
There's a Lesson in Here Somewhere... I Think it's "Don't Kill Your Girlfriend's Pet Unicorn"

Last night, I dreamt that I had a pet unicorn.  And then Boyfriend killed it.  When I woke up, I was still kind of mad.  Boyfriend was like "what's wrong?"

Me: "I had a bad dream."

Boyfriend:  "I'm sorry.  What was it about?"

Me: "I had a pet unicorn... "

Boyfriend:  "That doesn't sound bad at all.  That actually sounds pretty awesome."

Me:  "No, but you killed it."

Boyfriend:  "I killed your unicorn?"

Me:  "Yeah."

Boyfriend:  "Why would I do that?"

Me:  "I don't know.  You tell me."

Boyfriend:  "Allie, I can't tell you because I didn't actually do anything."

Me:  "I'm confused."

Boyfriend:  "Why?"

Me:  "Because what you are saying is logical, but I'm still totally pissed at you for killing my unicorn."

Boyfriend:  "But I didn't kill your unicorn.  Unicorns don't even exist."

Me: "I know that...  It's just - it wasn't even doing anything and you walked up to it and bashed its head in with a rock."

Boyfriend:  "That is actually kind of disturbing..."

Me:  "I know!  That's why I'm mad at you."

Boyfriend:  "Wait... you're actually upset about this?"

Me:  "Of course I'm upset!  You murdered my pet unicorn!"  

Boyfriend:  "But remember how I didn't actually do that and it was just a dream?"

Me:  "Yeah, but I loved Phineus."

Boyfriend:  "Now it has a name?"

Me:  "It always had a name!  Did you think I was going to just not name my unicorn?  How would I get its attention?"

Boyfriend:  "I don't know... clapping?"

Me:  "That would never work.  What if we went to a concert or something... he would be so confused!"

Boyfriend:  "Okay, what about - you know what?  I'm not going to discuss this with you.  This is ridiculous."

Me:  "Whistling might work... it might learn to recognize my whistle..."

Boyfriend:  "I'm going to go make lunch."

Me:  "But what am I supposed to do?  I'm still mad and I have no outlet."

Boyfriend:  "I don't know - draw a picture to express your feelings.  That usually seems to help."

Me:  "Okay."

I showed the picture to Boyfriend and he wasn't very supportive.  He just said "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Me:  "I feel a lot better now, thanks for asking."

Boyfriend:  "Is that a sword?"

Me:  "Yeah."

Boyfriend: "I stabbed it with a sword and beat it with a rock?"

Me:  "It's an over-dramatization."

Boyfriend:  "Did it need over-dramatizing?"

And the answer is yes.  Yes it did.  Because that's how it feels when someone kills your pet unicorn for no reason.  


  1. I can't believe the nerve of that bastard. Seriously -- what the hell did Phineus ever do to him? Someone call PETMAA, stat!

  2. Oh man, Jeremy does terrible things to me in my dreams ALL THE TIME and he NEVER takes responsibility for them! At least Duncan offered you a creative outlet to disperse your rage.

    Also, I am still not convinced that you can actually make those pictures in paint. Or you are a witch. Take your pick.

  3. Totally. I want my own unicorn too..

  4. I want a unicorn AND those mad paint skillz.

  5. Oh Allie! I always get ticked at Hubby for the crap he does in my dreams. That's what having a Significant Other is all about! Tell him to just suck it up; it's part of his job description.

  6. Boyfriend is just like Voldemort. Killing a Unicorn is such a terrible thing to do. They're so pure and majestic that those who kill them's souls get torn apart to the point of no repair. Just like Voldemort.

    It's unforgivable. Even if it was only a dream. Phineas never deserved that.

  7. I don't know Allie, I've always been a little skeptical of Unicorns. Like their horn and their charming personalities are a front for something else.

    ...they could be antithetical towards mandatory sex parties. Also, they could be gremlins.

  8. But ... did he use every part of the animal?

    Because if he did, murdering the unicorn was morally OK.

    Unless it wasn't free range. Please tell me you didn't keep your pet unicorn in one of those corporate unicorn barns.

  9. That was completely uncool that Duncan killed your unicorn... but just remember, it was your sub-concience... so actually YOU killed the unicorn.

    I'd like to see how you work THAT out with a picture.

  10. :( RIP Phineus

    I have dreams about fluffy kittens. Then someone always kills them by putting them in the freezer. I don't know who it is, but when I find out...

  11. Allie, you are fucking great. But... you are also seriously fucked in the head. Boyfriend and I like that about you. I have the added benefit that you don't really know me and can't get pissed enough to stab me with a "Unicorn horn" (vibrator) in my sleep.

  12. How wonderfully random. You have a great future as a writer - or in an institution someplace.
    Is a keyboard considered a sharp object? If so, vlog so we can keep up.

  13. Why do you rock at MS paint so much...
    that has to be a more advanced program, no?

  14. oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't be too hard on Boyfriend though.

  15. Long time reader--first time commenter. I love your comic/cartoon/drawings. a-maze-ing!

    Also, I linked to you from my brand new blog that no one reads yet, I hope that's ok. I pretty much love your blog in a completely healthy, non-creepy way.

  16. RIP were a beautiful unicorn (seriously, that is really f*ing must have worked on that all day!)

    Why don't men get this!?? I can't tell you how many times Ben has left me at the bar or killed my hamster Buster! That big fat asshole refuses to apologize and then says I am the unreasonable one. WTF man???!

  17. Tell your boyfriend I understand.

    I've gotten the silent treatment from my husband for 2 weeks because I made out with the AT&T U-Verse guy in his dream.

    LOL Freud would have a fucking FIELD DAY with that one, huh?

    How about this -- I'll analyze yours if you analyze mine!! (Ooooh, that sounds kind of titillating, huh?)

  18. I am so impressed with your drawings. I'm sorry about Phineus.

  19. Unicorns may be mythical, but you could totally have a Narwhal.

    They're like a unicorn that swims and is real.

    And boyfriend could totally smash one with a rock, so you still get to be pissed.

  20. Ok I am a new follower of yours and I truly LOVED this post. Not only because of the convo with you and your bf - I've had similar convos, not about pet unicorns but just the way you went back and forth and also because of that drawing!! That's awesome that you did that with paint

  21. Now I know what happened to MY pet unicorn! Only I think it was my big brother dressed like Freddie Kreuger... and I was 12.
    Now I dream about Freddie Kreuger killing my youngest daughter.
    Maybe she is my New pet unicorn... or not, GothGirl IS 12 and I think related to the antichrist, or Marilyn Manson, whichever.
    Maybe that explains the Freddie dream...

    Great! Now I'm afraid to sleep...thanks!


  23. Dude, if MY boyfriend dream killed my dream pet unicorn, I would wake up, take alllllll his whites, throw them in the wash, crank the hot water, and throw in a pair of red panties, for spite.

    Because I'm a bizzznitch like that.

  24. The worst kind of killer is the killer of DREAMS. Unless you count herpes, which is the killer of sexy.

  25. I feel so bad for you.

    But look on the bright side- most people don't get a pet unicron in their entire life.
    Think of the good times you and phineus had together...
    and then you can have a dream where phineus comes back to life and exacts his revenge >:)

  26. I love carrying over anger at real people for their fake actions in dreams. It's the best way to keep people on their toes. "OHMYGOD YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH YOUR MOM LAST NIGHT, YOU SICKO..."

    Props on the artwork.

  27. Good lord, that's almost grounds for a break-up. Unacceptable!

    On the bright side, unicorn blood makes you immortal, so he might have done you a favor. Haven't you seen Harry Potter? :)

  28. gosh, how devastated you must be! hopefully tonight phineas's life will be restored... or better yet, maybe he'll be replaced by a leoplurodon! (you've seen charlie goes to candy mountain, right? if you haven't, youtube immediately.)

  29. You're so right about the going to a concert thing. My unicorn totally gets confused by all the clapping.

  30. you ever think about going into comics/cartooning? So good. But leave boyfriend a lone. He killed Phineus because Phineus was about to kill you. Saved your fucking life.

  31. I dreamed my boyfriend cheated on me (which is WAY less traumatic than killing your unicorn) and I woke up SUPER pissed. I was crabby with him all day. So I know how you feel.

  32. I am consistently amazed at your paint skillz. I drew a picture of a combination dinosaur + unicorn in Photoshop last week and it didn't look nearly as realistic. Pout.

  33. But at least you still have your pink triangle dress!

  34. Your ability to express yourself through the medium of MS Paint is unrivaled.

  35. And very vividly illustrated too.

    That bastard.

  36. Dude, I've often said that women will never rule the world so long as we keep getting mad at people for stuff they do in dreams. That said, I'm still kind of pissed at my dad for making me carry two live lobsters in the live-lobster version of an egg-and-spoon race across the bottom of the ocean floor during one traumatic night in '05.

  37. I have dreams like that too where the fiance does something stupid and then I wake up at him mad in real life. But he doesn't get it like yours, so you are lucky, even though he DID kill Phineas.

  38. Awesome post!!! Phineus is a crazy cool name....two thumbs up!!

    Wish I had more thumbs!

  39. Awesome post!!! Phineus is a crazy cool name....two thumbs up!!

    Wish I had more thumbs!

  40. Stupid boyfriends not being supportive when we're upset because of bad things they do in our dreams.

  41. this is awesome. i will have to experiment with picture drawing when i wake up angry at someone for something they didn't really do but i don't know how to let go of it.

    and by the way, i absolutely love your blog. just sayin'.

  42. He is graceful even in bashed-in, sworded death.


  43. Your wit never ceases to amaze me.
    Another good one!

  44. *phew* At least he didn't take out Phineus' kidney.

  45. I once had a dream like that. Not about a unicorn but my husband did something wrong and I couldn't talk to him for three days. If I recall correctly it had something to do with Barbra Streisand.

  46. I dreamed once I caught my husband cheating on me because I found another woman's shoes in my closet. He told me it was because they were working on something for the church drama group.

    When I woke up I told him, you don't even go to church! You've never been in a play!

    And then I beat him with a shoe.

  47. Ok so im now totally hooked and in love with your blog.. It's official. So don't stop now because it's too late, and withdrawl is a bitch. Seriously, please.. Life is too unstable for me to lose another love.. "Overdramatization..."?.. Maybe... Maybe not.. But please, don't test the theory.. Just keep writing. :)

    Like now..

    Write Something..

    Like Now..

  48. I'm dying here! Thanks for the laugh.


  49. That drawing is EPIC. And also it made me feel very emotional.

  50. Oh I haven't laughed this hard all day. As always your drawings are awesome.

  51. Bahahhaa. I can't believe it. He didn't even say he was sorry for the dream-him.

    This used to happen to me all the time. Waking up and being pissed off because of a dream. Sometimes you don't even remember why, so you just punch them in the arm and then pretend you are sleeping.

  52. I just found your blog and died laughing at this conversation! Your boyfriend should have said sorry!

  53. Wahaaa!!!
    I think you're right. Logic just doesn't come into it. He should have said "I'm sorry I killed your imaginary pet unicorn that doesn't really exist and I'll never do it again."

  54. haha. i loved the picture. i read everything then when i got to the picture i just burst out laughing. haha. i was having the worst day and you just made it the best! =D lol.

  55. I see another supporter of Unicorns.
    I like your sense of humor because it's just like mine except just not as awesome. That's OK though because I don't find many blogs that I like. Sooo you did good.

    PS. Unicorns fucking rock.

  56. I showed your blog to my husband and he just sighed and said he really understood what your boyfriend goes through. I'm not sure if that is suspicious or awesome. Maybe awesome.

  57. Lol, I had a dream like this once, except my boyfriend ended up killing my vampire. Lol. I woke up totally pissed at him and remained for the rest of the day.

  58. I once had a dream that I punched one of my friends in the face for no reason. I apologized to him the next day. I felt super bad about it.

  59. I have been forever scared by the horror that is a overly-dramatized unicorn slaying. Poor Phineus.

  60. Maybe he was jealous that you paid more attention to the unicorn than him?


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