

I haven't posted in a couple days because I'm too sad to be funny.  My pet rat, Isabelle, passed away last night after a heartbreaking struggle with a brain tumor and multiple strokes.  She had been completely unable to move all day and I was holding her to my chest to comfort her.  I started to cry and my poor little paralyzed rat used her last bit of strength to reach out her paw and grasp my hand.  It was the last time she was able to move on her own.

I know that many won't understand my heavy grief over losing a rat.  Rats don't have the most glamorous reputation, and it is easy to think of such a small animal as being worth less than a dog or a cat.  But I loved Isabelle every bit as much as I've ever loved a dog.  She was my constant companion from the day I adopted her and her sister, Dora.  She was so intelligent and affectionate.  She was always excited to see me and would run to the front of her cage every time I walked by.  She would come to her name when I called her.  She loved to sit on my lap and give me rat-manicures, and she liked riding in my sweatshirt pocket when I went to the grocery store or when I was just sitting on the couch.  She was always docile and sweet - she never bit, even when the vet had to poke all sorts of needles into her in her final days.  Isabelle was my "ambassador rat."  She made many people into rat lovers - even people who used to be fearful of rats!  It's hard to be afraid of something when it's wiggling with excitement and licking you.

Isabelle had a wonderful life full of love, good food and playtime.  In the end, we did everything we could for her and I take comfort in that.  Still, it's not easy to see the empty spot where she always used to sleep and I had a little breakdown today when I was making food for our remaining rats.  I made too much because I was still counting Isabelle, and when I realized it, things really hit home a little bit.  She's really gone.

Rest in peace, my little monster-face.

If you are opposed to sappy pet memorials, I advise you skip this next part.  I put this up here because it helps me to have something like this to remember her by, and I like the idea of sharing a little bit of her with the world.

This is Isabelle:

Thank you for reading.

Update:  Thank you all for your wonderful comments.  I have gotten nothing but understanding and empathy, which warms my heart and completely restores my faith in the internet.

Ruby, your comment really touched me.  I remember being your age and losing my rat, Cedar.  I loved Cedar with every fiber of my being and when she passed, I thought I would never be able to love another pet the way I loved her.  15 years later, I still miss her terribly but I want you to know that I was able to love all the pets that came after Cedar just as much.  Love is wonderful in that it can never be wasted or used up.  We can never replace the people or animals we have loved, but the love we feel for them can be expanded.  I like to think of love as being stretchy.  It is easy to feel guilty when you start to love a new pet - like somehow that means you love your old friend less.  But when you think of love as being stretchy and able to expand, you can see that there will always be room for everything.  You can love as much as you want.

I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you, and I understand.  No matter how much this hurts, you're not alone.


  1. Oh Allie! I'm so sorry. Although I don't have pets of any kind I imagine it must be hard to lose one.

  2. No words today. Just:


  3. <3
    Feeding time is the worst after you lose a pet. Isabelle was lucky to have someone who loves her so much.

  4. I'm so sorry about Isabelle. :( Your video was very sweet, though, and I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Stupid time -- always taking the things we love away from us. I've had several pet rats throughout the years, and completely understand why her loss is so upsetting; they're smart and fun little bastards.

  6. Oh, Allie. I know there's not a whole lot anyone can say at this point that will make you feel better. I do understand how you feel, though. I too have unique pets. A while ago, a young Bearded Dragon I had named Cadburry passed away. I was beside myself. Shortly thereafter, an acquaintance of my boyfriend's sort of chuckled at me and said, "Come on, it was just a lizard." I nearly gouged out his eyes with my fork.
    I'm glad you did this post. Isabelle was a lucky girl.

  7. Aww she's adorable! I love her coloration -- she looks like she has little white jammies on!

    I'm so sorry for your loss of Isabelle. Regardless of what some pet snobs think, small pets are just as important and are still a part of your family and heart. Sending you virtual hugs. ~hug~


  8. I am very sorry for your loss Allie, I can see why she will be missed, she looked like she was the most awesome rat ever =)

    Awesome memorable video by the way, really well done, a great way to remember her by.

  9. The movie made me cry. I'm so sorry for your loss. Not enough people realize what wonderful and intelligent pets that rats can be. She was lucky to have such a wonderful life with you. *internet hug*

  10. I'm so sorry hon. I had a pair of rats when I was in highschool and I was devastated when one of them died.

    Chin up babe <3

  11. *hug* I'm so sorry Allie you lost Isabelle. She sounds like she was one of a kind, I have a hamster of my own and although he isn't as smart as Isabelle or as affectionate, it still would not be easy to lose him. At least you have all of your memories and good times with her =)

    Take your time getting back to blogging. You make my day, and give me something to look forward to after the long hours of classes and work. Thank you for making me laugh so much with your witty words and paint masterpieces. I still have some catching up to do on your blog, so take your time getting back into yourself and moving on when you can.

    We love you Allie!

  12. I get it. I had 11 of the little buggers and cried like a baby when each one died. Some of them died hard too. 10 were related: we bought a pregnant female and kept all the babies. Boys in one cage, girls in another.

    Best pocket pets in the world.

  13. Huge giant hugs to you Allie! She was adorable and I don't know how anyone could ever say she wasn't. You were a great mom and I'm sure Isabelle knew how lucky she was to have you as her rat-mama!


  14. Dearest Allie, I am so sorry for your loss. Big or small - love is love. Last year I had to put down my dog, Sadie because her back was messed up and she couldn't walk anymore. I was crushed. But I kept hearing the words,"she is free now", and that comforted me. Isabelle is free now from her pain. And she is always with you - those strong bonds never break. Your video was beautiful. Remember the good things and carry them with you. Sending you my love. xo Simone

  15. Hi Allie,
    I've been lurking for a while (since I found your blog and loved it enough that I spent many, many hours reading all your archives when I should have been studying for an exam).
    I wanted to come out of the woodwork to respond to this post, to say that I'm so sorry for your loss. I think people can underestimate how devastating it can be to lose a pet - ANY pet you've loved. Our animals are always there for us, and watching them suffer is seriously heartbreaking. Thanks for letting us all get to know Isabelle a little bit.

    (I promise to never be this serious again).

  16. Oh jeez. I feel for you, I really do. Calvin - dog #1 - likes to tease me by teetering on the brink of death on occasion just to get attention. And I give it willingly. Mostly because I never want to have to write a post like this.

  17. Allie, Isabelle seemed like an awesome friend. I was very impressed with her while I was watching that video. I'm really, very, sincerely sorry for your loss. RIP, Isabelle.

  18. Oh no. I'm so, so sorry. I've had rats too, both died of cancer, and I cried my eyes out. I always felt like people thought I was crazy for crying over a rat. They don't understand until they've known one.

    Take your time to be sad. You're in my thoughts.

  19. I am so very sorry for your loss, sweet girl. I can feel your sadness and I wish that no one had to endure the loss of a pet. While I've never had a rat as a pet, I have heard that they make excellent little buddies. Wishing you peace.

  20. As a fellow rodent lover, I totally know where you're coming from.

    Super sorry to hear about it. :(

  21. I'm so sorry for your loss of little Isabelle. Losing pets is the hardest thing ever. Hugs to you.

  22. It doesn't matter what the pet is. It could be a dog or a banana slug. You loved her and she loved you and I am so sorry for your loss.

  23. Allie-

    Sorry to hear about Isabelle's passing. :( She looked like such an adorable and loved little rat. She'll be free from any more suffering now.

    Your video almost made me cry.

  24. Aw, Allie, this is really sad. Cat, dog, bird, whatever -- pets are a HUGE part of our lives and losing them is the saddest thing ever. My heart is really sad for you. I would watch the video, but It would make me cry. Wishing you peace and healing.

  25. We can't own rats here in Alberta, because they're illegal, but I know they're snart and wonderful. I have owned hamsters and cried unashamedly when they died. One of your earlier commenters said it best: "Love is love."

    How wonderful you loved her so deeply that it hurts this much.

  26. Oh no!!! I'm so sorry :( It doesn't matter what kind of animal it was, if you loved her, you loved her and that's all that matters. Such a sad story. I think rats are cute when they aren't the size of a small cat running amok in our attic.

  27. Dear Allie,

    I know how you feel. I too lost a truly great rat on Thursday or Friday. I will always love her.

    Ruby, age 10

  28. I am so, so sorry. Best wishes to you...hang in there.

  29. I'm sorry dude :(
    But I'm glad that she has such a wonderful video for a memorial.
    I hope you're doing okay.

  30. I'm so sorry.

    I have a Boston Terrior, Dixie, and when she passes away it's gonna kill me!

  31. Ahhhh, I'm sorry your rat died but if she was sick it might have been for the best.
    Feel better!

  32. I used to think rats were stinky sewer animals until my ex boyfriend got 2 of them. They were sweet little things. They would like to play and snuggle up against me and I really liked them after a little bit.

    Sorry about your loss :(

  33. :(

    I fear the day I lose one of my babies (three kitties).

  34. I'm so sorry. I've read your blog for a while but I don't think I've ever commented because I'm so intimidated by your hilarity. But this is something I can totally relate to.

    I had to put my ferret to sleep in high school, and when I came to school devastated the next day, all my friends just laughed at me. I cried for weeks and was totally hurt that they couldn't understand how much I loved him.

    It looks like you gave Bella a great life. :)

  35. Allie,

    I am sorry to hear for your loss. I like that you have rats. I know about different pets, I had a snake, but I still cared for it. Hope you get to feeling better.

  36. I'm sorry Allie. I'm glad that Isabelle and Diggy McDiggerson (the best little gerbil ever) are frolicking in rodentia heaven talking about how awesome their pets (us!) were and how they loved us as much as we loved them. Hang in there :/

  37. Can't add anything more than everyone else...I perfectly understand how you feel...and I know that rats are actually among the more intelligent of creatures, which makes them have more of a personality.

  38. I know how it feels to lose a beloved pet. I'm sorry for your loss.

  39. Soooo sorry :( That was a really sweet video, and made me tear up a bit.

  40. So sorry to hear about Isabelle.
    It doesn't matter if its a rat or a fish or a cat or a horse or a dog, losing a pet is losing someone you cared about.

  41. Poor Isabelle. What a lovely little girl she was!

    Oh lord, she's so sweet! Allie, I'm so sorry. Truly this was a sweet little scuttling snuffler.

    You know I think we can learn more about love from a sweet little being like this, than from most of us supposed humans.

    Just keep all the lessons she taught you close, Allie.

    requiescat in pace

  42. If people don't get how you could be sad about a rat, they don't "get" animals, and, frankly, those people might be missing a necessary component of their hearts.

    How like an animal to comfort YOU when you think they are in the most need of comfort.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is for you right now, and I know there are no magic words to make you better. You gave each other a lot, and this grief won't erase that. Hang in there.

  43. :( Sorry. pets are always precious, whatever the species.


  44. She seemed like a kick ass rodent.

    Sorry for your loss.

  45. aw hon :-(

    As I'm sure everyone else has already said before me: I am SO SORRY for your loss. A pet is a significant member of the family, no matter how "insignificant" someone else may deem it to be.

    I got teary eyed when I read all this and the video was a very well-done homage to precious Isabelle.

    Don't ever apologize for making a serious post, especially when it is very much called for - as it is now. It connects us all together and shows us that we're not alone in the griefs we have to face as humans every day of our lives. I too have lost pets that were very dear to me and even though it does get easier with time, you will NEVER forget them or the bond you shared. The pain will eventually fade to a dull ache and you will remember with more frequency the happy and cute moments over the sadness. She will forever be a part of your life and now, thanks to your openness, she is a part of all of us.

    Take the time you need to grieve. And know that we ALL are here to give you our support in whatever meager way we can.

    *big warm hug*

    Keep us informed as to how you're doing, hon. We don't expect you to "entertain" us with silliness during times like this. I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say that those of us who read your writings regularly consider you a part of our circles of friendships and thus part of our lives. For that reason, we care about you very much. So please take care of yourself.

    We are here for you, as you have been there for us to lift our spirits.

    *hugs again*

  46. Allie, I had two pet rats who were true Ambassadors to their species. It's incredible how emotionally intelligent they are. My rat who was dying of a respiratory infection used her failing strength to leap from her cage onto my bed so she could sleep curled up under my arm at night, choosing me over her life-long cagemate. I kept her in bed with me for weeks.

    I'm crying all over again- I'm really so sorry.

  47. I'm sorry about Isabelle :(

  48. Thank you for such a loving tribute and for sharing it with us. I lost my cat Isobella just two weeks ago and I'm still looking for her, especially at feeding time. That's always the hardest.

    My thoughts are definitely with you. Isabelle was a wonderful pet and you're a wonderful momma.


  49. I'm sorry to hear about Isabelle... I had a rat in junior high. She was all white and I named her Pinky after the TV show Pinky and the Brain. I know what you mean by rats getting a bad reputation, but they really are nice pets.


  50. Rats are people too.

    Hugs Allie. She's still with you, right there in your heart, watching you, wiggling with excitement when she sees you and licking you. That's that I think anyway because it feels a little better that way.

  51. Allie, I am so very sorry for your loss of Isabelle. It's not the size of the pet but the size of their hearts that make them special. That unconditional love is such a wonderful gift to us. Humans are so cynical and fickle with their love, pets give freely without boundaries.

    Your beautiful pet rat Isabelle was obviously smart as a whip and well loved by a pretty darn cool lady. Thank you for sharing your touching video. It showed her perfectly. It made me want to go wake up my little parrot and hug her for all the love she gives me.

    Please know that we all who read you are saddened by your grief and we are all in your corner. Hugs to you. Again, I'm so sorry for your terrible loss.

  52. I am so sorry to hear of your loss...across the magic of the Internet, I send you ((hugs)).

  53. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.

    I've had many pets, of all types and it is always hard to lose any of them.

    your video was beautiful.


  54. Man, I really am sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you, Allie.

  55. :(

    *sniff *sniff

    Rats get to go to heaven and they get lots of cheese and potato chips
    I wish I was a rat

  56. My daughter has been lobbying for a rat for ages . . . we have two cats, or I would. But seeing your memorial makes me want to investigate further.

    I'm sorry for your loss. Isabelle must have been well and truly loved.

  57. i know how you feel. my family dog, truffle, got really sick in the last few days (undetected spleen terminal tumor) and it's come to the point where my mom may have to put him down today or tomorrow... i'm really going to miss him.

  58. I'm so sorry, Allie. I'm kind of stuck on you taking her to the grocery store, but other than that you made me cry sad tears. I'm sorry for your loss. :(

  59. I'm so sorry about the loss of Isabelle. She looked like a sweet little rattie, and although I don't believe in people-heaven, I do believe in rat-heaven, and I think she is there now.

  60. I used to have a pet rat named Sid. He was awesome. I took him everywhere. When he died of a stroke, I was heartbroken. I don't think anybody understood what a loss it was. I'm sorry you lost your friend and I'm glad you were there for her at the end.

  61. poor ratty rat rat. I feel your pain. I know it's not the same but I am a huge cat lover and a lot of people hate cats. They are my legit children and I adore them. If I lost them I would legit be comatose.

    I'm sorry. Pets are life.

  62. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  63. This is awful! Losing a pet is so sad.

  64. :( Rats are cool pets. My friend Jocelyn's rat died the same way.

  65. She's a cutie. I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Isabelle.

  66. My 12th grade English teacher always said God's only mistake was not making our pets' lifespans as long as ours. I'd have to agree.

  67. Oh my gosh... I almost started crying on this one!! I lost my pet rat too... Bogie was so smart like yours! He knew his name too, and would follow me around in the front yard. I'm sorry for your loss!!

  68. I understand Allie. Losing a pet is always hard and just because yours is small doesn't make it any less sad... Oh man. Now I'm thinking about my old lizard. So sad...

  69. err..Suck's. Ass. Not good with the putting together of words much, and never posted before but love yer stuff (that you write! stuff that you write! Not a come-on. at all. Not that I wouldn't, mind you. Especially when Bruce comes out. Rawr.) ahem. My point: you are great. Dying is not. Running an rat hospice is brave and beautiful and loving and Isabelle had a friend in you. (not IN you, see with the words?? gah!) You were lucky to have had each other. Some people spend their whole lives looking for a connection, you guys had it good while you could. Sorry for your sads. Your video was good stuff and you are too. I have loved every one of your posts and must remember to thank Steamy for linking me to your blog.

  70. I'm so sorry. I know you must be hurting, but it'll be okay. Like you said, she had a good life.

    She was absolutely adorable, by the way.

  71. I'm so sorry ... I loved the video of her. It's obvious how much you loved her and will miss her.

  72. I don't care what people say, pets become part of the family and the loss of a beloved pet is going to be painful. They have their own personalities and quirks and give so much unconditionally love without judging...Sorry for your pain but at least it shows you had a strong relationship with Isabelle, try to remember you gave her a great life...

  73. I can't relate to it the way you do, but it seems Isabelle was more than a pet.. may she stay alive in your heart forever:)

  74. Hang in there Allie, the sting will go away eventually and you'll be left with the good feelings of remembering a really great pet.

  75. We lost out ratty, Carissa Bean, a week prior ro Christmas. It was so quick. We had her for only 3 years but she was so sweet. I still have her cleaned empty cage right there in the living room with her toys in it. Sometimes I forget and I call out "Carissa Bean-ooo" when I walk past her cage. I'm sorry. It was tough for me to watch my daughter go through it also. She's 6 and this was her first pet. She held her and cried after we found her. Heartbreaking. Hang in there, kiddo. *squeaks and whisker kisses to you*

  76. Jeez, Allie. I didn't even get the chance to know Isabelle OR you very well before this ... but it makes me all weepy :(

    I hope you feel better soon and find comfort in knowing that she's all better now.

    Much love!

  77. de-lurking to wish you peace and give you a big fat virtual hug. family is family; two legs or four.

  78. Rats are my second favorite living companion (next to cats. Boys are third but they make money so I tell them they're first).
    Unfortunately, my now boyfriend is terrified of rodents. I kind of hate him for that.
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I just found your blog a few days ago and am now reading your most recent update. You have made me laugh at times I most need it. Thanks.
    Sorry, Jagermeister may have written most of this.

  79. what a great video tribute to an awesome little best friend.

  80. I, too had a pet rat that I loved. Her name was Mouse and she looked just like Isabelle. She would come when I called her name and was so sweet. I got her when I was 18 and she lived 2 1/2 years before passing away from old age. :( My parents would rat-sit for me and even my mom cried when Mouse died. So I know how much they can touch your lives.

  81. I realize you have 90 comments on this post and might not even see this, but I'm sorry for your loss. I'm not a fan of rats, but I definitely get how losing a member of your family can be devastating.

    I have an English Bulldog that is almost 12 years old. I feel like all I think about lately is how much time I have left with her. I have to stop myself from thinking about it and realize how fortunate I've been to have THAT MUCH time with her.

    I'm so sorry this comment is late; I'm just catching up on blog-reading. I hope you're okay and again, I'm really sorry.

  82. I just found your blog, from Steam me up, Kid & I had to say I'm sorry about the loss of Isabelle.
    I have vastly odd stories of my pet rats from when I was a teen. They're way awesomer than most people know. I actually attempted chest compressions & mouth to mouth(how creepy & gross am I, but, I didnt know what to do!) to save one little guy ( he was too young, i think, in retrospect)so, I'm pretty hardcore ( or freakish) for rats.
    She sounded like a faithful, snuggly wonderful girl!

  83. Oh my God, that video was too sad for words.

  84. My hamster, Teddo, died last summer (ironically, while I was in Montana). I still haven't found a hamster nearly as awesome as he was, and I still miss him every time I see his cage (or look at my other, not as cool hamster). I'm sorry for your loss. :( She looked so cute! I bet Teddo and Isabelle would have been friends.

  85. I found your blog yesterday, and I've read through to this point, and this is the first time I've stopped to comment.

    You just made a grown man cry.

  86. I totally know how it feels. Our pets are part of the family, so it hurts very deeply when one passes away.

    One of our guinea pigs passed away about a year ago, and we still miss her terribly. It was awful going through it, and I cried a lot.

    Isabelle looked like an angel. She was so lucky to have had you.

    Big hugs.

  87. Hey Allie

    I have two ratties, Sheldon and Koopa, and Koopa had a friend called Boo who had a tumour and I had to have her put down, so I know exactly how you feel. I didn't want Koopa to be all alone so I adopted Sheldon to be her friend. The girl in the pet shop told me Sheldon was a girl, but he's not, he has ratty balls! But I only realised that when I got home and I'd already fallen in love with him by then so I've had his ratty balls chopped off and now he lives happily ever after with Koopa.

    Rats rock and anyone who says otherwise just sucks.

  88. I just found your blog today and I haven't commented yet either, but 1. you're unbelieveably awesome and talented
    and 2. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet rat. I myself just adopted several rats even though I'd never had any before and they're so awesome and have such different personalities. I know how hard it is to lose a pet and I'm very sorry. Totally unrelated, I'm telling everyone i know just how freaking cool your blog is. P.s. I vote for Zepplin of Zombies. It sounds more flowy :)

  89. Ok I know this was a while ago and everyone finished commenting already and everything but I just had to tell you that I USED TO HAVE RATS TOO!! and I had to give them away to a friend because I *get this* developed an ALLERGY to them!!?!?! I know I couldn't believe it either.

    I tried putting up with the asthma attacks and red welts all over my skin and swollen red itchy eyes and nonstop sneezing and coughing and miserableness out of love for my darling rats but discovered that I was too weak to endure all this out of love for them and ended up giving them away to a very good friend who had rats too and took very good care of them for me and let me visit them.

    But I just wanted to say that I know a little bit how you feel, I was so sad, and I hear that our body chemistry changes every 7 years (according to House if I remember right) so I think it's been 7 years by now so I'm gonna try getting some rats again soon or just play with someone elses to see if I still have my allergies to them. If I'm not allergic to them anymore I'm gonna run out and buy some right away and carry them with me EVERYWHERE!

    I remember I used to bring them to the grocery store with me or on the bus in the collar of my coat and would have so much fun imagining the reaction of the lady behind me on the bus when she realized that there was a grey fuzzy pink rat nose poking out of my collar wiggling it's whiskers at her :D:D:D

    And it's true it's surprising how many people like them! Like all the people who noticed didn't freak out and start screaming but they were all like "awww how cute!!!"


    I really love rats and really hope that I can have some again someday as I just had to give away my cats a few weeks ago because of allergies too.

    I don't want to get a snake or a chameleon or fish, they're just not fuzzy and cute and affectionate. Oh well.

    But yeah *BIG HUGS* I feel your pain.

  90. Sooo..i know this post is way old but i just came across your blog tonight. First i was laughing until i cried (at other posts...obviously) andddd now i'm crying like a baby over your rat friend. :( She certainly was a cute little beastie!

  91. I know this was a while ago, but I just discovered your blog and have spent the last 2 days reading through everything you've posted. Isabelle looks just like Angel, the rat my sister had when I was in highschool. I'd get home from school, take Angel out of her cage, and she crawl under my hair to hide and, if I laid on my tummy, she'd crawl down the back of my shirt to sleep on my back. Due to money issues right now, we don't have a rat, but I really want to get one. They are some of the best pets I've ever known, and she wasn't even mine!

  92. I just discovered your blog earlier this week. Yesterday my parents contacted me to tell me the cat I grew up with died. I've had other cats since moving out, but he was the first - the cat that made me into the cat lover I am today. I was browsing your archives to laugh some and get my mind off of it, but your posts about Isabelle have probably helped me feel better about it even moreso than all of your other hilarious posts. It was a perfect find for me today. Thanks for opening up and sharing this with your viewers - it makes everything else you do that much more endearing and interesting.

  93. Joining in on the "OLD" bandwagon, but I just lost my Nigel a month ago and discovered your blog last night. Your little girl looked and acted just like Nigel. You never get over the pain, even with the little critters. I didn't really have any point to saying this other than I feel for you and you get an A in my book for being a fellow rat person.

  94. so sorry about your rat... when my puppy (he was 10) died last year, i had to come home from university, and no one on my floor understood, they thought i was being "over dramtatic"..
    i love pet lovers, and i understand the pain of losing a furry one.. it's so hard. and no many people sympathize or even understand it, but i totally do.

  95. Just this side of heaven is a place called the Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here n earth, that pet goes to the Rainbow Bridge.

    There, there are meadows and hills and soft, green grass. There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine, and all of the animals are warm and comfortable. Every pet who had been ill or old is restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams and memories of time gone by. The animals are all happy and content.

    Except for one small thing...they each miss someone very special to them, a person they had to leave behind.

    They all run and play together, sleep in comforting piles, share their food, and pass the days until the day comes when one suddenly stops. Her ears prick
    up, her whiskers twitch, her eager body quivers. Suddenly she leaves the group, flying over the grass, scampering faster and faster.

    You have been expected, you see. Hoped for.

    When you and your special friend finally are reunited, you cling together, and never again will part. Happy kisses cover your hands, your face; you again can
    caress the head, scratch the ears, and look once again into eyes full of the love that only a pet can have. It has been so very long since they left your life, but they never left your heart. She climbs to your shoulder and noses at your ear once again, urging you onward.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

  96. Totally part of the 'old' gang here with posting, but this blog hit home hard. I lost my little angel Coco last week, she looked exactly like Isabelle and she was my ambassador rat too.

    I know how it hurts.. it was really bad for me because my boyfriend was (is still) away in England.. and I rang him frantically in the middle of the night as she died in my hands. I couldn't let her go for two hours (of course I'm crying all over again).. Everyone has made me feel really silly about it, because I choose to drive for an hour to get her cremated.. but she was family, y'know? Now thanks to you I feel inspired to write a blog, because stuff what anyone says.. she was my baby and I will miss her.

    I hope my little girl finds your little girl up there in ratty heaven :)

    Silvia xx

  97. I know this happened a while for you, but I just found your blog today. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss, and that I understand how hard it is to lose a pet that many people don't see as special. I also had a pet rat named Millie who died a year ago, and she was the most important thing to me. I found it sort of amazing what you said about her encouraging others--even those afraid of rats--to love them. Millie did the same. It's unfortunate they don't get enough credit; I could never have made it through some of the hardest years of my life without my Millie. Again, I'm really sorry about your loss, and I hope the two of them have made friends wherever they are, as obviously they are both two of the same kind. :) -Laura


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