
Moving Time...

I know that most of you base your entire lives around when I will and will not be posting, so I figured I ought to warn you that Boyfriend and I are in the process of relocating.  This means that I will not have the internet for a few days (I'm going cold turkey).   I'll be back to my regular posting schedule in less than a week (probably even sooner, but I don't want to give you false hope in the event that something goes awry.)  If you absolutely cannot live without reading something new on my blog (who knows...?), I have prepared a little secret surprise for you to enjoy during my absence...

...But you have to find it (canadiandoubles, don't you dare tell anyone about how to get there!  Let them find it by themselves...)

Or you could just read and post tons of comments on my older posts to surprise me when I get back.  You have no idea how thrilled I would be if that happened.

Either way, I have not forsaken you.  I am just going out into the world to have experiences that I can later write about (I mean, you can't move to a new city without finding at least something to write about.  That sounded foreboding.... I hope I didn't just jinx myself...)


  1. ugh, moving day...moving up great..the day eh ...and your absence will be notice..but you know they have internet cafe's jus sayin...LOL

  2. Gah. Don't stay gone too long. I look forward to your blog... I think I've become addicted... Now, I'm gonna have withdrawls...

    *Twitch, twitch*

  3. For a small fee and the rights to name your 3rd born child. I will guide you through the very depths of the internet to uncover this secret or secrets. Those are my demands. You know where to find me.


  4. How very selfish of you to go have experiences and leave us here without new posts. Sheesh. :)

  5. Hey I'm moving too! You wouldn't happen to be moving to AZ, would you?

  6. Why hast thou forsaken Meeeeee???!! Just kidding, this is my first time here! Salutations!

  7. I'm not moving for another 100 years so that I can avoid going through the experience.

    I don't care if my whole neighborhood gets torn down and a bunch of trailer trash moves in. At least they like beer, and it ain't hard to keep up with them.

  8. My god. How do you expect us to deal with this sort of thing! *draws more chickens*

  9. um, i think i like you. you're great :)

  10. Hopefully moving goes easily and the internetz comes back to you soon!

  11. darsden - haha, sorry I made you tired! P.S. you have moved to commenter level gold!

    Amanda - I posted a fix for you... druggie :)

    canadiandoubles - don't you dare!

    Lunatron - :) I'm just selfish... deal with it :)

    Kit - no, but I wish I was. You'll understand after an upcoming post...

    Organic Meatbag - Welcome! Consider your life changed.

    Mike - I now share your sentiment about moving. Sadly, I am a recently graduated young person which is roughly equivalent to being nomadic. Sigh...

    Kaloo - your coping mechanism is revolutionary. You should contact the American Association of Psychiatry with your strategy and see if they'd be willing to incorporate your methods in modern therapy.

    Matthew - the title photo to this post? Yes, I took it! It is on the street where I *used* to live... *sniff*

    Taren - I'm blushing. I love how I can write the most terrible, narcissistic, defamatory things about myself and people say they love me. It is quite liberating!

    Jamie - thank you! The internetz are back! Moving did not go so smoothly, but it never does. It is a universal law about moving.

    Thank you all for making me feel so loved and missed. You have inflated my sense of self importance to an alarming degree.


I'm super creepy and totally capable of finding you