This is Why I'll Never be an Adult

I have repeatedly discovered that it is important for me not to surpass my capacity for responsibility.  Over the years, this capacity has grown, but the results of exceeding it have not changed.

Normally, my capacity is exceeded gradually, through the accumulation of simple, daily tasks.

But a few times a year, I spontaneously decide that I'm ready to be a real adult.  I don't know why I decide this; it always ends terribly for me.  But I do it anyway.  I sit myself down and tell myself how I'm going to start cleaning the house every day and paying my bills on time and replying to emails before my inbox reaches quadruple digits.  Schedules are drafted.  Day-planners are purchased.  I stock up on fancy food because I'm also planning on morphing into a master chef and actually cooking instead of just eating nachos for dinner every night.   I prepare for  my new life as an adult like some people prepare for the apocalypse.

The first day or two of my plans usually goes okay.

For a little while, I actually feel grown-up and responsible.  I strut around with my head held high, looking the other responsible people in the eye with that knowing glance that says "I understand.  I'm responsible now too.  Just look at my groceries."

At some point, I start feeling self-congratulatory.

This is a mistake.  

I begin to feel like I've accomplished my goals.  It's like I think that adulthood is something that can be earned like a trophy in one monumental burst of effort and then admired and coveted for the rest of one's life.  

What usually ends up happening is that I completely wear myself out. Thinking that I've earned it, I give myself permission to slack off for a while and recover. Since I've exceeded my capacity for responsibility in such a dramatic fashion, I end up needing to take more recovery time than usual. This is when the guilt-spiral starts.  

The longer I procrastinate on returning phone calls and emails, the more guilty I feel about it.  The guilt I feel causes me to avoid the issue further, which only leads to more guilt and more procrastination.  It gets to the point where I don't email someone for fear of reminding them that they emailed me and thus giving them a reason to be disappointed in me.  

Then the guilt from my ignored responsibilities grows so large that merely carrying it around with me feels like a huge responsibility.  It takes up a sizable portion of my capacity, leaving me almost completely useless for anything other than consuming nachos and surfing the internet like an attention-deficient squirrel on PCP. 

At some point in this endlessly spiraling disaster, I am forced to throw all of my energy into trying to be an adult again, just to dig myself out of the pit I've fallen into. The problem is that I enter this round of attempted adulthood already burnt out from the last round. I can't not fail.  

It always ends the same way.  Slumped and haggard, I contemplate the seemingly endless tasks ahead of me. 

And then I rebel.  


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Krisa! said...

I get like this with being healthy or exercising on a regular basis. I get really into it for about a week, and then one day I say, "this donut won't hurt me.." or "I can put off those sit ups till tomorrow.." And then it's over and I feel depressed and eat more donuts.

It's just a vicious cycle that involves a lot of donuts.


SavageParrot said...

Hello comfort zone. Responsibility is over-rated anyway, or at least I assume so it can't keep up with me running away from it so it's certainly not very fast at any rate...

Dornier Pfeil said...

This is too real, too on the mark to be funny. Sometimes even a life on the streets seems preferable to this roller coaster. Being ocd only makes it worse as there is NO standard that can ever leave you satisfied with what you are accomplishing when you are on the upswing. You are left with the overwhelming desire to not even try anymore.

die Frau said...

I just got myself tested for adult ADD (NOT KIDDING) and now I realize it's not just me! THANK YOU.

Anonymous said...

Most apt and poignant cartoons ever :D

Tiamat said...

Please, please, please make a CLEAN ALL THE THINGS! T-shirt. The happy proud one, maybe the unhappy on the back. Maybe. But either way. Please? I'd so wear that shirt out I'd wear it so often.


*survile begging and pleading inserted here.*

K, thnx!


Anonymous said...

This explains why people look at me with so much disgust when I announce that I make all my own cleaning products and always use my own reusable bags when shopping. What I don't say is that I have no social life, no dating life, and no children. I get all the sleep and lazing about time anyone could possibly stand and must fill my time doing something, so don't be too disgusted with me.

Anonymous said...

This WAS me, 'til I signed up at and FlyLady helps you FLY (Finally Love Yourself) and Pam - the SHE sister - helps you nurture your inner child resposibly. "Perfect" is a bad word for both of them, and everything in their programs is free - their websites are maintained by the merchandise they offer, but no purchase is necessary.

Delilah said...

I'm reading your post this very second because I'm in the rebellion stage of aimlessly meandering on the internet only because I know I have so much to do and have already done so much that I find some thrill in doing nothing. Way to hit the nail right on the head. What is wrong with all of us?

OTEREZ said...

I shared this on FB and everybody relates ;) you nailed it <3 the drawings btw

Alli Rense said...

Are we twins? My name is Alli (no e, thank you very much) I'm blonde, and this describes me so perfectly. I do have periods where I try to "be a real adult" (my exact mental thoughts) that always result in burning out and crashing and going online past 3:00am. I'm sending it to my parents and my ex as an attempt to explain my failures as an adult! I think I should even send it to potential dates, as a warning, "by the way, you're thinking about dating THIS GIRL. Just without the e."

Thank you!

Oona =^..^= said...

Allie, great and wonderful blog. I just voted for you. You humour category needs a screenshot thingie.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I was like this in my 20s, but now that I'm in my 30s things are a lot better.

Heather said...

sweet hey soos, i seriously started reading this as a means of putting off going to the grocery store to get some cheese and milk so that i could have nachos tonight and coffee tomorrow.

now i am faced with a decision: function at a basic level by purchasing food to sustain myself OR read the rest of your blog and say goodbye to the rest of my afternoon.

BYE! *waves*

Pete(Detroit) said...

and how LUCKY that you are (or NEARLY are) turning your surfing addiction into a virtual paycheck! Just Awesome!
Now, make us some spaganahdle, please!

Darling Nikki said...

Oh, wow. YES.

Today I made the coleslaw which was purchased during a moment of responsibility. But I ate a lot of the coleslaw in front of an episode of Law & Order that I'd already seen. Now I will have to purchase and make more coleslaw to cover up this incident.

Friday After Lunch said...

Oh man. Like everyone else, this is my life. Crap, is this is as good as it gets?

James said...

This is so me. :\

Unknown said...

...I HATE when I have to clean all the things D:

(but I do love grocery shopping...mostly because grocery stores are a giant distraction and I could spend forever in them without really accomplishing anything! Therefore, I =/= Real Grownup)

Unknown said...

...I HATE when I have to clean all the things D:

(but I do love grocery shopping...mostly because grocery stores are a giant distraction and I could spend forever in them without really accomplishing anything! Therefore, I =/= Real Grownup)

Anonymous said...

This is totally me. I guess I'll never fully be an adult... oh well. I'll just surf the internet all day. It's much more satisfying

glee norto said...

i'm inspired to clean alot now.

Twitterlistings said...

Hilarious. I like the art :)

Jane Gari said...

Love your outlook, illustrations and general hilarity. I also love discussions of dinosaurs, vitamin-induced body rashes and time-sucks. Mine is FB.

Jane Gari said...

Love your outlook, illustrations and general hilarity. I also love discussions of dinosaurs, vitamin-induced body rashes and time-sucks. Mine is FB.

Natalie said...

OMG, I'm so glad it's not just me! Once I hit my 30's I finally accepted that I will never be a real grownup, regardless of any potential appearances to the contrary. I'm the same irresponsible teenager, just in a rapidly aging body.

Curiosity said...

1) That made me laugh out loud multiple times. Thank you.


2) Like everyone else here, it seems, I do EXACTLY the same thing. I would suggest starting a support group, except I'd be too burnt out to go after the first couple of weeks and would feel guilty about it.

SandyCarlson said...

I can relate to this, to be sure!

Flicktripper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ness said...

I stumbled onto your blog via a link to this entry, and now I'm obsessivly reading through your entire back catalogue (but not in a creepy way!). The "clean all the things?" is my self-portrait. Also, you have totally cured me of any guilt associated with putting off my bedtime because suddenly I need to eat dry cranberries and futz with my computer. In conclusion: you win the internet.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Larry, that's beautiful. Did you learn that in "collage"?

Grow a sense of humor, get out of the basement, and take off the tin foil hat. You look ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. I didn't know I was separated from my twin at birth.

THANK YOU for this!!! Made me laugh and was heartening to know I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. I didn't know I was separated from my twin at birth.

THANK YOU for this!!! Made me laugh and was heartening to know I'm not the only one.

matt said...

I do the same thing, and it's not for lack of understanding the benefits of completing simple tasks. For instance, I got a paycheck halfway through May that I carried around with me until yesterday. Every single day. Or like the time I waited until the night I moved out of my apartment to pack most of my things and ended up throwing a large number of my possessions away because I couldn't fit them in the six boxes and three suitcases I had, and because anything more than that wouldn't fit in the car I was driving.

Then I do things like forget how full the car was and, because it was hot and the car doesn't have air conditioning, I open the windows and a box of books and CDs fall out and spill all over the street.

It's a miracle I haven't lost something very important, like my wallet or my face.

kimmieoftroy said...

I can totally relate. And I'm also proud to state that I'm 32 ... and have not swept or mopped my floors in 3 months. That's right. MONTHS! TAKE THAT, ADULTHOOD!!

Anonymous said...

That is a well-written blog and the person who wrote it is obviously creative and has a good sense of humour. Which is cool.

OK I'm posting another reply to this, because I think it is important. For those who thinks
this blog is just for some humour, please skip through my post because as I said in my
previous comment, I have some of those tendencies myself and, as humorous as it sounds, in
real life it can be a bit of a problem. So my post will focus on some advice I can give. Like I
said, for those not interested, just skip my post. I am not trying to be preachy, I am not perfect
myself, just trying to be helpful.
For those who choose to continue:
a) I realized that I, like some people, and like the person who wrote that blog, have a more limited
capacity for multi-tasking than many other people. Meaning: I can do some multi-tasking for some
time, but in long-term period of time this can lead to me feeling burned out and overstressed.
b) Then the only practical solution I see is prioritizing: making a plan of which tasks are most
important to accomplish in particular day/week/month etc and focus on doing them first, then do
those less urgent tasks, then if any time and energy left, do other tasks.
c) I found it helpful to write reminders on my calendar which I have on my door and to put
notes/reminders on my desk in my room to remind myself which things are absolutely essential to
accomplish on a particular day and I do my best to stick with them.
d) If I feel myself getting quite tired and frustrated, I take a break. For 30-60 min even. I go to my
favourite nature spot with my walkman and relax for a while. Then I go back to complete tasks I
must do. I give myself a promised reward if I accomplish all the tasks by the end of the day or a
week e.g. buying myself some fav food or going to watch a movie.
e) Yeah I know that involves trying to be organized, which is a pain, but after many years of denial
and stubborn resistance I finally realized that it is more pain to NOT be organized: it is more time
consuming and tiring. Just talking from honest experience there.
f) For the last few years I've been trying to teach myself to follow the above-mentioned strategies. It
is not easy sometimes, but at least my room is in relative order (though my parents still think it's a
mess) I get at least the most important tasks done, I don't get exhausted and I don't go into the guilt
spiral, like I used to. Yeah I'm still being told that I should do/accomplish more things with my time,
but at least I can honestly say I'm doing what I can. The thought of living by myself still scares me
(I am living with some relatives at the moment) because that would mean getting used to doing
many more things per day than I'm used to, but one day I'll have to do it too.
Good Luck [smile]

The Tall Girl Cooks said...

ME TOO ME TOO ME TOO!!!! So happy to find I'm not the only one! I almost shot boogers out my nose reading this.

Unknown said...

maybe you need a little bit of this:

Not this time said...

I am new here.
Welcome, me.
I am new here - as we've established - so forgive me if I'm totally off base here, but I need answers and I get the impression that you're the one that would have them if anyone would.
Why does my brain string together random words against my will?
For instance, I was just playing bejeweled because I am also an insomniac and would rather distract myself from all that lay ahead of me tomorrow by extending today, therefore making tomorrow harder to sneak up on me, when my brain just said, "Good old-fashioned Jumangi."
I don't even know what that means... I mean - I didn't think it, my brain just said it.
I've also said inside my brain, "I don't even like Hell on Water."
I have no idea if I've capitalized that correctly because I don't even know what it means, much less which nouns are proper.
Does your brain do this too?
Should I see a doctor?
Or will doing something with lime juice help?

cat said...

this whole post feels like a specially-tailored support group.

or rather, the post itself was like (in addition to the YES OMG EXACTLY sentiment pretty well-established) that kind of vaguely guilty sort of relief in like at least i'm not the only one -- but especially reading the comments, it's like wow, there's a goddamn army of us who might be able to take over the world if it were a little more sparkly, but also have been staring at the same dresser drawer willing it to close by itself for a week, and have possibly made it the sole goal of an entire day to close that drawer, and probably even rummaged through it six or seven times looking for a pair of socks, and reminding yourself to close the drawer, but then you don't find them and refuse to close it out of spite. and then you have a standoff.

seriously amazing -- i linked this on my facebook (which i assume is kosher?) and got more "likes" than like anything else i've posted, which i'm pretty sure i should be insulted by, but i'm ok with it.

Anonymous said...

this is EXACTLY what happens to me.. verbatim... one step towards adult levels of responsibility; one day at a time.. that's my motto... But here's the real secret.. it's all a lie... those so-called adults don't have it as together as they seem.. they too let laundry pile up and delay going to the bank etc. most adults haven't achieved adult levels of responsibility...

jhana said...

I love this. Thank you.

Ceels said...

Right, first of all I was freaked out because you described my life. And then I was double freaked out because it looks like you described the life of 600 other people.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Wow, i always guessed i wasn't the only one like that... but after rea-skimming through the comments, i think we're actually the majority. xD

Anonymous said...

Wow... blatant rip-off of writing and drawing style of the oatmeal....

Bodaciousboomer said...

It's not too late for you! Stop now and if you're lucky you might be able to resist the fun sucking vortex that consumes you when you become an adult.

Go run with scissors (carefully), ruin your appetite and do any other child like thing you can think of as quickly as possible.

"Just say NO" to growing up!

Joy said...

thanks, you just reminded me to pay my credit card bill, and yes being an adult sucks.

Anonymous said...

SO true !!

Funny I should read this today when incidentally yesterday I had my friend tell me to "Grow up" .. hahah

Kb_Mal said...

Dear Ally. You are awesome.

When does your book come out?



CkretsGalore said...

My "Manfriend," and I just love the first pic after you rebel (No...).

I don't remember the last time I actually went into a bank. I heart internet banking. I actually pay my bills before getting a cut off notice.

Lisa said...

This is one of the best posts I've ever read EVER!!!! And I do mean ever. My friend sent this to me after I posted on Facebook that I managed to go a whole day without losing respect for myself and began the next day by ~gasp~ mowing the lawn!!! After I mowed the lawn, I set to work on cleaning my bathroom, which is so filthy that I made need power tools in order to be successful. Anyway, thanks from a random stranger who is constantly wrestling the fact that she's an adult. ;-)

Anonymous said...

As a recovering crystal meth addict I feel compelled to note, the simularities between this internet addiction you people have and drug and alchohol addictions. it is uncanny. amazing what people will do to themselves and the ones they love to continue ultimatley self destroying behavious.

Danielle said...

Your pictures kill me every damn time! And I'll be one of the lone ones to say "no, that's not really my life" but I soooo know someone I need to send this to, lolz. XD

Anonymous said...

Hey fucktard, why don't you post more often?

Quix said...

I can relate on some level. Work me is in_charge_of_things and stays on top of it and looks organized (even though underneath this calm exterior is a swirling pit of chaos which just has a knack for reminding me of the right things at the right time and a penchant for the art of bullshittery). Home me? Go to the bank? Clean all the things? Call places to put in takeout orders? Call anyone in general?



Jess said...

here's a secret: adults don't get all their crap done either. Unless they are wicked boring/uptight. Ask my mom, she's officially an adult with human adult children and under her kitchen cabinets looks like the discount section at Homegoods took a big poop.

PS, I am a pseudo adult and I haven't been to a bank in years. It's all about the ATM and paypal, sucka.

Anonymous said...

I want a mug with the manic clean all the things picture on it. Maybe it will encourage me to clean all my things...probably not, but it will at least make me smile while I go through my own guilt cycle. BTW, it's been months since I managed to go to the bank, so you definitely get an accomplishment award from me.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 25 year old lawyer and I can barely manage to feed myself let alone clean all the things. HILARIOUS!

Meg McCormick said...

Yes indeed, we are singing from the same hymnal. In fact, I would have written this very post myself, if I could find time to blog, which I can't because I'm to busy trying to work and thinking about how I never have time to CLEAN ALL THE THINGS. I so get this.

Devin said...
Here's a secret: NOBODY does that all at once. You CAN'T unless you're a crazy mother with relatives coming over and the desperate need to impress because of your horrible childhood so you force your children to make the house spotless and it's horrible.

Anyways, NOBODY cleans EVERYTHING. That's stupid. Just try to keep the kitchen clean and everything else you can leave alone until something starts to smell, or until you can't walk through a room without bumping into things.

KweenK said...

ok. so i've managed to prolong my foray into responsibility for long enough (~6 months) to begin to observe an annoying pattern...
the more "grown up" i aim to be...
the more mentally unstable i have felt, and the more frequently i have needed to seek appointments with my therapist.

responsibility is for chumps.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel, because I go through those things too. There's a name too: anxiety.


It sucks.

lacrema said...

YOU ARE A RESPONSIBILITY CHAMPION!! Look at you, posting things on the internet, and still waking up in the morning and wearing clothes. If I worked at home I would just be naked all the time and never do any work at all. That's irresponsibility.

Mr. Helpful said...

The first link in your blogroll is to a post, rather than the blog's main page, as it should properly be. You're welcome.

Heitor De Paola said...

I'm glad I read this, now I don't fell as bad as I should for not being an adult. This "It gets to the point where I don't email someone for fear of reminding them that they emailed me and thus giving them a reason to be disappointed in me." specially resonates with me.

But waht the hell. I'm 24. I have time to grow up.

Anonymous said...

The guilt from not emailing or calling makes me go insane. I never imagined how many "me too" comments I'd see on this post, but please allow me to jump on that pile.

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOVVVEEEE THIS. And those are the exact expressions I wear as I do all these things.

Unknown said...

i love your posts so much. i check this site religiously to make sure i read them ALL. this one is amazing and totally touches base with me. i read it at 3am with over due school work and actual work the next day. :)

Ashley said...

"I understand. I'm responsible now too. Just look at my groceries."

YES. I feel this SAME WAY even if the only "groceries" in my cart are snack pack puddings and a six pack of beer.

PS - You are my hero. Keep up the good work, you're doing just fine!

SingedCat said...

My friend just referred me to this post because I just posted something very similar!

Except shorter, and not funny.

No wait, I swear, I absolutely *swear*, that years ago I went around town doing stuff at, if not lightning speed, at least one after the other. These days it seems I have a diminished capacity.

But perhaps you're right: perhaps the secret is to build up to capacity slowly.

Anonymous said...

You sum it up nicely. I am 56 and for younger readers of this post I will share that it doesn't ever ever stop spiraling. By age 40 you will start to read Sartre and Camus, by 50 you will embrace Objectivism or Nihilism and by 55, as your eyes start to go bad from too much web, you will begin to fall asleep on the couch at every opportunity watching the same episodes of The Twilight Zone over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ergh ugh eck eck....

Nairobi Living said...

Jesus H Christ. I am not alone. Thank you Allie. Thank you.

Jessi Adams, WORD DOCTOR said...

You are hilarious! Thanks for keeping us entertained.

Flying Goat Farm said...

I have read this post at least six times now because it is so funny, and every time, I start crying because I am laughing so hard.

Then my dog thinks something is wrong with me and jumps all over my head.

Chris said...

Great job with the artwork, I've become a follower of your blog (O:

The best days of your life are seldom spent shopping and cleaning, so I can understand you are kind of a rebel. (O:

Anonymous said...

best blog post on the whole internets. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Why does the comment form say "I'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you"? I've never commented here before and now I'm scared and creeped out. ACTIVATE: fake email account for posting! There we go, this will work.

Anyway, your blog is awesome, and currently the only one I read regularly (as regularly as the posts appear, that is). All that responsibility stuff you mentioned sounds exactly like me, only it was fun to read which is the exact opposite of how things are when going through that stage.

Phoebe Ophelia said...

That's what I do, only I write a list of everything I need to get done...and then it always seems so short, so I add stuff to it, like cleaning out the STUFF closet finally. Then I've pulled all the STUFF out and it's all over my floor before I realize that it's really late in the day and I haven't done any of the really really important things on my list.

Kelsey said...

I love this more than I can put into words.

somethingironic said...

Okay, so first, this post made me laugh so much that my brother got up and moved to the other room while shooting me nervous glances.

Secondly, I am one of your many extremely creepy stalkers and have just read your entire archives from first to most recent, because you are undoubtedly the most psychotically funny person (most funny psychotic person?) I have ever found.

Thirdly, I made an account for no reason other than to follow you.

Finally, I am suddenly struck by an urge to draw a ninja shark battling a pirate velociraptor on a boat (with a bear somewhere in there) and send it to you. Though I doubt it could live up to the awesomeness of Taz's octopus (she has an octopus obsession).


Stefan M said...

Please never become a responsible adult Allie ! We love you the way you are !

LotusStone said...

That was spectacular! Also, hilarious.

Leah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leah said...

I love this article. It obviously taps into what a lot of emerging adults are feeling (as evidenced by the comments). I think it's fucking amazing that so many people are sharing! I also think it's obvious that I took my ADHD medicine. UR SUPER GREAT AT THIS!!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. As a graphic designer and mother of three (counting hubs) who is currently training for a triathlon, I'm in the same boat. My life is fucking insane.
Cheers to the illustrations. My life is all soft and flowery compared to yours, but there you go.

Vince said...

You basically just talked about my life. I hate you.

But seriously, this largely ties in with the things I've been thinking about for the past few months (article on the topic coming soon!), and it all dawned on me when I realized I couldn't picture my parents at my age (32) playing video games, watching cartoons, and laughing at fart jokes.

Nick said...

Haha, I think this describes me pretty well too...

It's kind of like therapy just reading it...

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned it already, but you should totally market the "Clean all the things!" image and text. Too funny and pretty much everyone everywhere can relate with the feeling. It would be my new favorite coffee mug for sure.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I gave it some thought and what I would REALLY love to see the T-shirt have is the whole 'plan' - Email! Go to the mutherf@!ing bank like an ADULT! Grocery shopping! and Clean ALL the things! in 4-panel format. It would be my motivational shirt for when I'm on that part of the cycle. :D

Sherry said...

Wow, I think I am avoiding being an adult...thanks for the head up. Is avoiding adulthood a good thing to do with kids? probably not? oh well hopefully they will learn to do laundry.

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Jules AF said...

Oh so true.

bgaliardi said...


So Allie, I wanted to help inspire you in some way to at least keep on plugging away at these hysterical blogs!
I could care less whether you grocery shop or eat or not. Sorry. I like being entertained.

Um...Let me throw this out there for thought...
If I was lucky enough to have 11,656 followers on my blog?, (okay, even 10% of that!) I would be soooo elated, thrilled, delighted, honored, ecstatic, euphoric and jubilant...

...lucky, lucky, funny you. Hang in there. We are all out here rooting for you! xoxoxo : )

Lorena N. said...

I promise myself I will be productive at 3AM, and then nap instead :P

Finch said...

You need to add the part where you get a plant or a pet and end up killing it for lack of attention and/or money.

Emily-chan said...

i do this with homework. i decide that all of it can be done at a later time, and go on the internet all day instead. eventually, i get so far behind that i have to spend a whole day getting caught back up, assuring myself that after that, i'll keep up. of course, the next day, i think 'but i've just done so much schoolwork yesterday! i deserve a break!' and go back on the internet all day. i never seem to get to the point of doing things when they're due.

Sponky said...

Get outta my head you WITCH!!

Anonymous said...

So fucking true it's amazing. This has been shared with all my friends, on my message board (one of our members sent you an email, come see our thread in homage to you!).

Anonymous said...

I do this about once a month, and always think it'll be a good idea to reward my newfound adulthood with some small decorative item for the house--cos adults have knick knacks apparently.

So I have this plethora of vintage china dogs and vases and crap but not a clean surface anywhere in the house to put them on. My last acquisition was a 1950s duck with creepy eyelashes. It's currently buried beneath a pile of Wal-mart bags. I think. I haven't actually seen it in weeks.


Bec said...

Hahaha! Hilarious <3 BTW I still haven't forgotten that I sent you an email a few months ago and you haven't replied...:(


Eunomiac said...

You need to write a book. This is awesome. Screw going to the bank -- write a book as the one major responsibility at the "I'M SUCCESSFUL!!!!" phase of your graph, then use your endless royalties to pay people to go to the bank FOR you :P

Anonymous said...

One of these days you're going to hit a thousand comments and it's going to be epic. Then you will definitely be champion of the internet.
BTW- My gall bladder feels better now and upon rereading it this post was as awesome as I had hoped. If you didn't see my other comment then this will make no sense to you but let me say this: fuck gall bladders. I strongly suspect that they are controlled by aliens who use them torture the human race when they please. This is why pregnant women have problems with their gall bladders. They're punishing us for breeding.

Kristin Forbes-Mullane said...

mmm.. nachos.

Kristy said...

Wow, this is exactly me, only summed up and described infinitely better than I've ever been able to do so. Plus hilarious, so yeah...basically best post evar.

Kim Niles said...

Okay it is SCARY how much we think alike! Oh and I just tried to create a link but posted it to the wrong blog - I think I've already surpassed my level of responsibility. And it's not even 10:30 a.m. yet. :(

Anonymous said...


Elan Morgan said...

This weblog is being featured on Five Star Friday!

Anonymous said...

You are my hero.

jamie said...

We do the same except it's two of us at once. And we have kids...I don't know if they hate us more during the insomniac-bum times or the insane workaholic-gym-rat times. Probably both. It's always the children who suffer.

Minna said...

I'm going to chime in with the choir of recognition. I feel like such a failiure when my food rots away in the fridge when I intend to make myself healthy salads and food I actually prepared myself. I'd probably save more money buying things I want to eat on impulse and I hate it when I have to throw away stuff that would have been edible at some point.

I'm starting to suspect it's the staying up until 4 in the morning that makes me too tired and unable to do things properly for any lenght of time.

Thankfully, I'm too paranoid about bills and kind of a neat freak when it comes to clean clothing. I get three rents at once so put them all to be paid on payday and I have fixed scheduled laundry days twice a month. That's how far I've come in acheiving adulthood. Go me :)

Phigment said...

I am 34 years old and have four children and this is exactly my life.

Desmondiva said...

Wow!! Seven hundred something comments! You are hilarious! It's scary how many of us like this are out there! Maybe they are all just putting on a front that they are responsible adults...

Liam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liam said...

This post is the story of my life.

Well... not really. Just the wobbly/screaming grocery shopping part.

MARGEMAC said...

so if this is your job, and you only post a new story twice a month, what are you doing with the rest of your time?? I DEMAND MORE UPDATES!!

Dany said...

Internetbanking!!! Yay. I can be adult and play on the internet!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is pretty much the funniest and truest thing I've ever read on the internet.

The Sharing Queen said...

Internet forever!!!! Ha Ha I would die without the internet. I tried once...and had some serious withdrawls.

Cindy said...

I can relate! I never get enough done


OMG I know just how you feel!

Anonymous said...

LOL. I love this!!!!!! so true!

Anonymous said...

This has been my entire "adult" life. Hmmm... perhaps I should just give up the charade... na that would be too easy, must start the cycle over again tomorrow...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, that settles it. Nothing to do now but wait for The Comet to smash into the earth and let the cockroaches take over as the zombies consume the lackluster brains of humanity. Civilization has fallen, and mankind has been devolved by mass media and techno contraptions. I won't cry as 'Rome' burns...

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Apache0c said...

My favorite part is where the person so proud of being the first commenter is actually a complete failure in life.

bamachine said...

Don't feel too bad, I am nearing 40 and I still live like this. Months of basic laziness interrupted by brief moments of responsibility...damn those moments.

Catalina said...

this is how i am, except with being at all generally sociable. i lie around for weeks and then decide that i've been spending way too much time in my bed watching buffy and need to get out into the real world. so then i call a friend and get invited to sleep over or something, and then i get exhausted from the effort and just give up for another week or so. this repeats until i'm forced to start school again. i could never be an adult.

oh and this is the first time i've commented your blog, but i've read them all haha. i love your work.

Anonymous said...

And this? This right here? This is why I dno't consider myself capable of having or looking after children.

Sterling post. Consider me a reader from now on.

Anonymous said...

So while reading this I thought the little tick mark on her face in the 13th picture (work?) was a mark on my laptop screen. I've been putting off getting a cleaner for it, so i decide to rebel and go out to the store.
I come back and clean it but the mark is still there. Then I realize that the mark is actually on the picture. Now I feel like an accomplished dumbass.

rahul said...

WOW!!! NICE 1 DUDE......ROCK ON!!!

rahul said...

Voted 4 u....u r rockin....

Lauren said...

Now that I have kids, I have no choice but to be Super Responsibile Mommy Lady. It's freaky how you get to the low part, but STILL YOU MUST SLOG ON because UM YOU HAVE KIDS NOW. So enjoy it, because I haven't seen 3 am on purpose in a long time. THAT BEING SAID, now that I'm on the responsible side of responsible, my advice to anyone actually interested in pursuing it is to try baby steps rather than grand gestures. Day planners aren't needed -- just do a sticky note every day. If you really want to blow your own mind wrt groceries, make a weekly meal plan and shop just for that. Before you know it you're like, dude, it's Wednesday and that means I eat chicken.

See how unfunny my response is? How not in the spirit of your hilarious comic post thing? That's what responsibility does. It kills your sense of humor. Oh my god I'm a mom.

zach said...

i just got my first apartment and i keep telling myself i have to be an adult now. which unfortunately include going to the bank.

Stephanie said...

This may be the only thing I have ever read that made me laugh so hard I cried and fell out my chair.

Anonymous said...

I can haz more posts plz?

Asorae said...

I go through this cycle pretty much once every month. There's one day where I try to do everything, and it always ends poorly. Good to know I'm not alone.

Miscellannie said...

I loved this!!!

Nikki said...

I'm a new reader, but already I am addicted to your posts. I've gone throw every single one of them. My own phycological, no! Physical need for this blog frightens even myself. In other words, I would love it if you posted more often. :D

Anonymous said...

Dear God, this is my life exactly. |D

Befulina said...

So this is the first I've read of your posts, and I have to was a life-changing moment. Maybe the epiphany occurred when I was a bit oxygen deprived from laughing so much. I was on the floor, kind of turning blue-ish. Then I realized I can't live without this, and my life was clearly missing something before today.

But you described every detail of my life better than I could have dreamed of... Awesome job, incredible illustrations :D

azureavian said...

Totally hilarious (and more than a little true of the best of us, shh don't tell anyone). Linking to you. Also, do you mind if I make a couple icons from the pics?

the gamer said...

Yeah? Well I'm super creepy-er and totally capable of finding you since I totally used to live in Bozeman and therefore can use my leet Montanan connections to hunt you down. I can totally out-creep you anytime. So take that.

I DID have some comment all planned out about how funny I found you, but I got distracted by a string of customers (because I read your blog when I'm at work) and then the comment thing above this box made me forget the warm and fuzzy one I was going to leave.

Karianna said...

Ohhhh my gosh. You just made me laugh so hard I cried. I don't know where you came from but you are wonderful. I am going to go read all the rest of your stuff now.

Anonymous said...

After a discussion about uni and other adult things, a decision to be an adult again, and a googling of "adult things", my sister and I happily stumbled across your blog. Not usually one for reading blogs, but at this time of night, rebelling on the internet, it seemed to be the most likely source of entertainment. On reflection, it's like reading yourself in a mirror. Triplets seperated at birth or just the way of the world, either way it's nice to know we're not the only ones...

Anonymous said...

I can remember feeling the exact same way, when I was about 28 - 38 years of age, but now that I'm in my 50's and most of my precious responsibiity have their own responsibilities, I can sit back and enjoy my little world of chaos without any inkling of guilt!

Joe said...

These are the best pictures yet. I died laughing at GO TO THE MOTHERF*CKING BANK LIKE AN ADULT hahaha

mahoney said...

:) i have an "i'm #1" trophy too. i got it at my 15th birthday party by an old aunt who gave crappy gifts anyway. i think it's funny now, so i put it on my desk and look at it when i want to throw something. i usually throw that :) yay!

Deborah said...

You draw pictures of me and my life. You are awesome and i <3 you, but not in a creepy way.

Anonymous said...


Kevin said...

Great post. You need to know that Jesus has taken all your guilt and that he was perfect so that you don't have to be. We should feel guilty if we are guilty, but when Jesus takes it away the feelings of guilt should go too.

Eli said...

Is it bad that everyone I've sent to your blog to read this says "Wow, that was hilarious, and SO YOU," because they know how bad I am at being an adult? Probably. Which is why I'm up at this ungodly hour (8:40 am, ugh) getting ready to give acting like an adult yet another try. I'm all ready to WORK!

Or maybe I'll just read some more of your old posts for a while first . . .

Brittany said...

Would I sound super pathetic if I said I seriously come back to this post everyday just to look at the pictures, only because they are just so freakin funny?

Yes, I'm sure that does in fact come across as being very pathetic, but nothing can be worse than the fact that I spend my time eating starbursts and entertaining my grandparents. I guess that's not very relevant though...

Vinni Poughkipsee said...

OMG, I think this is the story of most people born after 1980. i DIE laughing so hard everytime I see the "Go to the Mofo-in bank like an adult" pic. EVERYTIME! i need a full size poster of that. that facial expression = priceless

liz said...

omg i love this so much! !!

Anonymous said...

i'm a lot closer to 50 and this is exactly how it is, except i've dumped the guilt. i accept myself. i love me. i spiral. at least on responsible days my house IS clean, and then it lasts for a little while. i'll clean it again someday. and i finally set up auto bill pay for the stuff that gets shut off, gets big fines or costs me more money to fix.

the difference bewteen 50 and 25 is that there are certain things i'm just plain tired of experiencing over and over, and i don't do those so much any more. there are other things my tolerance levels are higher for and i haven't got around to doing anything about them.

super creative thinkers make balance in the world. they make us laugh and give us reasons to look around ourselves and smile. we're aka as poets, story tellers, thinkers, artists, gardeners, holders of the mythic and mystic ways of being. without us, the world is black and white and full of the stench of lysol. don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

we have the capacity to be unruffled by chaos, live with crackers in the bed, tolerate noise, confusion and weird smells. that's the stuff that comes with the territory of not-sweating the small stuff.

Meg Kelly said...

I'm sorry if this is weird but I've just read this one post of yours and I'm fairly certain I love you.

foryoublue94 said...

this is me. all the time.
and for the rest of the forseeable future.

Cameron MacDonald Gazzola Black said...

Shite, I must have changed my name to Allie and forgotten about it.

Jessie said...

This is exactly what I do. I finish some big project, have nothing to do, put WAY TOO FRICKING MUCH on my plate, the freak the hell out. I usually end up crying in the fetal position in my living room while assuring my husband that he shouldn't call the men in white coats.

Meredith said...

Wow...Allie, you are so FUNNY! A big thanks to my co-worker who sent me this link, after which I spent the entire day reading your old blog entries and avoiding adult responsibility. Suck it, corporate America!

KMcC. said...

I mean, it's 3:37 AM, but yeah, that's basically my life story.

Twisted Cinderella said...

I am so with you on this one!

Gwyn said...

Best post ever! I referenced you in a blog post and used one of my favourite images. I made sure to credit you, but please do tell me if there's something I could do to make the reference more prominent, or if I need to remove it entirely. :-)

This blog post!

Bitch, please said...

I sent this to my mom with a note saying THIS IS WHAT DRUG-RESISTANT DEPRESSION IS LIKE.

Yes, all in capitals.

Thank you for facilitating my ongoing communication with a woman who herself is, in fact, crazy.

Ashley Elizabeth said...

First of all, it makes me feel mildly better that so many people also operate this exact same way. I thought I was the only pseudo half-adult around. Good to know I'm not alone.
Secondly, Allie, you are my soul mate. Seriously.
Soul. Mate. I just spent the better part of the past week reading your entire blog, at work nonetheless. Which proved to be difficult since it was almost impossible not to laugh so hard I either started crying or had to pee at nearly every post.
Thank you for sharing your infinite wisdom with us.

Ashley Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said...

This made me laugh so hard I almost cried. Just like the "Clean ALL the things?" character . . . oh my room/house/life.

Anonymous said...

This post is awesomely hilarious and amazing. Like the rest of your blog (which took me only 3 days to read because it was better than sleep.) But now I am sad because I have run out of back-posts and there is no new post. 12 days, Allie, and the world needs you! Come back to us!

Brian said...

Life has been a little rough for me this year, and I use media as an anesthetic to block out the panic that paralyzes me. If it wasn't clear, that last sentence means that I have read your entire blog over the last 36 hours, and laughing has made me feel better!


I don't share your problem with projecting feelings into inanimate objects. Quite the opposite, I have a problem with projecting feelings into animate people! You'll never guess the two worst moments of my life... when I watched the scene with the cat in "Meet the Parents" and every scene in "Mama Mia". I simply cannot not be embarrassed for the actors in some movies. The manager at a movie theater once asked me to calm down (ie stop squirming in agony) out or respect for other movie patrons, and the only recourse was to take an un-needed pee brake.


On a side note, I have felt like the only sane person in the world, and perhaps you can confirm. Newborn babies are really just creepy potatoes, right? After a few weeks, they turn into incompetent primates and eventually, after a long gestation period, say around college, they start passing for members of the species.

Also, do you remember that silly ad campaign, "Every time you masturbate, god kills a kitten."? Well, they got it wrong; it's naps and snacks that kill kittens. I hold these truths to be self-evident.


My best friend of many years is severely ADHD (but probably nothing compared to your bad self), and I feel like reading this has helped me understanding him a little better.

Cheers, BK (that's what people call me, I'm not being evasive about my name)

PS: I'm a math teacher, and I promise that Long Division does not exist. In fact, much of math is designed to liquify the brains of children. If only we trusted you enough to teach the interesting stuff!

Unknown said...

What Katie said 8 posts back. Do that!

Katy said...

That picture of you enthusiastically CLEANING ALL THE THINGS! makes me happy every time I see it. I keep looking at it at work when my giant spreadsheet makes me unhappy.

Jennifer said...

I am still waiting for my "How to be AN ADULT"'d think it would have arrived before I had my 3 kids...

Mirjam said...

Hi Allie, your blog is up for the One Blog Award!
The instructions to accept are all here:
Congratulations! You have one AWESOME blog. Kudos. Live long and prosper.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, Allie! Fuck Max Fawcett.

Joi said...

This is so my life that it is not even funny. Well, no, that's not true. It's actually REALLY funny. But also sad.


Rain said...

I have given you free publicity... You are welcome

Allie O'Bannon said...

I think you just described my whole life. I don't know if this is sad, but it probably is.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've again laughed, but my butt has not fell off. Sigh. I just put your blog url out on twitter, FB and MySpace so my friends don't forget to not grow up.You are hysterically funny, but I s'pose you knew that

Unknown said...

Okay, so. I've been linked to you by the same person (Lupa from livejournal!) three different times, and each time was awesome. I think I have to start following you on my own now.

Anonymous said...

The CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!! image is my new favorite thing in life.

Meredith said...

Well look at that! My life summed up in one blog post...curious.

Anonymous said...

so funny!! love it!!

Elf said...

Perfect! (Friend on facebook posted a link to this post. Nailed it!)

Unknown said...

Awesome post. So true. Oh you must have done so much introspection to nail it so good.


broken biro said...

I think I must have multiple personality thingio and write this without knowing.... this is soooooo me. And I'm tremendously encouraged that hundreds of people love this because it makes me feel less like a loser.

mgriffinjewelry said...

Oh wow- I'm glad to know I'm not alone. I have been thrown into being a psuedo-housewife role b/c I moved across country with my new husband. EXCEPT I don't like/can't cook, I like to shop and drink and not pay bills on time, then i think shit I should be some sort of fucking adult now, huh. Guilt spiral, failed attempts, mess, internet, it all says game over, try again??

Gigi said...

ummmm??? Allie? I miss you. Where have you been?

Was listening to a radio show today and someone called in by the name of Allie - and she so made me think of you (especially once she started talking - totally how I imagine you would sound!).

I'm sure you are super busy trying to be a grown up and all (which is totally over-rated; just so you know....) but I just wanted to let you know how much you are missed in blog-land. x

Annelise said...

You make work tolerable. Thank you.

Jess said...

Personally, I can't see how being an adult can really help the world...Being a pirate, on the other hand would be awesome! I wish I was in a crew of pirates. I could pillage, plunder, rape and sail the open oceans without a care in the world....except for other ...pirates, but I'd be able to fight them off, on account of my superior pirate-crew (which I will choose based on general swash-bucklingness, handsomeness, comradery and crafty fighting skill - the kind where you're merely hoisting a sail and, OOPS just stabbed you in the kidney), the speed of my ship and my all-round nautical knowledge. You could have a sister pirate crew and ship. And anytime you wanted, you could come aboard my pirate ship and look at my treasure and booty (it's like beyonce's ;) ). I might even let you take some cool looking things, I'm sure my handsome pirate crew wouldn't mind. And if you ever got chased by a sea-monster or any sort of bad-ocean-thing, my crew would ...protect you with our cannons, muskets, swords and stabbing sticks (for those that don't have swords). We may even have some snake-bayonettes. I came up with an epic idea the other day, where you tape a knife to a snake's head, and then train it to slither around and stab people. I thought it would probably work better if you had a jumping snake, because then it could do more than just highly poisoned ankle wounds.

And THEN we could each find a Jack Sparrow (not a Will Turner - he was a bit gay. All he could do was fall for people's tricks and make swords), then own the ocean. THEN if we wanted too, we could summon up calypso and make her dance for us, and maybe she could turn us into mermaids, and then we could live under the sea and sing with all the merpeople, fish and crabs. ahhh what a life...

Jess said...

Personally, I can't see the fun in being an adult at all. Really, you're just making society more and more boring. Being a pirate, on the other hand, would be awesome!

I wish I was in a crew of pirates. I could pillage, plunder, rape and sail the open oceans without a care in the world....except for other pirates, but I'd be able to fight them off, on account of my superior pirate-crew (which I will choose based on general swash-bucklingness, handsomeness, comradery and crafty fighting skill - the kind where you're merely hoisting a sail and, OOPS just stabbed you in the kidney), the speed of my ship and my all-round nautical knowledge. You could have a sister pirate crew and ship, and you could come aboard my pirate ship and look at my treasure and booty (it's like beyonce's ;) ) anytime you wanted. I might even let you take some cool looking things, I'm sure my handsome pirate crew wouldn't mind. And if you ever got chased by a sea-monster or any sort of bad-ocean-thing, my crew would protect you with our cannons, muskets, swords and stabbing sticks (for those that don't have swords). We may even have some snake-bayonettes.
(I came up with an epic idea the other day, where you tape a knife to a snake's head, and then train it to slither around and stab people. I thought it would probably work better if you had a jumping snake, because then it could do more than just highly poisoned ankle wounds.)

And THEN we could each find a Jack Sparrow (not a Will Turner - he was a bit gay. All he could do was fall for people's tricks and make swords). Well, I could, you can just give Boyfriend a pirate hat and a sword. THEN if we wanted too, we could summon up calypso and make her dance for us, and maybe she could turn us into mermaids, and then we could live under the sea and sing with all the merpeople, fish and crabs. ahhh what a life...

Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said...

The clean all the things picture made me laugh out loud. I love it. PS Will check your blog next time I am up at 3:16 am. Been there.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely hilarious and totally describes my life

Samar said...

This is me and every single other human that I know.

The end.

Demimonde Mesila Thraam said...

Dear Gods.

I thought this was just a "me" thing. Apparently I am not at all alone.

So maybe I should stop feeling like such a conspicuous walking travesty, since I am apparently part of a moving herd-travesty and so can relax in the bliss of knowing no one's going to notice me sitting in my motorless, sailless failboat with my face glued to a screen and my ass glued to a chair.


Anonymous said...

What the fuck I am reading your blog and this specific image for the first time at 3:17 AM how did you do it

The Darkmage said...

'surfing the internet like an attention-deficient squirrel on PCP.' nearly made me spit coffee all over my computer!


Vinesh said...

I think that this right here might be my favourite blog post yet. You, Allie, are a comedic genius. xD It's so true as well, I do the EXACT same thing.

Kristin said...

While at work, I laughed so hard at this that I cried and everyone now knows that I'm definitely faking when I say I am "working".

It was worth it. You are a genius.

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