Packing all of your belongings into a U-Haul and then transporting them across several states is nearly as stressful and futile as trying to run away from lava in swim fins.
I know this because my boyfriend Duncan and I moved from Montana to Oregon last month. But as harrowing as the move was for us, it was nothing compared to the confusion and insecurity our two dogs had to endure.
Our first dog is - to put it delicately - simple-minded. Our other dog is a neurotic German shepherd mix with agonizingly low self-esteem who has taken on the role of "helper dog" for our simple dog. Neither dog is well-equipped with coping mechanisms of any kind.
When we started packing, the helper dog knew immediately that something was going on. I could tell that she knew because she becomes extremely melodramatic when faced with even a trivial amount of uncertainty. She started following me everywhere, pausing every so often to flop to the ground in an exaggeratedly morose fashion - because maybe that would make me realize how selfish I was being by continuing to pack despite her obvious emotional discomfort.
When the soul-penetrating pathos she was beaming at me failed to prevent me from continuing to put things in boxes, the helper dog became increasingly alarmed. Over the ensuing few days, she slowly descended into psychological chaos. The simple dog remained unfazed.
Unfortunately for the helper dog, it took us nearly a week to get everything packed up. By the time we were ready to begin the first part of our two-day journey to Oregon, she seemed almost entirely convinced that she was going to die at any moment. She spent the entire car ride drooling and shaking uncontrollably.
But the simple dog seemed to enjoy the trip.
Even though she threw up seven times.
She actually seemed to like throwing up. To the simple dog, throwing up was like some magical power that she never knew she possessed - the ability to create infinite food. I was less excited about the discovery because it turned my dog into a horrible, vomit-making perpetual motion machine. Whenever I heard her retch in the backseat, I had to pull over as quickly as possible to prevent her from reloading her stomach and starting the whole cycle over again.
But as far as the simple dog was concerned, it was the best, most exciting day of her life.
It wasn't until we stopped for the night in Umatilla that the simple dog became aware that there was any reason for her to feel anxious. But at around two o'clock in the morning, the simple dog finally realized that something was different and maybe she should be alarmed.
This particular dog is not anywhere near the gifted spectrum when it comes to solving problems. In fact, she has only one discernible method of problem solving and it isn't even really a method.
But making high-pitched noises won't solve your problem if your problem is a complete inability to cope with change. Unfortunately for everyone involved, the simple dog did not understand this concept and she went right ahead and made an interminable amount of noise that was just invasive enough to make sleeping impossible.
After an hour of failed attempts at comforting the simple dog, her constant, high-pitched emergency-distress-signal became a huge problem.
I tried to communicate my displeasure to the simple dog, but communicating with the simple dog usually goes like this:
She was going to make that sound forever if she felt it was necessary. We tried everything from spooning her to locking her in the bathroom, but none of it was even the slightest bit effective.
The simple dog made the noise all through the night and was still going strong the next morning. When we were loading the dogs into the car, the constant, high-pitched sound emanating from the simple dog finally broke the helper dog. The helper dog wailed in anguish, which alarmed the simple dog. In her surprise, the simple dog let out a yelp, which further upset the helper dog. And so it continued in a wretched positive-feedback loop of completely unnecessary noise.
When we finally arrived at our new house, the dogs had calmed down considerably. Unfortunately, it had snowed the night before and there was still snow on our front lawn, and that was enough to catapult both dogs back into hysteria.
The simple dog had either never experienced snow or she'd forgotten that she knew what it was, because when we let her out of the car, she walked around normally for about seven seconds, then she noticed the snow and her feeble little mind short-circuited.
At first, the simple dog was excited about the snow. She started prancing around the yard like she was the star of a one-dog parade - her recent personal crisis overshadowed by a haze of enthusiasm.
The prancing turned to leaping and the leaping turned to running chaotically in stupid little circles. Then she just stopped and stared at the ground. There was a visible shift in her demeanor as she realized that she didn't understand snow and it was everywhere and she should probably be scared of it. She started making the noise again.
Not surprisingly, the helper dog interpreted the snow as a sign of her imminent demise. But she was so exhausted from worrying about all of the other signs of her demise that she just gave up and accepted her death. She peered up at us, half-buried in the snow. Her eyes were filled with pain and helplessness, as if she thought we had summoned the snow for the sole purpose of making her sad.
We decided that it would probably be best to bring the dogs inside.
As a condition for allowing us to have dogs in our rental house, our landlady made us promise that we wouldn't let the dogs scratch the wood floors. We didn't anticipate it being a problem because it hadn't been in the past, but as soon as our dogs set foot in the house, they morphed into perfectly engineered floor-destroying machines. They started sprinting as fast as they could for absolutely no reason - skittering around in circles to avoid running into the walls.
We finally corralled them in the bedroom and shut the door to give ourselves a little time to regroup and come up with a plan. Until we could get some rugs or convince the dogs that it was unnecessary to sprint around chaotically for no reason, we would need to find some way to prevent them from scratching the floors. What we ended up doing was going to the pet store and buying two sets of sled dog booties. It was the only way.
It is easy to imagine that a dog who has recently experienced a dramatic upheaval of its formerly safe and predictable life might not react well to suddenly having strange objects attached to all four of its feet. This was most definitely the case with the booties.
The helper dog panicked and started trying to rip the booties off with her teeth.
I scolded her and she reacted as if I'd ruined her entire life.
But at least her immobilizing self-pity kept her from chewing the booties off.
The simple dog just stood there and looked at me in a way that would suggest she didn't realize her legs still worked.
They had to wear the booties for two days. Those two days were filled with the most concentrated display of overemotional suffering I have ever witnessed. The simple dog spent most of her time standing in the middle of the room looking bewildered and hurt and the helper dog refused to walk, instead opting to flop her way around the house like a dying fish.
The entire ordeal was punctuated by the simple dog's high-pitched confusion alarm.
We were beginning to think that our dogs were permanently broken. Nothing we did helped at all to convince the dogs that we had only changed houses and our new house was not, in fact, some sort of death-camp and we weren't actually planning on killing them to fulfill an organ harvest ritual. Despite our best efforts, they continued to drift around in a sea of confusion and terror, pausing only to look pitiful.
But while we were unpacking, we found a squeaky toy that was given to us as a gift shortly before we moved. We offered the toy to the dogs. This may have been a mistake.
Upon discovering that the toy squeaked when it was compressed forcefully, the simple dog immediately forgot that she'd ever experienced doubt or anxiety ever in her life. She pounced on the toy with way more force than necessary, over and over and over. The logic behind her sudden change in outlook was unclear.
But at least she was happy again.
«Oldest ‹Older 2201 – 2400 of 2462 Newer› Newest»Vanessa from, Australia said
Only a dog owner could understand what you went thru, I have 3 should write a book!
Fabulous, Thanks for the warning! Moving cross country with 4 dogs and 7 cats in the next month....
One of the cats will scream the entire 27 hour drive, this we know already. Now to find out what the overly sensitive seizure prone dane is going to do.
Oh the JOY!
Thank you for a wonderful expose of dogs. We moved from Vermont to Washington with one dog that threw up for half the trip and is still so traumatized that she sits by the door trembling when inside -- Am I allowed in this house where my people live?
This was absolutely brilliant! So funny and so true about what dogs are thinking (I think!). We had a car trip from Massachusetts to Oregon, with a whiny neurotic dog and a simple throw-upy dog who loves life and only whimpers (howls) when our other dog tells him something innocuous is dangerous. Your graphic essay was so true to our dogs, and so funny in general. Thank you for the best laugh I've had in a long time. I laughed so hard, I cried! :)
If I could only look at one picture ever for the rest of my life, it would be the one of simple dog thinking about helicopters, because it gets funnier every time I look at it.
Actually, if someone was making me only look at one picture for the rest of my life, I would shoot that person then keep looking at all of these.
Your simple dog seems uncannily like our simple dog. The other is older and less simple minded. The simple minded is also susceptible to the squeaking noise because 'OMG I CAN MAKE SOUND' even during our daily TV shows. But, if we put the squeaker on a piece of furniture, such as the fireplace or the sofa, the dog will just look at it inquisitively, as if we have challenged him to jump on the furniture when he's not supposed to. Eventually, he gives up, and goes to dig through the dog food, emphatically trying to find the little white pieces. Or flop in the middle of the living room floor, taking up half the room. Once he hears a squeak, though, he suddenly becomes alert. Crazy dog. He also runs into the brick walls, and instead of running toward the door and barking when someone walks in, he runs away from the door and into his cage whilst barking at the intruder. LMAO! He's also afraid of leaving the house- when we went to St Louis for a week, it was a fight just to get him out the front door into a vehicle. It was outside his comfort zone. We gave him some dramamine, because we know he gets carsick anyways, and he conked out for the trip, instead of making whiny noises, thank goodness.
This makes me laugh out loud every time I read it, which would be awesome...except when I'm reading it in a law lecture.
Keep up the hilarity!
This is the funniest thing I have read in eight million years. I'm laughing so hard, and it's quite early here, so I'm trying not to wake the house's other occupant, but I'm failing. You're a rock star.
Annnnddddd you're brilliant.
But seriously. Brilliance = You.
I discovered your blog while waiting for Jury Duty. It was like God's happy little, "thanks for being a great citizen, now lets kill some time!" gift to me. Although, I'm pretty much certain that I made all of the other good citzens around me rather anxious, because I was really trying to stifle my laughter but it was just too darn strong and it was coming out in those awkward spurts that sound more like choking/gagging/snorting/coughing instead of chortling. Needless to say, Joy, my new bestie, the 74-year-old lady who was sitting next to me, was rather concerned for my general well-being.
Also, Fun Fact: I like reading things out loud. No idea why. But I LOVE it. And reading your stories out loud is my new favorite thing in the whole wide world to make my friends sit through. Don't worry. I'm good at it. Really really good at it. Disgustingly awesome at it. And they all read your blog now too, so... you know... you're welcome. :)
The helper dog is already happy again?
Allie, you are so totally awesome in your awesomeness! You should put your stuff on here:
I'd love to see simple dog going "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" on a t-shirt!
I didn't miss YOUR store, but hey, it's another outlet to get you closer to being Champion of the Internet! In other words, a way to get more exposure while still managing to keep your clothes on. :D
LOL. I totally recognised some things in here that my own German Sheppard used to do. He was distressed too when we started packing and he was so afraid we'd leave him behind he's just jump in the car and refused to come out till dinner time. He'd make an exception for dinner time. And he loved squeaky toys very much too. Which made us hate them. Luckily, he's wreck them in the course of a day so they wouldn't drive anybody else crazy any more.
Don't you just love dogs?
You made me cry again! Too damn funny. I also was wondering if you had seen Wil Wheaton wearing one of your shirts.
I mostly just wanted to make the 2222th comment.
And, ehm, your work is great!
Dear Allie. Welcome to Bend. I live in Ontario, Oregon and share your enthusiasm!
I could only read half of this article. Sadly, my vision became blurred about halfway through due to the tears from laughing so hard. From what I read though, I think I found my new favorite blog to read. I love your art!
It is as if you are decribing our 2 dogs exactly. This is a hilarious tale of events!
Hey Allie i've been reading your blog (Insanely funny btw lol) and you inspired me to start a blog!!!
You are truly hilarious! I laughed at almost every line.
take better care of your dogs then, you stupid bitch. you would be retarded and depressed too if you were yelled at for every single problem you had.
OMG! There are tears streaming down my face! I can't. stop. laughing. or breathe properly for that matter. Dogs rock! (almost as much as cats lol)
OMG! There are tears streaming down my face! I can't. stop. laughing. or breathe properly for that matter. Dogs rock! (almost as much as cats lol)
i havent laughed this much in a long time!your dogs are epic
I REMEMBERED SOMETHING I WAS GOING TO SAY before getting sidetracked. Your blog background... has the palest little gray shapes on it in random places WHY IS THIS? I keep thinking my monitor has stuff on it before I remember it's your blog background because it moves when I scroll. IT IS QUITE DISTRACTING. >.< Also if this comment looks crazy it's because I definitely made my first comment ever on your blog on your previous post accidentally... yup. So here I am remembering something I wanted to say and discovering your blog HI!
this is undoubtedly my favourite post. so, so, so hilarious. just excellent work.
Hilarious! I love them scratching the wood floors and the booties ... :)
I've been to Umatilla. I thing I whined a high pitched whine most of the night there myself. You might actually have a very perceptive hound on your hands.
Hey, question. Do you call it OR-I-GON or just OR-GAN? I've heard both.
I had some delayed reaction laughter just now. I finished reading the post, I stared at my screen, and then I couldn't take it anymore. AWESOME.
Your site is so incredibly unique. That might come across as sarcasm in computerblurg, but I am being absolutely sincere. Keep it up, for reals.
You are so hilarious! I just love the way you look at the world, and your dogs sound like great family members! But I found your blog about a week ago, and it took me about a day to read through all of your past posts, and now I feel as though I'm going through post withdrawals! Where have you gone? I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and am very much looking forward to reading more from your mind!
I just found this site through a friend and it is the BEST THING EVER. The picture of Helper Dog flopping like a fish made my bf and I laugh so hard we couldn't breathe!!!!!!!!!
Awesome post. There is some awful part of me that gets total joy with how animals act after booties are forced upon them.
brilliant; love the artwork! Thanks!
Not that you need more fans, judging by the number of comments, but your blog is teh awesome! We have a dog, hence me thinking this is the best post to date. I will try booties on him and report back as to how he copes. I can tell you it will not be pretty.
P.S why do dogs have to lick their own junk with such slobbery enthusiasm? seriously, it's just unpleasant, tell me I'm not the only one who has a dog that does that.
I just told my friend who shared this with me that as soon as I can get to the hospital to get a new stomach, I'm suing him for sending this to me and making me laugh so hard my stomach broke.
I love your blog. It nearly killed me. Reading the hilarious post about dogs while sick with a bad chest cold made for some interesting breathing challenges.
My husband also loves your blog. Today he was thinking about the name: "Is there a parabole?"
Me: "...What?"
Him: "Well, there's 'hyperbole' and 'hyperbola', and there's 'parabola'... so is there a 'parabole'?
Me: "Um... I don't think it works that way."
Him: "Oh." (long pause) "Is there a 'hypobola'?"
Me: *facepalm* *helpless laughter*
So thank you for writing this blog and making me laugh and my husband laugh and reminding me that ADD makes people wonderful in very strange ways.
P.S. I listened to your voice on one of your videos. It's a good voice. It totally sounded like you.
I'm so glad I was alone while reading this... I don't think laughing until I cried and then getting very emotional and philosophical about how amazingly funny this post is would have gained me any friends.
I honestly laughed so hard I cried. Thank you so much for brightening up my day.
my dog+ squeeky toy= apocalpyse
this is the best post ever!!!!
Allie, I adore your work immoderately. I would walk a mile to view it. More than a mile. I would pay hard-won, after-tax money to have books of it -- or prints of selected scenes.
Quite probably the funniest blog post I have ever read! I found your site from Wil Wheaton's "Alot" link, and I think this is the first time I've actually cried laughing at a blog post.
My dog is usually overly excited about new places. However, we have to transport the cat via the trunk or an upside down basket with a block on it.
I read this at my aunt and uncles house, we were there for thanksgiving. I laughed so hard I cried...and my uncle had to ask if I was alright. I am still laughing and crying, and it has been 2 hours now.
"You give love a BAD name!" I completely cracked by thatXD
I laughed so hard I cried for twenty minutes straight. I just moved from Washington to Idaho...with a metric ton of animals. It went almost exactly the same.
I quite recently discovered your blog, but I I fell in love immediately. I almost laughed my brains out.
Anyway, I have written about you and a norwegian blogger on my blog. Since it's written in norwegian u won't understand shit of course, but I thought U should know anyway.
You're bloody amazing and hilariously funny! :-) Slap some images on t-shirts, caps, dogshirts, etc. Please. I'm begging you. Look, both knees on the floor, hands clasped.
If I could carry around a bag, or wear a shirt, with some of your pitch-perfect pup pix, I would be one hella happy camper! This is just achingly funny and well-observed.
So simple , so elegant!! Amazing!! Love the story!!
You're my hero.
Can we be friends?
OMG, I found the STORE button -- so that expensive literary education finally paid off!
For my fellow bozos:
HAHAHAHA! Now everyone in this coffee shop thinks I'm more insane than I really am. Laughing outloud in quiet places earns you a reputation. Thanks for the new rep, Allie.
OMD!!! I'm so glad to have found your blog. Love the dogs and really love your another dog person, you nailed it! Good luck in your new home, I'll be following the adventures!
(@tildatoo on twitter)
My parents and younger brother live in Bend - it is a beautiful place and I am jealous. They have a dog that is a little dim as well - but loves the outdoors. We are from Minnesota so even after 4 years - the dog is learning the concept of current. He has almost been swept away in the Deschutes or in Shevlin Park several times. They should meet. this the first time you've mentioned Boyfriend by his name instead of just "Boyfriend"?
I feel so enlightened!
I can't believe how hysterical this was. Thank you.
That was so funny it's almost unreal.
This quite possibly is the funniest thing I've ever read. It made me laugh so hard and loud that I woke up the cat... I hope you're happy. She's really old and is pretty confused most of the time she's awake, and then she yells, "Raow!!! Raow!!! Raow!!! at the top of her lungs until we feed her and then she either yaks up everything she just ate and wants more food or she falls back to sleep. She doesn't always say "Raow!!!" though, sometimes she says, "Woof!!" Really... she may be confused, but she's bilingual.
I couldn't help but laugh. I can just imagine the dogs laying around doing that stuff. And my german shepherd pup does that whining thing too if she's worried about something. Thanks for the laugh!
Week after week, this is the funniest blog on the internet.
This was hilarious but I'm worried! How is the helper dog? Has she recovered? Hope she feels less depressed soon!
you are a creative genious. This is the coolest thing I have read/seen in FOREVER. I love you and your doggies.
This has been the funniest thing I read (and saw) in a long time! Loved the drawings, too! I am having tears streaking down my face right now. THANK YOU!
I am moving my cat 925 miles next month. We are traveling alone. We are not stopping overnight. We have never travelled together. We only live together because she forced her way into my heart; not to mention my house. I am scared. I think she will be a strange morphing combo of your dogs. I'm going to get her booties and a squeak toy just in case. I pray to the overlords of feline well being that she does not puke. She will have a very long ride home sitting in the sunroof if she does.
Obviously this entire post was hilarious, but the description of how helper dog flopped around the floor to get around followed by the illustration made me laugh so hard my eyes watered and my stomach muscles got sore.
Also, I only recently discovered you so I went back read your entire blog. I didn't want to miss any funniness.
You win!
That is entirely made of win :-D
Hilarious! I sincerely hope you never have to move ever again!
Hilarious and brilliant drawings. I haven't laughed so much for a long time.
Beautifully told!
If my dog Doc KNEW that he was going to be skinned alive and fed to the cat next door, but was going to ride in the car in order to have this happen, his response would be, "Cooooool!"
I laughed so hard that I actually drooled.
Brilliantly written! I have a simple dog too, I will be sure to pop a squeaky toy in my handbag for when we move in the hope we can miss out all those other stages.
I was laughing so hard I cried! I cannot imagine what my dog would be like if I ever tried to move him across the country, but I know I wouldn't be able to capture it in words quite so hilariously!
We had a dog that was both simple (the yellow lab part) AND anxious (the white german shepherd part), so I related to both. He would chew anything: baseboards, wallets, junk mail (that was ok). Love your blog, your drawings, even the comments make me laugh. Bad chest cold, rainy day, a friend posted your blog on facebook. YAY! laughlaugh COUGHCOUGH laugh laugh COUGHCOUGH. I'm a fan now. Thanks.
i couldnt stop laughing throughout this entire story.... i laughed so fucking hard- i cried. lol. the way in which you describe your pets just makes me grab my sides and crack up in hilarity. oh man. you should send this to Ceasar the dog whisperer, i wonder what he would think of it. LOLOL!!! you should be a comedian.
Huh. I tried to post at least twice now, and they seem to be disappearing. Hope this one stays put! I've spent last three days reading every post on blog because someone sent me this one. I laughed till I had tears pouring down my face and I truly thought I would pee my pants. I love all your posts, but this is by far the funniest...and I think the funniest thing I have EVER read. You are a genius!!!!!!!
It's belated, but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. This is a special place and I am thankful for it.
Special for it's astounding levels of hilarity.
Woah! Helper dog is emo.
Be careful - one day you might walk in to find him listening to My Chemical Romance, brushing his fringe forward and painting his nails black (That's why he was so pissed about the booties).
Watch out. Pre-schoolers also do that reaction feedback-loop thing.
"You need to stop, NOW."
"It's the make mommy louder game! LOUDER MOMMY LOUDER!!!"
"You're going to your room!"
"Let's try compassionate parenting... okay honey, I'm listening..."
I empathize.
AH!! this is hilarious! i love your drawings and the story is amazing! I just started my blog.... :) its not funny, its more poetic. Just checkin yours out :)
My blind dog's best friend's mother posted your blog on my facebook page. I think it is the funniest thing I have ever read in my life. I'm still crying (laughter and anger cause this reaction in me. In this case it was laughter).
I look at all the comments you get and I'm so jealous. I think the most Ray's blog has ever generated is about 4. But my mom likes it.
I love you for moving to Oregon - I'm originally from Eugene, and while I don't get to go back often I still think it's the best state ever. :) Welcome!
I moved from Wyoming to Virginia (in January in a Jeep Cherokee with a busted heat pump) with two small dogs that perpetually considered the following:
Car ride+more than two minutes on any road=make whining noises to irritate the person in the passenger seat to the point of "loud noises" so the pair of you can match skills.
That was a loooooong move. I feel your pain. At the moment I have my own "simple dog" who doesn't understand that eating poop is BAD. He's still a puppy but, dear God, that is disgusting.
I just was passed this post by a friend, and it is the funniest thing I have ever seen!
My husband and I just moved from DC to Texas, and drove that over 3 days with our two dogs. I am so incredibly glad that they handled it better than this. Our older dog cried when the boxes were moved from our house to the truck, convinced we were leaving her behind, but otherwise there was no trouble at all.
I hope you're all getting settled in.
We once put booties on our dog's protect her from snow, since she HATES snow! Well, you would think we had just removed her feet, the way she reacted. She WOULD to put weight in any of her paws willingly, the result of which was that she balanced gingerly on opposing pairs. As she attempted to move forward, she hopped from alternately opposed pair to alternately opposed pair. The look shooting from her eyes said we were heartless monsters and she would surely die before we returned her paws to her! I almost fell down into the snow I was laughing so hard. I guess she was right on some level about me being heartless and cruel...sigh....
BTW, I love your drawings!
I laughed so hard at this my children came into the room to find out why I was making such strange noises.
Have to know:
What happened to helper dog?!
My college-aged daughter shared this blog entry with me because she knew I would love it. I am now going to lug my laptop over to MY mom's to share it with her, as she has no Internet access. You have SUCH an incredible talent. I hope you will pursue getting published--I, for one, would buy anything you wrote! I just wanted to say, thank you for the great laughs and keep writing!
please post more... your posts are so frickin funny they crack me up every time I read them...
Last night I had a dream. I was underwater, following a nautilus out of a cave when I came face to face with a horrifying creature. That's right, it was a Wolf Shark.
I had been reading your past posts the day before and apparently the one about Land Sharks and other beastly hybrids remained in my subconscious.
I blame you.
But I still love your blog.
Just keep it out of my dreams, ok?
I would rather not get eaten by a Wolf Shark, as there are better ways to go.
P.S. I tried to google Wolf Shark pictures to give you a link that would justify my distress, but none were terrifying enough. Except the one of Taylor Lautner as Shark Boy.
What about helper-dog?!?! how'd you make her happy??
Allie, my daughter sent me this link and I just spent the better part of 3 days reading nearly all of your older posts.
hilarious! and you're beautiful, too!
this is the funniest thing i have read on the internet in a long time! absolutely made my day
Holy crap, Allie! I am stressed after just READING that post, let alone LIVING it.
Oh btw, that picture of the dogs making the blurry, floor scratching motion of death? I don't know how you drew that...but it's positively amazing. Props to you--I know it must've taken a while!
Hilarious!! Poor doggies, but thanks for sharing with us!
I do have a small question, though. Wouldn't your dogs have seen snow before in Montana?
This may be the funniest thing I've ever read. I laughed so hard I think I accidentally exercised my abs. I did manage to not pee my pants laughing, but only just barely. Thank you soooo much!
I laughed until I cried. Haven't done that in forever. Almost woke up my husband.
I love the thought bubbles of Simple Dog.
Well done... I laughed so hard my own neurotic victimised dog came to cheer me up carrying a tennis ball.
It'll be okay, Helpful Dog! Really, it will!
OMG. I have heard of your blog but never read it before. Absolutely hilarious! Hope Helper dog adjusts soon too!
After reading this, I am vividly reminded of my own two dogs.
Bahahahah! Hilarious! I'm about to re-read this with my 10 year old for like the bazillionth time! Whoo hoo!
This had my whole family in tears. I think our dog is helper dog's long lost brother. I'm glad to hear he's not alone in his neurosis. Thanks!
When my dog and I moved to Oregon from Wisconsin last year she refused to go to the bathroom or eat for nearly 36 hours. I couldn't even get her out of the car unless it was at a hotel because she was apparently convinced she was going to be left at some random gas station in Idaho somewhere. Funny little creatures, those dogs.
Allie, I discovered your blog at work the other day. Since then I have been reading every post written. Now that this task is complete I feel it possible to tell you that you have become my favorite thing since oxygen.
For clarity: Oxygen is the only substance to which I have been completely faithful my whole life (I refuse to acknowledge the moments in which I involuntarily inhaled things that were not air.
I'm your new stalker. I know what town you live in. I will move to Bend,Oregon and find you. I will find you and bake you some cookies.
I hope the helper dog has adapted to the move too. Maybe when you get some rugs eh? Welcome to the wet coast and thanks for a really enjoyable, if a tad OCD on my part, marathon of blog reading. I just couldn't stop reading your blog because it is simply that good. Looking forward to moar win in the future!
Your posts always get me halfway through. The whirring-dogs-running-across-the-wooden-floor pic got me this time, with the booty shot finishing it off.
I can only imagine the hell that moving with them must have been!
P.S. you CLEARLY let out all your angst drawing that flippers-in-lava pic
Please find me. I kind of love you in a severe way. It might not be the most creative, or unique way of saying it, but I would like to buy you some pie. And then follow you all day, wondering if I will ever be as nifty and infinitely superior as you, whist consuming a packet of twizzlers. I hope you like twizzlers. If you don't, I am willing to compromise.
I misspelled "whilst" in my last comment. That is going to bother me for at least the next 39 minutes.
Your raptor face is sexy. Just thought you should know.
I've been reading your blog from both directions the last week or so--gotta read the beginning, but then I have to come back and see what's new. You're keeping me from doing my homework, darn it! (And I don't feel the least bit guilty. Well, maybe a little bit.)
Your dogs crack me up! And also your drawings. :-) Enjoy Oregon! Montana is currently being snowed upon. Bleah.
Was your dog shoe experience anything like this: ?
I don't particularly feel like frumblnnecting my Googletrype account with Blogger to make this post and such jumble, but hi! My name's Gena, and I think this stuff is awesome! AWESOME!!
Love it! You did a fantastic job with the dog drawings. I can't believe you can do that on paint. Their eyes are perfect and so is their body language. You really captured their personalities.
This is soooo delighfully adorable, and I love your illustration. You should illustrate children's books (if you don't already). I loved every minute of that!
Someone posted this on their FB page the other day and I loved it! Between your move, the dogs and your childhood interactions with cats..I feel like I'm reading my own life LOL! BTW we have a neurotic floor licker too. We tell her she's pretty. Not very bright but pretty. Keep up the posts!
Allright, Allie. It's 04.27 AM and I am sitting here reading your posts. Why are you doing this to me? I have to get up at 6 o' clock and film for my documentary. WHY?! GOD I need sleep. And you are taking it away from me.
Finally. I'd like to say that me and my friends sit in class and read your posts and laugh while the teacher is talking and we get yelled at and I'll probably fail school because of you you know.
What about the helper dog, she's just lying there still!
I hope you realise you are making my family think I am crazy because all I appear to do is sit in my room and randomly burst out laughing hysterically for no reason. I blame you for this. Stop being so funny. Please! For the sake of the many years of effort I have put into seeming to appear normal if nothing else.
HILARIOUS!!! These make my day. I have a "simple dog" and this just made her even more adorable.
Allie, you now live in the same state as Adam Ellis, the guy who writes the blog BooksofAdam (, a blog very similar to yours. You two should have lunch together sometime and guest-author each other's blogs. I see a beautiful (and rather entertaining) friendship resulting from this. :)
Thank you for the giggles and joy you brought to me and my friends. Hysterical! The drawings add so much too! I hope your dogs have recovered ;)
I just love this blog so much. The only other thing that made me laugh so uncontrollably today was a panic attack so needless to say it was much appreciated to be able to come here and laugh everything away, and pity and love my equally emotionally unstable dog with some company.
How you can keep up with over two thousand comments baffles me, but here goes. We're known locally as the "dog people". This sounds odd, as we only actually have 2. Granted, they are 2 high-energy, neurotic herding dogs, but still, 2 isn't a lot. And we raise Guide Dogs. That may be the clincher. When you have 8-10 migrant Guide Dog puppies moving through your home on an annual basis, I guess that can be a little much for people to comprehend. Anyways, I have a lot of experience with weird and wacky dog behaviors. And OMG, your post had me literally rolling on the floor and crying because I was laughing so hard! I have literally experienced every aspect of your post, and it was so completely, uproariously funny that I immediately felt compelled to go back and read your entire blog, which I have now done. Thank you for your existence, you brighten my day! And write more about dogs! :)
I love this! I laughed so hard, I was crying. Thanks for making my day :)
I nearly peed myself so many times reading this.
thank you!! what a great way to start the day...altho now my dog is eyeing me with that look, because obviously I've gone over the edge laughing like a mad woman so early in the day!
What a great story, i love the illustrations of the simple dog's thoughts.
wow...a friend sent me the link to this, but now i am totally following your blog. it was so funny i almost felt like an ecstatic dog rolling on the mud! yey!
I read this post a couple days ago after seeing it on HuffPost(good job on that, by the way) and since then I've ALMOST, very nearly now, read every single one of your posts. They make me very happy because before, I was seriously doubting my presence on Blogger since every time I press the "next blog" button, I end up inside of a devoted religious person's mind and it's the last place I want to be. Does that happen to everyone? Is that a necessary evil of blogging, the realization that funny/mildly demented secular blogs are far outnumbered by those perpetuated by "God's Army?" (as one lady put it.)
I mean, it's not like I'm a heathen but I too use the word "fuck."
Has the helper dog finally decided that she's not going to die after all?
you should write and illustrate children's books
As an owner of a half-retarded French Bulldog that knows "sit" and "kisses" but ignores her name and the word "come," who also attacks the couch, and goes into psycho modes where she tears around the couch as if she's being chased by death itself, while growling like a velociraptor, this post definitely made my day. Sorry for the long run on sentence. Thank you Allie, for making me laugh :)
You know what T-shirt *I* want? The first panel. Man, that picture is so amazing, it's nearly unbelievable you drew it in Paint!
"Her eyes were filled with pain and helplessness, as if she thought we had summoned the snow for the sole purpose of making her sad."
This is so sad, but I laughed hysterically for about five minutes straight at this one sentence and the picture that followed.
OMG this was effin HILARIOUS!!! LOVED it! :)
I am laughing so hard right now. I am SO happy I peed recently! The dog flopping around on the floor with the booties was too much, I could totally visualize it in my mind!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news: you may have two simple dogs.
So happy to see a new entry! I really hope you write a book with a collection of your stories/comics. I'd buy one in a heartbeat!
Oh my goodness this cracked me up...I recently helped relocate my sister and her cat, via a rental car, from central Mexico to Los Angeles, CA. It was quite an ordeal. The cat was lost on the ferry between mainland and Baja, but we found him (thank you thank you!!) extremely mentally unbalanced and pretty much feral after six hours on the deck of a ferry. He tried to maim my sister.
Anyway, I've also got a suggestion for you. The same cat likes to destroy the furniture, so we got him something called Soft Paws. They are these little caps you glue (like nail tips) to their natural nail. Apparently the make them for dogs for floor protection! They are amazing. Their website is
But I know you can also get something similar at Petco. We put them on the cat and he got used to them after a few days. Now when we replace them he barely notices.
OMG--even though I have total sympathy for the poor dogs going through their change-of-venue crises, this was the funniest damn thing I have ever read. Thank you. And I want like, ALL of your t-shirts at Zazzle. You're awesome.
oh my god, that was so funny, I cried and gave myself a headache.
Is helper dog feeling better now?
Although my own recent experience with moving involved a cat and a lot more pee all over everything, I still have to say, "yep, I totally relate."
But then I could never have done pictures to do it justice like you did. Bravo.
This is fantastic. I cried with love. x
You have completely inspired me. I blogged about you today and have been sending friends to your blog ever since my husband found it from the Huffington Post section called "blogs you should be wasting your time on right now". We spent most of Thanksgiving weekend reading your blog and crying with laughter. So..... umm.. I'm kinda copying you. I hope you don't mind. I'm not trying to conquer your kingdom or anything. I just thought I should be upfront about it. If you want to see what I wrote, you can check it out here:
PS-It would be the highlight of my day if you actually looked at my blog and commented on it.
PPSS-It would probably be the highlight of my husband's month. Really. It would be amazing.
Genius! Get them all published I want your book.
This was fabulous!! I had a hard time reading it, 'cuz I was laughing so hard, the tears were clouding the issue!!!!
Dear God, I am never going to be able to express how utterly hilarious this is.
From vomiting in the car to the bulleted chart on how simple dog derives peace, this was charming and subtle humor at its best. Moving with the company of two dogs never was so funny, and I've never even thought about driving my mother and father even next door. Hell, I don't even have a mother or father in law...or a car.
This is hilarious!!!!!!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a while!
This is hilarious!!!!!!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a while!
you are a genius! enjoy our new life in bend!
I am crying, both from the hilarity of it all, and from reexperiencing the stress of my own recent cross-country move with dog and toddler in tow. I still can't go anywhere, including the bathroom, without my sad dog glued to my leg.
I can't laugh anymore. I can't. It hurts. These are amazing. Thank you for making me laugh till I sneezed.
I love simple dog's face. So good.
This is my new favorite post :D
It was hilarious, keep it up girl!
I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time.
My dog does exactly the same thing as your simple dog the first time she sees snow each winter. She thinks it is the GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD, races around in it, can't get enough of it. Until she realizes that it is COLD and WET, at which point she decides, "Okay, Mom, we'll stay out here long enough to get my business done and then we are going inside where it's nice and warm and dry."
I laughed so hard at this! Thanks for making my night!! :)
This was ridiculously funny. Just what I needed after a bad day. Thank you.
Oh my god, I laughed until I cried. And I'm pretty sure my dog is the offspring of your two dogs....
This was hilarious.
"sound buddies"? AMAZING!!!!
i loved this :-)
I laughed so hard i stopped breathing a couple of times. Well done. I think every dog lover knows dogs just like this :)
Aw your dogs seem like a handful. They're super cute tho
check out my blog, and comment
por favor.
I don't laugh at things, ever.
I laughed at this raucously.
This is site is almost creepy to me, since it is specifically tailored to the funniest things of all time, ever to me. I'm not easily impressed, the amazingness of this site blows me away.
Keep up this site or my face gets it.
A gunshot wound, that is.
Wonderful blog. I already thanked the friend who pointed me in the right direction.
I have two dogs as well, and we have two houses in two countries. In average we move once every 5 weeks.
Packing is a problem because every time I put something where it doesn't belong big-dog spots it and start having fit of "You'r packing right? You ARE packing. Yepyepeyephurraah!" (jumps around for days on end) While little-dog (still +25 kg) is just so calm about it. RIght up to the point where she think I'm going to LEAVE her. Then she becomes my Siamese twin right up to the moment we are actually in the car, ready to move across Europe once again.
Thanks for a great blog. Hours of fun reading here. :-)
My dog is too old for erratic behavior now, but he used to be an enraging combination of both your dogs. I feel your pain
Welcome to Oregon! When I moved up from California 5 years ago my cat peed all over my lap during the first hour of our 8 hour drive, nothin' like walking into a truck stop smelling like cat tinkle!
I was in the middle of having a 'sneaky hate spiral' considering it's 3:01 am and I still can't sleep, & decided to go read said 'spiral' blog, then realized there was a new post.
LMAO! Oh, the DOGS. Poor guys, but so insanely hysterical. The little thought bubbles made me laugh so hard I snorted. You genuis, you. ♥
Thank you so much for this!
Haha. My dog's coping method is just roll upside down and hope nothing bad happens.
Long time viewer, first time commenter.
Love your blog. Hope you post more soon!!!!
Reading this LITERALLY made me cry because I was laughing so hard.
My roommate now thinks I'm a freak.
I thank you Allie Brosh.
I think I hurt myself laughing.
Have you ever read "The Story of the Baby"?
It's a fun story,
mind you I only looked at the pictures..
I think I may have hit on the joy link when I followed it through to you. Joy joy joy joy joy. And I've only read two of your marvellous stories so far, so I've got loads more to read still. JOY! The cake story I've just finished. Love it. Your mum and her all-knowing demeanor and your truly resourceful four-year old self. Your stories are even better than the marvellous Lauren Child, children's writer and illustrator. I'm going to send a link to your blog to my editor at Walker books, (you'll know it as Candlewick Press in the States). Your stories are truly delicious and hilarious. It's love. Vanessa x
WOW! These pictures are so beautiful!
that's the best thing ever, I laughed so hard ahahah
my doggy personality is kinda in the middle
(here's more as the simple dog):
Great post. long-time reader and appreciate what you do for the good of humankind.
OOOOhhh, it was so funny...anyway, i am so curious as to what eventually happened to your "helper dog"? You didn't mention it anymore in the last part.. I hope that by now, both of them have adjusted fairly well after driving both of you up the wall with their "lovable personalities" and unique antics... :)
I loved your drawings! They're terrific, briliant! You could write a book about your experiences and illustrate it with drawings like these!! I hope that you continue to update us with your "adventures"!!!!
I'm @ work & I was kind of afraid that someone was going to ask me to keep it down cause I couldn't resist to LOL
This was too funny!!!
Soo cute, made me think of your mom's stories and perhaps she drew it! Not to mention Murray.
Love this! My new and fav blog! So appropriate with our own move and Lucas (our dog). He is convinced he is going to be left behind as we keep packing and moving boxes and now with the holiday's everyone is out of town except for me and EJ! Everytime I grab my purse to go somewhere I am treated with the look of the world ending and him attaching himself to my leg as I try to get out the door! I am not looking forward to the "big" move when he goes to the new house...even though it is no move then 1/2 hour away he will get crazy car sick and Throw Up and or Poop at least once on the trip! Thank god he is not a howler! Instead we get the BIG SOULFUL EYES technique!
Allie, I've been making my way through your archive, and I'm going to tell you what you already know because a bajillion people have been shouting it at you over the internet
You are a comic genius.
If the crazy barren northwest country has more people then you, than it is apparently the secret Mecca of comedy, and you its queen/facist dictator.
You rule comedy with an iron fist.
I laughed until I cried on a couple of occasions. I had to pause for breath. The pictures you drew perfectly captured the spirit of the dogs in my opinion, having had some myself.
Thank you for this.
I'm choking on my tongue from trying not to laugh to loud at work. The sad thing is that your dog's personalities remind me of my kids - I won't go into which is which kid.
Ummm funniest. thing. ever! I think I have the half breed of both your dogs. Died laughing throughout, causing my son to question who I was laughing at uncontrollably at 7:30am while staring at the computer.
Oh my goodness! I just found your blog the other day and I nearly died laughing about when you went to the dentist before your friend's birthday party. This one is brilliant - the "dog thoughts" are so accurate. I woke my husband up last night because I snorted while laughing. Keep it up!
I laughed so hard that I started crying, punctuated by shrieks of hysteria. I have completely had dogs like this and you describe them with the best analysis I have ever seen. You are a genius.
OMG, you have my dogs!! I am laughing so hard tears are streaming down my face! I have two dogs - a neurotic seriously high drama "helper" German Shepherd, and a simple-minded generally happy go lucky lab-border collie mix. I blog about them, but nothing like this. What a riot, oh my goodness... my stomach hurts from laughing...
this is quite possibly the best thing posted on the internet of all time
Oh my gosh, I am so glad I found your blog. You practically bring me to tears with laughter. Hilarious!
best. ever. except cake god. but i own simple dog and every time i read this it makes me cry because im laughing so hard. we even did the IQ test on him and he is... sadly. not up to regular dog. i guess we aren't regular human owners either though :]
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