
Rock Always Wins

I just ate a 12-ounce hamburger.  With bacon.   Digesting it is proving to be quite taxing on my ability to write awesome stuff.  I tried, but it didn't work.  
So I drew you a picture! 


  1. Mmm... 12 ounce hamburger.

    But this makes no sense. Everyone knows that Scissors stab Eyes. And without Eyes Rock is going to miss horribly.

  2. Touche`... but rocks works better from a distance. Scissors have to hit you pointy-end first. Rocks can defeat you from any angle. PLUS some rocks are pointy and can also stab eyes if they need to.

    (Even still, I usually choose scissors. I don't know why. Don't tell anyone.)

    HOWEVER, anyone can use the "Fist of Unquestionable Victory" once per lifetime. Fist of Unquestionable Victory beats everything, including rock. Use it wisely.

  3. At least we can all agree paper sucks in any situation.

  4. I have no words, simply "lol". xD

    Holly x

  5. Are you people kidding? Have you never been cut by paper? It is the most excruciating ordeals one could possibly experience. I assume even moreso than natural childbirth..

  6. no, no, no, Laser Sword beats everything!

  7. paper is my favorite, you can give people paper cuts. that paper cut could get an infection and you die of terminal illness...or you turn into a giant piece of wood and termites eat you....either way, you die... paper cuts = dangerous


I'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you