even slightly productive, but it was too late to go back at that point, so I just kept going. I followed myself around like a bully, narrating my thoughts and actions with a constant stream of abuse.

I spent months shut in my house, surfing the internet on top of a pile of my own dirty laundry which I set on the couch for "just a second" because I experienced a sudden moment of apathy on my way to the washer and couldn't continue. And then, two weeks later, I still hadn't completed that journey. But who cares - it wasn't like I had been showering regularly and sitting on a pile of clothes isn't necessarily uncomfortable. But even if it was, I couldn't feel anything through the self hatred anyway, so it didn't matter. JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.

Slowly, my feelings started to shrivel up. The few that managed to survive the constant beatings staggered around like wounded baby deer, just biding their time until they could die and join all the other carcasses strewn across the wasteland of my soul.

I couldn't even muster up the enthusiasm to hate myself anymore.

I just drifted around, completely unsure of what I was feeling or whether I could actually feel anything at all.

If my life was a movie, the turning point of my depression would have been inspirational and meaningful. It would have involved wisdom-filled epiphanies about discovering my true self and I would conquer my demons and go on to live out the rest of my life in happiness.

Instead, my turning point mostly hinged upon the fact that I had rented some movies and then I didn't return them for too long.

The late fees had reached the point where the injustice of paying any more than I already owed outweighed my apathy. I considered just keeping the movies and never going to the video store again, but then I remembered that I still wanted to re-watch Jumanji.

I put on some clothes, put the movies in my backpack and biked to the video store. It was the slowest, most resentful bike ride ever.

And when I arrived, I found out that they didn't even have Jumanji in.

Just as I was debating whether I should settle on a movie that wasn't Jumanji or go home and stare in abject silence, I noticed a woman looking at me weirdly from a couple rows over.

She was probably looking at me that way because I looked really, really depressed and I was dressed like an eskimo vagrant.

Normally, I would have felt an instant, crushing sense of self-consciousness, but instead, I felt nothing.

I've always wanted to not give a fuck. While crying helplessly into my pillow for no good reason, I would often fantasize that maybe someday I could be one of those stoic badasses whose emotions are mostly comprised of rock music and not being afraid of things. And finally - finally - after a lifetime of feelings and anxiety and more feelings, I didn't have any feelings left. I had spent my last feeling being disappointed that I couldn't rent Jumanji.

I felt invincible.

And thus began a tiny rebellion.

Then I swooped out of there like the Batman and biked home in a blaze of defiant glory.

And that's how my depression got so horrible that it actually broke through to the other side and became a sort of fear-proof exoskeleton.


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Anonymous said...

You can make it. I believe in you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks you so much for posting this, This clarifies what I've been feeling for the last 2 months better than anything. I'm so happy that you've been able to pull through it, this give me some hope that I can too soon.

Bitter Lemon said...

You are about ready to read "swamplands of the soul" by James Hollis. Your inside and outside are at a psychic standstill.

Just freshly out of the dump myself.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing, well done.

Angela said...

I just want to add a thank you for sharing this comic. Thank you, so much. :)

SirFWALGMan said...

Im not sure if this is fucked up or really good.. the ending has me on edge.. seriously though I totally relate to the entire comic and wonder what comes next sometimes.. good luck with your fight with depression.

Sarah September said...

You almost made me burst out laughing in the middle of class (because screw college). I'm glad you were able to overcome your obstacles. I think it says a lot also, that after a while of no posts so many people still commented to much just one day after this post. I know I kept coming back looking for more, and I never regretted it. I wish you the best of luck in all you do!

Anonymous said...

So glad to have you back, even if it's depressed Allie :(

Alice said...

Hooray for the impenetrable exoskeleton! I go through that same shit all the time. Luckily after years of various kinds of therapy I'm usually only in the "hide behind the couch" state for a day or two - and as soon as I start getting ornery and pissed off about stuff I know I'm on the mend. Glad you got through it and congrats on being so awesome!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I've been around the block, and I can relate. I had the pleasure of feeling like a blog of angry a while ago. And from time to time. I do think that highly-creative people/sensitive people get this. My advice -- get checked CBC-style. Get your blood checked, before you resort to medication, if that's what you're thinking.

If you live somewhere where the seasons change, it could be SAD. Had that when I lived up North. Still get it, mildly, in the Fall. You need to flood your life with positive, 'pretend you're happy until you are', eat cleanly, protein and carbs, ditch those Skittles for a while, sister. Basically, eat like a hypoglycemic. Get to bed at a decent hour.

Trust moi. Hang in there -- love your blog, but would love it more if you were doing your thing, whatever that needs to be, and feeling better.

Kamiki said...

Thank You for sharing this with everyone. The next time someone asks me to explain depression, I'm sending them here.

Thanks again, you're fucking amazing.

Anonymous said...

I've been there too! I'm glad you're in a place where you can step back and see the depression. When you're in the thick of it, I personally never recognize it. I call it the blues. Even thought it's full out depression. So maybe you're over the hump! Hooray! Things that helped me over the hump: a gratitude app called "Gratitude!", buying flowers, cleaning my house, and working out. It seems lame but who gives a shit? If the little things are the big things that make you happy, then do them. Fill your house with so many flowers people will think someone died, watch every horror movie ever made, whatever works. :) Big hugs to you Allie!

Anonymous said...

I've been there too! I'm glad you're in a place where you can step back and see the depression. When you're in the thick of it, I personally never recognize it. I call it the blues. Even thought it's full out depression. So maybe you're over the hump! Hooray! Things that helped me over the hump: a gratitude app called "Gratitude!", buying flowers, cleaning my house, and working out. It seems lame but who gives a shit? If the little things are the big things that make you happy, then do them. Fill your house with so many flowers people will think someone died, watch every horror movie ever made, whatever works. :) Big hugs to you Allie!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Funny yet frighteningly accurate description of depression. While I personally am medicated for everyone's benefit, I'm glad you were able to kick its ass.

Anonymous said...

I've been there too! I'm glad you're in a place where you can step back and see the depression. When you're in the thick of it, I personally never recognize it. I call it the blues. Even thought it's full out depression. So maybe you're over the hump! Hooray! Things that helped me over the hump: a gratitude app called "Gratitude!", buying flowers, cleaning my house, and working out. It seems lame but who gives a shit? If the little things are the big things that make you happy, then do them. Fill your house with so many flowers people will think someone died, watch every horror movie ever made, whatever works. :) Big hugs to you Allie!

Anonymous said...

I've been there too! I'm glad you're in a place where you can step back and see the depression. When you're in the thick of it, I personally never recognize it. I call it the blues. Even thought it's full out depression. So maybe you're over the hump! Hooray! Things that helped me over the hump: a gratitude app called "Gratitude!", buying flowers, cleaning my house, and working out. It seems lame but who gives a shit? If the little things are the big things that make you happy, then do them. Fill your house with so many flowers people will think someone died, watch every horror movie ever made, whatever works. :) Big hugs to you Allie!

Anonymous said...

I am going to forward this to everyone I know. It completely summed up what I went through with depression. Awesome and fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Such an amazing post. I wish it was required reading for everyone who tells depressed people to "get over it" or "take some vitamins."

Looks like you've made a splash on the internet, helping people feel less alone today. You should be canonized.

Sarah said...

thank you. thank you so much for putting words and images to what is a series of such overwhelming feelings. you are a gift and i am grateful to have been touched by you.

Anonymous said...

to previous anonymous... I'm a man and I have this issue all the time. so bite it. Anyway, this was way funnier than it ought to have been. The best part was when you were like 'nope' to the video store clerk. lmao

SuzieLee1 said...

I'm so happy you're back, how I've missed you!!!! Thank you for giving me a good cry at work today. I needed it. :P

Liz said...

You are my hero in so many ways. Thanks for sharing this. And for living this.

KB said...

Related Article

David Anderson said...

I struggle with depression, too. You characterize it perfectly. No good applying will power to fix yourself when your will doesn't work. Please go gently with yourself. Such an illness can be fatal! We miss you in Montana....

Anonymous said...

Wow. Thank you for that. Totally describes the feeling I'm trying to escape right now.

Anna said...

Hi Allie. Your description of depression was amazing. Been there, done that, been back to visit once or twice. But I have never been able to describe to family and friends what it is I'm going through. Now I can send them to your blog. Thank you.

Keep fighting the good fight and don't forget that every small step (whether it's a pack of skittles or a horror movie) that takes you a little further away from the sad is a good step. Be proud of every step!

Anonymous said...

So funny and true! Laughed so hard there were tears. Don't stop doing what you're doing.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely perfect! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been there, and it sucks massive butt. You are amazing, and the world is a better place because you're in it. :) Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Life sucks. I learned this a long time ago. And it's boring. never ever know what the next day will bring. It just might be amazing......


Robert Writerly said...

Awesome, funny, inspiring, and perfectly true. It captures the absurdity and poignancy of depression without being a Cymbalta commercial. Thanks for putting my feelings into words and images. Congrats on your video store breakthrough... still waiting for mine!

tracy said...

Holy cow. You just described depression perfectly. And with pictures. I hope you are out of your slump. Depression sucks balls.

MaryMary said...

A couple years ago, I went to see my PCP about my depression, so I could get a referral for a therapist. As I sat in the exam room, bawling because I couldn't describe what was making me feel so awful all the time, the doctor looked at me and said, "Why are you crying! You have no reason to be so upset."

I never saw that doc again. But I saw a therapist, and she helped. Medication helps a lot of people too. I'm happy your exoskeleton is helping you now, Allie, but please see a professional. It is so hard to beat depression on your own. You are clearly loved and admired by a lot of people, and we want to enjoy you and your work for a long time to come!

Best of luck to you, and thanks for posting this.

Erin said...

Wow, this strikes uncomfortably close to home.

I'd been wondering what happened to you, and I'm sorry that it's been this instead of my assumption, which was that you were too busy with the book to post new things. I hope you're dealing okay with coming out the other side of depression. Feeling okay is really weird for a while, and the weight of all those things you let pile up can drag you right back down again.

Be well.

Amelia said...

I am sorry you've been having such a hard time. I hope the Skittles helped. I'm glad to see you back. Now I'm going to go get tested for depression, if there is such a test.

Suzanne said...

I want to print this out and give it to my teenaged, high school, horrendously depressed younger self. It would have helped a WHOLE bunch.

Crisark said...

Thank you so much for posting this!
It is spot on for what I've gone through.
You are amazing!!!!!
So happy you are back!

Anonymous said...

This story is very familiar to me...

MariahGem said...

OMG You put into words what I couldn't! That whole entry is EXACTLY EVERYTHING I HAVE BEEN FEELING FOR WEEKS! Except for the end part, but I have gone to the store a few times (in practically jammies, because, duh, I don't give a fuck anymore what they think!) because I couldn't exist without Diet Pepsi.
But It amazes me that someone could see into my head and put down exactly the same feelings onto paper. I know that means, hey we're not alone! But it's also sucktastic because NO ONE should feel this way. But I dunno what to do either. So I'm just gonna go curl up on my pile of dirty clothes and feel a tiny bit better that someone else seems to understand. :)

Tia said...

My feelings are often tied to precise viewings and tastes. Watch Honey I shrunk the kids. Drink orange soda.

Watch all of the movies. Eat skittles.

Stay strong.

MCJ said...

This is totally awesome. Congrats for getting out of it.

Flame said...

My eyes are all blurry now.

robin said...

thanks. you did a great job expressing what it's like. thank you.

/clh said...

How amazing is it that you just did that we-can-all-identify-with post yesterday and already have over 2,000 comments! You are a person of Great Worth, whose words and illustrations have touched many. Your mule-like determination is an inspiration:

One day a farmer's mule fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the mule. So he invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.

At first, the mule realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw.

With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the mule was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, to everyone's astonishment, the mule stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off.

Life shovels all kinds of dirt on you. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not giving up, if we just have the strength to shake it off and take a step up.

Thank you so much for sharing all your stories with us. And welcome, dear one, back to the world.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, so much, for sharing. That took a great amount of guts. It also helps out those of us battling with our black dogs (as Winston Churchill called his.) I've shared your post with a few of my networks - hopefully, folks will understand what it's like.

Frankly, until I saw what you posted, I thought I was the only one who routinely said 'fuck you' to himself.

For this, you deserve a warm fuzzy. Hang in there, sister. I'd offer a hug, but I'm anonymous - and anonymous hugs are awkward for everyone. Well, maybe not. So, anonymous hug to you.

JennySays said...

love it! And I love that there's still a movie store where you live

Anonymous said...

Great work :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better. You blog brought laughs to my daughter when she was suffering from depression.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better. You blog brought laughs to my daughter when she was suffering from depression.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better. You blog brought laughs to my daughter when she was suffering from depression.

leigh said...

dude... amazing post, so true to the realities of depression. thank you for this post, and thank you to that moment that pushed you through to the other side. i'm glad to see you back in action - fear-proof exoskeleton and all.

and yes, we need a nothing can do anything to me t-shirt.


much love.

Jocelyn said...


Lindsay said...

I'm sorry to hear that you struggled with depression. But I am so happy that you "actually broke through to the other side."

You are so clever and funny. I can't wait until your book comes out. :) Thanks for sharing with all of us out on the interwebs!

F. T. said...

I would just like to point out that you posted this at 3 pm yesterday (according to my messed up time-stamp computer, which is usually off by several time zones despite everything I do) and you have over 2,000 comments. You, ma'am, are a blogging Gawd.

P.S. I think the drawings of you in a hoodie are pretty histerical.

P.P.S. Embrace that melancholy. Who cares if you don't have a reason? Slumph around and eat cheese balls for every meal.

Marcus said...

Glad you made it, my life's a bit better for you being on the net with your humour and insight. Yeah, yeah, my self hatered thinks I shouldn't write stuff, I know, blah, blah.

Rachel said...

Holy fuck. This morning was definitely my break thru moment depression wise. I was all "I don't care anymore. DO YOU HEAR ME! I DON'T CARE." And then I figured since I'd given up caring, I'd put away the clothes that have been sitting in a pile because I've been too afraid of the giant tarantula spider I saw in my closet to actually open the closet door lately. But today, I don't care about the spider. What the hell is that spider going to do to me??? Jump on me? Bite me? Eat my face off? Whatev.

sickkid1972 said...

"I followed myself around like a bully, narrating my thoughts and actions with a constant stream of abuse."

I get that...

Lani Chisnell said...

Sorry you had to go through this. Leave it to you to take something so difficult and make it funny and sweet as well. Thank you - this is brave and wonderful. Experienced something similar and took me over 18 months to start feeling okay again. Like you, it's when I stopped caring I began to get stronger. It's liberating and feel better than I ever have. Will forever be a journey. Will come back to this one. So glad you're feeling better, and look forward to more of your insightful and hilarious stories.

Anonymous said...

That was pretty similar to how I beat depression, I one day realised that my pointless suicidal nothingness was like a superpower. I was able to do pretty much anything with my amazing lack of caring so much.

Jen said...

Hilarious, poignant and touching all the the same time. Amazing. Thank you for sharing and letting other people suffering from depression that they're not alone. A very brave post.

love and hugs :)

Krafty Like A Fox said...

We missed you!

I'm so happy you're back. Thanks for sharing; the depression bitch is a bitch.

Manduh013 said...

Allie, I know exactly how you feel. I've been there, and when I think about it I came out of my depression somewhat the same way. I hope your Batman-feeling never ceases and I hope you start smiling again :) *hugs*

Caniac1026 said...

I A-f-ing-DORE your work, Allie. I'm so glad you're back.

Joseph said...

Wow. You nailed it. Awesome job. Big hug.

Rachna said...

this made me laugh and cry at the same time! been through it, going through it, love it...

Erik said...


I've heard this story before ... from someone else who went through the exact range of emotions, no real trigger, no real reason, but ... low low low.

Her exit was her husband saying, "My job is sending me out of town for 3 weeks. Best of luck!"

Thus, the exit and the ride to the video store is the saving grace. :) You're well on your way.

Anonymous said...

I don't really know what to say, but I felt like I wanted to comment anyway because this just made me feel something... I don't even know what exactly, but I guess I just wanted to say that you I think you are amazing.

Anonymous said...

i completely emphasize with your plight, really i do - i would like to add another perspective to your story.

imagine that you're a mother.
imagine that you're my mother.
you're my mother, and i'm a little kid who needs a mother, and this.


Anonymous said...

I have to admit that's the first funny story about depression I've ever read. Somebody I once loved experience periods that seem to resemble this. She wasn't able to make me see inside the experience like you just did, though.

Anonymous said...

:/ Sorry about your depression. It really sucks. The worst thing about it is when you finally think you're fine, then a few months later realize that the world still hates you and that you're worthless. I hate it so much. It's like cancer. I have a different type than you have/had. I currently think that all my teachers are seriously out to get me. Yeah, it's weird.

Tania B said...

Thanks for this. I needed to see this post today! You are completely awesome! Stay sane for me, 'kay?

Mafdet said...

Glad you're back, sorry to hear you've had to suffer through a depression.
I hope your fear-proof exoskeleton will keep you safe for a long, long time.

blkudlac said...


You are awesome. Just look at the overwhelming response you have received in such a short period of time. I doubt you will even be able to read all of them.

Just know we love you. Keep being yourself.

Anonymous said...

Wow...its not often I read something on the internet I can totally relate to. Went through a depression in my 20's that basically burned out my ability to feel anything. I'm in my 30's now and....its actually not so bad once you get used to it. I just kind of assumed this is what life is like when you grow up. I still have friends,a job,a life....I just dont feel a whole lot(alot?). I do occasionally have inappropriate emotional outbursts...for example,everyone I know could die and my home could burn to the ground and I would pretty much just accept it and go get a sandwich. If,however,the sandwich place forgot to put mustard on my sandwich I would fly into a psychotic rage and then cry for the next 4 hours.

Eric said...

May I just say. I was having a bad day today, then I was like WHAT THE FUUUUCCKKK HYPERBOLE AND A HALF UPDATED OH MY GOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDD and then my day was better.
I'm sorry you're having a bad days, but it if makes you feel any better, your bad days led to me having a moment of epic good day, if only for as long as my lunch break continues. <3

Wiggly Panda said... did you touch the spider?

Thanks for coming back, Allie, we missed you. And, it's the internet, most of us have been in that dark hole you were in.

DAM said...

Ur like terminator! But.. blond? D:
But hey, no shower? Where is Boyfriend?
We miss u strange people from the internets.
Came back soon, bring cake. :)

Meg said...

Depression sucks - only experienced it once, but yeah, came out of nowhere and it's just so BLAH. But look at it this way, you just made the ultimate blah funny. Next step: WORLD DOMINATION.

The FI Witch said...

I, too, was pretty depressed for a while(laid off from my old job which I LOVED 8 months ago)and how have I fixed it? PONIES(MLP). xD

That said, I was giggling at the silly descriptions in the first part of the post, but yeah, your post was extremely relatable. *hugs* Glad that you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

i honestly hope that medication was a part of the whole skittles, horror movies action. Truly.

Christian Brower said...

Hot. I can relate.

Kim S. said...

I need you to know that no matter how hard I usually laugh at HAAH I am moved and sympathetic and can relate to everything you wrote even if it's hard to say it all and not make a joke out of it. Thank you for posting this. I can't tell you how much I needed it.

Matt D said...

Im so glad you're feeling better, I was legitimately sad you hadn't posted, it it seems you were busy learning a valuable lesson. :]

Brittany said...

As always, Allie, you create something both hysterical and painfully real. Thanks for putting into words what I can't. <3

Anonymous said...

hey! so glad you posted something, you are awesome and super talented. I wish you the best, don´t be that sad anymore!!!

Lisa Mitchel said...

It was the bike ride, 'natch. :)

Anonymous said...

This really struck a chord- especially the not giving a damn about what people think. I, too, got there in pretty much exactly the same way- just with fewer skittles. Thanks for such an insightful (and downright funny) post.

vanessa aleji said...

Love this post, but wish you didn't have to experience it. I battle my depression daily, and this snapped me out of today's funk. Thank you for that! (p.s. did you get my "occupy" email earlier this week? I hope so! If not, and you happen to read this comment (in the midst of the 2,000+ others), please let me know, because I think you'll love it.

Lauren Price said...

I am so glad that you pulled up enough to post something. I hope that the barrage of comments here lets you know how un-alone you are. I know that this was a perfect representation of the depressive episodes that I have. Your creativity is such a wonderful gift. Thank you for sharing it with us, and thank you for coming back to us!

Anonymous said...

Ally, we love you and you are really a hugely great talent. You have described my experience perfectly. Don't discount meds- They can be wonderfully helpful in getting through it. But bike-riding helps a ton too. (for me, in addition to walking, yoga, biking and working: welbutrin and celexa minimum dose).

Heather Head said...

Me: Holy shit batman! Hyperbole & a Half's back again! Happy dance!!! Happy happy happy happy dance!!!! YAAAYYY yay YAYAYAY!! Hey hubby, H&H is back! Kids, look, she posted again hurray! Yippppeeeeee!!!
Me: Funny, hee hee...
Me: ...
Me: Shit. That sucks.
Me: ... ... ...

Me: Do you want my therapist's phone number?

shari said...

This should be printed and republished as a "handbook for caregivers and loved ones caring or near people with depression". it's so misunderstood. you've bottom-lined it so well here. sorry you had to go there at all, but glad you came through it.

Anonymous said...

Allie... next time see a doctor and get a pill, silly woman! You don't have to live like that!

But thanks for sharing this and helping remove the stigma from depression. You ROCK.

Annie said...

This was SO FUNNY, Allie! I've been there, I loved it! All true. :D

anne said...

So very pleased to see you back again! I've struggled with depression for more years than I'd like to admit, and I've never seen it put into cartoon form at all, and certainly not with the sort of sweet, honest, funny melancholy as you do here.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Balloonfighter said...


DAM said...

And an update, this stuff of urs had became a meme in Brazil(like this

Sry for that. =[

bethayn said...

Yet more proof to me that we're the same person, and I've had an super-awesome blog all this time and didn't even know it.

Also, totally identify with leaving something "for just a second" and then entering some weird time warp where it still needs done but it's two weeks later. It feels like you should just be able to *make* yourself do it, but somehow you just can't; no more than you could lift a building just by sheer force of will. It's so amazingly helpful to hear someone who gets it so perfectly.

CasualObserver said...

Reading this is like reading pages out of my diary. Just when I started to contribute to society as a functioning adult, I was laid off. I was sent into a tailspin of depression and found myself over exerting myself just trying to remember to brush my teeth everyday. The depression got worse when my laptop broke and the internet wasn't available to me to post comments on YouTube in hopes of visually jarring myself into happiness by using tons of exclamation points. My only motivation to leave the house was when my sister would offer to feed if I were a stray cat she had pity for.
This blog gave me hope that the next time my nieces decide to make fun of me for having threadbare, spaghetti stained sweatpants (I'm sorry for the alliteration), I can blankly stare and remind them that THIS is their future and then turn back and finish my Hamburger Helper.
Allie, so glad to see you're alive and I'm hoping you feeling a little less hopeless these days.

If not, there's always left over Hamburger Helper at my sister's house.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you know EXACTLY what depression is like, and at the same time grateful you cartooned it so hilariously that I can giggle madly and show your post to people and say "Yes. That!"

Also glad you are feeling better and exoskeletal. A good therapist and modern pharmaceuticals can help amazingly, please remember they are out there if you need them.

PM Redneck said...

seriously awesome.

Anonymous said...

You really are the best.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that. I was a kid on the other side of the door for years, trying to understand what my mom was going through. All loving views shared from the other side of the eyes really do help. Tremendously. Wishing you heaping piles of love and buckets of acceptance. -~ Dorothy's boy

J. Fantastic said...

You are officially amazing. Well played. As a depressed individual myself, I congratulate you. Keep working!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that you have been depressed, I've been there and it is totally horrible.

I started reading and let out my first audible chuckle at your bit about not deserving your own self pity. I couldn't believe how awful I was to laugh at someone who was depressed because I know how it feels. By the time you told youself to fuck off when going to the kitchen, I had pretty much given up on trying to tell myself that depression is not something to laugh at.

Hugs and healing to you. Great stuff as always. Your ability to compose this great post is a sign that things must be going better for you, yay.

Anonymous said...

You rock. I'm so glad your life isn't a movie because I like how you broke through so much better. I've been there many times.

Sofa King Cold said...

Welcome to the other side. So glad that you made it. Also nice to see that you got out at "exoskeleton of apathy", mine lasted to the point where everything just became funny.

jen said...

I love this!! Thank you for sharing it. Been there.

Aubrey said...

You have an awful lot of people here who love and miss your contributions to our otherwise usually boring days.

Whatever the demon is that you are currently facing, from everything we have seen on here, you have the will and capability to overcome.

Glad to see you back. Sad that it is these terms. Mostly though, I hope that you see the awesome in you that the rest of us do!

Aubrey said...

You have an awful lot of people here who love and miss your contributions to our otherwise usually boring days.

Whatever the demon is that you are currently facing, from everything we have seen on here, you have the will and capability to overcome.

Glad to see you back. Sad that it is these terms. Mostly though, I hope that you see the awesome in you that the rest of us do!

ibar said...

Thanks for giving voice to it. Take care of you.

Unknown said...

Going through a bout of depression myself. I was so use to your posts being humorous and funny, but this went deeper. Thanks for sharing a bit of the darker side of yourself today.

lesles said...

nailed it.

Olivia in MA said...

I love you.
Thank you.

sadi said...

Glad to see you're posting again. If you really feel this way, and it's been that long, please see a doctor. This is a serious disease, and should be treated as such.

Take care of yourself, a lot of people care. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog Allie and I hope you're all right.

All the best xxx

Anonymous said...

Well it's a good thing you don't stream your movies!
Amazingly well done. You brighten so many people's lives. Thank you for being you, and best of luck in getting fully back there again (and you will). Much love.

Akala said...

My boyfriend and I both read your blog-comic (blogic?)
After this post I was all, "Ooooh, that's why Allie hasn't posted in forever, poor Allie. =C "
Boy was confused. Apparently he's never been depressed in his life, the lucky bastard.

Glad to see you're to the point of mustering up the will to blog again!

Anonymous said...

It is so fantastic that you did this. I only wish I'd seen something like this when I first got depressed! It's so true that there's no great epiphany, just something subtle that starts you on the road to recovery (or anti-depressants, they can work too). You are hilarious and brilliant.

Worth noting that melancholia and depression have been associated with creativity and intelligence for centuries.

Kevin R. Bridges said...

Allie, I was going to give you a heads-up that someone is using your art in their ads. Some douche probably. Here is an image capture:

And the URL the link goes to:

I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Someone I love very much finally decided to get help after reading this. It helped me understand, too. Thanks for your bravery.

carey s. said...

So glad you're back! Lots of us have been in the same situation and come out the other side stronger. I think the worst part for me was the apathy, when I didn't feel anything at all. There are TONS of us out here, and we love your blog.

uptonatom said...

Did anyone mention that the manic phase may not last and perhaps be expensive so then depression returns as a cheaper alternative. But then again Skittles are cheaper than SSRIs and don't kill you as quickly...

Anonymous said...

This is being shared around the social networks like crazy, and each share is also getting lots of comments.

You have probably saved a few dozen lives by posting this.

We remember that you're awesome, even if you can't feel it.

Lex said...

I know approximately 9 trillion people have said this already, but as someone with Depression, I can totally relate to this. I think since I could recognize myself in this, I found it funny despite how sad it is. Thanks for being awesome even when explaining how much Depression saps you of pretty much Everything. You rock (even when you might not feel like you do).

Anonymous said...

I've missed your posts. They always make me laugh and I've really needed to laugh instead of cry lately. But now I know we were both spending the last few months sitting in a corner, staring the wall. And that makes me feel oddly better. There really is a lot to be said for knowing that someone else understands how you feel. Even someone you've never met. Thanks, Allie.

GhtoPrincess said...

Wow - I just assumed you were busy with the book. Other bloggers were commenting on how hard you'd been working on it so I knew you were out there. I'm glad you're feeling invincible now. I hope you're also feeling happy!

Magpie said...

It makes me sad to hear you're going through such a difficult time. I've been there before.
It's great that you can use your depression to get creative, or brave, but maybe you should consider going to therapy. Good luck, keep your chin up!

shatteredone said...

Thank you for posting this. I just have to get to that breaking through it point it seems!

Simply EC said...

This is a HIGHLY accurate depiction of depression, it almost wasn't funny it was so true to life, but I loved the last part!

I totally follow myself around when I'm depressed like the most judgmental and cruel person in the world, your illustrations make me realize how ridiculously absurd that actually is! Love you!

Fabs said...

Thanks for sharing with us Allie, we've missed you.

Erin Martin, Independent Thirty-one Consultant said...

Hello My Life, welcome to cartoon form. Thanks for sharing your experience. I have delt with cycles like this for ten years. Also, I totally rented four horror movies, purchased bags of "Halloween candy", all while dressed like an "Eskimo vagrant" the other day. So that made me chuckle. Thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Next time you find yourself in the grips of depression, you can tell yourself, because you made this comic about depression, you have made a whole lot of people who feel depressed just like you feel a LOT better!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Next time you find yourself in the grips of depression, you can tell yourself, because you made this comic about depression, you have made a whole lot of people who feel depressed just like you feel a LOT better!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Next time you find yourself in the grips of depression, you can tell yourself, because you made this comic about depression, you have made a whole lot of people who feel depressed just like you feel a LOT better!

mike r. baker said...

Been there. No advice or pithy cheer can help. So glad you pulled out of it. You really are a bad-ass.

Cursmix said...

Losing it all (emotions and health things) can be freeing because you can then see what is actually important. Don't be shocked if the "new" you sticks around - it did in my case......

revmama24 said...


Thanks for reminding me.

Claire (and Nikki) said...

I hate when people tell me not to be sad because it makes them sad. I should not be responsible for other people's happiness. Happened to me ALL THE TIME in high school, so I have an inkling of what it's like to be a funny blogger, not post for months because of extreme depression, and then have people tell you to buck up.

I have bipolar disorder, and because I don't have health insurance anymore, I have to stop taking the medication that kept me from being crazy for so long. Add moving across the country and being unemployed to the list of life stresses, and I'm teetering towards a major depressive episode myself.

I'm so sorry you had to experience this, Allie, and I hope you get help soon. *MAJOR HUGS*

Anonymous said...

Can you make a sweatshirt available in your store with the picture of you looking like an eskimo vagrant saying i can do anything? I would happily buy such a sweatshirt! Thanks for posting, glad I'm not the only one who feels that way sometimes. I need an "I can do anything" shirt to help me motivate... :)

Colin said...

Oh Allie. You are so brilliant and you finally posted again ON MY BIRTHDAY! What a great present. So so so relatable, even though it is sad. I hope you are feeling okay. I have been there so many times, but if I can get out without the kind of creativity you possess, I know you can do it too! <33333

Katie Oelfke said...

I wish I could give you the most sincere hug ever to have existed. Depression = scary stupid bitch face.
I hope you realize how much your posts help others of us who have depression eating our faces.
I truly mean it when I say I love you. It is wonderful to read all of these responses and feel a little less alone.

p.s. Why would you EVER think it was a good idea to touch a spider?!!

MindySue said...

^^^ Anonymous up there is a total douchebag.

Missed you.

Unknown said...

We all missed you while you were away! I empathize with you--I've been there before and it's no fun. Reading through some of the comments, I see there are many others who've been stuck at the bottom of this hole too.

Glad to see you were able to climb out. I hope you're able to stay on top and enjoy the sunshine for a while. :)

Anonymous said...

Please stay alive! I don't know you but my life is better because of you, and I missed you when you were gone. Thank you for sharing, and, yeah, please stay alive.

Akaadji said...

Kudos for being able to put up this post. I'm another depression sufferer who's also going through a low point right now, so I understand the apathy and lack of motivation well. I beat myself up over things when I get down, too, you aren't alone. Hope those Skittles helped.

Anonymous said...

So, um, it's kind of weird to say this, and I hope I don't sound too creepy, but I'm really glad you're back. I missed you, Allie.

Not just the funny blog posts, but you. Whenever I'm sad, I can read about how you, like me, sometimes have trouble functioning and doing things, even though you're so funny and amazing. I've never met you or talked to you, but, I missed you.

I'm glad you're back. Thank you for making this.

Anonymous said...

....thank you, allie....
you have no idea..

Anonymous said...

Normally I would feel uncomfortable reading such a relatable story about depression. But this one was as funny as it was sad. I think that apathy is the only thing that finally got me through to the other side.

I hope you never feel anything like that ever again. No one should have to feel like they're stupid for feeling sad.

Teri said...

This is my life...on a daily basis! Only I don't have the luxury of coming out of it! And when my inner self starts talking it is usually "if you just kill yourself you won't be feeling like this anymore!" As you can see I haven't done that yet. So, I'm still sad.

Anonymous said...

amazing man great story! and insperational!! this time last year i was where you were i was made redundant :( had to sell the car to pay rent and then went home turned on my pc and both ny psu and monitor blew up i was left with nothing for 2months i felt exctly as you described!! now new house better pc and new job and fucking invinsable mother fucker!!! what ever doesnt kill you only makes you stronger in a cheesy god damn way its kinda true but the one thing that brought me round was when someone i known and admired for years told me "the only person who decides what kinda mood you wake up in is you and that is what dictates your day!" of course i said fuck you you happy go lucky twat but after a bit of practice it works for me!!

j said...

I've never heard of you or this before now but I read this and laughed so hard.

I'm glad you're not sad anymore but I'm even gladder that you can make sadness funny.

Taco said...

Thank you for this, Allie. I've been feeling like this for a while now but this post has made me realize that scary movies and skittles sound like a good way to cope. I hope you feel better *hugs*

Peter PDX said...

Everybody hurts sometimes. Truer words were never said.

Welcome back. We missed you.

Anonymous said...

First time to comment, just wanted to say I understand about the depression and how hard it can be to do anything at all. For almost an entire year after my father died I almost never left my bedroom. But I've also been depressed for no reason specifically and it can be just as debilitating. I'm glad you came out the other side and hope you stay out. I'm also really glad to see another post. They're always good for a laugh, even when they're about depression. If I could instantly be friends with a blogger it'd be you. Sean

Anonymous said...

I'm curious if you have a day job. That's hell. The last time i suffered a bout of depression, it took every ounce of physical and mental energy to put in a single day's work. Then the next day came and I just didn't think I could do another one. But I did. Glad you feel invincible. That's way better than sad!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you had gone... and missing your take on life. I'm sorry you were dealing with that, happy that it broke through. Stay strong, even if you think you aren't.

Anastassia said...

This was really sad, but wonderful at the same time. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

You totally look like a Portlander. hahah. Welcome to your first brush with seasonal depression. Get used to it. :P

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're feeling this way--I know how awful it is. But things will GET BETTER! Because they have to! And there are thousands of people who you probably don't even know who adore your work and your comics, and think you are worthwhile even when you are feeling badly about yourself. I am one of those people! I'm a huge fan. Thank you for doing what you do, your comics have been known to make me laugh until I can't breathe and eventually vomit :)

Anonymous said...

I'm really bad at expressing the things that you've expressed with a few sentences and some MS Paint. Thanks, b. I appreciate it.
Now my husband will get off my back for a while!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see more posts and I'm even more glad that you could come out on top after that fight with depression.

karmalaluna said...

I missed you so much! I can completely relate to this as it's how I'm feeling right now... this helped me feel better!
Glad to see that you're back and feeling better.

retépaskab said...

Oh, and I thought you were working on your book too busy to write us something.

Next time you feel unexplicably sad, drink regularly herbal tea made of Lemon balm leaves (melissae folium). That makes you strong mentally (makes you sleepy first, then srong).

Anonymous said...

I never comment, but I just have to say thank you for a wonderful blog post.

christineb said...

Thank you. I have suffered from depression for years and am going through a particularly bad patch right now. I'm sorry you had to go through this but I'm grateful for the inspiration. Maybe I'll make it through this yet. (I touched a spider at my daughter's pet-themed birthday party so I'm already ahead of the game right? :) )

Emileeeee said...


You are my hero. Seriously. I missed your blog so much, and am sad to see that scary apathy has become part of your life.

ba.of.ab said...

hi Allie,

it's good to see you writing and drawing again! this is lennonmccartney from your forums (thanks for making it) and i'm writing you a comment. you've got some balls already sharing such candid thoughts and moments in your life and then painting them all a very humorous shade of awesomeness. i'm glad that even depression can't keep you down, oh, it'll stop you in your tracks sometimes, but lookit you, right back up AND renting horror movies.

you are awesome.
i've dealt a lot with depression (for no reason) too and i am like you.
i guess that makes me awesome, too, heheh

cheers allie!

Anonymous said...

This really captures alot (haha), no a lot of how I feel when I'm depressed. I'm sorry your black cloud took so long to go away, but I'm glad it finally did!

Julia said...

I love this site because it is so entertaining and hysterical, but today I love it for a whole new reason: you have given such an amazingly vivid view of how depression really feels and makes it a real disease for those of us who have never experienced it and might not understand how it can be so debilitating. Thank you for opening my eyes!

okelay said...

this actually made me laugh cause it was so very relatable.
good to see you from the fuck it stage to the I can do anything stage.

you'll be alright

Anonymous said...

Incredible writing. Incredible illustrations. As always. What a gift you have.

Anonymous said...

I am between bullying myself and sitting in a pile of laundry. Thank you so much for this blog post, I cannot even begin to express how much this helped me. I have a better understanding of what I'm going through and now I have hope that I can get through it. Thank you, thank you , thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I loved this story, I think a lot of people can relate. I do hope that you are getting some professional help, as this sort of thing tends to come back once it rears its ugly head. And you are far far too funny to be off the web for another six months.

Anonymous said...

I have lived with bipolar disorder all my life, and learning to cope with depression (this way) was the one thing that kept me living. I cried and laughed so hard while reading this. I'm so happy you wrote about this.

Plum Jo said...

You are ridiculously awesome.

Anonymous said...

You rock! We all missed you! I am happy you have broken through! Yay! In Time for Halloween too. Keep all your candy. Or give it away if you want. YOU ARE INVINCIBLE.

Well done.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at this website
This is a great tool when you're depressed, and it's free.

Richard Lowe said...

You are far more kick ass than you realise Allie. So glad you found your exoskeleton :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I suffer from a similar combination of anxiety and depression, and I found this telling so, so true to life, devastating, but also empowering. It takes courage to talk about depression, and you've done it with so much honesty and clarity and humor. Thank you for sharing your story--it matters so much.

Sally said...

I'm so so glad you are ok.... I was worried!

Anonymous said...

Take good care of yourself <3 ...I hate to say it but depression has a way of reoccurring. If you can get a workout that elevates your heart rate on a daily basis (running, yay!), use a lightbox (if it's seasonally related), and get all your omega-3's it should help. And also, be gentle with yourself. Depression makes people apathetic. If despite all your willpower you don't get off your computer one day, realize that that is what happens when you're depressed and forgive yourself. The vast majority of people in your position would do the same thing, it isn't some character flaw. Not blaming or hating yourself will help take some pressure off. It's ok to pamper yourself until the episode ends and there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting professional help. If seeing a therapist or even taking antidepressants will help you feel better, why not do it? Why spend even a moment being miserable if talking to someone or taking a pill can help? Anyhow, I hope you never have to deal with it again :). I missed you! ::big hug::

Grace said...

You're kind of my hero. I'm so glad you're feeling better. This post is amazing... that is all.

Allison J. said...

Good luck Allie. I'm glad you're back and I'm sorry you've been struggling with depression. One thing that helped me stop lying on the floor just inside my front door every day after work and feeling dead inside was DRUGS. Specifically, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. It's not the right choice for everyone, but it changed my life. So if you can make it out the door again to talk to your doctor, it might be worthwhile. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

meeg said...

omg i started getting depressed constantly checking to see if you had updated and i just "missed it". all those clocks over and over have haunted me.

Ayun Halliday said...

Making this had to have helped a little bit...

Like Miranda July, Lynda Barry, and a ton of other rad women, you bring verifiable, if unquantifiable happiness into needy strangers lives with you hilarious, humane,and wholly unique take on the world AND THAT'S NOT fUR NUTHIN! (even if it maybe sometimes feels that way)

Suniverse said...

Thank you so much for this.


Anonymous said...


I'm not a pretty girl so I feel more hopelessness. I just can't fuck the depression away.

Anonymous said...

So true! Thanks

JAL said...

Rock on, Allie! Sometimes life is stupid, but at least it's always funny from the right perspective :)

We all missed you and (more selfishly) your comic - not too many authors have such comedic timing with MS Paint!

Unknown said...

Oh, girl. I get the sadness and good for you for working through it. Don't touch a spider, though. That is really not necessary.

alala said...

YES! God, it is exactly like that! Thank you, maybe the next time I have one of these I can laugh through it. A bit.

Lori Kay said...

Wow. Wow, you have so nailed it. I've had a combination of depression and anxiety since my teens and have so been there, done this. This made me both laugh and cry a little, and the last panel made me want to cheer! Thank you so much for this, glad you are feeling better and hope it stays that way for a good, long time!

Elizabeth said...

Glad you're pulling through to the other side. Don't listen to that nasty-self anymore because it is a liar. Hang in there.

Mike said...



Where book?

Me want buy book, make Allie happy.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me for being such a total guy: To keep the beast away, I suggest finding out what your B12 level looks like. That's what fixed me. Also, there is a movie called "food matters" that suggests niacin.

Benji said...

I've been through this, feeling that way for no reason whatsoever. The worst thing you can do is try to find reasons for it in your life. You can tear things up badly that way. It's good you realized that there was no reason for it.

These bouts can be and often are PURELY chemical. It could be exposure to some toxin, ingesting a pesticide that was left on some food.. some trigger that caused a cascade. Your mood is entirely supported by your health, so when that wavers and fails in some way, your mood can crash down with it.

I searched for chemical and health reasons for years, and finally was able to turn it around, little by little, reversing the meltdown my body had. I'm still not fully better, but I've come a long way.

The self-abusive aspect? I once had that, too. It's what I call a "surrogate self". It's the internalization of a person in your life that is harsh and critical of you. You take their perspective and use it against yourself. You have to evict that person from your mind and NOT CARE what they think. Not caring is a solid defense against that critical self, but it's still in there if you're hold up that defense. Kick it out!

juni said...

I grok.


flickeringobscenity said...

lol. This was so awesome.

I went to university to study psychology, mostly to figure out how to deal with this sort of shit. Turns out that knowing all about the chemistry and brain-bits involved doesn't just make it better, god damn it. Very disappointing. Also, Freud was a dick. (oh, to mr anonymous poster above me - i'm a man too. Wakey wakey kiddo.)

"having a party, eh?"
So good.

Anyway thanks for the post, your shit is always good stuff. (Cross of the artist, eh?)

Personally I won't be leaving my house for the next week anyway... it's too fucking cold out.

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