
Spaghatta Nadle is on Facebook!!!

I'm not even kidding.

This spiraled out of control very quickly.   The only reason I didn't make even more friends for him is because Gmail and Hotmail both cut me off.  They were like "No more new accounts today... we're big, mean, evil bads."  

Anyway, if you want to friend Spaghatta Nadle, tag him in a photo or superpoke him, go HERE


  1. So glad to know that Spaghatta Nadle and I are the same age! And he's single! Yessssss.

  2. I have now added Spaghatta Nadle, Flower, Pahckle, Triangle and Mocorono. I think I have a problem.

  3. I feel weak right now, like my body blew its wad and skipped the laughing part and went straight for the exhausted part afterwards. It was "Shaht far tha mahn..." that put me over the edge.

  4. "Not the Spaghatta Nadle you were looking for? Search more..."

    I feel so much joy right now.

  5. Update: 37 other people with the last name Nadle on facebook.

  6. Ummm . . . Allie? I have a feeling this may be what makes facebook completely implode. In a good way. I feel sure that Spaghatta Nadle will be the one to have more followers than anyone!!

  7. LOL I love it! I've just friended Spaghatta Nadle.

  8. umm... this is brilliant! I love this comic strip streak you're on.

  9. that's one helluva noodle. i wonder if he'll get more fans than the pickle who has more fans than nickleback...

  10. I want you to know that I ate spaghatta nadles for dinner and was shanked by a taco shell while waiting for the water to boil.

    I certainly hope you're happy.



    Nadle is officially my Facebook friend! My life is now complete and therefore must be ended swiftly and with much ceremony.

  12. I just ordered the Valociraper postcards. Can't wait to send them out to friends and family for my wedding invitations!

  13. Wait.

    Spaghatta Nadle is a MALE???

    'Cause I was getting a female vibe.

    (Is he gah, perhaps???)

    (I think you need to explore his sexual orientation a bit.)

    (I mean, I don't want to waste my time poking him to find out that he likes Alfredo more than Marinara.)

    (Holy cow, that last part cracked me up because Alfredo is totally a boy name and Marinara could easily work as a girl name.)

    (Feel free to use that! I mean, if you think it's as funny as I do.)

    (I still keep laughing at the unicorn dream. I made my husband read it last night and I think he looks at me the same way Boyfriend looks at you.)

  14. No way, mr.Nadle is totally hetero.

  15. I hope spaghatta Nadle likes playing mafia wars

  16. Allie! Notice me! I just started a blog and your my blogger idol! notice my blog peas!

  17. Spaghatta Nadle has more friends than I do in just one day.

  18. Hey, I dont know if this counts as spamming but theres a site called where it lets you may one email address with loads of names so you canmake loads of really cool friends for Spaghatta Nadle. Great work Allie. Does Spaghatta Nadle know anything of the mandatory sex parties?

  19. The Bloggess has a tribute band! Interesting.

  20. Hee hee...

    Sahxah tahm!

  21. I love it that we're not just FANS of Spaghatta Nadle, we're actually his FRIENDS.

  22. I just became his friend. I'm super cool now!

  23. That is the most awesome thing ever! I lahve yah!

  24. Aht jahst kahps gahtahng bahtahr!

  25. I like that his major from Tahmple is Ahnglash. Nice choice.

  26. Wait, Spaghatta Nadle is a GUY?

    I feel all weird now.

  27. I don't know what he is, but if he's anything like the church of the flying spaghetti monster I like him.

  28. Certainly he's a studly Nadle, but, um...what kind of girl is he looking for? A girl macaroni? Hmmm. What would the children look like?

  29. I just discovered your blog, and I love it. I've been laughing into a blanket to keep from waking up my husband for about two hours. Also, I e-mailed my sister (an aspiring nurse) a link to your improved pain chart. I was super excited about it because I have always thought that the pain charts at the hospital were very inefficient because of course it's a 10 if it's the worst pain you've ever been in, but that doesn't really tell the doctors anything because it might not be the worst pain ever . At the risk of being creepy, I have a gigantic blog-crush on you. And Spaghatta Nadle.

  30. Imagine a nadle vibrator. THat could seriously make megabucks.

  31. I have a feeling Mr. Nadle is going to shoot you into OVER-fame. That's right...not just being famous...being OVERLY famous! Which is like....the most famous you can get!!!! (take my word for it. NO...don't go looking for something more famous than what I just said! NO! STOP IT!)

    yep. you OWN the world now.


  32. *screams*



  33. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so funny. I am now following you and the orgasm is shaking the world right now. Oh, that is a REALLLY bad joke considering there was just a bad earthquake and people died and now I look like an asshole and am not giving a very good first impression here. SO I will shut up and go check out this facebook page-

    Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into A Blog

  34. I have to tell you something that I do that makes me think Spaghatta Nadle is the best thing that's ever happened.

    I sing stupid songs all day. Like seriously, ALL day. One time I was waiting on hold for work (I do telephone customer service from home) and I was singing a stupid song and then the person came on the line and I forgot I wasn't a singing customer service-o-gram and everything became sad.

    Anyway sometimes I sing nonsense words (like one time someone I vaguely know came up behind me while I was singing "orregieworregiewor" to the tune of "the wonderful wizard of Oz" and everything became sad again) and sometimes, but only when I'm REALLY happy, I sing songs but I only sing one vowel. So like I'll sing, "O'm o lomborjock ond O'm oko!" and this can go on for hours.

    My husband is very very very amazing and awesome because he says it is one of my charms rather than one of the reasons he is planning to elope with my fortune and our children and the cat once I make us all filthy stinking rich with my first album, "Sings frim thi hirt."

    I'm just saying.

  35. I'd like to suggest Pastafarianism as a good religion for Spaghatta Nadle. Afterall, he is made in FSM's image.


I'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you